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Holy Name University- Department of Medical Technology

Health Information System Lecture

L1: Health Information System for MLS
● CHED (Commission on Higher Education) of the Philippines
is a government agency that covers both the public and
private higher education institutions as well as degree-
● Health information system (HIS) refers to a system designed
granting programs in all post-secondary educational
to manage healthcare data-from collection, storage, to
institutions in the country.
releasing of results and information. MLS stands for Medical
Laboratory Scientist, in other areas of the world, a medical CURRENT CHAIRPERSON OF CHED- PROSPERO DE VERA
technologist is also called a medical laboratory scientist.

● A place where learners of different ages gain an education ● The Formal education starts around the age of 4 as pre-
that includes daycare, pre-schools, grade schools, school that can be stretch up to higher education which is
intermediate, secondary, and even senior high schools, as the college or university degree, all formal education takes
well as colleges and universities. This institution carries out place in a stipulated period, each learner complete each
educational activities based on the age-grade system that stage of their education aims to provide with full series of
provide considerable diversity of learning milieus and skills that sooner or later earning for certificates or
learning spaces credentials.
● The term "Institution" commonly applies to both formal and ● Informal education is anything learned more independently
informal institutions that cover the behavioral patterns of outside of the conventional classroom. It isn't restricted
society and even the government and public services. to any certain location and usually integrates itself with the
● The formal institution deals with the conventional surroundings such as home, cultural setting, and even in
classroom whereby a structured method of learning is basic education or high school institutions in public schools.
administered by a governing body in which a school or ● This involves behavior skills through interaction on daily
other institution is the usual place for learning. basis as well as teacher’s traits vary by their expertise,
● This also involved the recognition by government in terms of skills, and experience. Those students participate do not
the curricular offering that follows using predetermines the expect to receive any credentials but rather a certificate of
books and materials used for leaning to established participation or completions may be issued in recognition of
standards in the academic community. Faculty and their involvement in the activities.
instructors follow the curriculums set by the technical ● This involves behavior skills through interaction on daily
committee appointed by the government. basis as well as teacher’s traits vary by their expertise,
● Schools offering Medical Technology courses should be a skills, and experience. Those students participate do not
member of PASMETH (Philippine Association of Schools of expect to receive any credentials but rather a certificate of
Medical Technology/Public Health) participation or completions may be issued in recognition of
their involvement in the activities.

Niquetta Louise C. Weatherley BSMT 1-A MT 102 LEC

Holy Name University- Department of Medical Technology
Health Information System Lecture
L1: Health Information System for MLS
VISION-MISSION-VALUES creates a yardstick against any action. The core values are
the standard structure that is shared and acted upon in the
● A vision is the end desire aspiration of an academic academic community.
institution. It is usually a one-sentence statement
describing the distinct and motivating long-term desired Values statements consider the following questions:
transformation resulting from an institutional program. The
vision should be clear, memorable, and concise with an ● What values are distinctive to our educational institution?
average length of 14 words, the shortest contains only three ● What value should be the direction of the management of
words. the institution?
● e.g. Human Rights Campaign- Equality for Everyone - while ● For an educational institution to have useful value
the longest may contain up to 26 words like Amnesty statements, it must incorporate its values at all levels of the
International - A World in which every person enjoys all of institution that give direction to their engagements, view
the human rights enshrines in the Universal Declaration of points, and even decision making.
Human Rights and other international human rights
● A mission statement is a one-sentence relating to the
intention of your institution’s existence. This answers the
question "What you do or Who you do this for". The mission
must be clear by using simple language, concise, no fluff
aims for 5 to 14 words with a maximum of 20. It should be
valuable, focused, and guided.
● e.g. "Spreading Ideas" by TED, "The increase and diffusion
of knowledge" by Smithsonian, "Seeking to put God's love
into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to
build homes, community and hope" by Habitat for Humanity


● A value statement is a list of fundamental doctrines that

guide and direct the educational institution and its
belief. This creates the moral direction of the institution and
its academic community that guides decision-making and

Niquetta Louise C. Weatherley BSMT 1-A MT 102 LEC

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