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Table 1

Sno Scenario Test( Pass/Fail)

1 Login to the Mobile application properly

2 Check for the Menu where all the services are displayed

3 Check whether we click on Srivani Trust Donations service it is redirecting to the Srivani Trust Donation page

4 Check whether previous donations are displayed if it old account

5 check whether clicked on any previous donation, it related receipt should display

6 check whether Srivani Trust privileges details are displayed or not when clicked on view privilege details

7 Check whether all trusts are displayed when clicked on make donation

8 check when clicked on any Srivani Trust , the related information related to the trust is displayed or not

9 check after clicking on Srivani Trust the field donating to should display the trust name

check whether proceed to Donate button is working or not

10 check whether amount field is not accepting only zero amount

11 check Donation towards the corpus of the full trust name is displayed or not

12 check whether Beginning break Darshan availability is displayed on not and arrow button is working or not

13 check whether it is redirecting to the Add Joint Donor page whether clicked on Add Joint Donor

14 Check every validation for each field

15 check if any field is not given it should not proceed further

16 Check whether edit and delete of Add joint donor is working or not

17 check whether privileges details are displayed or not view srivani related privilege details of related amount

18 check whether note points are displayed or not

19 check whether under the calender of availablity note point should disply related to post donation

20 Cehck whether it is redirecting to the next page by clicking on Proceed button

21 Check whether we can able to click on enter piligrim information tab and related fields are displayed

22 Check whether name is not accepting special characters and numbers

23 check whether age is not accepting 00

24 check whether age should take more than 12

25 check whether it is accpeting all the ID cards and validation messgae regarding each ID card

26 Check whether number of piligrims entered should be equal with the eligible darshan
Check if no of piligrim details given are less than no of eligibile darshan, then it should display for the confirmation pop up
message displaying two button of Add piligrim and Leave
28 check whether if clicked on Leave it should redirecting to the donation details page
Check whether in Donation details the donation amount , donor trust name and the privileges of the related amount are
displayed correctly or not
30 Check whether it is redirecting to the payment page when clicked on Proceed to Pay

31 Check whether Federal Gateway can be selected

32 Check whether net banking and bank is selected

33 Check whether payment is proceeded by giving test credentials

34 Check whether payment is successful and receipt is generated

35 Check whether receipt contains all the details ( trust name and donation amount)

36 Check whether receipt can also be seen in Transaction History

Check if we cancel the payment by clicking on cancel button , transaction could not proceed be proceeded need to be
As a anonymous user when clicked on continue as guest and clicked on Donation page we can only able to view the trust
but we can select the trust name.It should display Login button
39 Check if Donation amount is not given,and clicked on proceed the validation message should display

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