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Lesson elements (to be copy-pasted onto the lesson draft)dsxxxxza/kl

= motivation / pre-assessment
Pep Up

= material used (video, reading text, listening text, etc.)

Talk about these visuals = (if there are images before the lesson: ex. graphic organizer)

= (if there’s a reading text) use questions as headings

Read and Talk about what you read

= 3-5 questions to discuss with a partner

Talk with your Partner

Self- Reflect = generalization / reflection notes prompted by the writer

Work in a Group

= group task

(Drills & Activities/ Exercises)

Self Study = If the task is for individual practice

Read and Talk about what you read if you have a short discussion and comprehension
questions after (as an activity)

Read and Answer Questions = material used (lecture) with 3-5 questions

Discuss with your seatmates= answer individual task (but compare OR discuss with a seatmate

Share your ideas in whole class discussions

= group task

LISTEN AND = with listening text material (3-5 mins.)

= give 3-5 questions
Jazz Up
= application activity (for enrichment)

What Can I Do?
(Application–Enrichment/Extension/ additional activity)


Pep Up

You are given two papers shown below in order to reach a destination that is the Bhatbhateni
Super Market.

Which of these two papers might be more useful and easier to follow? Why?

Paper 1 Paper 1
If you are coming from Nepal Rastra
Bank and going to the Bhatbhateni
Super Market, you need to go
straight to Baluwatar Street, go
straight ahead and turn left on the
first street. Not far from the corner
where you turn left you will see the
IOM building and at the back of this
building is the Bhatbhateni Super

Source of Sketch: NOTE : this will be REDRAWN by an illustrator

There is a difference in the way you read the above two texts. The way or the path a reader
through a text is referred to as the reading path. The texts above show two reading paths: the linear
and the nonlinear path. Which of the two texts shows the linear path? Which one is nonlinear?


Read and Talk about what you read

In the linear text, a reader reads sequentially from beginning to the end in order to
make sense of the text. In the traditional text or linear that you read from beginning to end
called you use your knowledge in grammar and syntax in order to understand the meaning or
the message of the linear text. Most of the texts printed on paper are linear.
Examples of texts which are linear that you read from beginning to end are Novels,
poems, short stories, letters, educational texts.

On the other hand, the nonlinear text, the path is non-sequential and the reader can
choose his own reading path or may jump from one part to another. Examples of nonlinear
texts are flowcharts, charts, and graphs (ex: pie chart, bar graphs), graphical organizers such
as knowledge maps and story maps. To understand the ideas of a nonlinear text you skim
through it in order to get specific information.

(Drills & Activities/ Exercises)

Engage in a synchronous discussion

Study the visual below that describes linear and nonlinear texts, and explain in class how nonlinear
texts are different from linear texts.


Do a Group Activity

What you see below are non-linear texts. Identify each one. Discuss with your classmates the
information you get from each of the nonlinear texts below.
NON-LINEAR TEXT 1: _____________________
NON-LINEAR TEXT 2: _____________________


LINEAR TEXT 3: _____________________

Perform a Self-Study

Read the following texts and answer the questions.

Everyday Tips for Covid-19 Prevention

These simple steps are helpful to beat the widespread COVID-19. Virus spread prevention, not
only COVID-19 but also other diseases, is not only the responsibility of your local government but is
also a community responsibility and requires collective conscious effort by every citizen.

Steps to follow:




1. Frequent handwashing. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. If soap
and water is not available, alcohol-based hand rub or wash will do.
2. Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth. As your hands touches many
surface which makes you pick up virus easily, it is advised not to touch your face area
to avoid the ingress of virus into your system.
3. Maintain Social Distancing. Avoid at all cost busy streets and crowded area. It is best
to maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) physical distance between yourself and anyone
especially those who are coughing or sneezing as virus easily spreads via droplets in
4. Practice respiratory hygiene. Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good
respiratory hygiene. This includes covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow
or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.
Washing hands after coughing or sneezing must always be practiced.
If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
5. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek
medical attention and call in advance.
6. Stay vigilant. Be informed to the latest COVID-19 updates and hotpots or areas where
COVID-19 is spreading fast and widely and avoid travelling to those areas.
7. Follow the directions of your local health authority. Whether you are being
mandated to stay at home for a community or individual quarantine or to wear mask
especially in public, it is best to always cooperate with the mandate of local health

Most importantly, it is advised to strengthen one’s immunity system by eating right and living a
healthy lifestyle.

Engage in Class Discussion


Answer the following questions based on what you have read from the text above.

1. What is the title of the text?

2. What is the text about?
3. What is the name of the virus mentioned in the text?
4. How many steps should be followed to beat virus and other disease?
5. How can the immunity system be strengthened?

Bar Graph of Coronavirus Cases Per Age Group
1. What is the title of the nonlinear text above?
a. Line Graph of Coronavirus Cases Per Age Group
b. Bar Graph of Coronavirus Cases Per Age Group
c. Pie Chart of Coronavirus Cases Per Age Group

2. How is the information in the bar graph categorized?

a. Per age bracket
b. Per height bracket
c. Per weight bracket
d. Per social economic status

3. Which country has the most case of Coronavirus in age group 20-29?
a. Italy
b. South Korea
c. Does not say

4. In what age bracket does Italy and South Korea almost have the same percentage of
Coronavirus cases?
a. 50-59
b. 60-69
c. 70-79

5. Which age bracket in Italy has 22.2% of Coronavirus cases?

a. 50-59
b. 60-69
c. 70-79

Distribution of COVID-19 Cases Worldwide Pie Chart

Retrieved Apr 28, 2020

1. What is the title of the nonlinear text above?

a. Distribution of COVID-19 Cases Worldwide Bar Graph
b. Distribution of COVID-19 Cases Worldwide Line Graph
c. Distribution of COVID-19 Cases Worldwide Pie Chart

2. Which country has the most cases of COVID-19?

a. Italy
b. United States
c. Germany
3. Between Italy and Spain, which country has more COVID-19 cases?
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Both have the same number of cases
4. How many percentage of COVID-19 cases does United Kingdom has?
a. 5.10%
b. 157, 149 cases
c. Does not tell
5. How is the distribution presented?
a. Through the use of pie chart
b. Through the use of bar graph
c. Through the use of line graph
COVID-19 Outbreak Chart

1. What is the chart about?

2. What is the total number of confirmed cases?

3. Which country has the most number of COVID-19 cases?


4. Which country has the least number of COVID-19 cases?

5. How many recorded COVID-19 cases are there in Thailand?

Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 for Selected Countries Line Graph
1. What is the line graph about?
2. On April 4, which country has the most number of COVID-19 cases?
3. When did Italy had 1,000 cases?
4. Which country has 2, 500 cases on April 6?
5. Which country has the least number on April 1?

Work in a Group
Summarize the nonlinear texts discussed by completing the table below.

Text Title Topic Type of Nonlinear text How the visual presentation
helped our group in getting
the information we need

Text 2 Bar graph

Text 3 Pie chart partition made it

easier for our group to find
which country has largest
piece, smallest piece, and
equal pieces

Text 4 COVID-19
Outbreak report
on numbers of

Text 5 Confirmed Cases of

COVID-19 for
Selected Countries
Line Graph
Do a Self-Study

What you see below are non-linear texts. Identify each one. Using the table that follows, write the type
of non-linear text, the information you get from each one, and the use or function of each of the non-
linear texts.

Graph Of Percentage On When Friendship Mostly Build


Elementary High School College Field
Kids Teens Adults

NON-LINEAR TEXT 1: _____________________

NON-LINEAR TEXT 2: _____________________

Type of Main Information Use of the

Non- Linear Text Non- linear Text

Text 1 Bar graph

Text 2 diagram

Choose one the nonlinear texts below and present a short video explanation
( 1- 2 minutes) about it.

Talk about these visuals

Talking Points

1. Do the following visuals have meaning to you?

2. Do they have uses?
3. Have you used them before?
What are advance organizers?

Your teacher and your school use advance organizers to present information so that you can better
understand and remember the information you are learning.

An advance organizer can be defined as a tool used to introduce the topic of the lesson and to
illustrate the relationship between what you are about to learn and the information that you have
already learned.

Advance organizers provide a visual structure of ideas or information, and they also act as a
conceptual bridge between information you already know and what you are about to learn.

Examples of advance organizers include analogies and metaphors, as well as graphic organizers,
such as Venn diagrams and KWL charts.

KWL Chart
KWL is an anagram that stands for:
1. What you already know
2. What you want to know
3. What you learned after
What can it do for you?
1. It connects your prior knowledge to the topic about to be discussed.
2. It gives you the purpose of the study.
3. You can write your own input by specifying what you want to learn.

Interpret visuals


Interpret or give meaning to the following advance organizers and answer the questions.
Here are examples of Analogy advance organizers:

Analogy Graphic Organizer

The analogy graphic organizer uses analogies to help students understand a new concept that
is being introduced by comparing it with a familiar concept.

Advance Organizer 1

Advance Organizer 2
Analogy advance organizer 3

a. What do you know about the analogy advance organizer? Study the advance organizers closely
and write the ideas you get from it.

b. What two things are being compared in each of the 3 analogy advance organizers?

c. What characteristics do both concepts have in common? What are their differences? Write your
answer in the respective column.

Similarities Differences
d. What are the bases for the comparison?

(Drills & Activities/ Exercises)

Perform a Self-Study

Study the following advance organizers and discuss in small groups of three members the information
you get from each one. Then, write 5 sentences that give information about the advance organizers.

Advance Organizer 1

Studying Literature
When it comes to the
reading literary texts, I
learn to understand and
appreciate multiple levels
of meaning , different
cultures and past and
present life experiences.

Studying literature
encourages us to draw on
and share our own personal
experiences, feelings and
opinions with others.

Through literature I become

more actively involved both
intellectually and
emotionally in learning


Advance Organizer 2

Big Family is Less

Small Family is Benefits than the
more benefits Small Family
then the Big
Family ,

Small Family Big Family

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
What Have I Learned?
(Key Concepts or Summary: Generalization/Application)

Complete the sentences below to summarize what you have learned from this module.

Non linear texts are _____________________________________________________


Advance organizers are __________________________________________________


Up Enrichment
What Can I Do?
(Application–Enrichment/Extension/ additional activity)

- NOTE – this will still be improved.

Watch these video clips about linear and nonlinear texts. Then share with your classmates
what you have learned from each of the video clips

Difference Between Linear and Nonlinear Text

Cynthia Luay
Linear Reading vs. Non-linear Reading
Jan 26, 2011

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