S3A2 Garcian Alexandra Roxanne

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Unit 2: Leadership and

Session 3: Managing by
Activity 2: Leadership

Alumna: García Núñez Alexandra Roxanne

Asesora: Verónica Liliana Rodríguez Flores

Desarrollo de Habilidades Directivas. Febrero de 2021


The present essay intends to showcase the knowledge, tools and skills a leader

requires to better perform and cope with rising situations in an assertive

manner within an organization. Secondly, it showcases theory from Reading

2 Management skills for new management and its applications on the

performance of the organization. Thirdly, from a personal standpoint, such

applications will be focused on specifically speaking.


First of all, management skills cover a wide set of skills, such as special

knowledge, deployed in its cognitive and emotional dimensions that enrich

the profile of executives, resulting in them solving problems, being

conscious of the emerging global economy, the theory of competencies,

sector and market scenarios.

Second, management skills extend unlimitedly depending on the intentional

aspects to cover, ranging from the numerous environments in which the

organization operates to the instruments to be used to direct. Despite

contrasting opinions, the first criterion by some authors concurs in 3

management skills:

1. technical dexterity refers to the capability to use the tools in a specific field,

2. human dexterity references the ability of working with other people,

individual or groups, understanding and motivating them,

3. conceptual dexterity coordinates all the interests in an organization.

Third, from an interpersonal relations view, leading by example means having an

adequate combination of interpersonal skills. Thus, not only should managers have

proper abilities to perform in their positions, but also they should command a set of

interpersonal skills to interact with people. In addition, self-knowledge comes in

handy as to work with others in leading subordinates, resolving conflict, and

making changes. Thus, in order to guarantee the success of an individual in the

organization, whether a manager or an employee, the manager must know how to

better work with people. The most knowledgeable of interpersonal skills the

manager is, the greater benefits of information, collaboration and performance the

manager will obtain from his or her subordinates.

Next, from a holistic approach, any manager should fulfill his or her duties via a set

of 10 management skills determined below:

1. strategic management: start of the processes undergone by a manager,

whose aim is to relate the organization to its environment taking into

account both the demands and opportunities and their difficulties in order

for some satisfiers to take place. In other words, planning is seen s the core

element to formulate objectives and obtaining them. To this purpose,

managers must act in the right way as well as choose easily defeated

competitors by means of a SWOT analysis.

2. interpersonal communications: laws, regulations and principles apply in

the communication process, i.e., cultural differences, language patterns, ,

and structures of language vary from culture to culture among the elements

of communication, transmitter, receiver, message, medium, and feedback.

American and Latino managers are held accountable for how effective their

interpersonal approach is towards foreign individuals.

3. strategies and negotiation techniques: negotiation sills will enable

managers to succeed in obtaining the desired outcome with any external or

internal party on a daily basis. The benefits of having a good command of

such skills comprise persuading the other party into fulfilling the desires of

the manager, time-saving and cost-effective satisfaction, strategy and

tactics creation for the manager’s benefit.

4. conflict management: an efficient manager turns conflict into opportunity

among the members of the organization by selecting the most suitable

strategy in each occasion, coercion, evasion, commitment, complacency, or


5. teamwork: a good manager always cares for the welfare of the

organization as well as that of its individuals in conjunction with meeting the

intended results. Thus, all members of any given team must collaborate all

together in order to form the keystone of any organization.

6. leadership and motivation: both of these skills can be closely linked.

Provided leadership comes into the picture, motivation is ensured for all the

subordinates to achieve the vision, goals, and objectives of the

organization. However, motivation requires the manager to play a diverse

role in the organization by identifying key factors to exert more influence on

subordinates. That is to say, the manager part takes as a both his role and

that of a leader.
7. diagnosis of problems and decision making: by far the core task of the

whole management skills process. The manager must go above and

beyond to appropriately set the problem, exhaust all alternatives, and select

that which not only he or she calls for, but also his active subordinates do

as well, making it a group-based decision.

8. time management and delegation: it comes down to effectively managing

the time owned by a manager within the timeframes of an organization.

Some examples include hold routine meetings at the end of the day, stand

tall in the short meetings, set a time limit, start meetings on time, read

selectively, make only one important thing at a time and many trivial things


9. productive meetings: managers must pick the most productive meetings

to take part in due to their limited amount of time set to put into practice all

the rest of the 10 skills highlighted here so as to avoid time wastage.

10. management of change: end of the process undergone by a manager. As

Globalization becomes ever-present in all lines of business, products and

services offered by companies simultaneously change too. As a result, all

corporations had to shift gears reviewing their impact on the market,

competitive, governmental costs, and international competition in the

volume of world trade. Hence, since transformation is set to stay within any

organization, employees are entitled to be provided with the quality,

thoughtful, innovative, useful and timely information by management for the

purpose of updating and establishing new work methods and models in the


Management skills extend to any desired set of predetermined skills depending on

the selected approach. This essay examined two distinct approaches, an

author’s opinion-based and holistic approaches. The former covers

technical, human, and conceptual dexterity, while the latter focuses on 10

skills any manager should possess to fulfill his mission within the

organization: strategic management, interpersonal communications,

strategies and negotiation techniques, conflict management, teamwork,

leadership and motivation, diagnosis of problems and decision making, time

management and delegation, productive meetings and management of

change. In my view, all skills are to be applied throughout the life span of

the organization, among its teams, its managers, and consequently his or

her subordinates for the company to work altogether as one consensual



Beltrán, J. y Jiménez, ,A. (2012). Reading 2 management skills for a new

management. . [pdf file]. Aulapolivirtual.



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