OBE Syllabus in Hospitality Organization Management

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“Nisi Dominus Frustra”

Maasin City, So. Leyte


TESDA Accredited

First Semester, AY 2020-2021
June 2020

Instructor: Regean U. Ellorimo

Mobile: 09158600858
Email: regeanellorimo@gmail.com


Vision: The College of Maasin as a dynamic learning institution commits its life resources and ministry toward the development of persons, nurtured by faith in God and
the liberating process of excellent learning toward holistic and creative action for social renewal.

Mission: The College of Maasin with the dynamic integration of instruction, research and extension, commits itself in seeking a life of faith, learning and action to develop
people into becoming God-loving citizens with integrity in character, intellectually competent and honest, morally and ethically sensitive, excellent in work
performance, creatively aware and responsive to the needs and aspirations of people for the realization of a just, free and responsible Christian social

Goals: 1. Provide a general education program that will promote national identity, cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spiritual vigor
2. Train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for national development
3. Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation, advance knowledge through research work and apply new knowledge improving the quality of
human life and responding effectively to change societal needs and conditions.


Vision: The College of Maasin FPST Department commits itself in making this institution an excellent training ground for our future hospitality industry workers and leaders
throughout the world, through education, comprehensive training, integrity and understanding diverse human needs.

Mission: To provide tomorrow’s hospitality industry workers and leaders with the knowledge, practical training to develop skills, and the right attitude necessary to faster
interpersonal goodwill and friendship and succeed in today’s global economy.

1 Hospitality Organization Management

Goals: FPST department aims to produce outstanding, honest, competent, skilled, and globally competitive graduates in their chosen fields. The department focuses on
the competencies provided by TESDA and the academic curriculum as mandated by the school, as well as the core being of the student. We emphasize quality
service, human relations and self-worth.


1. Common to all programs in all types of schools:

a. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
b. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
c. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
d. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility,
e. Preserve and promote ‘Filipino historical and cultural heritage”

2. Specific to FPST department

f. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino in dealing with hospitality industry clients
g. Work effectively and independently in both local and global hospitality industry.

3. Common graduates of a horizontal type on institution as defined in CMO No. 46, series of 2012.
Graduates of colleges are qualified for various types of employment and participate in development activities and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs
of the communities they serve.

4. Institutional Learning Outcomes:

The people and the students with:
1. Developed Christian values and attitude of honesty, moral and ethical sensitivity for the total well-being of man (physical, emotional and spiritual)
2. Developed intellectual competence for creative awareness and responsiveness to the needs of people
3. Developed collaborative competencies such as entrepreneurial skills, productive and social skills to meet the human resource demands of the local, national and
global communities

Course Name : Hospitality Organization Management

Course Description : This course will focus on enhancing student understanding of key concepts of contemporary management applied to a hospitality
organization. The course will begin with an introduction to management and a focus on the management process and a discussion of
the personal characteristics that make an effective manager.

Number of Units : 3 units

Pre-Requisite : None

2 Hospitality Organization Management

COURSE OUTCOMES : By the end of the course, the student is able to:
1. Design a strategic human resource management plan that can help a tourism organization gain a competitive
advantage in the local tourism industry



1. Discuss what management is within the context of hospitality industry sectors √ √ √ √ √
2. Evaluate management policies, practices, and procedures that influence group √ √ √ √ √ √
and individual dynamics in hospitality organizations.
3. Formulate ways to carry out the controlling function in hospitality organizations √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


Rubrics for Human resource management plan for tourism industry

Proficient (10pts) Basic (5pts)

Goal The goal is a SMART goal The goal needs one or more SMART goal
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, components.
Results-Oriented, and Time-bound) (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-
Oriented, and Time-bound)
Proposal Content Provides clear rationale for student need Needs clear rationale for student need
Action plan Action plan matches desired outcomes Unclear and/or limited action plan
clearly outlining steps toward goal


Excellent Good Fair Poor

40pts 30 pts 20 pts 10 pts
Exceeds assignment objectives Meets assignment objectives Assignment objectives minimally Does not meet assignment
met objectives
Content & Development - Content is comprehensive, - Content is incomplete.
25 pts accurate, and persuasive. - Content is accurate and - Content is not comprehensive - Major points are not clear and
- Major points are stated clearly persuasive. and /or persuasive. /or persuasive.

3 Hospitality Organization Management

and are well supported. - Major points are stated. - Major points are addressed, Questions were not adequately
- Responses are excellent, - Responses are adequate and but not well supported. answered.
timely and address assignment address assignment. - Responses are inadequate or
including course concepts. - Content and purpose of the do not address assignment.
- Content and purpose of the writing are clear. - Content is inconsistent with
writing are clear. regard to purpose and clarity of
Organization & Structure -Structure of the paper is clear - Structure is mostly clear and - Structure of the paper is not - Organization and structure
5 pts and easy to follow. easy to follow. easy to follow. detract from the message of the
- Paragraph transitions are - Paragraph transitions are - Paragraph transitions need writer.
logical and maintain the flow of present. improvement. - Paragraphs are disjointed and
thought throughout the paper. - Conclusion is logical. - Conclusion is missing, or if lack transition of thoughts.
- Conclusion is logical and flows provided, does not flow from the
from the body of the paper. body of the paper.
Format - Paper follows all designated - Paper follows designated - Paper follows most guidelines. - Paper lacks many elements of
5 pts guidelines. guidelines. - Paper is over/ under word correct formatting.
- Paper is the appropriate length - Paper is the appropriate length. - Paper is inadequate/excessive
as described for the length as described for the in length.
assignment. assignment. -Paper is not double spaced
-Format enhances readability of -Format is good.
Grammar, Punctuation & - Rules of grammar, usage, and - Rules of grammar, usage, - Paper contains few - Paper contains numerous
Spelling punctuation are followed; and punctuation are followed grammatical, punctuation and grammatical, punctuation, and
5 pts spelling is correct. with minor errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.
- Language is clear and precise; Spelling is correct. - Language lacks clarity or - Language uses jargon or
sentences display consistently includes the use of some jargon conversational tone.
strong, varied structure. or conversational tone.


LEARNING HOURS (TOPIC) In order to achieve the As evidence of achieving ACTIVITIES MATERIALS
OUTCOMES outcome, the student is the unit outcome, the To achieve the outcome, the
At the end of the able to: student is assessed as learning activities are:
unit, the student follows:
is able to:

4 Hospitality Organization Management

Discuss what Chapter 1: Management: A Understand how quiz research and reporting Introduction to
management is New Way of Thinking our view of oral recitation asynchronous discussion Management in the
within the context a. Management and “management” as a internet exercises via Moodle/Google Hospitality Industry,
of hospitality Supervision business function (www.bing.com; classroom 10th Edition Clayton
industry sectors b. The Managerial has evolved into its www.nwlink.com; Borrows, et.al p. 510
Revolution current definition www.starwood.com )
c. Management: A PPT presentation
Dynamic Force in a
Changing Industry
d. What Is
Management? Provide an
example illustrating
Chapter 2: Planning in the necessity of
Hospitality Management planning at all
a. Planning in levels
Organizations Explain why is it
b. Goal Setting important that the
c. Planning in supervisor/manage
Operations rs’ role involve both
d. The Individual Worker planning and acting
as Planner on the plans of

Evaluate Chapter 3: Organizing in Describe line Written works Synchronous discussion via
management Hospitality Management management and Reaction Zoom
policies, a. Authority: The staff assistance paper/journal
practices, and Cement of functions, and Internet exercises
procedures that Organizations explain the (www.ala.org;
influence group b. Departmentalization differences in www.marriot.com;
and individual c. Line and Staff authority that each www.hillstone.com )
dynamics in d. Issues in Organizing exercises
hospitality Explain the
organizations advantages and
disadvantages of
the following
elements of
organization theory
and practice

5 Hospitality Organization Management

Chapter 4: Staffing: Human Understand the
Resources Management in major issues
Hospitality Management pertaining to
a. Issues in Human human resource
Resources management
Management Outline the general
b. Fitting People to Jobs procedure of staff
c. Recruiting planning, and
d. Selection and identify and
Employment describe the major
e. Training tools used in that
f. Retaining Employees process
g. Staff Planning

Formulate ways Chapter 5: Control in Explain how control cases analysis research and reporting
to carry out Hospitality Management relates to other reaction paper asynchronous discussioon
the controlling a. The Importance of functions of internet exercises via Moodle/google
function in Control hospitality (www.brinker.com; classroom
hospitality b. Control and the management and www.managementhelp
organizations “Cybernetic Loop” provide an example .org
c. Tools for Control of how control
functions as a
Chapter 6: Leadership and future oriented
Directing in Hospitality process and as a
Management basis for
a. Leadership as Viewed management action
by Social Scientists List and describe
b. Why People Follow incentives that
c. The Elements of motivate people to
Leading and Directing accept direction on
the job

6 Hospitality Organization Management

7 Hospitality Organization Management

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