Effects of Prep On Creep

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Effects of Metallographic

Preparation Procedures on
Creep Damage Assessment
T. L. da Silveira and I. Le May*
Faculdade de Engenharia Souza Marques and COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;
fMetallurgical Consulting Services Ltd., P.O. Box 5006, Saskatoon, Canada S7K 4E3; and
COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Specimens taken from a ruptured Cr-Mo steel steam tube and a cast austenitic reformer
tube exposed at high temperature for extended time have been examined for creep dam-
age, using mechanical polishing procedures. It is demonstrated that the presence of dam-
age may be observed readily or missed depending on the surface preparation procedure
followed. The nature of the observed damage is discussed together with the ways in
which the surface preparation procedures affect its disclosure. The implications of me-
tallographic preparation procedures on the assessment of creep damage and remaining
life estimation are reviewed, and a procedure to ensure reliable identification of such
damage is recommended.

INTRODUCTION steels according to Neubauer and Wedel

In the assessment of the extent of damage It is important that the metallographic
by creep deformation in high temperature methods used identify clearly the presence
plant such as power station steam gener- of voids, cavities, or microcracks when
ators and petrochemical equipment, me- these are to form the basis on which con-
tallography is playing an increasingly im- tinued operation of a plant is decided.
portant role. This may be from in situ me- For some time the authors have been en-
tallographic examination of critical regions gaged in an extensive study of damage as-
such as headers, bends, tees, areas show- sessment methods and of remaining life
ing wall thickness changes, and welded prediction in high temperature steam
joints, or from laboratory examination of p o w e r generators and petrochemical
specimens cut from these. The damage is plant, and some aspects of this work have
commonly assessed on the basis of the ex- been reported elsewhere [2, 3]. During this
tent to which grain boundary voids or cav- period extensive use has been made of
ities are observed and on the degree to metallography, and it has been found that
which these have linked up to form micro- the apparent extent of damage is influ-
cracks or macrocracks. The remaining safe enced greatly by the mechanical polishing
life of the component is then estimated procedures used. This article presents the
from the characteristic features of the dam- salient observations illustrating this prob-
age. Figure I shows schematically the basis lem, and attempts to identify the form of
of damage parameter assessment from the the creep damage centers that are devel-
observation of replicas taken from Cr-Mo oped and the reasons for their disclosure

(~Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc,, 1992 MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION 28:75-85 (1992)
655 Avenue of the Americas, N e w York, NY 10010 1044-5803/92:S3.50
76 T. L. da Silveira and I. Le May

0 frOclure
damage corresponding /
parameter action In plant /
A , observe D/
B • o b l e r v o , fix ~ ~-'~"T~I
I n s p e c t i o n Intervals ~ • I , ~,|.. I

.: o • " ,.p:,.

,reap ..n,..

exposure lima
FIG. 1. Schematic showing basis of damage parameter assessment and remaining life estimation from obser-
vation of replicas according to Neubauer and Wedel [1].

or nondisclosure. The significance of the led to failure. The specimen is s h o w n after

observations in terms of remaining life as- successive wet grinding on 120, 240, 400,
sessment p r o c e d u r e s is reviewed, and a a n d 600 grit silicon carbide papers, fol-
metallographic p r o c e d u r e to identify creep lowed by h a n d polishing with 1 t~m alu-
d a m a g e in a reliable m a n n e r is suggested.


Samples of material from a n u m b e r of com-

p o n e n t s have b e e n examined, and two
specific cases will be described here. The
first was a 90 ° b e n d in a steam tube of 1Cr,
½Mo steel that had failed by longitudinal
cracking after 70,000 h o u r s of service u n d e r
an internal pressure of 16.5 MPa and at a
t e m p e r a t u r e that had b e e n higher than the
design value of 490°C for a considerable
period: the tube outside diameter was 168
m m a n d the wall thickness 14.2 mm. A
b e n d such as this is a relatively c o m m o n
place in which local creep d a m a g e (and
possible rupture) m a y occur. The second
example was of a weld in a reformer tube
of ASTM A297 grade HK-40 cast austenitic 4 0 0 prn
steel (23-37 Cr, 19-22 Ni, 0.35-0.45 C) that
had been in service for approximately
70,000 h o u r s at about 950°C. FIG. 2. Section adjacent to longitudinal crack (at right)
in Cr-Mo steel after finishing polishing on 1 i~m
Figure 2 shows a transverse cross-sec- alumina. Note the small surface crack, and absence
tion of the Cr-Mo tube at the external sur- of extensive creep voids. The arrowhead points to the
face adjacent to the longitudinal crack that outside surface of the tube.
Creep Damage Assessment 77

mina with distilled water lubrication. No

evidence was apparent of aligned creep
voids on boundaries after all scratches had
been removed. Figure 3 shows the same
section after etching in 2% Nital: the grain
boundaries are now well defined, as may
be seen at higher magnification, but no
cavities or voids are evident on them.
However, if the polishing time is ex-
tended, the as-polished surface can show
the presence of what appear to be aligned
grain boundary voids and microcracks.


4ooum~ FIG. 4. Same section as in Figs. 2 and 3 after extende,
polishing, showing apparent grain boundary void
and microcracks. Arrowheads indicate common ret
erence points in lower magnification (a) and highe
magnification (b) views.

Figure 4 shows the same specimen as see~

in Figs. 2 and 3, after continued hand pol
ishing on 1 ~m alumina, the extent of th
polishing being until widespread apparer
voids were disclosed. The microstructur
after etching in 2% Nital is shown in Fi~
5, in which the "cavities" may be seen t
lie along grain boundaries oriented no1
mally to the hoop stress in the tube.
Fro. 3. (a) Same section as shown in Fig. 2 but after In an internally pressurized Cr-Mo tub
etching in 2% Nital. The higher magnification (b)
shows the apparent continuity of grain boundaries.
such as is discussed here, it is establishe
Arrowheads indicate a common reference feature (an that creep damage is much more extensiv
artifact) near the outer surface, decreasing to sho~
78 T. L. da Silveira and I. Le May

FIG. 5. Same view as in Fig. 4 after etching in 2% Nital. The arrowheads indicate a common feature in lower
magnification (a) and higher magnification (b) views.

little, if any, void formation near to the in- on a specimen adjacent and parallel to
side diameter [1]. In the tube reported on those shown in Figs 2-5 was made. The
here, no microcracking or apparent void procedure used was hand polishing with
formation was observed from the center of 6 p,m diamond followed by final hand pol-
the tube wall to the inner surface after me- ishing with I ptm diamond; these polishing
tallographic examination. This was the steps followed wet hand grinding in the
case independent of the polishing proce- same sequence as previously to 600 grit.
dure used. Figure 6(a) shows a region at the external
A series of polishing and etching steps surface after one polishing sequence: the

FIG. 6. Specimen of Cr-Mo tube adjacent to the specimens illustrated in Figs. 2-5, showing low magni-
fication views: (a) polished; (b) after etching in 2% Nital and repolishing; (c) after an additional etching and
polishing sequence; (d) after further etching and a fourth polishing sequence; (e) after further etching,
grinding, and repolishing. (f-j) show the same sequence but at higher magnification and after etching in each
Creep DamageAssessment 79

longitudinal crack was heat treated by

holding it at 900°C for 20 minutes, followed
by air cooling. Figure 7 shows the surface
after polishing in a m a n n e r similar to that
used to prepare the specimen s h o w n in
Fig. 2, while Fig. 8 shows its appearance
after etching in 2% Nital. In these photo-
micrographs there is an absence of aligned
voids, as in Figs. 2 and 3, while the mi-
crostructure is altered greatly from having
been austenitized and air cooled. Figures
9 and 10 s h o w c o r r e s p o n d i n g views after
e x t e n d e d polishing and e x t e n d e d polish-

400 pm

FIG. 7. Carefully polished section of Cr-Mo steel

tcrack at left~ after thermal treatment. Note minimal
indications o! voids. ]?hearrowhead points to the out-
side surface of the tube.

surface cracks are s h o w n up sharply and

clearly' and there is very limited evidence
of cavity or void formation. Figure 6(b) il-
lustrates the same area after etching in 2%
Nital and repolishing on both grades of
diamond: the cracks appear to be signifi-
cantly wider, although the evidence of
aligned voids is still very limited. Figure
6(c and d) s h o w the same area after addi-
tional etching and polishing sequences,
and extensive aligned grain b o u n d a r y cav-
ities and microcracks are disclosed. Finally,
Fig. 6(e) illustrates the same area after re-
grinding on 600 grit p a p e r and polishing
with 6 ~ m and 1 ~ m diamond; the ap-
pearance is similar to that s h o w n in Fig.
6(a). In the sequence of p h o t o m i c r o g r a p h s
given in Fig. 6(f-j), the same area is s h o w n
at higher magnification after similar pol-
ishing cycles, but following the etching
step in each case.
To d e t e r m i n e better the nature of the FIG. 8. Section of heat treated material shown in Fig.
local regions w h e r e a p p a r e n t voids were 7 after etching in 2% Nital. (a) shows an overall low
disclosed u p o n e x t e n d e d polishing, an-- magnification view, while (b) shows the recrystallized
other :section of material adjacent to the structure and an absence of pores or microcracks.
80 T. L. da Silveira and I. Le May

ing followed by etching, respectively, and

well-defined apparent voids and micro-
cracks are seen, lying normal to the direc-
tion of the hoop stress. The voids and mi-
crocracks do not, however, lie along grain
boundaries. Thus, it appears that the same
regions of damage produce apparent voids
u p o n extended polishing as were disclosed
in the n o n - h e a t - t r e a t e d condition. Be-
cause of the recrystallization of the matrix,
the grain boundaries are no longer coin-
cidental with the damage centers from
which the polish-etch procedure leads to
the development of these cavities. Also,
the damage centers are not affected by the
thermal treatment.
The section cut from the weld metal of
the reformer tube of HK-40 austenitic steel
is s h o w n in Fig. 11(a) following grinding
a n d mechanical polishing conducted as de-
scribed for the Cr-Mo steel s h o w n in Fig.
FIG. 9. Heat treated section as in Fig. 7, but after ex- 2, and subsequent etching in Aqua Regia
tended polishing. saturated with CuCl2. The section is ad-
jacent to the inner surface of the tube,
transverse to the tube length. This inner

FIG. 10. As in Fig. 9, but etched in 2% Nital. (a) shows an overall view, while (b) shows that the apparent
microcracks and voids do not correspond to the grain boundaries of the recrystallized structure.
Creep Damage Assessment 81

FrG. 11. Reformertube wall adjacent to inner surface (right). (a) After lightlypolishing, with minimal voids
disclosed; (b) after extended polishing, indicatingaligned voids. Etched in Aqua Regia saturated with CuCI2.
The arrowheads indicate the same feature. The arrows indicate the inner surface of the tube.

region is where creep damage takes place centrated near the inner surface [5, 6]. The
preferentially in reformer tubes, the den- observations show that the apparent pres-
sity of voids that may be observed decreas- ence or absence of voids and microcracks
ing to virtually zero at the outside surface in these two distinctly different alloys de-
[4]. Voids are not clearly defined, although pends greatly on the process of surface
there are some indications of their pres- preparation.
ence. Figure 11(b) shows the same area Several aspects emerging from the re-
after regrinding on 600 grit paper to re- sults require discussion: these are the way
move all signs of etching, and repolishing in which the mechanical polishing process
for an extended period on 1 ~m alumina, may influence the appearance of voids; the
until aligned voids became clearly appar- physical meaning of the apparent voids
ent. Again, the specimen was etched in and microcracks revealed by metallo-
Aqua Regia saturated with CuC12. graphic examination; and the appropriate
metallographic procedures to be used in
determining the extent of creep damage.

Figure 5 shows what is accepted as being MECHANICAL POLISHING AND

typical of advanced creep damage accu- VOID DISCLOSURE
mulation in unfired superheated steam
transfer Cr-Mo steel piping in a transverse The observations have shown that appar-
section close to the external surface [1]. In ent voids are disclosed in creep-damaged
a similar manner, Fig. 11(b) shows the ex- material upon either extended mechanica]
pected appearance of creep damage in a polishing following grinding, or repeated
high alloy austenitic reformer tube, con- mechanical polish-etch cycles.
82 T. L. da Silveira and I. Le May

In principle there are three possibilities THE PHYSICAL MEANING OF THE VOIDS
to explain these observations. First, the AND MICROCRACKS
voids may have been obscured by a
smeared surface layer produced by grind- During diffusion controlled creep at low
ing or polishing, which is a well-known stress conditions, as is appropriate for both
phenomenon [7]. However, in the present alloys reported on here, the controlling
case, as Fig. 3 shows, grain boundaries are mechanism involves a flow of vacancies to
defined clearly without any evidence of grain boundaries normal to the principal
smearing, or of the presence of microcracks stress axis and the deformation of the ad-
or voids. Figures 4 and 5 show well-de- jacent matrix to preserve coherence be-
veloped microcracks and apparent voids at tween grains [8]. The development of grain
the same region, these figures showing the boundary voids and subsequent micro-
surface after e x t e n d e d mechanical cracks in metals during diffusion creep has
polishing. been widely reported. However, contro-
The second possibility relates to the fill- versy exists about the extent to which void
ing of cavities by debris produced during formation occurs in many commercial al-
polishing. To check on this, specimens loys during high temperature service, and
were examined in the scanning electron some authors have maintained the neces-
microscope with energy dispersive x-ray sity of conducting polish-etch sequences
analysis. No evidence of any localized pick that are considered to exaggerate the dam-
up of polishing material was observed. In age and enlarge the voids to ensure their
addition, the cleaning procedure used after detection [9].
polishing was identical for specimens in While there are specific alloys and con-
which apparent voids were noted and in ditions in which significant and readily ob-
which none was detected. served voids may be formed, the obser-
The third possibility is that the apparent vations reported here suggest that, in the
voids present after extended polishing do commercial alloys of interest, the voids and
not exit as cavities within the bulk material. microcracks are largely artifacts produced
They are seen upon extended polishing or during polishing and etching, but have
after a series of polish-etch cycles, sug- physical significance in that they indicate
gesting that material may have been pulled regions where damage has accumulated
out around small damage centers or pre- during the process of creep.
cipitates, or alternatively that surface relief The polishing of specimens of the Cr-Mo
has developed locally by means of polish- steel after the matrix had been recrystal-
ing or pitting attack, or both. The apparent lized by thermal treatment demonstrates
cavities and microcracks develop at those that the creep damage at points along the
grain boundaries in which vacancy accu- original grain boundaries is not removed
mulation would occur during diffusion by this means. Its presence may still be dis-
controlled creep at low stresses. These closed in its original positions, and not
boundaries are normal to the principal ten- along the recrystallized grain boundaries,
sile stress. as shown in Fig. 10. If the damage was an
It should be noted that extended polish- accumulation of vacancies or dislocations,
ing and polish-etch cycles have been uti- the thermal treatment would have elimi-
lized to disclose apparent voids not seen nated it. That it is not eliminated suggests
on initial polishing using both alumina and the presence of surfaces, such as decohe-
diamond polishing compounds. Similar re- sion between grains or at grain boundary
sults have been obtained during prelimi- precipitates. The actual size of any regions
nary investigations made with automatic of decohesion or of grain boundary precip-
polishing equipment, and it is hoped that itates must be very small, as they are not
these will be described at a later date. seen during examination by normal light
Creep Damage Assessment 83

microscopy. However, the size of the mi- them upon extended polishing; it may be
crocracks indicated during extended pol- returned to an apparently void-free con-
ishing, as may be seen in Figs. 5 and 10, dition by regrinding on 600 grit and me-
for example, suggests that there is exten- chanically polishing. Additional polishing
sive damage along the original grain for an extended time can then show up the
boundaries. The linking of the many fine apparent voids in the same positions as
and aligned regions of decohesion to pro- previously. Thus apparent voids can be se-
duce apparent microcracks upon pro- quentially displayed and eliminated in the
longed polishing or repeated polish-etch same specimen.
cycles may relate to the pulling out of ma- In conducting extended mechanical pol-
terial or precipitates, or to preferential re- ishing of a steel of the Cr-Mo type, it is
lief developing along the regions of de- believed that damaged material is being
cohesion, as already discussed. pulled out at interfaces, most probably at
It is important to note that, upon ex- grain boundary carbides. Etching may pro-
tended polishing or upon repeated polish- mote localized attack. As a consequence,
etch cycles, no pores or microcracks were the creep damage is emphasized and the
disclosed on those grain boundaries on aligned carbides and locally fine decohe-
which creep damage accumulation would sion appear to be linked in the manner of
not be expected, and no such artifacts were microcracks. In the case of the cast austen-
developed in regions of the material away itic steel, fine grain boundary microvoids
from the creep damaged areas. may also be present after extensive creep
The foregoing discussion is to some ex- damage, and extended polishing probably
tent speculative in terms of the exact na- serves to exaggerate them by the rounding
ture of the damage. However, it suggests of their edges.
the need for a better understanding of the Creep cracking is thought to develop by
physical mechanisms of the creep damage a linking of the voids or local points of de-
process. cohesion and, once a crack has developed,
its apparent width increases as a result of
extended polishing, or through a series of
APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES TO polish-etch steps. This is seen in Fig. 6.
IDENTIFY CREEP DAMAGE The important point for damage assess-
ment procedures is that creep damage can
In the assessment of the extent of creep be reliably observed in terms of aligned ap-
damage and the prediction of safe remain- parent voids and microcracks. Their actual
ing life in high temperature plant, it is es- size and number are secondary factors that
sential that the metallographic methods may be subject to large variations and may
utilized to disclose the possible presence bear little relation to the actual size of ()pen
of damage are reliable. The observations volumes in the bulk material. Thus, dam-
reported indicate that, in regions where age assessment procedures that depend on
considerable creep damage has taken quantitative assessment of voids and mi-
place, voids or microcracks may not be dis- crocracks may be in serious error. Stereo-
cerned by normal methods of light mi- logical analyses to determine size distri-
croscopy when mechanical polishing is uti- butions, as recently developed [10], are de-
lized, even though this is of a good quality, pendent on accurate disclosure of void
allowing microstructural surface details to sizes.
be shown clearly. As indicated already, some authors sug-
An important point is that a mechani- gest that clear definition of voids requires
cally polished surface of a creep-damaged a series of mechanical polish-etch steps [9],
component in which no grain boundary while others utilize electropolishing f11].
voids are apparent can be made to display Both procedures are reported to emphasize
84 T. L. da Silveira and I. Le May

and exaggerate the size of voids and mi- number and apparent surface area or vol-
crocracks disclosed. The present studies ume of voids and microcracks disclosed by
indicate that either extended mechanical metallography, but should be based on an
polishing or a polish-etch sequence may be appreciation of the distribution of the dam-
utilized to identify creep damage unequiv- age centers disclosed.
ocally, although the apparent voids dis- To define unequivocally the presence or
closed may well be larger than any micro- absence of creep damage using mechanical
voids originally present. The extent to polishing, it is suggested that a minimum
which continued polishing should be done of three polish-etch cycles be utilized.
is, however, difficult to quantify, and thus Finally, it should be pointed out that the
the polish-etch sequence is considered a detailed mechanisms whereby creep dam-
more reliable procedure, although it is be- age is accumulated at boundaries normal
lieved that its efficacy depends primarily to the principal tensile stress are not clear
on the mechanical polishing steps and, for the alloys in question. More detailed
hence, polishing time. studies using scanning electron micros-
As a consequence, the authors suggest copy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis
that, to identify creep damage reliably are underway.
through the disclosure of aligned apparent
voids and microcracks produced from This work was carried out with the aid of a grant
damage centers by means of mechanical from the International Development Research
polishing, a series of thee mechanical pol- Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Acknowledgement is
ish-etch steps should be followed as a also given for support from Conselho Nacional
minimum. de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Technol6gico,
Brazil, and from the Natural Sciences and En-
gineering Research Council, Canada. Thanks
CONCLUSIONS are expressed to Roberto Dimas and Alexandre
Goncalves Celestino for their assistance in the
Mechanical polishing of creep-damaged work, and to the reviewer for his helpful and
specimens of high temperature alloys may constructive comments.
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Creep Damage Assessment 85

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