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Hurricanes or also called tornado are strong winds with a wind speed of 120 km/h or more.
Hurricane often occurs in the tropical areas between the northern and southern lines, except in
the areas which are very close to the equator. Hurricane is caused by different pressure in a
weather system. Hurricane generally spins with a radius of hundreds of kilometers around an
extreme low-pressure system area at a speed of about 20 km/h. Why and how a hurricane
happen ?

Hurricane occurs due to differences in air pressure or temperature difference in an area or

region. This is related to the amount of solar thermal energy received by the earth’s surface. In
a region that receive more solar thermal energy will have warmer air temperatures and lower
air pressure. Differences in temperature and air pressure will occur between areas that receive
more heat energy with other areas that receive less heat energy which resulted an airflow in
that region.

Hurricanes occur in the ocean around the equator, at about 5º N. There, the temperature of the
sea water is very warm over 27ºC. When the temperature is heating up, the air will flow
upwards. Because of the air rises a lot, then the air pressure above becomes high and low air
pressure becomes low. The rising air gradually become cool, then it falls while the warm air
rises upward. The process of rising the turbulence of this cold and warm air occurs repeatedly
and caused the vapor pressure produced enormous energy and air temperature becomes very
low, which generated a clump of very dangerous spinning air. This spinning air clump which is
called a hurricane.

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