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New Optimization and Security Approaches to

Enhance the Smart Grid Performance and Reliability

Mohamed Attia, Sidi Mohammed Senouci and El-Hassane Aglzim
DRIVE EA1859, Univ. Bourgogne Franche Comté, F58000, Nevers France
Contact authors:{mohamed.attia,, Sidi-Mohammed.Senouci, el-hassane.aglzim }

Abstract—Nowadays, the Smart Grid (SG) is becoming smarter

thanks to the integration of different information and II. PROPOSED GAME MODEL TO OPTIMALLY INTEGRATE EVS
communication technologies to enhance the reliability and INTO THE SG
efficiency of the power grid. However, several issues should be met In this section, we define the proposed theoretic game model
to ensure high SG performance. Among these issues, we cite the
problem of electric vehicles (EVs) integration into the SG to avoid
to integrate EVs into the SG. We provide the payoff matrix of
electricity intermittence due to the important load that EVs can the game related to our two players, which are: the SG as
create. Another issue is the SG communication network security electricity supplier and the EV as consumer.
that can be attempted by malicious intruders in order to create
A. Game formulation
damages and make the power grid instable. In this context, we
propose at a first level a Bayesian game-theory model that aims to In our approach, we consider two players: the SG and the
integrate optimally EVs into the SG and maintain the equilibrium EV. Each player chooses to perform a specific action (i.e.
between the offer and the demand. At a second level, we propose strategy) in order to maximize its payoff [3]. We note that, in
an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect the SG from game theory concept, players are rational and want to maximize
attacks that aim to disturb the state estimation. Numerical results their own payoff [4][5]. JSG and JEV denote the SG and the EV
prove the efficiency and robustness of our proposed models. players, respectively. The SG can perform one of these two pure
Keywords—Smart Grid, Game Theory, Bayesian Nash
strategies: deliver the electricity or not deliver. the EV can
Equilibrium, Electric Vehicles, Intrusion Detection System. choose one of these two pure strategies: charge or not charge. In
this game, we divide time into regular intervals called time-slots;
I. INTRODUCTION each one of them represents a stage. However, at each stage there
The smart grid, known as next-generation power system, has is an interaction between the SG and an EV. Therefore, with the
the ambition to greatly enhance efficiency and reliability of help of Bayesian game concept, we model the different strategies
future power systems with renewable energy resources. The that could occur between an EV and the SG. The future state
emergence of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the power grid has prediction for the behavior of each one is determined thanks to
created a fear of falling into the electricity intermittence due to the Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (BNE). In the following, we
the huge number of vehicles, which can be deployed in the grid. present the payoff matrix of the game between the SG and the
Furthermore, others consider this integration as a favor; thanks EV (see Table 1), where some notations are defined as follows:
to the capacity of EVs to store the electricity in their batteries. In 1. X(t): amount of requested electricity at the time t.
this paper, we propose a Bayesian game model for the 2. P(t): price of electricity at the time t.
integration of EVs into the SG, where several parameters and 3. C(t): electricity production cost at the time t.
criteria are taken into account such as satisfaction, pollution rate, 4. GSSG1(t): satisfaction gain for the SG at time t.
cost and electricity selling price. 5. GSEV1(t): satisfaction gain for the EV at time t.
As far as the smart grid has more features, as more it will be 6. BL(t): battery level into the EV at time t.
vulnerable to several lethal attacks. As mentioned in [1] and [2], 7. LE(t): amount of not used electricity at time t.
availability, integrity and confidentiality are the main security The payoff equation of each player is as follows:
objectives in the smart grid. In this paper, we are dealing with • X11 = X(t).(P(t) – C(t)) + GSSG1(t)
the attacks targeting the integrity issue in the smart grid since • Y11 = BL(t) – P(t).X(t) + GSEV1 (t)
they can cause great damages, perturbations and losses. We • X12 = - (LE(t).C(t) + GSSG2(t))
propose a rule-based detection algorithm to detect this kind of
• Y12 = BL(t)
attacks with a focus on blackhole attack, which consists in
dropping messages exchanged between nodes. We accord also • X21 = 0
importance to the time delay attack, which is characterized by • Y21 = BL(t) – GSEV2 (t)
adding delays before sending packets. • X22 = 0
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the
proposed game model as well as the attack model and its • Y22 = BL(t)
countermeasures are defined in Sections II and III, respectively. Where:

Simulation results are discussed in Section IV. Finally, we • GSSG1(t) =

conclude this paper in Section V.

978-1-5090-4671-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

where the attacker makes some delays to sent packets and so, the
• GSEV1 (t)=
Jitter (i.e. the delay between exchanged packets) will deviate
from normal distribution. To detect the blackhole and time delay
• GSSG2(t) = 1 – GSSG1(t)
attacks, we monitor respectively the Number of Sent Packets
• GSEV2 (t)= 1 – GSEV1 (t) (NSP) and Jitter (i.e. the delay between the packets). Here, the
NSP and Jitter are monitored temporally over time and spatially
The payoff equations are selected according to the gain or compared to the neighborhood nodes.
loss that the player can have in each case like financial gain, B. Temporal and spatial based detection
purchased electricity cost, satisfaction/dissatisfaction rate, etc.
Our proposed model is based on rule-based approach to take
• PAYOFF MATRIX BETWEEN THE SMART GRID AND THE advantages from its benefits namely the low complexity
ELECTRIC VEHICLE requirements with the least false positive rate compared to the
anomaly based detection algorithm [6]. Moreover, we added
some features to enhance the accuracy of our model in order to
be as near as possible to the learning algorithm's performance
namely in terms of detection rate. We note by l
x T , x T , x T , … x T the node i's vector where k
represents the number of Time slots T. x(T) denotes either the
NSP or the Jitter. In normal situation, each node follows normal
distribution characterized by the couple (μ1(i),σ1(i)) where μ1(i)
is the mean vector of the node i and σ1(i) is the standard
deviation. μ1(i) and σ1(i) are calculated as follows:
∑ (1)
B. Equilibrium determination
The utility of Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (BNE) is to
predict the future behavior of the SG and the EV, and determine ∑ (2)
the permanent state, i.e. each player has an interest in
performing the same action [6]. According to Nash, there is a
mixed strategy BNE {player1 (action1, p*), player2 (action2, 1: IDS monitors the Features (F) NSP or/and JITTER of the
q*)} in which both players do not change their actions. As a Node (i.e. smart meter, actuator, control center)
result, we use the BNE concept to predict the stage when the 2:// Temporal detection:
SG and the EV do not change their strategies, which are deliver 3:Monitor F’ distribution of a over time
and charge, respectively. 4:if _ [( _ -3* _ ) && ( _ +3* _ )]then
Theorem 5:// is suspected as an attacker
There is a mixed strategy BNE {JSG (deliver, p1*), JEV (charge, 6://Spatial detection:
q1*)} in which the SG chooses deliver action when the 7:Compares the NSP’ distribution of a with its
probability p1 > p1* and the EV chooses charge action when q1 > neighbors
q1* where p1* = with 0< p1*≤ 1 and 8:if _ [( _ -3* _ ) && ( _ +3* _ )]then
. 9:// is detected as a black hole/time delay attack that
q1*= with 0< q1*≤ 1 target estimation energy
. .
III. ATTACKS MODEL AND PROPOSED COUNTERMEASURES 11: Send an Alert message (Attack’s id, NSP or/and JITTER,
This section contains a description of the attacks model then and detection time) to Control Center
the countermeasures to deal with blackhole and time delay Algo. 1. Attack detection rules for blackhole and time delay attacks
A. Attack model In our simulation we use Matlab, the most used tool
In our work, we focus specifically on attacks that have as especially since it has some toolbox associated to game theory
goal the state estimation and aims to perturb or even break down and attack detection.
the utility system. There is a multitude of attacks that can lead to
this goal, for example, blackhole attack [7] which consists in A. Numerical results for the proposed game model to
dropping messages sent or received from one node to another optimally integrate EVs into the SG
(i.e. delete them or do not send them). This attack is In this simulation, we show the probability convergence of
characterized by the fluctuation of the number of sent packets our two players: the SG as electricity supplier and the EV as
[7]. Therefore, this number of sent packets will no longer follow consumer.
a normal distribution like in the case of natural situation. As indicated before, p1* represents the optimal probability of
Another attack will be envisaged, the time delay attack [8], the SG above which the latter chooses the electricity delivery
action; q1* represents the optimal probability of the EV above follows:
which it decides to charge its battery as chosen action. As shown • Detection Rate (DR): the ratio of correctly identified
in Fig. 1., the probability p1* converges to 0.51. This means that malicious nodes over total number of attackers,
the SG will not change its strategy when its probability is higher • False Positive Rate (FPR): the ratio of normal nodes that
than 0.51. For the EV, its probability q1* converge to 0.61, where are classified as malicious over total number of normal
it will not change its strategy when its probability is up than this nodes.
value. As illustrated in Fig. 2, in terms of detection rate, our
proposed model called hybrid detection model has a good
performance. This proposed algorithm is still robust with more
than 95% of DR when the malicious nodes do not exceed 25%.
Moreover, it has the lowest FPR (False Positive Rate) among all
the other algorithms. Furthermore, given that our algorithm is
based on rules, it requires less computation capacity and energy
consumption compared to anomaly based detection algorithms
like SVM which is more sophisticated but also computationally
and energetically expensive.
In this paper, we proposed a Bayesian game models to
integrate optimally EVs into the SG. We proposed also a new
detection policy that aims to combine the advantages of spatial
and temporal-based detection techniques to detect the most
Fig. 1. Probability convergence lethal attacks that aim to disturb the state estimation of the smart
grid with a high accuracy. Simulation results show the efficiency
B. Numerical results for the proposed IDS model and good performance of the proposed models.
In this section, we show the evaluation of our proposed
detection model, which is a combination between spatial-based ACKNOWLEDGMENT
and temporal-based detections. We compare its performances This work is funded by the European Project ITEA FUSE-
with a temporal-based detection, a spatial-based detection, and IT (
one of the most popular learning algorithms SVM (Support
Vector Machines).
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