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The recruitment, selection, and placement (RSP) system is a core component of the
overall strategic Human Resource Management system of the Department of Education,
ensuring that the organization and its manpower are able to respond to challenges and
opportunities of the 21st century with focus on the delivery of quality, accessible,
relevant, and liberating basic education. This system includes policies and processes on
application, evaluation, selection, and appointment for Teaching Positions pursuant to
the 1987 Constitution, the Administrative Code of 1987, and Civil Service rules and

All Teacher Applicants of the Department of Education (Internal and External to DepEd)

Ms. Ruby Chanda Jetomo Crisostomo,
Ms. Sarah Bianca Bilag,
Facebook Page: DepEd-BHROD:


Table 1. General Process on Recruitment and Selection based on DepEd Order No. 29,
2002 (DepEd Merit Selection Plan)


Question Answer
• How do I apply in DepEd as • Coordinate with the Schools Division
Teacher I? What is the Office (SDO) in your locality
process of teacher • Refer to the Memorandum or Call for
application? Applications issued by the SDO re:
o Vacant position
o Salary Grade
o Qualification Standards
o Documentary Requirements
o List and Timeline of Activities
o Deadlines
• Attend orientation for applicants, if
any, organized by the SDO
• Due to COVID-19, SDOs may employ
alternative strategies and platforms
(e.g. online, telephone) in the conduct
of the following recruitment and
selection processes
o Publication/posting of
o Submission/receipt of
application documents
o Interview
o Demonstration teaching
o Document review
o PSB deliberations
• What are Qualification • The Qualification Standards (QS) are
Standards? the minimum qualifications in terms
of Education, Training, Experience,
Eligibility, as required by the CSC.
• What are the QS/minimum Education:
qualifications for Teacher I
position in Elementary and • Elementary
JHS? Bachelor of Science in Elementary
Education or any Bachelor’s degree
plus 18 professional units in

Bachelor of Science in Secondary
Education (with appropriate major) or
any Bachelor’s degree plus 18
professional units in Education

Training: None required

Experience: None required
Eligibility: PBET or LET

Reference: CSC 1995 Qualification Standards

• What are the documentary • CSC Form 212 (Personal Data Sheet)
requirements for Kto10 o in two copies with latest 2x2 ID
Teacher applicants? picture
• Certified copy of PRC identification
• Certified copy of ratings obtained in
• Certified copy of Transcript of
• Copies of service records,
performance rating, and school
o for those with teaching
• Copies of certificates of specialized
trainings, if any
• Certified copy of Voter’s ID or any
proof of residency
• NBI Clearance
• Omnibus certification of authenticity
and veracity

Reference: DO 7, s.2015
• What are the QS/minimum Education:
qualifications for Teacher I
position in SHS? • Academic, Sports, Arts & Design
Bachelor’s degree majoring in the
relevant track/strand/subject or any
Bachelor’s degree with at least 15
units of specialization in the relevant

Bachelor’s degree or technical-
vocational course in the area of


• Academic, Sports, Arts & Design:

None required

• TVL: At least NC II appropriate to the


Experience: None required

• Permanent position

• Provisional or Contractual
None required

Reference: DO 27, s.2016; DO 51, s.2017

• What are the documentary • Letter of Intent
requirements for Senior o Statement of purpose /
High School (SHS) teaching expression of interest
position? o Subject group he/she intends to
o Preferred school(s), if any
• CSC Form 212 (Personal Data Sheet)
• in two copies with latest 2x2 ID picture
• Copies of certificates of relevant
specialized trainings, if any
• Certified copy of Voter’s ID or any
proof of residency
• NBI Clearance
• Omnibus certification of authenticity
and veracity of all documents
submitted, signed by applicant

Reference: DO 3, s.2016
• Can I apply for higher • Yes, provided they pass the
teaching positions? QS/minimum qualification for said
position being applied for.
• Only teaching positions in the SHS
have higher positions open to
external applicants

Reference: DO 27, s.2016; DO 51, s.2017

• Can I teach in SHS without • Yes, but only on a provisional or
being a LET passer? contractual basis.

Reference: DO 3, s.2016; DO 51, s.2017

• What is a provisional • Only applicable in SHS teaching
appointment? positions
• Refers to an appointment issued to
an appointee who meets QS
(Education, Training, Experience),
except the Eligibility (i.e. lacks
PBET/LET); but only in the absence
of available PBET/LET eligible
applicants qualified for the position to
be filled.
• Incumbent is given 5 years to pass
the LET
• Renewable every year, for 5
consecutive years

Reference: DO 3, s.2016; DO 51, s.2017;

• What is a contractual • A contractual appointment may be
appointment? given to:
o those who obtains a rating of
70pts, but opts for a
contractual appointment
(usually practitioners); or
o those have not passed the LET
but obtained a rating of 65-69
(to be considered only if RQA
has been exhausted and there
are still vacancies).
• A contractual appointment is also
limited to part-timers

Reference: DO 3, s.2016; DO 51, s.2017

• How will I be assessed? Applicants are evaluated based on the
What are the criteria for following criteria per track:
K to 10
(100 points):
o Education = 20 points
o Experience = 15 points
o LET/PBET Rating = 15 points
o Specialized Training = 10 points
o Interview = 10 points
o Demonstration Teaching = 15 points
o English Communication Skills = 15

Senior High School

For Academic and Core Subjects Track
(100 points):
o Education = 20 points
o Experience = 15 points
o Specialized Training = 10 points
o Interview = 15 points
o Demonstration Teaching = 20 points
o English Communication Skills = 10
o Portfolio/Outstanding Achievements
= 10 pts

For TVL Track (100 points):

o Education = 15 points
o Experience = 20 points
o Specialized Training = 20 points
o Interview = 15 points
o Demonstration Teaching = 15 points
o English Communication Skills = 5
o Portfolio/Outstanding Achievements
= 10 pts

For Arts and Design Track (100 points):

o Education = 15 points
o Experience = 20 points
o Specialized Training = 15 points
o Interview = 15 points
o Demonstration Teaching = 15 points
o English Communication Skills = 5
o Portfolio/Outstanding Achievements
= 15 pts

For Sports Track (100 points):

• Education = 15 points
• Experience = 20 points
• Specialized Training = 15 points
• Interview = 15 points
• Demonstration Teaching = 15 points
• English Communication Skills = 5
• Portfolio/Outstanding Achievements
= 15 pts

• How does the scheduling of • The Division Testing Coordinator

English Proficiency Test shall coordinate with Bureau of
(EPT) work? Education Assessment (BEA) for the
schedule of the conduct of the EPT.
• Due to COVID-19, EPT may be
administered online; face-to-face tests
may resume when community
quarantine and physical distancing
protocols permit travel and
• Applicants may coordinate with the
concerned SDO on the schedule and
status of EPT administration.
• Is it a ground for • No, the applicant’s inability to take
disqualification if I were not EPT shall not be a ground for their
able to take the EPT? disqualification. No EPT result shall
only mean no score under the EPT
criterion set in DepEd Order (DO)
Nos. 07 and 22, s. 2015, and DO No.
03, s. 2016. Henceforth, applicants
who have met the cut-off score in
spite of the absence of an EPT score
shall still be included in the Registry
• Qualified Applicants (RQA).
• What is a Registry of • The RQA is the list of applicants who
Qualified Applicants (RQA)? meet the cut-off score of 70pts.
Is there a cut-off? • There is a separate RQA for the ff:
o Kindergarten and Elementary
o JHS, by specializations
o SHS, by subject groups
• The RQA is posted in conspicuous
places in the SDO.
• How would I know if I get • Coordinate with the concerned SDO,
accepted? particularly the HRMO
• May refer to the Notice of
Appointment Issued (NAI) posted in
the website or bulletin boards of the
SDO concerned
• I am a provisional teacher. • Yes, pursuant to the school calendar
Will my appointment be for SY 2020-2021, teachers are
renewed this June 2020 required to report for duty as early as
given that the official start June 1; henceforth, appointments of
of classes will be on August provisional teachers may be renewed,
24? subject to applicable DepEd hiring
guidelines and CSC rules and

Reference: DO 3, s.2016; DO 51, s.2017

A. Teacher Hiring (Kto12)
DepEd Order Title
• DO 7, s. 2015 Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions
Effective School Year (SY) 2015-2016
• DO No. 22, s. 2015 Hiring Guidelines for the Remaining
Teaching Positions Effective School Year (SY)
• DO No. 3, s. 2016 Hiring Guidelines for Senior High School
(SHS) Teaching Positions Effective School
Year (SY) 2016-2017
• DO No. 9, s. 2016 Reinforcement of DepEd Order Nos. 7 and
22, s. 2015 as the Hiring Guidelines for
Kindergarten to Grade 10 Teaching Positions
• DO No. 27, s. 2016 Qualification Standards for Senior High
School (SHS) Teaching Positions in the
Department of Education (DepEd)
• DO No. 32, s. 2016 Addendum to DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2016
(Hiring Guidelines for Senior High School
[SHS] Teaching Positions Effective SY [SY]
• DO No. 49, s. 2016 Guidelines on the Hiring of Contractual
(Full-Time and Part-Time) Teachers in Senior
High School
• DO No. 50, s. 2017 Hiring Guidelines for Teacher I Positions in
Schools Implementing Indigenous Peoples
Education Effective School Year 2016-2017
• DO No. 51, s. 2017 Amended Qualification Standards for Senior
High School Teaching Positions in the
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track and
Other Clarifications on the Hiring Guidelines


Resource Materials Link

• Senior High School FAQs

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