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My Pet

Sing and Learn

Magic English

Magic English, Magic English, Look and speak, and sing and play.

Hey ... Magic English, Magic English A fun with Disney every day A

fun with Disney every day Come along and discover english Listen

well, watch carefully You can say, you can play and you can have fun

with Disney Magic English, Magic English, Look and speak,and sing

and play Hey ... Magic English, Magic English Have fun with Disney

every day Have fun with Disney every day Look, when you see

Playtime, it's your time to play Playtime, when you see this. . it's

your time to sing Playtime, when you see this, it's your time to

repeat Playtime, when you see this, it's your time to answer Magic

English, Magic English, A fun with Disney every day A fun with

Disney every day A fun with Disney every day.

1|Eksakta Course
A or An

A and and have the same meaning.

A is used in front of

words that begin A bed, A university

with consonants: b, c, A girl A dog

d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, Etc.

p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y,


An is used in front :

of words that begin An ear

with vocal: a, i, u, An owl

e, o

An hour
An animal

2|Eksakta Course
Article Sentences

A or An

Complete these sentences using a/ an.

1. It is ___ elephant. 6. It is ___ igloo.

2. It is ___ cat. 7. It is ___ alien.
3. It is ___ house. 8. It is ___ mushroom.
4. It is ___ olive. 9. It is ___ umbrella.
5. It is ___ koala. 10. It is ___ pumpkin.

Read it carefully.

Jack has a big dog.

His name is Doggy.

Doggy is a Labrador

Doggy likes to run

around in our
3|Eksakta Course
He is a very nice
1. What is the name of Jack’s dog?
His name is _________________________
2. What kind of dog is Doggy?
He is a _____________________________
3. What does he like to do?
He likes to __________________________

This or That

If an item is close
to you, you use
the word THIS.

If an item is not
close to you, you For example:

use the word

This is a ball

That is a tiger ---------------------

This is a snake

That is a house ---------------------

4|Eksakta Course

1. ______ a sheep.

2. ______ a monkey.-----------------

3. ______ a watch.

4. ______ a clock. -----------------

5. ______ an elephant.

6. ______ a cock.

7. ______ a fox.

8. ______ a mouse.------------------

9. ______ a bag. ------------------

10. ______ a book.

5|Eksakta Course
Chapter 2


Listen and Watch Magic English 2 ‘Hello’


A : Hello/ Hi

B : Hi/ Hello

A : Good morning (Selamat pagi)

B : Good morning

A : How are you? (Bagaimana kabarmu?)

B : Fine/ Fine thank you/ I am fine thank you (Saya baik,



Rabbit : kelinci Dance : menari

Bird : burung Boy : anak laki-laki

Wake up : bangun Girl : anak perempuan

Baby : bayi Elephant : gajah

Mummy : Ibu Butterfly : kupu-kupu

Sleep : tidur Flower : bunga

Love : sayang Popcorn : popkorn

6|Eksakta Course

Ana : Hello, Jack.

Jack : Hi Ana, how are you?

Ana : I am fine thank you, and you?

Jack : I am fine too.

Ana : Where will you go, Jack?

Jack : I will go to school.

Answer the questions below.

1. Who is Ana’s friend?

2. Where will Jack go?
He will go to _____________________________________

7|Eksakta Course

Pronoun + Be + Noun
Singular (tunggal) Plural (jamak)
I am a student. We are students.
You are a student. You are students.
She is a student. They are students.
He is a student.
It is a country.


1. Sari is a student. ___ in my class.

2. Jim is a student. ___ in my class.
3. I have one brother. ___ twenty years old.
4. I like my classmates. ___ friendly.
5. I have two cats. ___ so cute.
6. Yoko and Ali are students. ___ in my class.
7. My sister is twenty one- years old. ___ single.
8. I like my books. ___ interesting.
9. Daddy and me go to the market. ___ happy.
10. I like grammar. ___ easy.

8|Eksakta Course
Reading Comprehension

1. What is the name of Megan’s best friend?

Her name is _________________________
2. Who is older?
3. What kind of a pet does Kathy have?
Kathy has a _________________________

9|Eksakta Course
Chapter 3



10 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Reading Comprehension

1. Sarah and Will are ________________________________
2. They are ____________ a christmas tree.
3. They love _______________________________________

Listen and watch Magic English ‘Friends’.


What : apa Sing : menyanyi

His : milik dia (laki-laki) Play : bermain
Who : siapa Run : berlari
Dog : anjing Swim : berenang
Fox : serigala Little : kecil
Name : nama Afraid : takut
Dance : menari

11 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Capter 4
Happy Houses

My House

Match between the word and the things.










12 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Listen and watch Magic English 4 ‘Happy Houses’

Big : besar Chimney :cerobong asap

Wolf : serigala Roof : atap
Can : dapat Window : jendela
Fly : terbang Wall : dinding
Bed : kasur Bad :buruk
Door : pintu

13 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Reading and Writing

14 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
15 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
16 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e

Be+ a Place

17 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e

18 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Chapter 5
Animal Friends

Listen and Watch Magic English 5 Animal Friends then mention
the word in that song.

Using My, Your, His, Her, Its, Their, Our

Subject Form Possesive Form

I My
You Your
It Its
He His
She Her
You Your
We Our
They Their

Complete these sentences using I, you, It, He, She, You, We,
They, my, your, Its, His, Her, Your, Our, Their.
1. I have a cat. ___ cay is so cute.
2. A mouse has a tail. ___ tail is so long.
3. ___ is a doctor. His uniform is white.
4. They have long hair. ___ hair are long.
5. We are family. ___ house is same.

19 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Chapter 6

Look at the picture.

Quenstions 3
Look at the picture, the letters, and write the words.

20 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
c o u s i n s
o u c i n s s

d a g a m r n

a d y d d

3. s s i r e t


Listen and watch Magic English 2 ‘Family’


21 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Has/ Have : memiliki

Who : siapa

He : Dia laki-laki

She : Dia perempuan

Father : Ayah

Mother : Ibu

Sister : saudara perempuan

Brother : saudara laki-laki

Cat : kucing

Dog : anjing

Happy : bahagia

Sad : sedih

Chapter 7

22 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
It is Delicious


23 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Listen and Watch Magic English ‘It’s Delicious’.


Be + Adjective

Complete these second sentences with the opposite adjectives of

the first sentences.
1. I am not sad. I am _____.
2. My hair is not long. It is _____.
3. My clothes are not dirty. They are ______.
4. Flowers are not ugly. They are ______.
5. Cars are not cheap. They are _____.

Chapter 8

24 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Counting and Birthday Vocabularies

Read the names of months of the year loudly.

January – February – March – April – Mey – June – July – August –

September – November – December.


My Birthday is on ____________

This is the best

present I ever got!

I am ____ years old.


Please write the number of word that suit on the pictures below.

Birthday Party

1. Ballon 4. Ice cream 7. Present

2. Cake 5. Card 8. Friends
3. Hat 6. Candles


25 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e





Listen and watch Magic English 3 ‘Happy Birthday’.


They : mereka

26 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Singing : sedang menyanyi

How old is she : berapa umur dia (perempuan)

Cake : kue

Dress : gaun

Flower : bunga

Birthday : hari ulang tahun

Party : pesta

One hundred : 100

Baby : bayi

Present : kado

Magic : sulap

Surprise : kejutan

Want : ingin

His : milik dia (laki-laki)

Her : milik dia (perempuan)

Opinion Writing

27 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
Do you like ice cream or birthday cake?

I like ___________________



How many candles in that


How many cupcakes in that


How many friends that come to

your birthday party?

How many juices in that


28 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e
How many red ballons in that

29 | E k s a k t a C o u r s e

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