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Immanuel Kant is a German philosopher.

For him, the supreme principle of morality is a

standard of rationality (Categorical Imperative). Kant characterized the “Categorical Imperative”
as an objective, rationally necessary, and unconditional principle that we need to follow
disregarding all our natural desires and urges we have in contrast to what is right. The seventh
commandment in the bible (Thou Shall not6 Steal) is an example of this Ethics. Stealing is
morally wrong so why would you steal?. With the ethics implied in the commandment, there will
be no excuse for us to steal something.

For me, this concept of ethics is quite natural, meaning that it’s natural for us to think this
way. I chose this concept because most of us disregard the natural morality we already know
thus doing things selfishly. Stealing is morally and lawfully wrong, but why are there still
pickpockets everywhere, carnappers and home-intruders? They are forced by society to do so.
Poverty is the main reason for stealing some of our fellow Filipinos but still, it is wrong. The
concept of ethics by Emmanuel Kant (Categorative Imperative) for me is correct in a way how
our morality naturally works. We know its bad then it is bad, why would someone make it right or
force it to be right?

In my perspective what is wrong and what is right will depend on the result of an act. If
an act resulted negatively, for me it is wrong and if the result is positive, it’ll be right. Because in
my own opinion, before doing something we should think about all the consequences upon
doing something we want.
Simple things make me happy; sunsets, traveling alone, street lights along the roads, and
compliments from my friends and family.
I value my family and friends. There’s nothing that can replace my love for my friends and
family. I can give up my career to take care of my family and friends in their time of need. The
emotions and experiences we have shared are the possession is what I value the most thus
valuing them the most also.

KANTIAN ETHICS. (2020). Csus.Edu.

categorical imperative | Definition & Examples | Britannica. (2020). In Encyclopædia Britannica.

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