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Task 25 Februari 2021

Task 1 : Preparing an effective Written Speech to Participate in Public

i. Determining aims and objectives - Aims for some group of people to speak. The
speaker objective must be set up by their own either to inform, to persuade or to
entertain the audience.

ii. Identifying occasion - As you scrutinize the audience, think carefully about the
occasion. Are you a keynote speaker? Presenting a paper? Introducing a
speaker or chairing a panel? Each situation is different and requires preparation
tailored to the occasion. Make sure your message matches the occasion. It
would be inappropriate, for example, to speak about a serious topic at a happy

iii. Audience - Whether you are presenting a paper or giving a speech, you need to
analyze your audience first and foremost. It is easy to alienate an audience by
not examining the characteristics of the group, what they know and what they
want to know. Be aware of the audience’s attitudes and beliefs in general,
toward you and the topic. Consider age, socioeconomic status, and educational

iv. Setting - It refer to the location of the perticipant and any physical barrier that
may be present.

Task 2 : Why is it important to consider the audience for Preparing an Effective

Written Speech to Participate in Public Speaking?

As a speaker, we must know our audience such their general age, gender, education
level, religion, language, culture, and group membership. It is the single most
important aspect of developing your speech.Analyzing your audience will help you
discover information that you can use to build common ground between you and the
members of your audience. A key characteristic in public speaking situations is the
unequal distribution of speaking time between the speaker and the audience. This
means that the speaker talks more and the audience listens, often without asking
questions or responding with any feedback. Understanding who makes up your
target audience will allow you to carefully plan your message and adapt what you say
to the level of understanding and background of the listeners. Two practical benefits
of conducting an audience analysis are first to prevent you from saying the wrong
thing, such as telling a joke which offends, and secondly to help you speak to your
audience in a language they understand about things that interest them. Your speech
will be more successful if you can create a message that informs and engages your

Task 3 : What would be the most difficult aspect for you when you want to
deliver your speech?
*** How do you think you can overcome this?
No Difficult aspect How to overcome
1 Difficulty to pronounce certain word with correct Refer google and use let it pronounce it first
pronounciation. for me then I immitate it.
2 Feel not confident enough and low self esteem. Talk and try to relax. Set in my mind, everyone
can make mistake. Your mistake is your best
3 I might forget certain word or certain sentence in Just try to talk as usual and still speak about
my script. my topic as long as I still into it.

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