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Page 2 o f 25

Answer two or three questions

1 (a) Relate the story of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-7)

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be

taken of the entire Roman world.

This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was govern of

Everyone, then, went to register himself, each to his own town.

Joseph went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to the town of

Bethlehem in Judaea, the birth place of King David.

Because he belonged to the house and line of David.

He went there to be registered with Mary.

Who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

While they were there in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have her
. v
She gave birth to her first son, wrapped him in strips of cloth and laid
him in a manger.

There was no room for them to stay in the inn.

(Any 10 ppints, Vz a mark each = 5 marks)

(b) Name any two ceremonies Jewish parents carried out for their newly
born baby boys and state when each one of those ceremonies took

Circumcision: Took place when baby was eight days old.

> f . vV'te.W. t e J x r .
Dedication: Took place when baby was one month old (after 30 days)

Purification: Took place forty day after giving birth to the baby.

1 mark for each ceremony, 2 marks plus 1 mark when each

ceremony took place, 2 marks = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme


* q Page 3 o f 25
J ; ' .
(c) (i) Kutemba does not understand why gifts have to be given to
new born babies and wonders whether that is a custom, Give
Kutemba three points on the value of a child's birthjtraditions
and customs in a Zambian home.

Appreciation of new life

Identify of the child

Continuity of life

Usefulness of the child to the community

Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks

(ii) How do people in modern Zambian Society today show

appreciation for new life? 4£ tH P h&

Choosing a name for the child

Protecting and taking care of the baby

Taking gifts j B c d y s h c & r

Making celebrations

Any 2 points, 3 marks = 6 marks

(d) In what ways are the teachings of Christians on God's directing of

human lives similar to those of Muslims? t i Vvit. t•
: P

Both teath that God directs every person's life.

Both teaj:h that God has a purpose for human life

Both teach that everything that happens is the will of God.

Any two points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Educatton/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 4 o f 25

(a) Describe how God instructed Abraham to keep God's covenant

through circumcision. (Genesis 17: 10-14)

You and your descendants

Must all agree to circumcise every male among you.

You must circumcise every male baby boy.

When he is eight days old

Including slaves born in your homes.

And slaves bought from foreigners.

This will show that there is a covenant between you and God.

Each one must be circumcised a s a physical sign to the covenant.


The covenant with you is everlasting.

Any male who has not been circumcised will no longer be considered
one of my people.
. v
Because he has not kept the covenant with me

Any 10 points, 1/2 mark each = 5 marks

(b) Explain the importance attached to circumcision by the Jews. Give

two points.

An outward sign of a relationship with God


dovenant between God and the people

It was a command from God

It was a mark of ownership and reminders of God's covenant and his


It gave a chance to take part in worship of Yahweh.

It was an everlasting assurance to the Jews of the promise of the


It was a necessary condition of Jewish nationality.

Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 5 o f 25

(i) Muzonena, a newly converted Christian wonders why he should

be baptised in water since he is already a believer in Jesus
Christ. What Christian advice would you give to Muzonena on
the meaning of water baptism? State three points.

Baptism is an outward, physical symbol of an inward conversion.

A person is initiated into fellowship with other Christians who

make up the Body of Christ, the church.

Means identification with Christ in his.death, buriaj_and


A $ign to the world that one has died to sin and has risen to a ,
new life in Jesus Christ. !

Baptism is a command of Christ. j

Baptism is a public expression of one's repentance and faith

which has already taken place in one's heart.

It expresses commitment to obedience to God's word.

Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks.

(ii) Why is male circumcision important in Zambian Modern

Society? t « V v x j vxi t tL. p o v v-:, h >
It reduces chances of transmission of HIV/AIDs

It reduces chances of transmission of S.T.Is

Reduces chances of transmission of cervical cancer in vyomen

Increases cleanliness in men j I t t n r)l

Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks.

What are the different ways of admission practices found in

Christianity and Islam? Give two points.


Christianity The child or adult receives instruction from a church leader.

Islam No special instructions received.

Christianity There is a ceremony/the person is immersed in water.

Islam No initiation from childhood into adult religious life - no

special ceremony.

2 differences, 2 marks each = 4 marks

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Page 6 o f 25

3 (a) Narrate the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man. (Luke 5:17-

Jesus was teaching.

Pharisees and teachers of the law were there.

Some men came, carrying a paralysed man on a bed (sleeping mat).

- ,4 Tried to take him to Jesus.

Could not pass through the crowd in the house.


Carried him up on the roof.


Mafle an opening in the roof.

Let the man down through the hole on his bed.

Landed right in front of Jesus.

Jesus saw they had great faith.

Said to the sick man, "Your sins are forgiven."

, v
The religious leaders/Pharisees and teachers of the law, said this was

Only God can forgive sins, they said.

Jbsus said, "Is it easier to say 'your sins are forgiven or get up and

J;esus then said to the man, "Pick up your bed and go home."

The man stood up at once, picked up his bed,

Went home, praising God.

Were all amazed.

What wonderful things we have seen today."

Any 10 points, Vz mark each = 5 marks.

Religious Educatlon/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 7 o f 25

(b) State two significant points on why Jesus healed the sick.

had compassion/mercy over the sick

had sympathy j

gave them physical and spiritual life through healing

showed love

shswed kindness ■
To ttji ,cXc-rn
those that showed faith

Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks


(c) (i) Gideon has been married for ten years when suddenly his wife
is diagnosed with diabetes and she loses her sight. Gideon
develops a negative attitude towards his wife. Give three
points of Christian teachings on how he should treat his wife.
With sympathy / p t ; h j .
With Care
With love
With compassion
. v
With kindness

Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks.

(ii) How should people's attitude towards the chronically sick be in

modern society? Give three points.
Accept them
! ‘J
Love them
Care for them
llo stigma and discrimination
Be helpful
Note: Credit positive answers only. Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6
(d) In what ways are the teachings of Christians on attitudes towards
the sick similar to those of Zambian T ^ i^ ffplsts? j, 7 C ('W 'L rKvO ^Ot VIt

Both care for the sick

Both try to find a cBre for the sick

Both are sympathetic to the sick

2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 8 o f 25

4 (a) Tell the story of Jesus healing a demon possessed boy. (Luke 9: 37-

The next day Jesus and the three disciples went down from the hill.

A large crowd met Jesus.

A man shouted from the crowd, "Teacher, I beg of you, look at my son,
my only son.

- * A spirit attacks him with a sudden shout and throws him into a fit.

He foams at the mouth


It keeps on hurting and hardly lets him go

I begged your disciples to drive it out and they could not

Jesus answered, "How unbelieving and wrong you are

How long must I stay with you? ;

How long do I have to put up with you?

Then he said to the man, "bring your son here."

As the boy vyas coming, the demons knocked him to the ground and
threw him into a fit.

Jesus gave a command to the evil spirit, healed the boy and gave him
back to his father

All the people were amazed at the mighty power of God

Any 10 joints, Vz mark each = 5 marks

(b) Mention the demon practices that are forbidden in the Bible. State
two points.

Divination t \.j
Spells or omen
Familiar spirits

Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z20l6 marking scheme

Page 9 o f 25

(c) (i) John is troubled by an evil spirit. A neighbour advises him to

consult a witchdoctor. What Christian advice would you give
John regarding the methods of driving out demons? Give three

Through prayer
Through reading and acting on the word of God
Having faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord
Repentance and confession of sin
t- Total comrhitment of one's life to Jesus
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks

(ii) Identify different types of spirits in modern Zambian society.

Give three points.

The Holy Spirit

The human spirit
The Angels :
The evil spirits or demons
The ancestral spirits wh€rafe-da5s#ie4^s^-

Good spirits

— jtf\) V
Bad spirits
Dissatisfied spirits

Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks

(d) In what ways are the teachings of Christianity on attitudes to

treatment of spirit possessed people different to those of Zambian
Traditional Religion. Give two points.


Christianity Prayer and quoting scriptures are used when casting out

ZTR Drumming, charms and lotions are used to cast out demons.

Christianity Believe the way to be free is through faith in Jesus Christ as

saviour and Lord.

ZTR The use of charms and amulets protects.

2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks.

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Page 10 o f 25


Answer one question from this section

5 (a) Describe the Parable of the waiting servants - Luke 12:35-40

Be ready for whatever comes

Dressed for action with your lamps lit

Like servants who are waiting for their master

To come back from a wedding feast

When he comes and knocks, they will open the door for him at once

How happy are those servants who the master finds awake

Even if he should come at midnight or even later

And you can be sure that if the owner of a house knew the time when
the thief would come

He would not let the thief break into his house


And you too must be ready

Because the son of man will come at an hour when you are not
expecting him

Any 10 points, V2 marks each = 5 marks

(b) What can Christians learn from this parable? Give two points

Jesus' followers must be readyjat ail times

Jesus will npt announce his coming

Jesus' followers who are ready, will_bej^waicle€l—

Jesus wil! come suddenly, when we do not expect him.

Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 11 of 25

(c) (i) Mapalo had Bible study with his friends. He pointed out to his
friends jthat for someone to enter the kingdom of God, one
must attend church services regularly. State three points of
Christian advice you would give to Mapalo and his friends on
how one can enter the kingdom of God.

One must repent

Must lead a righteous life (portray Christian conduct) j I X
Obedience in God
-, " Obey Christ in one's life
Have faith in Christ as the son of God
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(ii) Jesus said that people would be unprepared for his coming.
How can people today show they are unprepared for
judgement? State three points.

Lack of faith in God

Unrepentant hearts
Disobedient to God
Unbelief in God
Lovers of tlje world
Any 3 points; 2 marks each = 6 marks
(d) Differentiate the teachings of Christians on their beliefs about
personal judgement with that of the Hindus. Give two points.

Christian: Judgement based on one's response to Christ.

Hindu: ; Depends on performance of deeds (Karma)

Christian: There is a final day of judgement

Hindu: Judgement follows soon after one's death.

Christian: Belief in the resurrection

Hindu: Belief in the reincarnation

Any two differences, 2 marks each. Difference = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 12 o f 25

(a)^ Tell the parable of the friend at midnight. Luke 11: 5-13

Then suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight
and say,

Friend, lend me three loaves of bread

Because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me and I have

nothing to set before him

Then one inside answers, "Don't bother me."

The door is already locked and


My children are with me in bed

I cannot get up and give you anything

I tell you, though he will not cjet up

and give him the bread because he is his friend

Yet because of the man's boldness

' 'v ''
He will get up and give him as much as he needs

So I say to you; ask and it will be given to you

Seek and you will find

Knock and the door will be opened

' Which of your fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snak-

Or if he asks for an egg will give him a scorpion

Or if you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to
your children

How much more will your father in heBverujive the Holy Spirit to
those who ask him

Any 10 points, V2 mark each = 5 marks

\. '

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Page 13 o f 25

(b) What does this parable teach Christians today? Give two points.
j. V
It teaches the importance of persistence in prayer C**- ,
Having faith in prayer , . ; ' /
Praying w ithout coaemg ' /r ^

Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks 1

(c) (i) Mary says, "I have been praying for a husband for a long time
but my prayer has not been answered. I feel discouraged/'
What Christian encouragement would you give Mary in her
present situation? Give three points
Continue praying
Continue trusting and depending on God
Have faith in God
God answers at his own time
We never ask God in vain
God will always a n s w e r prayer; either 'Yes', 'No' or 'wait'
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks r o
(ii) In which ways does God answer prayers in modern society?
v~ State three points.
No, because what we ask is not in his will
YgS, as he comes through in our difficult situations
Wait; because'the right time has not yet come
Through providing divine helpers to come to our help in time of
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks

(d) Contrast the teachings of Christians with regard to the nature and
significance of prayer with those of Zambian Traditional Religion.
Give two differences.
Christianity:1 They pray at anytime in any place.
ZTR: Only pray at special times (i.e. funerals, drought, epidemics,
happy occasions)
Christianity: Each person can pray-^ p Y - w f iil
ZTR: Community prayers through an appointee e.g. priest
Christianity: Don't sacrifice during prayers
ZTR: Offer sacrifices during prayers
Christianity: Prayers are only significant if Jesus is mentioned
ZTR: Prayers are significant if ancestral spirits are mentioned.
Any 2 differences, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 14 o f 25

7 (a) Narrate the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth. Luke 4: 16-30

He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up
And on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue
As was his custom
And he stood up to read
The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him
Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written
, - The spirit-of the Lord is on me
Because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor
H-e has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
And recovery of sight for the blind .
To release the oppressed
To proclaim the year for the Lord's favour
Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant and sat
The eyes of everyone in the Synagogue were fastened on him |
And he began by saying to them "today this scripture is fulfilled in
your hearing."
All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that
came from his lips
"Isn't this Joseph's son?" they asked

Jesus said to them, "surely you will quote this proverb to me;
physician heal yourself!"
Do here in your home town what we have heard that you did in
- : "I tell you the truth, he continued, "no prophet is accepted in his
i hometown.
I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in the time of
- I When the sky was shut for three and half years
And there was a severe famine throughout the land
Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them
But to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon
And there were many in Israel with leprosy in the time of ElishaVie
Yet not one of them was cleansed, only Naaman the Syrian
All the people in the Synagogue were furious when they heard this
They got up, drove him out of town and took him to the crown the hill
on which the town was built
In order to throw him down the cliff
But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way
Any 10 points, Vz mark each = 5 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 15 o f 25

(b) State two ways in which Jesus reacted to this opposition.

He exposed the unbelief and stubbornness of the Jews and told them
that God did not favour them above the Gentiles (foreigners).
Jesus' reaction was quiet, controlled and powerful.
Jesus walked away from them and they could not touch him
Any two points, 2 marks each = 4 marks
(c) (i) Chantu is a student at Kapatu University. He refuses to join a
demonstration over meal allowances. Other students criticise
him for his action. He feels bad about the situation, What
Christian advice would you give Chantu? f L c t |>D(5 ih
Suffering for wrong doing does not bring honour or credit, but
brings misery and shame.
Aggressive reactions bring disunity and disorder in society.
Aggressive reactions do not promote understanding, tolerance,
and love which are Christian values that must be upheld.
Aggressive reactions do not depict the love and forgiveness of
Christ, our example in Christian walk.
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(ii) How do people in society today react to criticism and
opposition? Stat£ three points.
Strong resentment and anger
Blaming others
Blaming geed-
Accepting the criticism
Making a change for the better
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(d) In what ways is Christian reaction to opposition similar to that of
Mahatma Ghandi? I'urD
Both do not revenge
Both$ react by showing love and forgiveness
Both show tolerance
- Both practice non-violence
Both accept persecution
Any two points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 16 o f 25

% (a) Give an account of the story of Jesus raising Jairus' daughter.

Luke 8:40-42, 49-56

When Jesus returned to the other side of the lake

The people welcomed him because they had all been waiting for him

When a man named Jairus arrived

v- He was an official in the local synagogue

J4e threw himself down at Jesus' feet and begged him to go to his

Because his only daughter who was twelve years old was dying

While Jesus was saying this, a messenger came from the official's '
house , ^

"Your daughter has died," he told Jairus," don't bother the teacher any

But Jesus heard it and said to Jairus

. v
"Don't be afraid, only believe, and she will be well."

Whavhe arrived at the house, he would not let anyone go in with him
except Peter, John and James and the father and mother

Everyone there was crying and mourning for the child

Jesus said, "don't cry, the child is not dead, she is only sleeping

They all laughed at him because they knew that she was dead w

But Jesus took her by the hand and called out, "Get up, my child!

Her life returned

she sat up at once and Jesus ordered them to give her something to

Her parents were astounded but Jesus commanded them not to tell
anyone what had happened

Any 10 points, Vi mark each = 5 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 17 o f 25

What do Christians learn from this incident about the authority of

Jesus? Give two points
Jesus is the son of God
Jesus has power to raise the dead
Jesus is the resurrection and the life
Jesus has power over death
Any 2 points, 2 mark each = 4 marks

(i) Halubono confides in his friend that even if I believe in Jesus'

resurrection, I don't know its meaning. As a Christian friend,
give Halubono the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus to
Christians today. Give three points.
Meaning of the resurrection of Jesus
It brought God's salvation to mankind
Jesus had brought a new beginning in God's relationship with

Jesus had brought new life to mankind because he triumphed

over death
People are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ,
- Ppgple^ m -fp f ni'irilpd 'te find fhro n e h -test

Any 3 points, 1 marks each = 6 marks

(ii) What are the views of people in modern Zambia today on life
after death. Give three points.
There is resurrection after one dies
Others do not believe in life after death. To them death is the
end of life
| There are those who believe that the dead have influence on the
living (the spirits are thought to either help or trouble the living)
Other people believe that a person's action in this life determines
the next life.
Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
In what ways are Christian teachings about life after death similar
to those of Hindus? State two points.
Both believe in life after death
Both believe that physical death separates the soul from the body.
2 similarities, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

X W o 1,4 SCV'A. C ' •f'Cxj 'l^' CA.-<X|l^|LpL'H/'i*i
Saul was converted to Christianity (Acts 9 : 1 - 19) ^
Saul still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the
Went to the high Priest and asked him for a letter to the Synagogue at
So that if he found any belonging to the way, men and women, he
might bring them bound to Jerusalem
- * As he journeyed, he approached Damascus
- Suddenly, a light from heaven flashed about him
He fpll to the ground and heard a voice saying to him "Saul, Saul, why
do you persecute me?
"And he said who are you Lord?"
"And he saiid, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting but rise and
enter the city and you will be told what you are to do."
The men who were travelling with him stood speechless |
Hearing the voice but seeing -eeefi rvc o K t
Saul arose from the ground
And when his eyes were opened, he could see nothing
So they led him into Damascus and
for three dSys'he could not see, nor ate nor drank
Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias
The Lord said to him in a vision, "Ananias
And he said "here I am Lord"
And the Lord said to him, "Rise and go to the street called straight
And inquire in the house of Judas for a man of Tarsus named Saul
For beheld, he is praying, and he has seen a man come in
and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight
But Ananias answered, "Lord I have heard from many about this man
how much evil he has done to thy servants at Jerusalem
And here he had authority from the Chief Priests to bind all who call
But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to
thy name."
Carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the Sons of Israel
for I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name

Any 10 points, V i mark each = 5 marks

Religious Education/2(H6/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 19 o f 25

(b) (i) Why was the acceptance of Saul in the church a problem after
his conversion? <CW pDmJt
Saul before he became a Christian was the leader in the
persecution of Christians.

(ii) How was the problem solved?

Barnabas explained to the Christians how Paul had been
converted to Christianity and that his conversion was genuine
1 problem + solution, 2 marks each = 4 marks

(c) (i) Mr Mulilo has just been released from prison. He goes back to
his former church for worship. Some of the church members
shun and ignore him. He feels lonely and rejected. As a
Christian, advise the church on the correct way to treat people
of such ft nature ( •'W-f 'j t v t £ Ip© t I*
Don't discriminate him
Encourage him

Accept him
Support him
Work with him
bOv't' yum /
Any three points^ 2 marks each = H marks

(ii) How can people in modern society help former prisoners to fit
in society? Give three points.
Accept them
Include them in everyday activities
Support them and help them to become useful again
jDon't discriminate them
Any three points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(d) In what way£ is Christian teaching on the methods of resolving?v c i t
Give two poifrtsr '^\ C^vryvirc^-tK)
!->■•££ 1. l-'i‘ . A1

Different to thuse'oTZambian Tradttiurrafftefigiorr

Christian: Seeking God's counsel through prayer
ZTR: Consult their ancestral
Christian: Consult relevant scripture and advice from Christians
ZTR: Consult elders of the clan and past experiences
2 differences, 2 marks each = 4 marks ?

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Page 20 o f 25

10 (a) Tell the parable of the workers in the vineyard ( A

Once there was a man who went out early in the morning to hire
He agreed to pay them the regular wage, a silver coin a day and sent
them to work
He went out again to the market place at nine o'clock and saw some
men standing doing nothing
He told them, "you also go and work in the vineyard and I will pay you
v a fair wage
So they went
At.twelve o'clock when he went to the market place and saw some ;
other men still standing there
And again he did the same at three o'clock ' |
"Why are you wasting the whole day here doing nothing? He asked ; -
them jl ^
"No one hired us; they answered

You also go and work in the vineyard, he told them

When evening came, the owner told his foreman, call the workers and
pay them starting with those who were hired last
The men who had began to work at five o'clock were paid a silver coin
each • v
When the first men to be hired came to be paid, they thought they
would be paid more, but they too were given a silver coin each
They started grumbling against the employer
These men who were hired last worked only for one hour
While we put up the whole day's work in the hot sun, yet you paid
them the same as you paid us
The owner answered one of them, "I have not cheated you. You v
agreed to do a day's work for a silver coin
I want give this man who was hired last as much as I have given you
I have the right to do as I wish with my own money
Are you jealous because I am generous?
So the last will be first, and the first will be last

Any 10 points, V i mark each = 5 marks

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Page 21 o f 25

(b) What are the different attitudes towards work that people may
have? Give two points.

Others work just to get (or as a means of) basic incentives (food
shelter etc)

Others enjoy work

Other just meet with other people

Other re'sent work (especially manual work)

Others just gain prestige

Others portray laziness and loafing

Others*just pass time

Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

(c) (i) Mike refuses to increase tlie wage for his house maid and says
to you, "what I give her is enough salary for her since she
never went for any training." What Christian advice would you
give Mike on the Christian standard to guide decisions on
salaries and wages as stated in the scriptures? Give three
points ( v
- >
' No exploitation of.workers for the work done
Workers should be paid their wages
Wages for workers must be just and fair
3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks

(ii) How can one learn to show respect for manual workers in
modern society? State three points.
By accepting them as they are
By appreciating the talents they have
By recognizing the part they play in society
3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks
(d) In what ways are Christian teachings on attitudes to work similar to
those of Zambian Traditionalist? State two points


Both believe work must be done by all

Both condemn and discourage laziness

Both believe that if one refuses to work, they should not eat.

^ v rt> n 0 r ub Q - tre fU •' O tv 1

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 m arking schem e
Page 22 o f 25

11 (a) Relate the parable of the rich young man. Matthew 19:16-23

Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing
must I do to get eternal life?"

"Why do you ask me concerning what is good?" answered Jesus.

"There is only one who is good

If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." "which ones? The
man asked;

Jesus replied, "Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal,
do not give false testimony, honour your father and mother; and love
your neighbour as you love yourself j

"All these I have kept, the young man said, "What do I still lack?"

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell youf^ossession

and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven

Then come, follow me

. 'V
When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had
great wealth

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a
rich man to enter theJoRg-of heaven

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a

needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

Any 10 points, Vz mark each = 5 marks

(b) What are the effects of riches on a person's spiritual life? Give two

Brings in greediness

Brings pride

One can forget God/Christ

One can bring disgrace to God

A'Vj'W* tVvA) «£>v4 j V»-

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 23 o f 25

(i) "I am the richest here. Remember money is power. I can do

anything I like". Rose concluded. Her friend mono, a child of
God wondered aloud," is there anything money cannot do?
Help Mono remember her Bible lessons on the twe things
money or riches would not be able to do. Give three points.

Riches won't do you any good when you face death

Riches won't redeem any person

Riches won't pay God the price for our lives ; t /\

CSW w af a j;.^ rv C ^ l A ft
3 points, 2 marks = 6 marks

(ii) What are the positive attitudes to money and possessions of

people in Modern Zambian Society? State three points.

Saving -


Spending on family basic neec^s

Helping the need/poor

'— k i’w ’iL ,
y 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks

In what ways are the teachings of Christians on attitudes to wealth

similar to thos^ of Muslims? po ^ b -

It is not a sin to be rich

Wealth should be obtained honestly and through hard work

Obtaining wealth through exploitation is forbidden

Wealth should be used wisely

Any two points 2 marks each ~ 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 24 o f 25

12 (a) Describe how the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with the question
"Does our law allow a man to divorce his wife? H ' 6|

Some Pharisees came to him and tried to trap him by asking, 'iBoes'
our law allow a man to divorce his wife for whatever reason he
wishes?" v,

- Jesus-answered, "Haven't you read the scripture that says that in the
beginning the creator made people male and female?"

'■ - God said,'for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and
unite with his wife, and the two will become one.

No human being must separate what God has joined together

The Pharisees asked him, "why, did Moses give the law for a'-man to
hand his wife a divorce notice and send her away?'

Jesus answered, "Moses gave you permission to divorce your wives ^

because you are so hard to teach _ !

But it was not like that at the time of creation

I tell you, then that any man who divorces his wife for any cause other
than her unfaithfulness, commits adultery if he marries some other
woman." v

Any 10 joints, Vz mark each = 5 marks

(b) What are the Biblical purposes for marriage^? Give two points.
Mutual companionship help
Mutual love and faithfulness
A permanent union between two people
- ; Reproduction of life
- ( Fulfilment of desire

Any 2 points, 2 marks each = 4 marks

(c) (i) Mary says, "The man I want to marry must have riches because
I don't want to continue with suffering." Give Mary the
qualities of a good husband as is stated in the word of God.
Give three points.
One who loves his wife as Christ loves the church
One who protects his wife
One who respects the wife
One who is able to provide and care for his family

Any 3 points, 2 marks each = 6 marks

Religious Educatlon/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

Page 25 o f 25

(ii) Give reasons why a Christian husband in Zambian Society must

treat the wife with loving consideration. Give three points

Because she is a weaker sex

Because she has equal rights to life with man so he must not

So that prayers may not be hindered (if he fails to give his wife
due consideration, he could hardly pray with her)

commands'husbands to love their wives


In what ways does Christian teaching on their attitude towards

unmarried adults differ from that of Zambian TracKttonists? .


Christians Consider the unmarried adult ta b e normal

ZTR Consider the unmarried adult to be abnormal

Christians The unmarried adulttare not despised but are appreciated as

many have gi\(en themselves to God's work to serve the
community /

ZTR The unmarried adult are despised and people conclude that
there are somehow deficient in the reproductive organs

2 points of difference, 2 marks each = 4 marks

Religious Education/2046/1/Z2016 marking scheme

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