Income Statement PT/PD . Periode

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PT/PD ……………………………………….
Periode : ……………….

I. Sales

Sales Rp. ………………

Sales Return & Allowances Rp. ………………

Sales Discount Rp. ………….. (+)

Rp. ………………

Sales, Netto Rp ………………………..

II. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) (Rp ………………………)

Gross profit Rp ………………………..


Sales Expenses

1. Rp ………………………..

2. Rp ………………………..

3. Rp ………………………..

4. Rp ………………………..

5. Rp ………………………..

6. Rp ………………………..

Total Sales Expenses Rp ………………………..

General and Administration Expenses

1 Rp ………………………..

2 Rp ………………………..

3 Rp ………………………..

4 Rp ………………………..

5 Rp ………………………..

6 Rp ………………………..

Rp ………………………..

Total Expenses Rp ………………………..

Other Revenue & Expenses

1. …………. Rp. ………………….

2. …………. Rp. ……………… (+)

1. …………. Rp. ………………….

2. …………. Rp. ……………… (+)

Other Revenue / Expense Rp ……………………… (+/-)

Earning Before Tax (EBT) (Rp ………………………)

Tax Income Rp ………………………..

Earning AfterTax (EAT) Rp ………………………..

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