AIUB EEE Course Details

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Course Details
Department of
Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Last revised on June 2016

Faculty of Engineering

Department of EEE & CoE Last revised on June 2016

Phy 1101: Physics1

PHY 1101:Physics 1 1) Mechanics: Kinematics: Graphical representations of displacement-time, velocity-time and acceleration-time, Motion
in two and three dimensions - projectile motion. Applications of Newton's laws of motion, Free body diagrams, Analyses of frames of trusses,
Friction, Equilibrium of forces. Work-kinetic energy theorem. Power, Conservative forces. Conservation of energy. Conservation of linear
momentum for a system of particles. Center-of-mass motion. Elastic and inelastic collision in one dimension. Rotational kinematics. Angular
momentum of a single particle. Conservation of angular momentum. Moment of Inertia, Balancing of rotating masses. Gravitation: Gravita-
tional field. Kepler's laws. 2) Robotics: Introduction to robotics, essential components of a robot & their kinematics, links, frames, spatial
motions, programming robots, clocks, sensors, actuators and control. 3) Electrostatics: Coulomb's Law. Electric field. And Calculation of
electric field. Electric flux, Gauss' law and its application in electric field calculation. Electric potential and its calculation in various cases.
Capacitors. Calculation of capacitance. Parallel and series combination of capacitors. Electrostatic energy in a capacitor. Electrostatic field
energy. Dielectrics. 4) Current Electricity: Electric current. Ohm's Law and resistance. Direct-current circuits. Kirchhoff's rules. RC circuits.
Magnetic field. Force on current conducting conductors in a magnetic field. Motion of a point charge in a magnetic field. The Hall effect.
Biot-Savart law and its applications. Ampere's law and its applications. Faraday's law. Motional emf. Application of Faraday's law. LR circuit.
Electromagnetic oscillations, LC and LRC circuits.

PHY 1102:Physics 1 Lab

PHY 1102:Physics 1 Lab. Laboratory works based on PHY 1101

CHEM 1101:Chemistry
CHEM 1101:Chemistry Atomic structure, quantum numbers, electronic configuration, periodic table. Properties and uses of noble gases.
Different types of chemical bonds and their properties. Molecular structures of compounds. Selective organic reactions, Different types of
solutions and their compositions. Phase rule, phase diagram of mono component system. Properties of dilute solutions. Thermo chemistry,
chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, Ionizations of water. and pH concept. Electrical properties of solutions. Laboratory works based on
taught theory.

MAT 1102:Differential Calculus And Co-Ordinate Geometry Differential Calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability, successive differentia-
tion of various types of functions, Leibnitz's rule, Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms.
Lagrange's form of remainders. Expansion of functions. Evaluation of limit of indeterminate forms by L' Hospital's rule. Partial differentiation,
Euler's theorem. Equations of Tangent and normal. Determination of maximum and minimum values of functions and points of inflexion. Appli-
cations, curvature, radius of curvature and center of curvature. Co-ordinate Geometry: Change of axes, transformation of co-ordinates and
simplification of equations of curves. Pair of straight lines, conditions under which general equations of the second degree may represent a
pair of straight lines. Homogeneous equations of second degree. Angle between the pair of lines. Pair of lines joining the origin to the point
of intersection of two curves. Standard equations of circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola with explanations. Conic together with its Carte-
sian and polar equations. Discussions of the general equation of second degree in x and y for for representing a conic. Representation of a
point in a space. Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates. Distance and Division formulae. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line. Angle
between two lines. Projection of a segment. Projection of the joint of two points on a line. The equation of a plane, its normal form and
intercept form. Angle between two planes. The equation of a line in symmetrical form. Equations of sphere, paraboloid and ellipsoid.

ENG 1101:English Reading Skill & Public Speaking

ENG 1101:English Reading Skill & Public Speaking The course is aimed at strengthen student's reading comprehension skills and enrich their
vocabulary by reading and reacting to a variety of adapted and authentic texts. Students also improve oral communication skills for profes-
sional and social interactions through extensive conversational practice. Practice includes forming and communicating opinions on contem-
porary issues, developing formal and informal oral presentations, giving and following directions, and narrating and giving explanations.
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Faculty of Engineering

Department of EEE & CoE Last revised on June 2016

CSC 1102:Programming Language 1

CSC 1102:Programming Language 1 Starting Concept of Computer Programming; Introducing with the C editor's environment; Introduction
to Data Types; Different Types of Operators; Different types of Expression Evaluation; Type casting; Introduction to Conditional Operators; if
statement; switch statement; goto statement; Introduction to loops (while, do-while, for); Concept and use of array; Declaring one and two-di-
mensional arrays; Storing and accessing array elements manually and through loops; Introduction to string. scanning and printing strings;
Different types of string manipulation; Introduction to pointers; use of pointes; Calling and accessing pointer type variables; Introduction to
function; Defining and calling functions; Sending and receiving parameters; Scope of variables; Introducing call by value and call by
reference. Introduction to structure and union; Use of structures; Defining and accessing structures; Nested structure; File manipulation;
Creating file; Opening file in different modes; Storing and retrieving information from file. Introduction to object oriented Programming. Labora-
tory works based on taught theory.

PHY 1203:Physics 2
PHY 1203:Physics 2 1) Electrostatics: Coulomb's Law. Electric field. And Calculation of electric field. Electric flux, Gauss' law and its applica-
tion in electric field calculation. Electric potential and its calculation in various cases. Capacitors. Calculation of capacitance. Parallel and
series combination of capacitors. Electrostatic energy in a capacitor. Electrostatic field energy. Dielectrics. 2) Current Electricity: Electric
current. Ohm's Law and resistance. Direct-current circuits. Kirchhoff's rules. RC circuits. Magnetic field. Force on current conducting conduc-
tors in a magnetic field. Motion of a point charge in a magnetic field. The Hall effect. Biot-Savart law and its applications. Ampere's law and
its applications. Faraday's law. Motional emf. Application of Faraday's law. LR circuit. Electromagnetic oscillations, LC and LRC circuits. 3)
Laser basics and applications, Optical effects in crystals, Nonlinear optics-an introductory discussion. Elementary discussion on fiber optics.
4) Waves and oscillations: Differential equation of simple harmonic oscillator, total energy and average energy, combination of simple
harmonic oscillations, spring mass system, torsional pendulum; two body oscillation, reduced mass, damped oscillation, forced oscillation,
resonance, progressive wave, power and intensity of wave, stationary wave, group and phase velocities. Doppler effect. 5) Optics: Lens
Aberrations, Microscopes and Camera, Waves- Simple Harmonic motion, Travelling and Standing waves, Interference of light, Diffraction of
waves. Diffraction from a single slit. Diffraction grating, Polarization of electromagnetic waves, Laser basics and applications, Optical effects
in crystals, Nonlinear optics-an introductory discussion, Elementary discussion on fiber optics. 6) Thermodynamics: Zeroth, 1st and 2nd law
of thermodynamics, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle, Auto cycle, Diesel cycle and their Efficiency,
Clausius' theorem. Entropy. Absolute scale of temperature. Clausius Clapeyron equation. Thermodynamic functions, Maxwell's thermody-
namic relations. Problem's involving thermodynamic relations and functions. Gibb's phase rule.
PHY 1204:Physics 2 Lab
PHY 1204:Physics 2 Lab. Laboratory works based on PHY 1203

BAE 1201:Basic Mechanical Engineering

BAE 1201:Basic Mechanical Engineering Study of steam generation units and their accessories and mountings; Properties of Steam, internal
energy, enthalpy and quality of steam, saturated and superheated steam, uses of steam tables, Mollier Charts. Steam power cycles, Rankine
cycle, Low pressure and high pressure feed heaters. Dearerators and condensers. Second law of thermodynamics,: availability, irreversibility
and entropy. Introduction to internal combustion engines and gas turbines. Steam turbines and their important accessories: low pressure and
high pressure turbines, start, operation and shut down, lubrication, turbine glands and gland sealing. Steam extraction and regenerative feed
heating. Introduction to pumps, blowers and compressors, refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Mixtures of air and vapor. Uses of
Psychometric chart. Visit to power generating station in order to familiarize students with all the generating equipment and associated auxilia-
ry plant equipment in operation. They must visit some selected power stations in the country under the supervision of faculty members as
decided by the concerned department. The visit must be included as an essential part of the course and as such the same may be taken into
consideration in grading of the students in this course.

MAT 1205:Integral Calculus And Ordinary Differential Equations Differential Calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability, successive differ-
entiation of various types of functions, Leibnitz's rule, Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite
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Department of EEE & CoE Last revised on June 2016

forms. Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form of remainders. Expansion of functions. Evaluation of limit of indetermi-
nate forms by L' Hospital's rule. Partial differentiation, Euler's theorem. Equations of Tangent and normal. Determination of maximum and
minimum values of functions and points of inflexion. Applications, curvature, radius of curvature and center of curvature. Co-ordinate Geome-
try : Change of axes, transformation of co-ordinates and simplification of equations of curves. Pair of straight lines, conditions under which
general equations of the second degree may represent a pair of straight lines. Homogeneous equations of second degree. Angle between
the pair of lines. Pair of lines joining the origin to the point of intersection of two curves. Standard equations of circle, parabola, ellipse and
hyperbola with explanations. Conic together with its Cartesian and po1ar equations. Discussions of the general equation of second degree in
x and y for for representing a conic. Representation of a point in a space. Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates. Distance and Division formu-
lae. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line. Angle between two lines. Projection of a segment.Projection of the joint of two points on
a line. The equation of a plane, its normal form and intercept form. Angle between two planes. The equation of a line in symmetrical form.
Equations of sphere, paraboloid and ellipsoid.

CSC 2207:Programming Language 2

CSC 2207:Programming Language 2 Philosophy of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Advantages of OOP over Structured program-
ming: Encapsulation. Classes and objects access specifiers. Static and non-static members, Constructors, Destructors and copy construc-
tors, Array of objects, object pointers and object references, Inheritances, Single and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, overloading,
abstract classes, virtual functions and overriding, Exception: Object Oriented I/O: Template functions and classes: Multi- threaded Program-
ming. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 1201:Electrical Circuits 1 (DC)

EEE 1201:Electrical Circuits 1 (DC) This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program 1) Definition of Voltage, Current,
Power, Energy; Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors and Superconductors; Resistance and Conductance, Temperature Effects on
resistance of a material, Ohm’s Law, Total resistance of a series circuit; Kirchhoff’s Voltage law(KVL); Related Problems. 2) Voltage divider
rule, Related Problems; Voltage sources and ground, Single subscription and double subscription notation of voltages. Internal resistance of
voltage source; Total resistance and conductance of a parallel circuit, Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL); Current divider rule; Related Problems.
3) Voltage sources in series; Voltage sources in parallel; Open and short circuits, related problems; Series-Parallel network; Methods for
solving such networks, related problems; Ladder networks, Voltage Divider (loaded and unloaded); Current sources; related problems. 4)
Source conversion; Current sources in parallel, current sources in series; Related problems; Branch current analysis; Mesh Analysis; Related
problems. Super-Mesh Analysis; Related problems. Nodal Analysis; Super-Node Analysis; Related problems. 5) Y-Delta and Delta-Y conver-
sions; Related problems; Dependent Current Source, Dependent Voltage Source; Continuation of dependent sources; Related Problems. 6)
Superposition Theorem; Related problems. Thevenin’s Theorem; Related problems. Norton’s Theorem; Maximum Power Transfer Theorem;
Related problems. Millman’s Theorem; Reciprocity Theorem; Related problems. 7) Electric Field; Capacitance; Dielectric strength; leakage
current, Various types of capacitors. Transients in Capacitive networks: Charging Phase; Related problems. Transients in Capacitive
networks: Discharge phase; Related problems. Continuation of transients in Capacitive networks; Energy stored by capacitor; Stray capaci-
tance; Capacitors in series and parallel; 8) Magnetic Field; Magnetic flux density, Permeability. Inductor; Related Problems. Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction; Lenz’s law; Self-inductance; Related Problems. R-L transient: Storage cycle; Related Problems. R-L transient:
Decay phase; Inductors in series and parallel; Related Problem. R-L and R-C circuits with DC inputs; Energy stored by an inductor; Related
problem. 9) Magnetic circuits; Magnetomotive force, magnetizing force; Reluctance. Ohm’s law for magnetic circuits; Magnetizing Force;
Hysteresis; Related Problems. Ampere’s circuital law; Series magnetic circuits; Series/Parallel magnetic circuits; Related Problems.

EEE 1202:Electrical Circuits 1 (DC) Lab

EEE 1202:Electrical Circuits 1 (DC) Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 1201.

MAT 2101:Complex Variable, Laplace Transform And Z -Transform

MAT 2101:Complex Variable, Laplace Transform And Z -Transform Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions of a
complex variable. Limits and continuity of a functions of a complex variable and related theorems. Complex differentiation and the
Cauchy-Riemann equations. Mapping by elementary functions. Line integral of a complex function. Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's
integral formula, Liouville's theorem. Taylor's and Laurent's theorems. Singular points. Residue Cauchy's residue theorem Evaluating of
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Faculty of Engineering

Department of EEE & CoE Last revised on June 2016

residues,contour integration, conformal mapping. Laplace Transform : Definition, Laplace transformation of some elementary functions.
Sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms of derivatives. The unit step function. Periodic Func-
tion's. Some special theorems on Laplace transforms. Partial fraction. Solutions of differential equations by Laplace transforms. Evaluation of
improper integrals. Difference Equations: The z-transforms; Application of the z-transforms to the solution of linear difference equations.
PHY 2103:Modern Physics
CSC 2207:Programming Language 2 Philosophy of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Advantages of OOP over Structured programmi-
PHY 2103:Modern Physics Introduction to Special theory of relativity, Einstein’s postulates, the basic ideas of Galilean and Lorentz transfor-
mation, concepts of time dilation, length contraction, relativistic momentum and energy, invariant mass, mass-energy equivalence, relativistic
Doppler effect. Blackbody radiation, Rayleigh and “Ultraviolet Catastrophe”, Planck and the Quantum Hypothesis, energy quantization in
blackbody radiation, Photoelectric effect & Compton scattering. Wave-particle duality, De Broglie’s hypothesis and matter waves, Heisen-
berg’s uncertainty principle, Energy levels and the Bohr model of the atom, the uncertainty principle and the limits of the Bohr model. Quan-
tum mechanics, Wave functions and the one dimensional Schrodinger equation, particle in a box, wave functions for a particle in a box,
energy levels for a particle in a box, probability and normalization, finite potential well, potential barriers and tunneling effect, the quantum
harmonic oscillator, the time dependent Schrodinger equation. Nuclear Physics: properties of nuclei, nuclear binding and nuclear structure,
nuclear stability and radioactivity, decay rates and half-lives, mass defect and nuclear binding energy, nuclear energy due to radioactivity,
fission and fusion processes, fissile and fertile material, nuclear chain reaction, time scales of nuclear chain reaction, effective multiplication
factor. Different parts of nuclear power plants, fuel rod, enriched uranium, moderator, control rods, coolant, containment structure, different
types of nuclear power reactors, current developments, prototype designs, radiation, health and society. Energy bands, free electron model
of metals, semiconductors, carrier concentration in intrinsic Encapsulation. Classes and objects access specifiers. Static
and non-static members, Constructors, Destructors and copy constructors, Array of objects, object pointers and object references, Inheri-
tances, Single and multiple inheritance, polymorphism, overloading, abstract classes, virtual functions and overriding, Exception: Object
Oriented I/O: Template functions and classes: Multi- threaded Programming. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

ENG 1202:English Writing Skills And Communication The course is designed to study various rhetorical patterns and use their writing skills
to develop essays in these patterns. The rhetorical patterns studied in this course are process analysis, cause and effect, and argument/per-
suasion. Students will also learn the process of writing. This course will help students learn how to think more clearly, organize thoughts in
logical sequence, and improve writing skills through prewriting, writing, and rewriting processes. The underlying premise of the course is that
the students who take it are inexperienced writers who need practice, not that they are incapable. Like other composition courses, the course
is designed to give students extensive practice in writing in order to improve their ability to invent substantial content and express it in fluent
prose. It helps students learn the many functions of writing--to discover ideas, use language effectively, and communicate with and influence
audiences. Along the way, students learn or review conventional practices of usage and punctuation.
EEE 2101:Electrical Circuits 2 (AC)
EEE 2101:Electrical Circuits 2 (AC) This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic tools for the
design of digital circuits. It serves as a building block in many disciplines that utilize data of digital nature like digital control, data communica-
tion, digital computers etc. The goal of this course is to: 1) Alternating Current-AC quantities: Generation of Alternating Voltage, Alternating
Current, Period and Cycle, Frequency, Angular Velocity/Angular Frequency, Sinusoidal Waveform, Phase of a Current or Voltage Wave,
Phase Difference. 2) AC Circuit Analysis: R Branch, L Branch, RL Circuit, RC Circuit, RLC Circuit, Equation of Instantaneous Voltage, Current
and Power. 3) Effective Current, Voltage, Average Power: Effective and Average Values, Form Factor, Crest or Peak Factor, Representation
of Sine Waves by Vectors or Phasors. 4) Phasor Algebra: The Operator j, Different Form of Notation of the Operator, Addition and Subtraction
of Phasor Quantities, Multiplication and Division of Phasor Quantities, Extracting the Roots of the Phasors. Direction of V and I, Power Calcu-
lations, Phasor Diagram, Real power, Reactive power, Volt amperes/ Apparent power, Power Factor, Reactive Factor 5) AC Circuit Analysis:
Solution of Series Parallel Circuits, Power and Power factor 6) Resonance: Series Resonance, Circle Diagram, Q-factor; Parallel Resonance,
Circle Diagram, Q-Factor; Wave trap, Series-parallel Tuning. 7) Network Theorems: Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Superposition Theo-
rems, Reciprocity Theorem, Thevenin Theorem, Norton Theorem, Nodal Analysis 8) Balanced Polyphase System: Generation of Polyphase
Voltage, Vector Diagram, Wye-Connection. Delta-Connection, Power Calculation, Power Measurement in Balanced System, Harmonics in
Wye and Delta 9) Unbalanced Polyphase System: Unbalanced Wye and Delta Loads, Wye-Wye System, Wye-Delta System, Power factor in
Unbalanced System, Power Measurements. 10) Coupled Circuit: Conductively Coupled Circuit, Mutual Impedance, Coefficient of Coupling,
Magnetic Coupling, Self and Mutual Inductance (M), Coefficient of Magnetic Coupling, Sign of M, Mutual Inductance at Series circuit, Mutual
Inductances between the Parallel Branches, Air-core Transformer.
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Department of EEE & CoE Last revised on June 2016

EEE 2102:Electrical Circuits 2 (AC) Lab

EEE 2102:Electrical Circuits 2 (AC) Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 2101.
EEE 2103:Electronic Devices
EEE 2103:Electronic Devices 1) Semiconductors: electron and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor, donor and acceptor impurities. 2) Introduc-
tion to solid state electronics: Energy band structure in solids, insulators, semiconductors and metals, Conductance and semiconductors,
electrons and holes, 3) Diodes: open circuit p-n junction, diode characteristics, small signal model of diode, and circuit applications of diode,
rectifiers and zener diode. 4) Bipolar junction transistors: characteristics, different configuration of transistor amplifiers, voltage and current
amplifiers small signal low frequency h parameter model analysis of transistor amplifier using h parameters, high input resistance transistor
circuits, transistor biasing and thermal stabilization. 5) MOSFET: Introduction- PMOS, NMOS and CMOS transistors and their switching
characteristics, depletion and enhancement MOSFET.

EEE 2104:Electronic Devices Lab

EEE 2104:Electronic Devices Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 2104.

BAE 2101:Computer Aided Design & Drafting Introduction, drafting instruments and materials, lettering, alphabet of lines, dimensioning,
geometric construction, conic sections, orthographic projection, isometric and oblique views, free hand sketching, construction of scale,
sections and conventions, surface development. Making plan, section and elevation of residential building. Safety rules, electricity rules and
electricity codes. Electrical and Electronic symbols. Electrical wiring, house wiring and industrial installation wiring. Insulation measurement.
Use of Meggars. Battery charging. Creating PCB layout, editing PCB layout, printing PCB layout. Laboratory works based on taught theory.
MAT 2202:Matrices, Vectors And Fourier Analysis
MAT 2202:Matrices, Vectors And Fourier Analysis Matrices: Definition of matrix. Different types of matrices. Algebra of matrices. Adjoint and
inverse of a matrix. Rank and elementary transformations of matrices. Normal and canonical forms. Solution of linear equations. Matrix
polynomials. Eigen values and eigenvectors. Vectors: Scalars and vectors; equality of vectors. Addition .and subtraction of vectors. Multiplica-
tion of vectors by scalars. Scalar and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation. Triple products and multiple products.
Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together with elementary applications. Definition
of line, surface and volume integrals, Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various formulae, Gauss's theorem, Stoke's theorem,
Green's theorem. Fourier Analysis: Real and complex forms. Finite Fourier transform. Fourier integral. Fourier transforms and their uses in
solving boundary value problems.

EEE 2205:Digital Logic Design

EEE 2205:Digital Logic Design This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic tools for the design
of digital circuits. It serves as a building block in many disciplines that utilize data of digital nature like digital control, data communication,
digital computers etc. The goal of this course is to: 1) Perform arithmetic operations in many number systems. 2) Manipulate Boolean algebra-
ic structures. 3) Simplify the Boolean expressions using Karnaugh Map. 4) Implement the Boolean Functions using NAND and NOR gates.
5) Analyze and design various combinational logic circuits. 6) Storage Elements: Introduction to the behavior and structure of latches,
flip-flops, and registers. 7) Understand the importance of state diagram representation of sequential circuits. 8) Sequential Circuits: Analyze
and design clocked sequential circuits. 9) Timing Analysis: Introduction to timing analysis of combinational and sequential circuits 10) Briefly
introduce the concept of Hardware Description Language (HDL) using VHDL
EEE 2206:Digital Logic Design Lab
EEE 2206:Digital Logic Design Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 2105.
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Faculty of Engineering

Department of EEE & CoE Last revised on June 2016

EEE 2207:Electrical Machines 1

EEE 2207:Electrical Machines 1 This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic DC electrical
machines and transformers. It serves as a building block in many disciplines that utilize DC generator, motor and transformer. The goal of this
course is to: 1) Fundamental laws: Energy Conservation, Faradays law of electromagnetic induction, Electromagnetism, Flemings hand rules,
Lenz’s law, Biot Savart law. 2) DC generator: operating principle, classifications, constructions, armature windings, voltage build up, commu-
tation technique, armature reactions, performance and testing. 3) DC motor: operating principle, types of dc motors, dc motor characteristics,
methods of speed control. 4) Transformer: operating principle, structural details, vector diagrams of a single phase transformer, equivalent
circuits, transformer at load and no load conditions, transformer losses and efficiency, voltage regulation. 5) Induction motor: operating princi-
ple, structural details, equivalent circuits, speed-torque relations, circle diagram, losses and efficiency.
EEE 2208:Electrical Machines 1 Lab
EEE 2208:Electrical Machines 1 Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 2207
EEE 2209:Analog Electronics 1
EEE 2209:Analog Electronics 1 This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic tools for the design
of analog circuits. It promotes the knowledge about the design and implementation of analog electronics circuits for practical engineering
applications and formulating their solutions. The goal of this course is to: 1) Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amp): Introduction to Op-Amps and
different types of amplifier using Op-Amp. 2) AC Performance of Op-Amp: Familiarize with the frequency response of Op-Amp. 3) Active Filter:
Analyze and design different types of filter. 4) Transistor at High Frequencies: Observe the performance of hybrid model and the amplifier
response. 5) Feedback Amplifiers: Classify the amplifiers and analyze different methods of a feedback amplifier. Introduction to negative
feedback amplifiers and their application. 6) Multistage Amplifiers: Achieve a clear idea about RC coupled amplifiers and their frequency
EEE 2210:Analog Electronics 1 Lab
EEE 2210:Analog Electronics 1 Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 2109

BBA 1102:Principles of Accounting This course deals with the accumulation and use of accounting data in business, fundamental procedures
and records, income measurement and preparation of financial statement. It introduces concepts, principles and system of book keeping and
accounting. The whole accounting process (from transaction to financial statements preparation) is the main focus of this course.

MAT 3101:Mathematical Methods Of Engineering Introduction, Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Method of iteration, False
position method, Newton-Rhapson method, Solution of simultaneous linear equations: Cramer's rule, Iteration method, Gauss-Jordan Elimi-
nation method, Choleski's process, Interpolation: Diagonal and horizontal differences, Differences of a polynomial, Newton's formula for
forward and backward interpolation, Spline interpolation, Integration: General quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, Weddle's
rule, Solution of ordinary differential equations: Euler's method, Picard's method, Milne's method, Taylor's series method, Runge-Kutta
method. Least squares approximation of functions: Linear and polynomial regression, Fitting exponential and trigonometric functions.

MAT 3103:Statistics And Probability Probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling theory and estimation, test
of hypothesis, regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variance, decision making using probabilities, decision trees, application of
game theory.
EEE 3101:Digital Electronics
EEE 3101:Digital Electronics This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic tools for the design of
digital circuits. It serves as a building block in many disciplines that utilize data of digital nature like digital control, data communication, digital
computers etc. The goal of this course is to: 1) Switching Characteristics of a semiconductor diode and transistor, Cut off, Active and satura-
tion modes, Introduction to Integrated Circuits (ICs). 2) Special characteristics of Digital logic families and their comparative discussion. 3)
Definition and Problem solving on Fan out, Noise Margin, Propagation Delay, Speed Power Product 4) Basic Diode Transistor Logic Gates:
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RTL, DTL and HTL, ECL & CML with operational detail. 5) TTL Logic Gates, Different outputs of TTL open collector, totem-pole, Schottky TTL,
Gates with tri-state output. 6) MOS and CMOS Logic with operational detail. 7) Basic memory units and operations. 8) Memory system: RAM
and ROM Family, Flash memory, Magnetic and optical storage, CCDs 9) DSP basics: Sample and Hold circuits, DAC, ADC, IC555 with
applications. 10) Operating principles for Light Emitting Diode Display (LED), Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Charge Coupled Device (CCD).
11) Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs): Advantages & disadvantages over discrete logic gates, Implementation of digital
circuits using PLDs (using PAL, PLA, CPLD and FPGA).
EEE 3102:Digital Electronics Lab
EEE 3102:Digital Electronics Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 3101

EEE 3103:Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution 1) Basic concepts of electric power transmission and distribution, Inductance of
Transmission Lines: Flux linkage, Inductance due to internal flux, Inductance of single phase two wire lines, Flux linkage of one conductor in
a group, Inductance of composite conductor lines. GMD examples; 3-phase lines with symmetrical spacing and unsymmetrical spacing.
Parallel circuit 3-phase lines. 2) Potential difference between points due to a charge, capacitance of a two-wire line. Capacitances of 3-phase
lines with symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing. Effect of earth, parallel circuit lines. Resistance and skin effect. 3) Current and voltage
relation of different kinds a transmission lines. General line equation in terms of A, B, C, D constants. 4) Transmission line structures, Trans-
mission line construction and maintenance, Environmental impact on transmission lines 5) Mechanical characteristics of transmission line:
Sag and tension analysis; effect of temperature, wind and ice loading; supports at different levels. 6) Introduction to Corona, Factors affecting
corona, advantages and disadvantages, methods for reducing corona, disruptive voltage and power loss calculations 7) Voltage control in
transmission systems. Importance of voltage control, Methods of voltage control, Tap changing Transformers; OFF load and ON load tap
changing transformers, Boosting transformers, Synchronous condenser 8) Power Factor Improvement, Disadvantages of low power factor,
causes, methods of improvement, calculations of power factor correction 9) Insulators for overhead lines, types of insulators and their
construction and performance, Potential distribution in a string of insulators, string efficiency. Methods of equalizing potential distribution;
special types of insulators 10) Underground Cables, Underground cables versus overhead lines, construction, insulating materials. Electro-
static stress grading. Three core cables; dielectric losses and heating. 11) Distribution Systems, Substations, Classification of distribution
systems, connection schemes, Introduction to substations, different type of substations, Introduction to Flexible Alternating Current Transmis-
sion System (FACTS) and High-Voltage, Direct Current (HVDC) electric power transmission system

EEE 3105:Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 1) Review of vector analysis, curvilinear orthogonal co-ordinates, Cartesian or rectangular,
cylindrical and spherical coordinate, and solutions to static field problems. 2) Electrostatics: Coulomb's law, force, electric field intensity,
electrical flux density. Gauss's theorem with application, Electrostatic potential, boundary conditions, method of images, Laplace's and
Poisson's equations, energy of an electrostatic system, conductor and dielectrics. 3) Magnetostatics: Concepts of magnetic field, Ampere's
law, Biot-Savart law, vector magnetic potential, energy of magnetostatic system, Mechanical forces and torques in Electric and Magnetic
fields. 4) Concept of good and perfect conductors and dielectrics. Current distribution in various types of conductors, depth of penetration,
internal impedance, power loss, calculation of inductance and capacitance. 5) Time Varying Fields: Maxwell's equations: Their derivatives,
continuity of charges, concepts of displacement currents. Boundary conditions for time varying systems. Potentials used with varying charges
and currents. Retarded potentials. Maxwell's equations in different coordinate systems. 6) Polarization: Propagation and reflection of electro-
magnetic waves in unbounded media: plane wave propagation, polarization, power flow and Poynting's theorem. 7) Transmission line analo-
gy, reflection from conducting and dielectric boundary display lines ion in dielectrics, plane wave propagation through the ionosphere.
Introduction to radiation.
BBA 3113:Principles of Economics
BBA 3113:Principles of Economics The intention of this course is to introduce the students to principles essential to understanding the basic
economizing problem and specific economic issues and policy alternatives for dealing with them. Two fortunate outcome of this course are
an ability to reason accurately and dispassionately about economic matters and a lasting interest in economics. Topics included are concept
of demand and supply, elasticity, theory of production, theory of cost, market structure, unemployment, inflation, fiscal and monetary policies.
EEE 3207:Signals and Linear Systems
EEE 3207:Signals and Linear Systems This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that prepares the student
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with basic skills in analyzing signals as well as systems. The goal of this course is to expose the student to: 1) Characteristics, classifications
and operations of signals. 2) Characteristics of linear and time-invariant systems. 3) Methods of transient and steady state solution of Differ-
ential equations. 4) Methods of transient and steady state solution of Integro-Differential equations. 5) Convolution integral and their applica-
tions. 6) Matrix with simple applications in circuit: network function. 7) State equation and state variables for small linear systems. 8) Network
theorems and Analogous systems. 9) Fourier series properties and applications. 10) Fourier Transform and its applications to signals and
systems 11) Laplace transform and its application to linear circuits.
EEE 3209:Analog Electronics 2
EEE 3209:Analog Electronics 2 This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents- 1) Review on Feedback
Amplifiers and Power Amplifiers: class A, class B, class AB, and class C. 2) Positive feedback and oscillator, RC, LC, and crystal oscillators
such as sinusoidal oscillators, phase shift resonant circuit, Colpitt’s and Hartley’s oscillator, Wien Bridge oscillator, twin-T etc.. 3) Modulation:
amplitude modulation and demodulation, frequency modulation and demodulation. 4) Introduction to Opto-electronics- LED: structure, princi-
ples of operation, characteristic curve; LASER: structure, principles of operation, characteristic curve; Photo-detectors: structure, principles
of operation, characteristic curve; Solar-cells: structure, principles of operation, characteristic curve. 5) Introduction to solid state devices -
energy band structure in solids, insulators, semiconductors and metals, conductance and semiconductors, electron and holes, density of
states and Fermi-Dirac function, calculation of carrier concentration, temperature dependence, carrier generation and recombination etc., 6)
MOSFET biasing, region of operations, characteristic curve and equation, small signal and large signal model of MOSFET, MOSFET as an
amplifier, common-source amplifier, frequency response, trans-conductance, high frequency model of MOSFET, three band diagram, differ-
ential pairs, MOS differential pair, common-mode operation, differential mode operation, mismatch and offset, frequency response of MOS
differential pair, MOS capacitance.
EEE 3210:Analog Electronics 2 Lab
EEE 3210:Analog Electronics 2 Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 3209

EEE 3211:Digital Signal Processing

EEE 3211:Digital Signal Processing This course covers the techniques of modern digital signal processing that are fundamental to a wide
variety of application areas. The summarized course description is as follows: 1) Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform
algorithms and applications, Z- transforms. 2) Frequency domain analysis of discrete-time systems. 3) Design and implementation of FIR and
IIR filters with Computer-aided design projects. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

MGT 3202:Engineering Management

MGT 3202:Engineering Management The purpose of this course is to acquaint engineering and science students with certain management
principles and techniques having applications in engineering and scientific fields. Topics covered are principles and functions of management,
managerial work roles, functions of organizations, finance, product development, operations management, quality, project planning and
management, human resources management, operations research and engineering management in practice.

EEE 3213:Electrical Machines 2

EEE 3213:Electrical Machines 2 This is a fundamental course for engineering. This course will cover the following topics: 1) Synchronous
generator: operating principle, generator types, construction, salient poles and non-salient poles, armature and field cores, armature
windings, Y-∆ connection, effect of harmonics, alternator on load, vector diagrams of loaded alternator,voltage regulation, losses and efficien-
cy, Brushless excitation scheme, Synchronization of Alternator, Parallel operation of Alternators and load sharing, synchronizing lamps,
synchronizing current, synchronizing power& torque, distribution of load, two reaction analysis of alternators, concept of direct and quadrature
axis reactance, determination of voltage regulation of alternators. 2) Stepper Motor: Stepper Motor Principle, Types and Applications, 3)
Synchronous motor: characteristic features, operating principle, method of starting, equivalent circuit, power flow, torques, vector diagrams,
V-curves, losses, efficiency and starting, power factor correction. 4) Single Phase Induction Motor: Introduction to Single Phase Induction
motors, Different types and their Characteristics, Double-field revolving theory of single phase Induction motors,starting of single phase IM,
and Shaded pole motor. 5) Special Type Motor: Universal Motor, Servo Motor, Permanent-magnet Synchronous motor, hysteresis motor,
Reluctance motor,Linear motor, Electrical Machine Design.
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EEE 3214:Electrical Machines 2 Lab

EEE 3214:Electrical Machines 2 Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 3214
EEE 3216:Electronics Shop (Electronic Appliances Laboratory)
EEE 3216:Electronics Shop (Electronic Appliances Laboratory) Introduction to various home and consumer electronic appliances. Detailed
working principle of a basic radio transmitter and receiver, cathode ray tube (CRT) appliances, LED TV, Household and industrial appliances
like microwave oven, washing machine, refrigeration unit, power supplies like uninterruptible power supply (UPS), power banks, battery
chargers etc. Identification each tool of a basic tool box for engineers and their uses. PCB design and hardware implementation of an electri-
cal circuit for a particular project work. Practical study of electronic equipment: radio receivers, television receivers, Audio Cassette and CD
player, VCR, VCP, DVD player, satellite TV receiver system.

EEE 4000:Project and Thesis

EEE 4000:Project and Thesis Study of problems in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

EEE 4105:Telecommunications Engineering This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic under-
standing of Telecommunications Engineering. It serves as a foundation for the students to make them familiarized with all important aspects
of Telecommunications Engineering, ranging from the old simple telephony system up to the high tech mobile communications networks while
covering microwave and radar technologies, Fiber-optic communication, satellite communication systems etc. The goals of this course are:
1) Introduction to simple telephony and Telecommunication systems, signal spectra, Modulation, Analog modulation: Amplitude modulation
and demodulation (DSB-SC, SSB, VSB), Frequency modulation and demodulation (NBFM, WBFM), Phase Modulation (PM), Sampling
theorem, Pulse Modulation (PAM, PCM, Quantization, Binary Coding, SQNR, Companding, DPCM, Delta Modulation). 2) Introduction to
digital signals and modulation techniques (ASK, PSK, FSK, CPFSK, MSK, GMSK and QAM), MODEM, DSL Technology; Overview of
Multiplexing, FDM, TDM, Digital and Analog Hierarchy. 3) Introduction to Switching, different types of switching, SPC, time and space switch-
ing and digital switching systems (Circuit Switching, Packet Switching). 4) Introduction to teletraffic theory and traffic analysis. 5) Introduction
to Optical Fiber communications, LED, Laser, APD, WDM, ATM, SDH, SONET and Digital Exchange. 6) Introduction to cellular mobile
communications (Cellular concepts, GSM, CDMA, UMTS) 7) Introduction to radio wave propagation, effects of ionosphere and earth’s curva-
ture, Basics of RADAR and Introduction to Satellite Communication. 8) Introduction to Spectrum Management Issues, Emerging Technolo-
gies (WLL, FTTH, ALL IP, IPv6).

EEE 4106:Telecommunications Engineering Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 4105

EEE 4101:Control Systems

EEE 4101:Control Systems This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic tools and methodologies
for designing, optimizing, and understanding different control systems. It serves as a building block in many disciplines that utilizes data of
analog and digital nature like digital control, data communication, digital computers etc. The goal of this course is to: 1) Introduction to
feedback control and terminologies. 2) Types and parts of a control system. Examples of modern control system. 3) Mathematical modeling
of physical systems. 4) Block diagram representation and simplification to canonical form by Mason’s rule, time domain specifications, and
unit step response. 5) Location of poles and stability by Routh’s criterion. Linearization, controllability and observability. 6) Root locus:
construction rules, dominant poles, stability, PI, PD and PID state error and static error coefficient. Frequency response: Bode, Nyquist’s Plot,
Gain margin, Phase margin. 7) State space representation: formation of state equation, stability. Sampled data systems, digital control
system. Introduction to fuzzy control artificial neural network.
EEE 4102:Control Systems Lab
EEE 4102:Control Systems Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 4101.
EEE 4103:Power System Analysis
EEE 4103:Power System Analysis This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents basic concept about
electric power system analysis including both steady state analysis and dynamic analysis of the network components.The course will cover
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the following topics of power system analysis: 1) Representations of Power System Components: Circuit models of power system compo-
nents, One-Line diagram or Single-Line diagram, Impedance and reactance diagrams, Per Unit system, Change in Base quantities, Advan-
tages and disadvantages of Per Unit computations, Methods of Voltage Control. 2) Load Flow Studies: Node equations and bus impedance
matrix, Formation of Ybus matrix by inspection, Bus Loading Equation, Implementation of Gauss-Seidel (GS) and Newton-Raphson (NR)
iterative methods in load flow study, Advantages and Disadvantages of GS and NR methods. 3) Symmetrical Three phase Faults: Transients
on a transmission line due to short circuit, Symmetrical short circuit of a synchronous generator, Selection of Circuit breaker, Concept of short
circuit capacity of a bus. 4) Symmetrical Components: Resolution of Unbalanced phasors into Symmetrical components, The ‘a’ operator,
Expression for Phase voltages in terms of Symmetrical components and Symmetrical components in terms of Phase voltages, Complex
power in terms of Symmetrical components, Effect of neutral in the system, Relation between sequence components of (phase and line)
voltages and currents of star and delta connected systems respectively. 5) Sequence Impedances and sequence networks: Sequence imped-
ance of symmetrical and unsymmetrical circuits, Sequence impedance and network of synchronous generator, transmission line, and trans-
formers. 6) Unsymmetrical faults: Fault calculation of Synchronous generator (unloaded) with and without fault impedance (Single line to
ground, Line to Line, Double line to ground faults). 7) Power system stability: Inertia constant M and H of rotating machines, Swing equation
and curve, Power angle equation for synchronous machine, Equal area Criterion and its applications, Factors affecting transient stability. 8)
Smart Grid: Introduction to Smart Grid, The future of power transmission, What makes the transmission grid smart. Laboratory works based
on taught theory.

EEE 4107:Electrical Properties of Materials This core course familiarizes the student with the properties of metal, ceramic, polymer and
composite engineering materials. Methods to protect materials and alter their properties will be investigated. The goal of this course is to: 1)
Crystal Structures: Types of crystals, lattice and basis, Bravias lattice and Miller indices. 2) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: Wave nature
of electrons, Schrodinger's equation, one dimensional quantum problems, infinite quantum well, potential step and potential barrier, Heisen-
berg's uncertainty principle, quantum box. 3) Classical Theory of Electrical and Thermal Conduction: scattering, mobility and resistivity,
temperature dependence of resistivity of metals and Mathiessen's rule, Hall effect, thermal conductivity. 4) Band Theory of Solids: Molecular
orbital theory, band formation, Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penny model, electron effective mass, density of states. Carrier Statistics: Boltzmann
and Fermi-Dirac distribution, Fermi energy. 5) Modern Theory of Metals: Determination of Fermi energy and average energy of metals based
on energy band model and Fermi-Dirac distribution functions, classical and quantum mechanical specific heat of electrons in a metal. 6)
Dielectric Properties of Materials: Polarization and dielectric constant, electronic, ionic, and orientation polarization, Clausius-Mossotti equa-
tion, frequency dependence of dielectric constants, dielectric loss and piezoelectricity. 7) Magnetic Properties of Materials: Magnetic moment,
magnetization and relative permittivity, different types of magnetic materials, origin of ferromagnetism and magnetic domains. Introduction to
Superconductivity: Zero resistance and Meissner effect, Type-1 and Type-2 superconductor and critical current density.

ENG 2103:Business Communication This course is designed to help the students in learning the techniques and acquiring the skills needed
to communicate effectively in the business world. The course deals with the basic English in the practice to communication in different
business situation. Various techniques of communication such as business letters, reports, project proposal and other media form an integral
part of the course.

EEE 4211:Microprocessor and I/O System

EEE 4211:Microprocessor and I/O System The goal of this course is: 1) Introduction to different types of microprocessors, Instruction sets.
Hardware organization. Microprocessor interfacing. Introduction to available microprocessor IC's. Microprocessor applications. Design of
digital computer subsystem. 2) Flow of information and logical flow diagram in timing and control signals. System organization: Hardware
structures. Design of control unit of digital computer. Introduction to micro-programming. 3) Multiprogramming, real time and time sharing
computer systems. Data and instructions. Data systems, addressing of operative memory. Machine instructions. Channel programs. Assem-
bler program. 4) Program execution. Program execution. Interrupt systems, I/O systems. Interconnection of computers. Operating systems.
Control program. File handler. Program structure. Virtual memory. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 4213:Industrial Electronics and Drives

EEE 4213:Industrial Electronics and Drives 1) Introduction to solid state devices : Thyristors, BJT, MOSFET and IGBT; Turning On and turning
Off mechanisms, Introduction to triggering devices: UJT, Programmable UJT (PUT), DIAC; Power semiconductor circuits: AC to DC controll-
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lled converters, DC to DC converters, Single phase AC power control circuits, triggering and control circuits design. 2) DC to AC converters
with frequency and voltage control, PWM and Harmonic elimination, Resonant converters, Switch mode power supplies. Introduction to SVM.
Machine drives: fundamentals, quadrants of operation, torque balance, acceleration and deceleration control. DC motor drives: speed
control, braking and plugging circuits for separately excited, series and shunt motors. Induction motor Drives: constant torque and constant
power operation, scalar control, V/f control, slip power recovery. 3) Introduction to vector control and direct torque control. Speed control of
synchronous, single phase and special machines. Applications of drives in industries. Introduction to power supplies, push-pull power supply,
UPS etc. Resistance welding controls. Induction heating. Dielectric heating.

EEE 4214:Industrial Electronics Lab

EEE 4214:Industrial Electronics Lab Laboratory works based on EEE 4214.

EEE 4215:Power Stations and Substations Load curves: demand factor, diversity factor, Load Duration Curve, energy load curve, load factor,
capacity factor and plant factor. General considerations for choice between private and utility generation: selection of type, site, size and
number of units. Thermal power stations: heat rate, incremental heat rate, efficiency, capacity scheduling, loads division between units within
a plant. Hydropower plant: basic operation, classification. Nuclear power station: comparison with conventional plants, basic components,
chain reactions, reactor types (PWR, BWR), shielding. Coordination of thermal, hydro, energy limited and nuclear plant operation. Substa-
tions: classifications and operations. Gas turbine power plant: advantages and disadvantages, site selection, fuel, principle of operation of
open cycle and closed cycle, efficiency, combined cycle power plant. Steam turbine power plant: advantages and disadvantages, site selec-
tion, fuel, principle of operation, description of different types of equipments, efficiency. Hydroelectric power plant: advantages and disadvan-
tages, site selection, principle of operation, description of different types of construction, hydrograph, flow duration curve, mass curve,
schematic arrangement, classification. Energy tariff: energy rate objectives, different formulas of rate, rate adjustment, tariff of Bangladesh
power sector. Non-conventional energy based power plants: conventional and non-conventional energy definition, present situation of differ-
ent types of energy resources in different countries, basic description and market situation of solar thermal energy; energy from solar photo-
voltaic; wind energy; biomass energy; geothermal energy; fuel cell; tidal energy. A visit to Power Station if possible.
EEE 4217:VLSI Circuit Design
EEE 4217:VLSI Circuit Design This is a core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents performance parameters
(delay, power, robustness etc.) of CMOS digital circuits and their geometric/physical design. The goal of this course is to teach: 1) VLSI
technology: terminologies and trends 2) MOS transistor characteristics and equations 3) NMOS and CMOS inverters, DC transient character-
istics 4) Pass transistors and pass gates 5) CMOS layout and design rules 6) Complex CMOS gates 7) Resistance and capacitance 8)
Estimation and modeling, Signal propagation, delay, noise margin and power consumption 9) Interconnect 10) BiCMOS circuits 11) CMOS
building blocks, Adders, Counters, Multipliers and barrel shifters 12) Datapaths 13) Memory Structures 14) PLAs and FPGAs 15) VLSI testing,
Objectives and strategies. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 4233:Digital Design with System Verilog, VHDL and FPGAs

EEE 4233:Digital Design with System Verilog, VHDL and FPGAs This is an elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program
that presents Register Transfer Level design with SystemVerilog HDL and VHDLs and targeted to FPGAs. The goal of this course is to teach:
1) Introduction to HDL-based Top-Down design methodology for ASICs and FPLDs (CPLDs/FPGAs), FPLD and ASIC architectures and
Electronic Design Automation (EDA). RTL and Logic Synthesis, Mapping, Place and Route (P & R), Device Configuration, Functional and
Timing Simulation. Use of an industrial EDA tool for Simulation, Synthesis, Implementation (P & R) and Hardware Realization. 2) Introduction
to a standard Hardware Description Language (HDL)—Verilog HDL (IEEE Std 1364) and a standard Hardware Description and Verification
Language (HDVL)—SystemVerilog (IEEE Std 1800). Basic language constructs—module, interface, ports, data types (i.e. unresolved (i.e.
reg, logic) and resolved (wire) multi-valued data types, signed), design management (library and config, User-defined packages), parameter-
ization (parameter), hierarchical structuring (component instantiation, structural replication (generate)), concurrent code (assign statements),
procedural code (always), control structures (i.e. if, case, casex, while), event-control (posedge, negedge), conditional compilation. Levels of
Abstraction—Behavior, Dataflow, Gate and Switch. Importance of Synthesis. 3) Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL and SystemVeril-
og—Emphasis on Behavioral Modeling and Synthesizable coding style. Design of combinational logic (adder-subtracters, multipliers, ALUs
etc.) and sequential logic (registers, counters, shift registers, LFSR, Explicit and Implicit FSMs). 4) Design of FSMs and FSMDs with and
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without Controller-datapath partitioning. ASM and ASMD charts. Emphasis on FSM/FSMD design techniques. FSM/FSMDs for signal (pulse)
generator, UART, stepper motor control and central ALU-based computation units. 5) Design of complex digital systems such as RISC proces-
sors. 6) Introduction to Pipelining. 7) Writing stimulus (Testbenches) for Verification. Introduction to Assertion-based verification—using assert
and embedded PSL. Simulator control ($stop, $finish). 8) IP Encryption (`protect). 9) Introduction to VHSIC HDL (VHDL) standard Hardware
Description Language (IEEE Std 1076). Basic language constructs. Synthesizable fixed and floating point data types (i.. ufixed, sfixed, float).
10) A brief introduction to advanced verification features in SystemVerilog—Constrained Random Verification (CRV) and Functional Cover-
age. Laboratory works based on taught theory.
EEE 4221:Optoelectronic Devices
EEE 4221:Optoelectronic Devices This is core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that introduces final year undergradu-
ate students to the working principles and applications of some main optoelectronic devices. The course covers the following topics: 1)
Electromagnetic Theory for light propagation, group/phase velocity, Maxwell’s Equations, Irradiance, Reflection, Refraction, Snell Law,
Fresnel’s Equations and Total Internal Reflection and divergence/diffraction of light. 2) Detailed study of Single/Multimode waveguides, Mode
Theory, Step-index/Graded-Index Fibers, Attenuation, Dispersion, Bandwidth, Bit Rate, Absorption and Scattering. Fiber fabrication. 3)
Review of Stimulated Emission and Photon Amplification and Stimulated Emission Rate and Einstein Coefficients. Study of Optical Fiber
Amplifiers, LASER efficiency, divergence, spectrum and gain. Principles, characteristics and structures of Laser Diodes, Optical cavity, wave-
length variation and VCSELs. 4) Detailed study of Photodiodes and phototransistors: Quantum efficiency, Responsitivity, Operation, Noise,
Gain Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 4223:Cellular Mobile Communications The primary purpose of this course is to teach students the basic of cellular mobile communica-
tion. The fundamental concepts of handoff, frequency reuse, trunking efficiency and frequency planning for cellular mobile communications.
Basics behind the large scale path loss for mobile radio propagation and different path loss models Basics behind small scale fading,
multipath and channel behaviors. Different kinds of modulation and multiple access techniques for cellular mobile communications. Difference
between GSM and other types of Cellular Mobile Communication system, GSM Architecture, Functions of MSC, BSC, BTS and other
functional blocks (subsystems and parts) of a GSM system. Different types of Channels and Signaling in GSM, Voice and Control channels
of a GSM system, Channel Structure and traffic channels, Control Channel and Burst structure, Speech Coding, Channel coding, modulation
and power coding in GSM. Situations and Techniques of Handover in GSM, Enhancement of GSM for Data transmission, (GPRS and EDGE).
An introduction to CDMA in mobile communication and CDMA 2000. Brief introductions to 3G and 4G Cellular Mobile Communications
Systems. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 4231:Renewable Energy Technology

EEE 4231:Renewable Energy Technology 1) Basic of Energy: Energy and Power, Estimation of Energy, Energy Economics, Conventional
Energy sources, Worldwide Energy Production, Current Energy Scenario of Bangladesh, Importance of Renewable Energy, Environmental
Pollution, Greenhouse Gases. 2) Solar Radiation : Solar Spectrum, Extra terrestrial Radiation, Radiation on earth surface, Annual solar
energy in a location, Geographical distribution, atmospheric factors, Optimal Tilt, Monthly Averaged Global Radiation at optimal Tilt. 3) Solar
Photovoltaic Technology : Advantage and limitations, Brief history, Basic Semiconductor Theory of PV cells, I-V characteristic curves, Power
rating, Efficiency, Maximum power point (MPP), Review of Power Electronics, PV systems and components, Stand alone PV systems, Grid
connected PV systems, PV water Pumping, Economics of PV systems, Economy of scale, Advancement of Technology. 4) Solar Thermal
Technology: Review of Thermodynamic cycles, Absorption and radiation, Solar cooking system, Different types of solar cooker, Solar Distilla-
tion system, Solar water heater (Flat plate and concentrating devices), Solar Refrigeration. 5) Wind Energy : Wind flow, Motion of wind, Energy
and Power Calculation, Distribution of Wind Speed, Types of Wind Turbine, Wind Turbine characteristics, sizing and system design, Wind
Power Converters, Economics of wind power generation, Review of Wind Power scenario of Bangladesh. 6) Biomass Energy: Types of
biomass and application, Energy content in biomass, Biomass from quickly growing plants, Energy conversion process of biomass, Biomass
based fuel, Application of Biomass energy: Biogas. 7) Other non-conventional energy sources : Mini and Micro Hydro power, Tidal Energy,
Wave Energy, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), Fuel Cells, Magneto hydro-dynamics (MHD), Pumped Storage hydro, Different
types of energy storage techniques (conventional and Non- conventional), Solar Pond. Laboratory works based on taught theory.
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EEE 4203:Measurement and Instrumentation This is an Elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents the
measurement techniques and associated instruments that are used in various applications. A short description of the course is as follows: 1)
Basic requirement for meaningful measurement, significance and methods of measurement, Instruments (mechanical, electrical, electronic),
classification of instruments, Null type_and_deflection (PMMC) type, modes (analog, digital), Functions and applications of instruments. 2)
Functional block diagram and generalized measurement system, C-type Burdon type (pressure measurement system), I/O characteristics of
measurement system. Desired, modified, interfering inputs. Static and dynamic characteristics, true value, static error, error calibration curve,
resolution, sensitivity. 3) Resistance measurement, Wheatstone bridges, Loading effect, errors in measurement, Localization of cable fault,
Murray loop test and Varley loop test (Wheatstone bridge). 4) AC bridges (Maxwell's inductance bridge, Hay Bridge, Schering Bridge). 5) High
voltage measurement and test, Magnetic measurement, Illumination measurement, Analog instruments (indicating, recording and integrat-
ing), Electrodynamometer instruments, measurement of energy and industrial metering. 6) Transducers and classifications (strain gauge,
pressure transducer, inductive transducer, LVDT, differential transducer, resistive transducer, piezo electric transducer, digital encoder, load
cell). Measurements of liquid level (using gamma rays, ultrasonic method, electromagnetic flow meters). 7) Modem data acquisition system,
operation of sample and hold circuit, Frequency measurement, Electronic instruments, digital voltmeters, resolution of digital meters. 8) RF
power and voltage measurement, Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRT), components of CRT and 9) applications, Measurement frequency and
phase, Instrument transformers (CT, PT). Laboratory works based on taught theory.
EEE 4219:Computer System Architecture
EEE 4219:Computer System Architecture This is an advanced elective course, offered from the electrical engineering department. This
course is a study of the evolution of computer architecture and the factors influencing the design of hardware and software elements of
computer systems. The goal of this course is to: 1) Know the difference between computer organization and computer architecture. 2) Under-
stand the computer as a layered system. 3) Learn the components common to every modern computer system. 4) Understand a simple archi-
tecture invented to illuminate these basic concepts, and how it relates to some real architecture. 5) instruction set design 6) Know how the
program assembly process works. 7) I/O organization, memory organization, Control unit design. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 4205:Microwave Engineering

EEE 4205:Microwave Engineering 1) Introduction to Microwave Engineering: Microwave Frequency Ranges. 2) Millimeter wave Frequency
Ranges. Basic idea about propagation of Microwaves in space and through guides. 3) Application of Microwave frequencies in communication
and RADAR: (i) terrestrial communication, (ii) satellite communication, (iii) satellite broadcasting, (iv) military applications and (v) RADAR. 4)
Other applications of Microwave frequencies. Microwave Oscillators, Amplifiers, Cables, Waveguides, Connectors. 5) Safety standards of
microwave radiation. Concept of Distributed parameter circuits, comparison between distributed circuits and lumped parameter circuits. 6)
Propagation of electric and magnetic waves in Microwave circuits in place of voltage and currents in lumped circuits. 7) Different types of
Transmission lines for Microwave circuits. Distributed circuit L-C model of a loss-less (ideal) Microwave Transmission-line. Telegraphist's
equations, the wave equations, solutions of the wave equations. 8) Relation between voltage and current in an ideal transmission- line.
Reflection and transmission at a discontinuity. Reflection Coefficient, Transmission Coefficient, Return loss. Ideal line with applied sinusoidal
voltages; Input Impedance and Input Admittance at a plane on the line. 9) Voltage Standing-Wave Ratio (VSWR). The Smith Transmission-
line chart. Equations for obtaining the plots of a Smith Chart. Parameters which can be obtained using a Smith Chart. 10) Procedure of finding
reflection coefficient from a given impedance and conversely. Procedure of transferring impedance along the lines. Procedure of finding
VSWR and position of voltage maximum from a given impedance and conversely. Use of Smith Chart as an Admittance diagram. Solution of
problems using Smith Chart. 11) Different types of impedance matching in Microwave Networks. Quarter wave transformer matching. Single
Stub Matching technique. Double Stub Matching technique. Transmission- lines with general forms of distributed impedances. Generalized
wave equation, solutions and equations for input impedance at a plane. 12) Solution of problems of input impedance using Smith Chart.
Transmission- line with series and shunt losses. The expressions for propagation constant, attenuation constant, phase constant and charac-
teristic impedance. A filter type distributed circuit. 13) Phase Velocity and Group Velocity of wave propagation. Dispersion, - plot, Group
velocity as the "velocity of energy travel". Guided E.M. waves. Basic equations for waves along uniform systems. Basic wave types: TEM, TM
and TE waves. TEM waves guided by ideal (lossless) parallel plane conductors TEM waves between lossy parallel planes. TM waves
between lossless parallel planes. Physical discussions of TM waves. TE waves between parallel planes. General analysis of guided waves:
TEM, TM and TE. General wave types in rectangular coordinates. General wave types in cylindrical coordinates. Comparison of general wave
behaviour and physical explanations of wave types. TM and TE waves in rectangular waveguides - a comparison of analytical solutions. Plot
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of field lines inside a rectangular waveguide for TE10 and TM11 waves. The TE10 waves in a rectangular guide. 14) Microwave Network
Analysis, Impedance and Admittance Matrices, Reciprocal Networks, Lossless Networks, The Scattering Matrix, Reciprocal Networks and
Lossless Networks, A Shift in Reference Planes, Power Waves and Generalized Scattering Parameters, The Transmission (ABCD) Matrix,
Relation to Impedance Matrix, Equivalent Circuits for Two-Port Networks; 15) Classification of antennas on the basis of mode of radiation.
Examples. The Small Current Element Antenna (Hertzian Dipole). The Long Straight Antenna.The Half-wave Dipole. Directivity, Antenna
Gain, Radiation pattern. Antennas above perfect earth. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 4227:Power System Protection This is an elective core course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program that presents protections
systems, mainly different types of circuit breakers and relays for the protection of power system equipments and system itself. 1) HV AC
Circuit Breaker : Function, Fault Clearing Process; Trip Circuit; Operating Mechanism; Speed; Auto-reclosure; Trip Free Feature; Switching
Phenomena; Rating; Arc Extinction; Type – air, oil, air blast; SF6, vacuum; Testing. 2) LV AC Circuit Breaker: Miniature Circuit Breaker; Metal
Clad Circuit Breaker; Fuse and Their Applications. 3) Protective relays: Function of Protective Relaying; Protective Zones; Primary and Back
up Protection; General Requirements of Protective Relaying; Actuating Quantities of Relays; Construction and Operating Principle of Various
Relays; Use of Instrument Transformers in Relaying. 4) Protection Schemes : Over Current Protection and Relay Coordination; Directional
Protection; Earth Fault Protection; Differential Protection; Carrier Current Protection, Distance Protection; Transformer Protection; Motor
Protection; Generator Protection and Busbar Protection. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

EEE 4229:Biomedical Instrumentation, Measurement and Design This is an elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program
which presents an introduction to Biomedical engineering, more specifically Medical electronics and instrumentation (measurement & design).
The course outline is designed in a manner that students get a brief introduction to human anatomy and physiology, bioelectric phenomena;
so that they understand the circuit and instrumentation realization of biomedical devices. The topics include: 1) Introduction to bio-electromag-
netism and Bioelectric Phenomena 2) Membrane potentials of excitable tissue (Neural cells, pacemaker cells, cardiac muscle cells etc.) 3)
Introduction to cardiology and ECG (ECG analysis, Lead system, ECG amplifier, ECG noises etc.) 4) Introduction to musculoskeletal muscle
system and EMG (EMG amplifier, measurements etc.) 5) Introduction to neural system and EEG (EEG amplifier, lead systems, measure-
ments etc.) 6) Artificial pacemaker, types & operations etc. 7) Introduction to respiratory system and pulmonary diseases, measurements,
diagnosis etc. 8) Introduction to circulatory system and measurements etc. 9) Introduction to endocrine system and artificial pancreas. 10)
Introduction to medical imaging technology (Ultrasound, X-ray & CT-scan, MRI, PET, SPECT) 11) Introduction to patient safety and monitoring
(ICU, CCU) 12) Classification of medical devices, international regulations (CE and FDA approvals) Laboratory works based on taught theory.
EEE 4225:Electrical and Electronic Services For Buildings
EEE 4225:Electrical and Electronic Services For Buildings Designing LT Electrical distribution system for domestic buildings for low rise office
buildings, industrial buildings, multistoried office buildings, multistoried multipurpose buildings. Selection of cable size, circuit breaker size and
Bus bar size. Typical lighting design. Choice of luminaries for various applications Introduction to modern lifts and their installation. Introduc-
tion to CCTV, Access control, Fire detection and suppression systems Installation of a PABX. Designing, routing and layout of indoor and
underground telephone and fiber optic cables. Introduction to IEE wiring regulation 16th edition (BS7671:2001) incorporating Amendments 1
& 2, 2004. Safety regulations, various types of cables for indoor wiring and electrical distribution in buildings. Distribution boards, MCB,
MCCB. Earthing requirements, various earthing systems, lightning arresters.

EEE 3107:Engineering Ethics

EEE 3107:Engineering Ethics Technology has a pervasive and profound effect on the contemporary world, and engineers play a central role
in all aspects of technological development. To hold paramount, the safety, health, and welfare of the public, engineers must be morally
committed and equipped to grapple with ethical dilemmas they confront. This course will provide an introduction to the issues in engineering
ethics. It places those issues within a philosophical framework, and it seeks to exhibit their social importance and intellectual challenge. The
goal is to stimulate reasoning and to provide the conceptual tools necessary for responsible decision making. Case studies will be utilized
throughout as part of the Discussion Topics. Those cases will offer the opportunity for interactive classes.
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