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Be your child's friend- keep Depression away.......

Every Child Needs a Friend

Growing up can be rough process for a child. All of us remember the

numerous things we had to learn, little mistakes we made, and the many
times that we needed help or advice, so parents have to be a friend to a
child first, speak to them as friend so they can discuss anything with
them freely and there are no barriers between them. There are a lot of
issues that children do not talk to parents about. This is because they are
scared that the parent will get angry and scold them. So they start hiding
many issue and this makes them to go into their own shell and slowly
they might go into depression due to suppression. Thus every parent
should have open discussions among them and bond the child in such a
way that they are not afraid of their parents and openly share everything
what they are going through in life. And some of these problems could
be ones that require urgent attention. If your child is facing trouble in
school or at home, he may not be able to discuss it immediately if you
do not have a free and open relationship with him. Children think a lot
before they talk, if they have strict parents. For example, problems like
studies, bullying, sexual abuse etc, need to be paid attention to these.
If your child is having trouble with understanding his subjects in school,
he may wait till the exam results to come out before he confesses to
his problem. Similarly, bullying can be horribly traumatic for your child.
Similarly for other issues like peer pressure, first love, etc, if he is
unable to discuss them with you, it may affect him in the long run. And
such situations can be avoided by having good communication with your
child, by being friends with him.
Being friends with your child can make him a confident, secure person.
A lot of parents do not identify with the lifestyle of their children, but it
is vital that you make an effort to. It may not be easy to tackle the
generation gap, but doing so can have its advantages. Allow your child
space for mistakes so that he feels that it is alright to make mistakes as
long as he learns from them. Resist the temptation to correct him all the
time. Also, listen with interest when he tells you about his day. Teach
him to learn from his mistakes and also teach him good values so that he
is able to take well-thought decisions. Let him know that you will
always be there for him and that he can trust you enough to tell you his
problems. Treat him as an individual when you discuss issues with him,
so that he can realize it himself, if he is in the wrong.
By being friends with your child, it is not only his problems that he will
share with you but also his most special secrets. This translates into
many happy moments spent together as a family. So go ahead and have
that happy home you always wanted... be best friends with your child!

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