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DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS -An introductory course covering the concepts of limit, continuity
(MATH 55) and differentiability of functions involving on or more variables.
This also includes the application of differential calculation in solv-
ing problems on optimization, rates of change, related rates, tan-
gents ad normal, and approximations; partial differentiation and
transcendental curve tracing

INTEGRAL CALCULUS the course introduces the concept of integration and its applica-
(MATH 56) tion to some physical problems such as evaluation of areas, vol-
umes of revolution, force ad work. The fundamental formulas and
various techniques of integration are taken up and applied to both
single variable and multi-variable functions. The course also in-
cludes tracing of functions of two variables for a better apprecia-
tion of the interpretation of the double and triple integral as vol-
ume of a 3dimensional region bounded by two or more surfaces.
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS -the course is intended for all engineering students to have a firm
(MATH 57) foundation on differential equations in preparation for their degree
-specific advanced mathematics courses. It covers first order dif-
ferential equations, nth order linear differential equations and sys-
tems of first order linear differential equations. It also introduces
the concept of Laplace Transforms in solving differential equa-
tions. The students are expected to be able to recognize different
kinds of differential equations, determine the existence and
uniqueness of solution, select the appropriate methods of solution
and interpret the obtained solution. Students are also expected to
relate differential equations to various practical engineering and
scientific problems as well as employ computer technology in
solving and verifying solutions
ENGINEERING DATA ANALYSIS -the course is designed for undergraduate engineering students
(Math 58) with emphasis on problem solving related to societal issues that
engineers and scientists are called upon to solve. It introduces
different methods of data collection and the suitability of using a
particular method for a given situation.
The relationship of probability to statistics is also discussed,
providing students with the tools they need to understand how
―chance‖ plays a role in statistical analysis. Probability distribu-
tions of random variables and their uses are also considered,
along with a discussion of linear functions of random variables
within the context of their application to data analysis and infer-
ence. The course also includes estimation techniques for un-
known parameters; inference for regression parameters and build
models for estimating means and predicting future values of key
variables under study. Finally, statistically based experimental
design techniques and analysis of outcomes of experiments are
discussed with the aid of statistical software.
NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS TO CE PROB- the course provides background on numerical analysis needed to
LEMS solve civil engineering problems numerically when their analytical
Math 59 solution is either not available or difficult to obtain. MATLAB pro-
gramming environment or its equivalent will be introduced and
used in the course.
Course Outcomes
Identify appropriate numerical/mathematical tool or concepts
suitable for the solution of the CE problem
Analyze the CE problem to translate it to a numerical solution
Use a computer software developing a solution to the problem
Solve civil engineering problems numerically when their ana-
lytical solution is either not available or difficult to obtain
CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERS -this course provides students with core concepts of chemistry
(ES 11) that are important in the practice of engineering profession
-(LAB) a fundamental laboratory course designed to relate
and apply the principles and theories in chemistry to engineering
practices. It is a combination of experimental and calculation la-

PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS -This is a calculus-based course covering the basic laws and phe-
(ES 21) nomena in electricity and magnetism, oscillation and waves, rota-
tional mechanics and modern Physics.
-(LAB) a fundamental laboratory course designed to relate
and apply the principles and theories of physics.

GEOLOGY FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS -fundamentals of geology applied to civil engineering problems.
(ES 13) Topics include rock and mineral type, soil properties, rock me-
chanics, geologic structures, active tectonics and earthquake haz-
ards, slope stability and landslides, groundwater, rivers and flood
hazards. Team projects include engineering geology case studies
and site assessment investigations.
CIVIL ENGINEERING ORIENTATION -introduction to various tracks of specialization of civil engineering,
(BES 1) emphasis on ethics, responsibility and professionalism.
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
Understand the history of Civil Engineering and the profession
Familiarize with the practices of Civil Engineers in relation to
their interaction with society
Know the trend of Civil Engineering development
Understand the relationship of Civil Engineering to Environ-
mental Science
ENGINEERING DRAWING AND PLANS -this laboratory course is designed to develop abilities needed to
(BES 2) develop, accurately locate and interpret dimensions on and read
engineering drawings.

COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL AND PRO- -basic information technology concepts; fundamentals of algo-
GRAMMING rithm development; high-level language and programming appli-
(CFP) cations; computer solutions of engineering problems

COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING -concepts of computer-aided drafting (CAD), introduction to the

(BES 4) CAD environment, terminologies and the general operating proce-
dure and techniques in entering and executing basic CAD com-
STATICS OF RIGID BODIES -a basic engineering science course of solid mechanics dealing
(BES 5) with bodies that are or remain at rest. It is designed to provide
fundamental concept of resultants and equilibrium of forces and
moments is utilized to enable solution of statically determinate

DYNAMICS OF RIGID BODIES -kinetics and kinematics of particle, kinetics and kinematics of rig-
(BES 6) id bodies; work energy method; and impulse and momentum

MECHANICS OF DEFORMABLE BODIES -axial stress and strain; stresses for torsion and bending; com-
(BES 7) bined stresses; beam deflections; indeterminate beams; and elas-
tic instability

ENGINEERING ECONOMICS -concepts of the time value of money and equivalence; basic
(ES 33) economy study methods; decisions under certainty; decisions rec-
ognizing risk; and decisions admitting uncertainty
ENGINEERING UTILITIES 1 -The course focuses on the environmental systems in buildings.
EU1 Lecture discussions include building electrical systems, natural
and artificial lighting, and building telecommunications.
Reducing operational loads and integrating high performance en-
ergy systems into buildings offers solutions towards achieving a
sustainable and secure energy future. Engineers must understand
the interrelationship between a building and its subsystems, and
need sufficient knowledge of building systems and design alterna-
tives to recommend appropriate solutions that suit the site, cli-
mate, building type and occupants. They must coordinate the
work of the engineering disciplines that carry the sustainability
concept forward through building design, construction, commis-
sioning, operation and ultimately, demolition, recycling and reuse.

ENGINEERING UTILITIES 2 -the course focuses on the mechanical systems, fire protection
EU2 systems, sanitary/plumbing systems, and acoustics in buildings.
Lecture discussions include HVAC systems, acoustics, vertical
transportation and fire protection. Reducing operational loads and
integrating high performance energy systems into buildings offers
solutions towards achieving a sustainable and secure energy fu-
ture. Engineers must understand the interrelationship between a
building and its subsystems and need sufficient knowledge of
building systems and design alternatives to recommend appropri-
ate solutions that suit the site, climate, building type and occu-
pants. They must coordinate the work of the engineering disci-
plines that carry the sustainability concept forward through build-
ing design construction, commissioning, operation and ultimately
FUNDAMENTALS OF SURVEYING -this course deals with; Measurement of distance and distance
(CE 1) corrections, the use of surveying instruments, are computations,
balancing the traverse, elevation determination, and leveling. Sta-
dia surveying, topographic surveying, triangulation and trilatera-
tion, missing data, irregular boundaries, and global positioning
Proper handling and utilization of surveying instrument will be tak-
en. Students will learn how to perform measurement of distance
and apply distance corrections, use and proper handling of sur-
veying instruments, and perform calculations related to area com-
putations, latitude and departure computations, DMD and DPD
methods of land area determination, balancing the traverse, ele-
vation determination and leveling. Laying out of horizontal curves,
compound curve, reversed curve, spiral curve and mass diagram-

CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND TEST- -the course deals with the physical properties of common con-
ING struction materials primarily metals, plastics, wood, concrete,
(CE3) coarse and fine aggregates, asphalt and synthetic materials; ex-
amination of material properties with respect to design and use of
end product, design and control of aggregates, concrete and as-
phalt mixtures, principle of testing; characteristics of test; proper-
STRUCTURAL THEORY -a professional course common to a civil engineering student de-
CE4 signed to provide fundamental concepts, principles, and theories
in the theory of structures and structural analysis for internal ac-
tions in a structure and its deformations under load.

HIGHWAY AND RAILROAD ENGINEERING -presents the methods and underlying principles for the design
CE5 and control of the elements of road and railroad infrastructure.
Students also become familiar with transportation system termi-
nology; flow of analysis, driver, vehicle and road characteristics,
and aspects of road geometrics, road construction, drainage,
pavements and maintenance.
BUILDING DESIGN -lecture course will focus on developing knowledge of building
CE6 systems including architectural design building materials and con-
struction techniques and will foster the skills required to adopt a
building system approach compliant to the national building code
and its referral codes.
-laboratory class will focus on the tools and techniques to
create a computer generated building model and applied tools for
working with computer model exploring output and simulation.

PRINCIPLES OF STEEL DESIGN -a professional course common to all civil engineering students
CE8 designed to provide fundamental concepts, principles and theo-
ries in the structural strength analysis and design of steel ele-
ments in a structure.

PRINCIPLES OF REINFORCED/ -A professional course common to all civil engineering students

PRESTRESSED CONCRETE designed to provide fundamental concepts, principles, and theo-
CE7 ries in the structural strength analysis and design of plain, rein-
forced, and prestressed concrete elements in a structure.

HYDRAULICS -The course emphasizes the continuity equation, energy equation,

CE9 and momentum equation. Familiarization of the properties of com-
mon liquids in the study of hydraulics. Application fundamental
principles to solve problems involving flow velocity, flow rate and
forces exerted by moving liquids in closed conduits and open
channels. Familiarization and applications of flow measuring de-

HYDROLOGY -The course deals on the hydrologic cycle and the different pro-
CE10 cesses such as precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, overland
flow, groundwater flow and surface runoff generation

CE LAWS, ETHICS AND CONTRACTS -This course deals on the principles and fundamentals of the laws
CE11 on obligations, contracts, and professional ethics that are applica-
ble to the civil engineering profession. It is designed to prepare
civil engineering students for professional practice. Topics on the
perspective of the student as future practitioners, contractors and
employees in the field are also given emphasis. They include the
study of code of ethics, legal procedure in the practice of civil en-
gineering in the Philippines, ethical relations of an engineer with
fellow professionals, clients and general public, elements of con-
tracts, obligations, Civil Engineering Law (RA 544) National Build-
ing Code, labor laws, E-Civil Engineering Law (RA 544) National
Building Code, labor laws, E-Procurement Law, and the Manual of
Professional Practice for Civil Engineers.

GEOTECHNICAL ENG’G-SOIL MECHANICS -Soil formation and identification. Engineering properties of soils.
CE12 Fundamental aspects of soil characterization and response, in-
cluding soil mineralogy, soil-water movement, effective stress,
consolidation, soil strength, and soil compaction. Use of soils and
geosynthetics in geotechnical and geo-environmental applica-
tions. Introduction to site investigation techniques, laboratory test-

PRINCIPLES OF TRANSPORTATION ENGI- -the course gives emphasis on urban transportation planning, de-
NEERING sign and operation using statistical and modeling techniques and
CE13 computer methods. It also covers capacity and level service of air,
rail and highway. It also includes safety, environmental impacts
and mitigation, transportation policy fundamentals and case stud-

QUANTITY SURVEYING -this course provides a basic understanding of the methods used
CE14 to prepare
a building and/or bridge construction cost estimate
earthwork costs
-the students learn to do quantity takeoff utilizing plans and

CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MAN- -the course deals with the principles of construction methods and
AGEMENT equipment, management and their applications. It covers project
CE15 planning, scheduling, monitoring and control. It also includes con-
cepts on organization, safety, information systems and computer

CE PROJECT 1 -Development of a capstone project proposal containing a clear

CE16 set of objectives, methodology, project implementation plan/
schedule and resource requirements.

CE PROJECT 2 Implementation of a capstone project based on an approval pro-

CE17 posal

F.1-Construction Engineering and Management 1. Project Construction and Management

2. Advanced Construction Methods and Equipment
3. Construction Cost Engineering
4. Database Management in Construction
5. Construction Occupational Safety and Health
F.2 Geotechnical Engineering 1. Geotechnical Engineering (Rock Mechanics)
2. Foundation Engineering
3. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
4. Ground Improvement
F.3 Structural Engineering 1. Computer Software‘s in Structural Analysis
2. Earthquake Engineering
3. Design of Steel Structures
4. Reinforced Concrete Design
5. Prestressed Concrete Design
6. Structural Design of Towers and Other Vertical Structures
7. Bridge Engineering
8. Foundation and Retaining Wall Design
F.4 Transportation Engineering 1. Transportation Systems Planning and Design
2. Highway Engineering
3. Airport Design
4. Ports and Harbors

F.5 Water Resources Engineering 1. Water Resources Engineering

2. Flood Control and Drainage Design
3. Irrigation Engineering
4. Water Supply Planning and Development
5. Coastal Engineering
6. River Engineering
7. Groundwater Flow Modelling
Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.
— Dale Carnegie
To all my students, YOU CAN DO IT!
Each and every one of you can be successful in graduating with your Bachelor of Science degree in
Civil engineering. (A message from Raymond B. Landis)
Every year, top high school learners choke in their first year at college while average students excel.
First -years can learn a lot from the reasons behind this.

College is very different to high school. While not all ―A‖ students have these characteristics, there are
common issues that come from getting consistently good grades. What I am describing are some
com-mon habits and beliefs I noticed. So pay attention, whether you are one of these high performers
or someone who had to work hard for their 75% average.

1. “A” students don’t ask for help.

High school students who score in the 80% bracket often think that excellence is about being able to do
everything yourself. Asking a question is seen as a sign of ignorance, and many high performers are
ter-rified of appearing stupid. Especially to teachers.

In college, thinking you can do everything yourself is a recipe for disaster. Maintaining contact with your
lecturers is integral to your success, and so is asking questions. How can you know if your research is on
the right path unless you are communicating with your lecturers? How will you know where or how you
can improve?
College isn‘t like high-school, where you are a child and your teacher is a grown up. You and your lectur-
ers are both, for the most part, adults. They are interested in your feedback and take your questions
seri-ously because they know how important communication and asking questions are in college.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

2. “A” students cannot cope with failure.

It‘s not that doing well puts them in a bad position. It‘s that never doing badly leaves them unequipped
to learn from failure. ―A‖ students see a 75% as something personal, and haven‘t learned how to
recover properly. ―B‖ and ‖C‖ students have been exposed to bad marks, and have learnt how to deal
with them positively.

No matter how successful you were in high school, you will find college difficult. You will get low marks at
times, and it‘s important to cope with this in a positive and productive way. ―B‖ and ―C‖ students know
that failing isn‘t the end of the world and that it doesn‘t mean you can‘t do better next time. This means
they can let go of their bad marks and focus on the next opportunity to succeed.

College will expose you to work, assessments and schedules that are unfamiliar, and you are bound to
struggle while adapting to this life. Being able to cope with failure is a skill you will need to succeed in
the long-term, which is what really matters.

3. “A” students know how to work hard, but do not how to struggle.

Let me explain.

―A‖ students in high school worked hard to get their good marks, but most of them didn‘t find working
hard to be difficult. Some consistently got ―A‘s‖ for English, History and Mathematics in high school.
Alt-hough they worked harder than other students, they didn‘t struggle as much as B‘s and C‘s did to
achieve their 75%.

You will get a 50-60% at some point in first year. You need to learn how to turn this into a 75%. This is
very different to (and more difficult than) maintaining 80%. This is something ―B‖ and ―C‖ students are
better at than ―A‖ students, and something that will be very important for your success in university.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
So, what have we learnt?

• Ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or ignorance. Get to know your
lecturers, keep in contact with them and ask for guidance when you need it.

• Understand how to manage failure successfully. Accept that failure is not personal and learn
how to manage it positively so that you can succeed in the long-term.

• Learn how to struggle. Practice things you are not good at and learn how to improve on things that
do not come easily to you.
You can ignore this warning with the intent of shifting gears later. The problem with that
approach is your early courses, particularly in mathematics and science, provide the foundation
on which your entire engineering education will be built. If you start out with a weak foundation,
you will find it difficult, if not impossible, to build a sound structure on top of it.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Setting a goal and making it important to you are only the first steps. The real challenge remains –
achieving the goal. Once your goal is identified and you have done everything you can to develop a
strong commitment to that goal, achieving it requires that you adjust both your attitudes and your behav-
iors. This means that you base your day-to-day decisions and choices on whether a particular action
sup-ports your goal (i.e., moves you closer to it) or conflicts with your goal (i.e., moves you farther away
from it). The same applies to attitudes you hold.
there are three keys to success in engineering study
Effort - Work hard
Approach - Work smart
Attitude - Think positively
Do you believe that people succeed because of their ability – that some people ―have it‖ while
others don‘t? Or do you believe that people succeed because of their effort?
The first belief – that some people have it and some don‘t – is self defeating. Thinking you don‘t have as
much ability as others provides a rationale for you to accept personal failures: You may as well give up.
After all, if success is related to some natural quality that you have no control over, then it doesn‘t
matter what you do or how hard you work.
Believing you‘re the smartest kid on the block has pitfalls as well. If you do, you‘re likely to feel the need
to prove yourself over and over, trying to look smart and talented at all costs. Research has shown that
people with this fixed mindset are more likely to stick with approaches that clearly don‘t work, while
ignor-ing suggestions from others.
The second belief – that people succeed because of their effort – is empowering because the amount of
effort you put in is in your direct control. You can choose to put in more effort and in doing so
significantly affect your success.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Challenges Avoid challenges; sick to what you know Embrace challenges; overcoming chal-
well lenges makes you stronger, smarter

Obstacles Give up easily when you encounter Persist in the face of setbacks; failure is

Effort See effort as unpleasant and fruitless; the See effort as the path to growth and
need for effort is a sign of low ability obsta- mastery

Criticism Ignore useful criticism; see negative feed- Seek feedback and learn from criticism

Success of Others Fell threatened by the success of others Find lessons and inspiration in the suc-

ABILITY VS. EFFORT. The relative importance of ability and effort was perhaps best explained by
the famous American inventor Thomas Edison:
Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
EFFORT IS BOTH TIME AND ENERGY. In my experience, poor academic performance can usual-
ly be traced to insufficient effort. Just what do I mean by effort‖? It is using energy, particularly mental power,
to get something done. The effort you devote to your studies has two components: time and ener-gy.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
―Approach‖ refers to how you go about your engineering studies. It means that you work not only hard
but smart. In large measure, your approach to your engineering studies depends on the ideas we
have already discussed. It assumes that:
• You know why you want to be an engineer and appreciate the value of a technical education.
• You have clarified your goals and developed a road map to lead you to them.
• You have a strong commitment to achieving your goals, even in the face of adversity.
• You have gotten your life situation in order, so that you are not overburdened with problems
and distractions.

BECOMING A MASTER STUDENT. To understand what I mean by becoming a master student,

consider the following analogy. If you were to take up chess, what would you do? Learn the basic objec-
tives, rules, and moves and then begin to play? Probably. But you‘d soon discover that mastering a game of
skill like chess requires much more. So you might read a book, take a lesson, or watch experts play. You
would realize that to become a chess master, you need to spend time both playing the game and learning
how to play it.
Your approach to the study of engineering can be likened to a game. To become a master student, you
must not only play the game (i.e., be a student); you must also devote time and energy to learning how
to play it (i.e., learn to excel as a student).

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Are you a positive or negative person? Are you aware of the role attitude plays in your success? What
do you think of the following statement?
Positive attitudes produce positive results.
Negative attitudes produce negative results.
Among those negative attitudes that could produce negative results in engineering study are:
• Weak commitment to the goal of graduating in engineering
• Low self-confidence
• Unrealistic view of what‘s expected to succeed in engineering studies (overconfidence, naiveté)
• Lack of self-worth (leading to tendency to sabotage your success)
• External ―locus-of-control‖ (i.e., adopting a ―victim‖ role)
• Unwillingness to seek help (thinking that seeking help is a sign of weakness)
• Resistance to change your behaviors and attitudes
• Tendency to procrastinate (having a negative view about the idea of managing your time)
• Avoidance of areas of weakness or perceived unpleasantness (e.g., writing, oral presentations,
dif-ficult courses)
• Reluctance to study with other students
• Negative view toward authority figures (parents, professors, engineering professionals)

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Below is a summary of this four-step process as it applies to the goal of becoming
an engineer.
STEP 1: Setting goals Do I want to be an engineer?
STEP 2: Strengthening com- How Important is it to me to
mitment to goals become an engineer?
STEP 3: Changing negative What attitudes will interfere
attitudes with my goal of becoming an
STEP 4: Changing non- What do I need to do different-
productive behaviors ly to achieve my goal of be-
coming an engineer?

One of the most positive and unique aspects of your college experience is that you are working for
your-self to prepare yourself for your future. Consider the saying:
No deposit, no return.
Your education represents a major deposit, or investment, you are making in yourself. Your return will
be in direct relation to what you put in. You must realize that whenever you take the easiest instructor,
avoid a tough course, or cut a lass, you are hurting yourself. Whenever you make a conscious choice to
avoid learning, growing, or developing, you are not getting away with something:

You are working against yourself.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Name: Date:
ID Number: Subject/Section:
Check off any of the statements below that describe your attitude.

My commitment to success in engineering study is weak.
I lack confidence in my ability to succeed in engineering study.
I have a tendency to sabotage my success.
I tend to blame others for my failures.
I don‘t see any need to change myself or to grow or develop.
I am generally unwilling to seek help from others.
I tend to avoid doing things that I don‘t enjoy.
I avoid contact with my professors outside of class.
I prefer to study alone rather than with other students.

For any of the items you checked, answer the following questions:
a. Is this attitude working for you (positive attitude) or working against you (negative attitude)?
b. If the attitude is working against you, can you change it? How?

(kindly refer to you LMS for Activity 1 template)

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Name: Date:
ID Number: Subject/Section:
Rate yourself on a scale of zero to ten (ten being highest) on the following items:
Writing skills
Oral communication skills
2 template)

Ability to work on teams

Commitment to becoming an engineer
Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

Knowledge of contemporary issues

Recognition of the need for lifelong learning
Knowledge of contemporary issues
youLMS for

Computer skills
Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics
Ability to apply knowledge of science
Participation in student organizations
er to

Studying collaboratively with other students

Time and energy devoted to studying

Time spent on campus

Interaction with faculty members
Overall grade point overage

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Rate the items in Problem #21 above on a scale of zero to ten (ten being highest) as to their importance.

Writing skills
Oral communication skills
Ability to work on teams
Commitment to becoming an engineer
Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Knowledge of contemporary issues
Recognition of the need for lifelong learning
Knowledge of contemporary issues
Computer skills
Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics
Ability to apply knowledge of science
Participation in student organizations
Studying collaboratively with other students
Time and energy devoted to studying
Time spent on campus
Interaction with faculty members
Overall grade point overage

From the list, pick the three items that need your greatest attention and the three
items that need your least attention. Develop a plan for self-improvement for those
that need your greatest

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
We identified ―approach‖ as a key factor that will lead you to success in your engineering studies. We
linked ―approach‖ with ―effort,‖ another key factor, explaining that the successful student is one who
works both hard and smart. In this and the two subsequent chapters, we will focus on what it means to
work smart.‖
This time it is the overview of the teaching/learning process. Understanding this process will help
you take full advantage of both the teaching part and the learning part.
Although you’ve been an active participant in the learning process for many years, it is
unlikely you have had any formal training in it. Becoming an expert learner requires
not only that you devote time and energy to learning, but that you devote time and
energy into learning how to learn.
Learning, broadly defined, is the process of acquiring:
• New knowledge and intellectual skills (cognitive learning)
• New manual or physical skills (psychomotor learning)
• New emotional responses, attitudes, and values (affective learning)

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Bloom‘s ―Taxonomy of Educational Objectives‖ [1] identifies six levels of intellectual skills within the cog-
nitive domain. At the lowest level is the simple recall or recognition of facts. At the highest level is creativi-ty.
In between are increasingly more complex and abstract mental levels. The following are brief defini-tions of
each level of intellectual skill, along with examples that represent the activities for each level.

All learning involves ―transfer‖ – defined as the ability to extend what has been learned in one context to
new contexts – from previous experiences. Educators hope that students will transfer learning from one
problem to another within a course, from one school year to another, between school and home, and
from school to the workplace. Transfer is affected by the degree to which people learn with understand-
ing rather than me ——(in an excellent book by John Bransford titled How People Learn)

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Within engineering education, examples of learning in this domain might include sketching,
computer keyboard skills, machine tool operation, and certain laboratory skills.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
This domain relates to emotions, attitudes, appreciations, and values, such as enjoying, respecting, and
supporting. The ability to listen and respond in interactions with others is part of affective learning.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
The process of learning new knowledge and intellectual skills (cognitive learning) involves two steps:
1) receiving new knowledge, and
2) processing that new knowledge.
There are two key aspects to the way you receive new knowledge:
• The type of information you prefer
• The sensory channel through which you most effectively perceive external information
Research has shown that learners‘ preferences differ in each of these aspects.

I. What Type of Learner Are You?

Sensing learners. Sensing learners focus on things that can be seen, heard, or touched.
They like facts and data, the real world, and above all, relevance. They are patient with details
and enjoy solving problems by well-established methods.
Intuitive learners. Intuitive learners are dreamers. They prefer ideas, possibilities,
theories, and abstractions. They look for meanings, prefer variety, and dislike repetition.
They tend to dislike ―plug and chug‖ courses and are impatient with detailed work.

II. Through What Sensory Channel Do You Perceive External Information Most
Visual learners. Visual learners learn more effectively through the use of pictures,
diagrams, flowcharts, graphs, sketches, films, and demonstrations.
Verbal learners. Verbal learners respond more to the written or spoken word. They like to
read about things or hear explanations
from an expert.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Just as there are two ways to receive new knowledge, there are two aspects to processing
that knowledge:
• the way you prefer to process information
• the way you progress toward understanding
Research has shown that learners differ with regard to their preferences in these two areas.

III. The Way You Prefer to Process New Knowledge

Active learners. Active learners tend to process information while doing something active
with it. Consequently, active learners think out loud, try things out, and prefer group work.
Sitting through lectures is particularly hard for active learners.
Reflective learners. Reflective learners prefer to think about information quietly first. They
want to understand or think things through before attempting to do anything themselves.
They tend to prefer working alone.

IV. The Way You Progress Toward Understanding

Sequential learners. Sequential learners prefer linear steps, with each step following logically
from the previous one. They tend to follow logical stepwise paths in finding solutions.
Global learners. Global learners tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost ran-
domly without seeing connections, and then suddenly ―getting it.‖ They prefer to see the ―big
picture‖ and then fill in the details.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
You probably already have a sense of your preferred learning styles, but have never thought to
articulate them. If you‘d like to get an even more definitive indication, I encourage you to complete the
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire developed by Barbara Solomon and Richard Felder at North
Carolina State University. The questionnaire can be completed online at:
At that website, you will be asked to choose one of two preferences for 44 items that cover four
areas (two areas related to receiving information and two areas related to processing information).
You will immediately receive scored results indicating whether you have a strong preference,
moderate preference, or are fairly well balanced on each of the four scales.
Keep in mind, however, that:
All learners benefit from using learning
styles on both sides of all four dimensions.
Doing things that are compatible with your style can help you compensate for mismatches with the
domi-nant style of your teachers. Doing things that are on the opposite side of your learning style
preference will give you a perspective on the material you might not normally get, while helping you
develop skills that will enhance your professional success – skills you might not develop if you only
followed your natu-ral inclinations.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung put forth the concept of the “observing ego.” This is
the part of you that observes your “self.” It observes what you do. It observes how you
think. And it observes how you feel. And through this process of observing, it feeds back
information (assessment) to enable you to make changes. Some examples of this
process are shown be-low.

Improving your learning process by observing it, developing feedback on what you observe, and
making changes based on that feedback are all part of metacognition. When engaging in the
metacognition pro-cess, you should follow these steps:
1) Plan your learning
2) Monitor your learning
3) Evaluate your learning

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
I would encourage you to begin regularly observing 3. When evaluating your learning, ask
your learning process. The easiest way to do this questions like:
is to ask yourself questions. • How well did I do on a particular task or
1. When planning your learning, ask as-signment?
questions like: • Did my particular course of action
• What in my prior knowledge or experience will produce more or less than I had
help me with this • expected?
• particular task? • What could I have done differently?
• What should I do first? • How might I apply this line of thinking to
• Why am I doing this task? other problems?
• How much time do I have to complete • Do I need to go back through the task to fill
this task? in any blanks in my
2. When monitoring your learning, ask • understanding?
questions like:
• How am I doing?
• Am I on the right track?
• How should I proceed?
• What information is important to remember?
• Should I move in a different direction?
• Should I adjust the pace based on the
difficul-ty of a subject (too
• difficult – slow down; too easy – speed up)?
• What do I need to do if I do not understand?

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
A critical part of the learning process is what we call ―reinforcement.‖ That is, learning comes from
repeat-ed exposure to subject material – the more the better. Consider, as an example, the way we
master the subject of ―mechanics.‖

An Example: The Study of Mechanics

The way in which we learn the subject of mechanics, the study of forces and motion, can
illus-trate the importance of reinforcement in the learning process.
Our first exposure to mechanics may have come in high school physics. Next, we study a
whole semester of mechanics in our freshman physics course. In our sophomore year, we may
have a course in statics and, in our junior year, a course in engineering dynamics. If we are
interested, we can take several senior-level courses and, for a thorough understanding of
mechanics, we could pursue graduate study – a Master‘s or even
Ph.D. degree.
Even then, if we were to begin to teach mechanics, we would find areas in which we were
not completely clear, and probably only after a number of years of teaching would we feel
that we were even approaching total mastery of the subject.
The point of this example is not to discourage you, but rather to
encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity to reinforce
your learning. Even for the brightest person, learning is a slow pro-
cess that occurs over time and relies on repeated reinforcement. By
knowing this, hopefully you will not fall into the common trap of
thinking that you can ―cram‖ in the material the night before a test.

The educational system is structured to give you the opportunity

to reinforce the subject matter many times within a semester or quarter.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
When What To Do

Before class Prepare for the lecture by reviewing notes, reading text, attempt-
ing a few problems, formulating some questions

During class Attend lecture, concentrate intently, take detailed notes, ask ques-

After class, but before Review and annotate notes, reread text, work assigned problems,
next class meeting work extra problems, meet with a study partner or study group to
go over material and problems

In preparation for test Review notes, review text, rework problems, meet with a study
or exam partner or study group to go over material and problems
In preparation for final Review notes, reread text, rework problems, meet with a study
exam partner or study group to go over material and

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
The teaching part of the teaching/learning process is primarily achieved by the following well-known
teaching modes:
• Large lectures, in which one professor teaches 100-300 or more
• students Small lectures, in which one professor teaches 20-30 students
• Recitations, in which a teaching assistant reviews the material and solves problems for small
groups of ten to 15 students
• One-on-one tutoring, in which one tutor works with one student
Despite their obvious differences, all four teaching modes have one feature in common. Each involves a
knowledgeable person communicating what he or she knows to a less knowledgeable person. Generally,
most of the communication is one-way – i.e., from the teacher, teaching assistant, or tutor to the student.
And most importantly, students learn relatively little from participating in any of these modes.
That last statement should alarm you or at least cause you to question how I could make such a
provoca-tive claim. Here‘s how. Imagine you‘re in an engineering course and your professor introduces a
new principle. You go to the lecture, recitation, and tutoring sessions, but you don‘t do anything outside
of those activities. Then you are given an exam on the principle. What score would you expect to make?
That there is a major difference between high school and college level study is illustrated by the 80/20
rule. In high school roughly 80 percent of what you needed to know came from the teacher and in-class
work. Only 20 percent of the learning occurred outside the classroom. In college, this rule is reversed.
Only 20 percent of what you learn will come from the professor and class lectures. Eighty percent of
what you learn will come from work you do outside the classroom. This is perhaps the most important
con-cept you must grasp about the college learning environment.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
The teaching styles most prevalent in math/science/engineering courses (abstract, verbal,
deductive, passive, and sequential) are underlined.

1) What type of information is emphasized?

• Concrete – Facts, data, observable phenomena
• Abstract – Principles, concepts, theories, mathematical models
2) What mode of presentation is stressed?
• Visual – Pictures, diagrams, films, demonstrations
• Verbal – Spoken words, written words
3) How is the presentation organized?
• Deductive – Start with fundamentals, proceed to applications
• Inductive – Start with applications, proceed to fundamentals
4) What mode of student participation is facilitated?
• Active – Student involved (talking, moving, reflecting, solving problems)
• Passive – Student as spectator (watching, listening)
5) What type of perspective is provided on the information presented?
• Sequential – Step by step progression
• Global – Context and relevance are provided

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
under-standing the different ways of teaching. Perhaps primary among these is that the knowledge will
guide you in designing your learning process.

view this as a problem, I suggest you view it as an opportunity. Just because you prefer to be taught one
of two possible ways doesn‘t mean you can‘t learn the other way. During your learning process, you can
learn even more by translating what you were taught into the way you prefer to learn. For example, if
you need to know the context and relevance (global perspective) for what you are being taught and your
pro-fessor doesn‘t provide it, it‘s likely that you will learn even more if you develop it on your own than if
the professor had provided it.

Also remember that there is a difference between preference and competence. You may like doing
some-thing but not be good at it. For example, I love to sing but I can‘t carry a tune. Conversely, you may
be good at something, but not like doing it.
Strive to improve your ability to get the most out of all teaching styles – the ones you prefer and the
ones you don‘t. You might prefer to study by yourself but find that you are very good studying
collaboratively with other students.

You can learn to learn no matter how you are being taught.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
time, more and more will. There is an impetus for change within engineering education. Interactive
lectures, problem-based learning, inquiry-guided learning, and just-in-time teaching are examples of
teaching methods that are gaining acceptance within engineering education. These methods bring
more student involvement, context, and relevance into the classroom.
But change is slow. Formal training in teaching methods is not a required part of the process of
becoming a math, science, or engineering professor. In the absence of such training, most professors
tend to teach the way they were taught. And so the most prevalent teaching styles of the past (abstract,
verbal, deduc-tive, passive, sequential) tend to be propagated into the future.
Whatever you do, don‘t use the way your professor teaches as an excuse for not learning. If you believe
you are having difficulty because of the way you are being taught, you might speak to your professor and
suggest ways in which he or she could help you get more out of the lectures. You might ask, for
example, that the professor work out more problems in class. Or if you tend to be a global learner, ask
the profes-sor to address ―the big picture.‖ You might also ask your professor to recommend additional
resources that would aid you in your learning process. One caution: Do this politely and in a constructive
tone. No one likes to think he or she is being criticized.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Mistakes Students Make Strategies for Overcoming Them
Assume engineering study will be like high school. Work to understand and adjust to the differences be-
tween high school and college-level engineering study.
Program yourself for failure through too many commit- Create a life situation that enables you to devote ade-
ments. quate time and energy to your studies.
Spend little time on campus. Immerse yourself in the academic environment of the
Neglect studying. Schedule study time. Devote significant time and energy
to studying.
Delay studying until test is announced. Master the material presented in each class prior to next

Study 100% alone. Study collaboratively with other students

Come to each lecture unprepared. Review notes, read text, and attempt problems prior to
each lecture.

Avoid professors Interact regularly with professors outside the classroom.

Cut classes and/or don‘t get the most out of lectures. Attend classes and practice good listening skills. Ask
questions in class.

Fail to take notes or take notes but fail to use the notes Take effective notes and use a systematic learning
properly in the learning process methodology to study from notes.

Skim over the material in an assigned chapter in a rush Use reading for comprehension methodology to under-
to get to the assigned homework problems. stand the general concepts thoroughly before attempting

Fail to solve assigned problems. Don‘t approach prob- Solve not only assigned problems but extra problems;
lems using a systematic problem solving method. use systematic problem solving methods.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

At your college or university, there are two immediate resources available to help
you with your academic work:
• Your peers
• Your professors

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
This chapter provided an introduction to the teaching/learning process. You may not have previously
giv-en much thought to how this process works. Hopefully you now understand that the institution
focuses primarily on the teaching part, while the learning part is left up to you.
We began by looking at the learning process. We defined learning and described its component parts.
You identified your preferred ways of receiving and processing new knowledge – an awareness that can
aid you in designing your learning process. We also encouraged you to continuously refine your learning
process through metacognition: closely observing your learning process, feeding back what you
observe, and making changes based on your observations.
We also provided you with a perspective on the importance of reinforcement in the learning process.
Tak-ing a systematic approach to your learning that involves repetition, review, and reinforcement will go
a long way toward making you an expert learner. Then we turned to the teaching part of the teaching/
learning process. We discussed the various teaching styles used by your professors and the benefits of
understanding how your professors teach.
Next we pointed out mistakes commonly made by students as they transition from high school to univer-
sity-level engineering study. Your success will depend to a great extent on your ability to avoid these
We closed the chapter with a perspective on the concept of seeking help. I hope you are persuaded that
―standing on the shoulders‖ of others is fundamental to the very concept of an education and you will take
full advantage of all the resources available to you – particularly your peers and your professors.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis


We begin this chapter by discussing two important skills for learning:
(1) reading for comprehension and (2) analytical problem solving.


Much of your learning will depend on how well you understand information
presented in written materials. And you can expect that much of this material will be
highly tech-nical in nature. In fact,

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Although the methodology you learn in this section can be applied to both your technical and non-technical courses, it is
particularly important for your technical courses.
One important difference in reading technical material is ―speed.‖ You may equate having ―good‖ reading skills with being
a fast reader and even consider taking a ―speed reading‖ course. Speed reading may be helpful in reading a novel for
pleasure or for reading the morning newspaper, but trying to read too fast may work against you in your technical courses.
Mastering mathematics, science, and engineering content is generally a slow, repetitive process that requires active
partic-ipation on your part.
There are a number of methodologies for reading for comprehension.
All involve developing your skills in three areas:
What you do before you read
What you do while you read
What you do after you read

BEFORE YOU READ. The amount you learn from a reading task can be greatly enhanced by taking a few minutes to
do three things before you start reading:
• Purpose – Establish a purpose for your reading. The purpose might be entertainment or pleasure. Or it might be to find
out one single piece of information. However, in technical courses, more often than not the purpose is to comprehend
prin-ciples and concepts that will enable you to solve problems at the end of a section or chapter in a textbook.
• Survey – Decide on the specific scope/size of the reading (one page, one section, one chapter). Devote a few minutes
to survey/skim/preview that page, section, or chapter. Look at headings and subheadings. Inspect drawings, diagrams,
charts, tables, figures, and photographs. Read the introductory section or paragraph and the summary section or para-
• Question – Write down questions that you want to answer from the reading. A useful technique is to turn section head-
ings and subheadings into questions. For example, some questions you might have written down for this section are: What
do I need to learn to do before I read? What are the benefits of doing these things? What are some of the things that might
keep me from doing them?

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
WHILE YOU READ. Following is a list of suggestions for improving your comprehension when reading technical material.
• Never sit down to study without a paper and pen or pencil at hand. You‘ll need them for sketching graphs, checking
deri-vations, summarizing ideas, and raising questions. This approach to active reading is very important.
• Focus on concepts, not exercises or problems. The goal of most technical coursework is to enable you to understand
concepts that can be applied to a variety of problems. Rather than focusing on how one particular problem is solved, first
aim to understand the general concepts thoroughly. Pay close attention to the mathematical formulas. Work carefully
through each derivation. Take time to absorb graphs and figures. One of the biggest mistakes students make is to skim
over the material in order to get on with the homework problems. Don‘t truncate the learning process in your rush to get
an assignment done.
• Don‘t try to read too quickly. In a half hour, you might read 20-60 pages in a novel. But expect to spend the same
half hour on just a few lines of technical material. Mathematics says a lot with a little!) Become an active participant in
your learning process. At every stage, decide whether the concept presented was clear. Ask questions. Why is the
concept true? Do I really understand it? Could I explain it to someone else? Do I have a better way to explain it?
• Write down anything that you don‘t understand. Where possible, frame it in the form of a question. Seek to answer such
questions by re-reading the text or using alternate sources such as other textbooks or the Internet. Pose the questions to
other students or to your instructor during his or her office hours. As you read, there may be questions that pique your curi-
osity but are not answered in the reading material. Take on the challenge of finding the answers to these questions.
Periodically stop reading and recite what you have
read. Using your own words, repeat to yourself
(ideally aloud) what you have read. This is perhaps
the most important step in the reading process. If the
material is difficult, you may want to recite after
read-ing just one paragraph. By reciting, you implant
the knowledge in your brain. Do not look at the book
as you recite. If you can‘t remember what you read,
re-read the material.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
AFTER YOU READ. Once you have read your text, most of the learning is still ahead of you. The following are three
im-portant tasks to perform after your reading: recite and reread, review, and solve problems.
• Recite and Reread. – Recall that during the process of preparing for your reading, you formulated questions you would
like to have answered by the reading. Recite answers to those questions. If you need to, reread sections of the text. Again,
it is preferable to recite aloud. Even better, recite to others. One of the best ways to learn anything is to teach it to some-
one else. Form a study group or meet with a study partner and practice teaching each other what you have learned from
the reading (more detail on group study is covered in Section 5.4). You can even tell friends and family members what you
are learning. Talking about what you have learned is a powerful way to reinforce it.
• Review – Recall that learning is a reinforcement process. Only through repeated exposure to information can we move it
from our short-term memory to our long-term memory. Plan to do your first complete review within one day. Review the
important points in the text and recite some of the main points again. Do it again in a week and then when you prepare for
a quiz or exam and again when you prepare for the final examination.
• Solve Problems – Once you have read your text for comprehension, it‘s time to work problems. Being able to solve
problems with speed and accuracy is to a great extent what you will be judged on in your math/science/engineering
coursework. This requires both a systematic problem-solving approach and lots and lots of practice. You can‘t work too
many problems. First do any assigned problems. Don‘t stop there though. If possible, work all the problems in the book. If
you still have time, work them again. Most of the problems you will encounter in math/science/ engineering coursework
can be described as ―analysis‖ problems. Because of the importance of this type of problem in your education, the next
section discusses a methodology for analytical problem-solving. Before you read on, go to the next page and try the exer-
cise to illustrate the principles of reading for comprehension.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Engineers are problem-solvers. Much of your engineering education, and indeed your
engineering career, will center on improving your ability to think both logically and cre-
atively to solve problems. There are many types of problems. Some examples would be:

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
GENERAL PROBLEM-SOLVING METHODOLOGY. Because there are so many types of prob-lems,
there are many different problem-solving methodologies. For example, you un-
doubtedly learned in high school about the scientific method in which a hypothesis is
developed to explain some observed physical phenomenon and then tested through
ex-periment. A general approach for solving problems involves the following steps:
• Figure out where you are (problem definition).
• Figure out where you want to be (e.g., customer need or business
• Determine what resources are available.
• Identify any constraints.
• Develop possible solutions that could solve the problem while staying
within available resources and not violating any of the constraints.
• Choose the best solution.
• Implement it.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
ANALYSIS PROBLEMS. Much of your engineering education, however, particularly in the first
several years, will not deal with open-ended problems but rather will focus on ―analysis
problems.‖ Generally, analysis problems have one single right answer. They typically involve
translating a physical problem into a mathematical model and solving the resulting equations for
the answer. The problem statement will be provided to you by your instructor either in the form of
a handout or a problem from your textbook. The principles you need to solve the problem will
typically be con-tained in your text material, although you may need to draw on knowledge from
prerequisite courses. Your success in engineering study will depend to a great extent on your
ability to solve such problems accurately and often under time pressure.
Real-world problem-solving is, for the most part, not a science but rather an art. It involves learn-
ing, thinking, logic, creativity, strategies, flexibility, intuition, and trial and error. Even so, becoming
a proficient analytical problem-solver can best be accomplished if you adopt, practice, and be-
come proficient at the following four-step systematic approach (adapted from famous mathemati-
cian George Pólya) [1]. This approach is not an algorithm (i.e., a series of steps that if applied
cor-rectly are guaranteed to lead to a solution) but rather a heuristic (a general set of guidelines
for approaching problem-solving that do not guarantee a solution).

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Step 1: Understand the problem. Read the problem carefully. Identify the question you are being asked to answer.
Iden-tify the unknown(s) and assign each unknown a symbol. List all known information. Draw a figure, picture, or
diagram that describes the problem and label it with the information you have extracted from the problem statement.
Step 2: Devise a plan. The goal of this step is to find a strategy that works. Because there are many possible approaches,
this is perhaps the most difficult step in the problem-solving process. Think about possible relationships between the
known information and the question you need to answer. Depending on the nature of the problem, the following is a list of
problem-solving strategies to try:

Solve a simpler problem. Guess and check.

Make an orderly list. Eliminate possibilities.
Look for a pattern in the problem. Solve an equation.
Draw a diagram. Use direct reasoning.
Use a model. Consider special cases.
Use a formula. Think of a similar problem.
Work backwards. Solve an equivalent problem.
Make a table.

Step 3: Carry out the plan. Implementing the plan depends on the nature of the problem and the problem-solving strate-
gy chosen. In all cases, work carefully and check each step as you proceed. By the time you reach this step, you should
have reduced the problem to a purely mathematical one. Work through each step of any mathematical manipulations or
derivations. Complete any required calculations using an electronic calculator or computer. Take particular care to ensure
correct handling of units, a frequent source of errors in engineering problem-solving.
Step 4. Look Back. Examine the solution you obtained. Make sure it is reasonable. Recheck your calculations and
review your reasoning. Verify that your answer is consistent with the information given.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

if you are willing to put only one new behavior into practice, this is the one to choose!
Raymond b. landis

Most students make the mistake of studying from test to test rather than from class to class. In doing so, they fall victim to
a student‘s greatest enemy – procrastination.
Procrastination is an attitude that says, ―Do it later!‖ ―Doing it later‖ rarely works in any course, but especially not in
math, science, and engineering courses, in which each new concept builds on the previous ones.

Ultimately, procrastination involves choosing to put off something we know we should

be doing and instead doing something we know we shouldn’t be doing.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
And why would we do such a thing? Why would we delay an action we know we
should be doing? There are lots of reasons:

Fear of failure – Task is perceived as too difficult: “If we don’t attempt it, then we
have-n’t failed.”

Fear of success – Accomplishing task might be resented by others, or success

might bring responsibilities and choices that we view as threats or burdens.

Low tolerance for unpleasant tasks – Task is viewed as not being enjoyable. Doing
the task may bring some discomfort.

Disorganized – Prefer to spend time worrying about not doing rather than doing.
Un-willing to set priorities, develop a schedule, and stick to the schedule.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Cornell Note-Taking Method

The process of learning from your notes involves six separate but interrelated steps.
Step 1 - Study and annotate your notes. Read/Go over each page of your notes and fill in any missing information.
Step 2 – Question or Reduce. Formulate a question answered by each major term or point in your notes and write it
in the Cue Column. reduce each main idea or set of facts into a key word or phrase and write it in the Cue Column.
Step 3 – Summarize. Write a summary of each page in the Summary Area at the bottom. Summarizing forces you to
think about the broader context of the lecture.
Step 4 – Recite. Once you have studied and annotated your notes and filled in the Cue Column and the Summary Area
for each page, it is time for the most important step in your learning process: recitation.
Step 5 – Reflect. After you have completed the first four steps above, take some time to reflect on what you have learned.
Step 6 – Review. Working through the process above will not only increase the amount you learn from your lectures
and notes, it will also convert your lecture notes into study notes for future reviews. I suggest you review all your notes
once each week. Doing so won‘t take much time but will pay off immensely in the long term.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

SOLVE PROBLEMS. As previously discussed, solving one or two problems, even if that’s all
your professor assigns, will not ensure an adequate level of understanding. If time per-
mits, work all of the problems in the book. If more time is available, work them a sec-
ond time. Practice, practice, practice! The more problems you solve, the more you will
learn. Remember:

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Time is an ―equal opportunity‖ resource. All people – regardless of their socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, physical
challenges, cultural practices, or any other kind of ―difference‖ – have exactly the same amount of time. Everyone, includ-
ing you, gets 168 hours each week – no more, no less.

People who accomplish a great deal, without exception, do two things:

3) They place a high value on their time.
4) They have a system for scheduling and managing their time and tasks.

HOW MANY HOURS SHOULD YOU STUDY? Once you commit to staying on top of your classes and reinforcing your
learning as often as possible, you must make sure to allot a sufficient number of study hours to truly master the
material covered in a one-hour lecture.
• the amount of study time required will vary from course to course, depending on such factors as:
• How difficult the course is
• How good a student you are
• How well prepared you are for the course
• What grade you want to receive

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
MAKING UP YOUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE. Your effectiveness and productivity as a student will be greatly enhanced
by scheduling your time.
first write down all your commitments: classes, meetings, part-time work, time to get to and from school, time for meals,
and so forth. The rest of your time is available for one of two purposes: study or recreation.

Next, schedule blocks of time to study. You have already decided how much study time you need between one class
meeting and the next, and you know the advantages of scheduling this time as soon after each class meeting as possible.
Write down both where and what you will study. Students tend to waste too much time between classes making three deci-
JJ. Should I study now or later?
KK. Where should I study?
LL. What should I study?
By making these decisions in advance, you will eliminate this unnecessary waste of time.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

TIME. Making up a weekly schedule, you’ll find, is easy and fun. But sticking to it will
be a challenge. The key is to make a serious commitment to your study time. I’m sure
you take your class time as a serious commitment.

You need to make the same commitment to your scheduled study time as you do
to your class time. After all, much more learning occurs out of class than in.

In summary, the benefits of scheduling your study time are:

• You will be able to see immediately if you are overextended.
• You are more likely to keep up in your classes and to devote adequate
time studying.
• You’ll get immediate feedback as to how much you are actually studying.
• You’ll learn about yourself – both what you can and cannot do.
• You’ll feel that you have more time than you ever had before.
• You’ll feel much less stressed out over school.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
DAILY PLANNING: “TO DO” LIST. One final approach to getting the most out of each day is
to make up a daily “to do” list. To do this, take a few minutes each evening and write
down a specific list of what you want to get done in the next day.

USING A LONG-TERM PLANNER. In addition to planning each week, you need a way to keep
track of long-term commitments, important dates, and deadlines. Your campus
bookstore or a local office supply store has both academic year planners and calendar
year planners for this purpose.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Priority management means doing what needs to be done. There are two dimensions to deciding what needs to be done:
• How urgent is it? (Requires immediate attention or doesn‘t require immediate attention)
• How important is it based on your personal values? (Important; or not important)
These two dimensions – urgency and importance – are frequently confused. But many urgent matters are not important!
―Importance‖ relates to whether it needs to be done at all. Not important should mean we don‘t do it at all. Much of our
time and effort is devoted to tasks that are not important, whether they are urgent or not. These dimensions can be shown
visu-ally by the following four quadrant matrix:

Key to the process of priority management is the criteria we use to

determine what is important. This depends on our value system. Suffice
it to say, candidates for high personal value include:
4) School
5) Family
6) Friends
7) Health
8) Personal goals

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
a vital component of successful engineering study is becoming a master at preparing
for and taking tests.


a recent study by researchers at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and
Human Behaviors [6] that concluded:
“Sacrificing sleep for extra study time is counterproductive.”

The student who brags about staying up all night to study most likely does not study
from class to class, does not schedule his or her time well, does not understand the
learning process (i.e., the need for incremental, reinforced learning), and does not
real-ize the pitfalls of studying alone.

The truth is, if you have incorporated the study skills we have discussed into your
regu-lar study habits – even just the one skill of “taking it as it comes” – preparing for
a test is not very hard.

There is, however, one major aspect of test-taking that distinguishes it from all
other forms of studying and learning: time pressure. That is, to do your best on
tests, you need to learn how to work under the pressure of time.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

When you are given the test, don‘t start work immediately. Glance over the entire test first and
quickly separate out the easier problems from the harder ones.

Don‘t start with the first problem; start with the easiest one. As you work the easier problems and
accu-mulate points, your confidence will build and you will develop a certain momentum.

But always keep an eye on the clock. If you divide the time available by the number of problems, you
will know approximately how much time to spend on each.

Use this as a guide to pace yourself. Also, try to complete a problem before leaving it, and avoid
jumping from one uncompleted problem to another, since you will waste time getting restarted on each.

Although you are under a time constraint, be sure to work carefully and attentively, as careless
mistakes can be very costly. It is probably smarter to work three of five problems carefully than to do all
five care-lessly.

And by all means, never leave a test early. What do you have to do that could be more important than
achieving the highest possible score on a test? If you have extra time, check and recheck your work.
No matter how many times you proofread a term paper, mistakes can still be overlooked. The same is
true for a test.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Your peers can significantly influence your academic performance, either positively
or negatively.

Negative peer pressure put on those who apply themselves to learning is an age-
old problem. Derisive terms like dork, wimp, nerd, geek, and bookworm are but a
few of those used to exert social pressure on the serious student.


Now we turn to learning modes. There are really only two:
2. Solitary
3. Collaborative
Either you try to learn by yourself or you do it with others.

Karl A. Smith, Civil Engineering professor at the University of Minnesota and a

national-ly recognized expert on cooperative learning, has found that

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Why most first year engineering students study alone
• ―I learn more studying by myself.‖
• ―I don‘t have anyone to study with.‖
• ―It‘s not right. You‘re supposed to do your own work.‖

The first of these reasons is simply wrong. It contradicts all the research that has been done on student
success and learning. The second reason is really an excuse. Your classes are overflowing with other
students who are working on the same homework assignments and preparing for the same tests as
you are. The third reason is either a carryover from a former era when the culture of engineering
education emphasized ―competition‖ over ―collaboration,‖

Today, the corporate buzzwords are ―collaboration‖ and ―teamwork‖ and engineering programs are
under a strong mandate to turn out graduates who have the skills to work well in teams. If you are using
any of these reasons to justify your ―lone-wolf‖ approach to academic work, you should now see their
inherent problems and consider changing your approach.
If you‘re still not convinced, then look at the issue from a different perspective. Instead of focusing on
the weaknesses or problems of solitary study, consider the strengths or benefits of group study. In this
light, you will find three very powerful, persuasive reasons for choosing the collaborative approach over
the solitary one:
3. You‘ll be better prepared for the engineering work world.
4. You‘ll learn more.
5. You‘ll enjoy it more.
Each of these is discussed in the following sections.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

Whether you choose to study alone or with others often depends on what you think
is the purpose of an engineering education.

A quality education trains you not only to learn and to apply what you learn, but also to
communicate what you know to others, explain your ideas to others, listen to others
ex-plain their ideas to you, and engage in dialogues and discussions on problem
formula-tions and solutions.

There are a number of ways to explain how this happens. One is the adage that “two
minds are better than one.” Through collaborative study, not only will more
information be brought to bear, but you will have the opportunity to see others’
thought processes at work.

YOU’LL ENJOY IT MORE. Group study is more fun and more stimulating than solitary
study, and because you’ll enjoy it more, you are likely to do more of it.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Once students embrace the concept of collaborative learning, they generally have questions on how to make it work.
The three most frequently asked (and probably most important) questions are:
• What percentage of my studying should be done in groups?
• What is the ideal size of a study group?
• What can be done to keep the group from getting off task?
Although there are no definitive answers to these questions, the following points serve as reliable guidelines.

PERCENTAGE OF TIME. Certainly, you should not spend all of your study time working collaboratively. I would suggest
somewhere between 25 and 50 percent. Prior to coming together, each member of a group should study the material and
work as many problems as possible to gain a base level of proficiency. The purpose of the group work should be to rein-
force and deepen that base level of understanding. The better prepared group members are when they come together,
the more they can accomplish during their study sessions.
SIZE OF STUDY GROUP. When you hear the term ―study group,‖ what size group do you think of? Five? Ten? Fifteen?
Richard Felder of North Carolina State University has the following different view:
―With two people you don‘t get sufficient diversity of ideas and approaches, and there‘s no built-in mechanism for conflict
resolution, so the dominant member of the pair will win most of the debates, whether he/she is right or wrong. Five is too
many – someone will usually get left out. I suggest three as the ideal size, with four in second place, and two in third.‖

STAYING ON TASK. You may find it difficult to stay on task when working with others. There are no simple solutions
to this problem, for it really boils down to students‘ discipline and commitment to their education. Once again, though,
size may be a factor: The larger the group, the more difficult it will be to keep everyone focused on academics. Yet
even in groups of two or three, staying on task can be a problem.
I have found it helpful to split up a group‘s meeting time into a series of short study sessions with breaks between
ses-sions. If nothing else seems to help your group to stay on task, then you‘re left with only one solution: Just do it.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Collaboration and cooperation represent a major new paradigm in business and industry, replacing that of
competition which began with the Industrial Revolution and held sway well into the twentieth century.
Collaborative learning is consistent with modern engineering management practice and with what
indus-try representatives tell us they want in our engineering graduates.

On a concluding note, I want to stress that implementing the

success strategies presented in this chapter requires you to
change – change how you think about things (your attitudes)
and change how you go about these things (your behaviors).

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Personal Growth and Student Development
You will either step forward into growth, or you will step back into safety.
—Abraham Maslow


other countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Germany were striving for
continu-ous improvement


The term that has become synonymous with continuous improvement in business and
industry practices worldwide is “Total Quality Management,” or simply TQM. Devel-
oped in the 1950s and early 1960s primarily by Japanese industrialists – along with in-
put from noted American statistician W. Edwards Deming – TQM espouses the
philoso-phy that no matter how good we are, we should strive to continuously
improve our quality . Practitioners of TQM do not attach shame or feel resistance to
change. They are not only receptive to change; they actively seek it out.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
The ―customer‖ can be you or someone else, such as your parents, your spouse or partner, your
profes-sors, or your future employer. Regardless of whom you choose, what‘s important is that you
strive to change, grow, and improve yourself continuously in every area that impacts your effectiveness
in meet-ing and exceeding the needs and expectations of your customer. Your motto should be:

The basic message is that successful people recognize the need to strive continuously to change, grow,
and improve. Wanting to improve has nothing to do with the idea that there is something wrong with you.

The cornerstone of student development is well-defined goals – the counterpart of
TQM’s first step of defining a customer’s needs. As a student, your immediate goal is
earning your B.S. degree in engineering. That’s a given. You may have other goals as well
– achieving a certain grade point average, finding the job you want upon gradua-tion,
and performing well in that job. Over the long term, you may want to have a suc-cessful
career as a practicing engineer or become president of your own company.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis

Actions, what you say and do, are one part of human behavior. You also have thoughts, the ideas, attitudes,
values, worldviews, and mindsets you hold; and feelings, the emotions you have. Obviously, your actions,
thoughts, and feelings are deeply interrelated: Your feelings can affect your thoughts and actions, your actions
can impact your thoughts and feelings, and so forth. But it is helpful to separate them out when talking about stu-
dent development, for doing so establishes a framework for analyzing, understanding, and changing yourself.
Value judgments can be made based on an analysis of your actions, thoughts, and feelings. For this purpose,
you can classify your actions in one of two ways: productive or non-productive.
Productive actions support the achievement of your goals.
Non-productive actions do the opposite: they interfere with or work against the achievement of your goals.
Similarly, you can classify your thoughts as either positive or negative.
Positive thoughts result in your choosing productive actions.
Negative thoughts result in your choosing non-productive actions.
Finally, our feelings can be classified as either positive or negative.
Positive feelings produce positive thoughts, which in turn lead to productive actions.
Negative feelings produce negative thoughts, which lead to nonproductive actions.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
To give you just one example of how our feelings can affect our thoughts and
actions, read the following story about “Jane R.”

Jane R. gets terrible feelings of anxiety when she has to speak in public. She has
thoughts like, “I’m a lousy speaker.” Before she speaks, she gets so nervous that
she does a poor job.

Out of desperation, she goes for counseling. During therapy, she recalls that in
elemen-tary school she was criticized by her teacher when called on to read aloud to
the class. This experience left her traumatized.

In therapy she realizes that it was okay for a third-grader to make a mistake when
read-ing aloud. She also realizes that her teacher wasn’t intentionally trying to harm
her. As a result, she is able to forgive herself and her teacher. By diffusing the negative
feelings, she begins to think, “Maybe I can do a good job of speaking in public.”

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
If you begin to choose productive actions in support of a personal goal, and if you
work to change negative thoughts to positive ones in support of those actions, in
time you will feel more positive about yourself and about your life.

As illustrated in the Student Suc-

cess Model achieving your goal
of graduating in engineering will
likely require that you change
your actions from non-
productive to productive ones,
your thoughts from negative to
positive, and your feelings from
negative to positive. Through
these changes you will grow and
develop as a student.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
By knowledge, we mean: You know what to do.
Actually, you will find that change is not so easy. Changing your behavior requires you to
successfully navigate three steps, each of which can present significant barriers to change:

New Knowledge Is No Guarantee

A prime example of how new knowledge does not always produce change is smoking cigarettes. When I
was growing up, people simply did not know that smoking caused cancer. Today, no one can deny
know-ing that it does. The relationship between smoking and lung cancer is an example of a new
knowledge base. However, many people still smoke. They failed to change because they did not make a
commit-ment to act on the new knowledge.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
By commitment, we mean that you not only know what to do but that: You want to do it.
Developing that commitment requires you to go through the process of examining each academic suc-
cess strategy and deciding whether you want to put it into practice. Do I want to schedule my time? Do I
want to study from class to class rather than from test to test? Do I want to prepare for each lecture? Do
I want to study with other students? Do I want to make effective use of my professors? Do I want to
spend more time on campus? Do I believe these strategies and approaches will enhance my academic


The final stage is implementation. By implementation, we mean that you not only know what to do
and want to do it, but that: You do it!
This is probably the most difficult step to take. Change can be hard, no matter how knowledgeable
and committed you may be.
There are many reasons why you may fail to change behaviors that you know you should – behaviors
that, in effect, work against you. For example, let‘s assume that you are not putting sufficient effort into
studying and are doing poorly in your classes. How can this be? You want to be successful in school.
You want to get all of the rewards that a career in engineering will bring to you. Still, you are not doing
what is required for success.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
There is one subject that you don’t study in school – a subject that is the key to
your happiness and quality of life. That subject is YOU!

Understanding yourself is an essential aspect of becoming a productive and happy

per-son. There are other benefits as well. As you grow in your understanding of
yourself, your ability to understand other people will likewise grow.
But nobody said it would be easy. As Benjamin Franklin noted:
There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Famed psychologist Abraham Maslow focused his research on the relationship between human motivation and
needs, particularly unmet needs. Motivation, he claimed, is the inner drive that propels behaviors and actions.
To illustrate the connection between motivation and needs, he developed this hierarchy:

Needs Are Not Wants

It is important to distinguish between needs and wants. Needs are things that you must have, things that are
es-sential. Wants are things that you desire. For example, you may want to have an expensive car, but having
one is not essential. Don‘t let unnecessary wants distract you from academic success.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
At the lowest level are your physiological needs for food, water, air, and shelter.
At the second level are your safety needs, including the need for security and freedom from fear
of physical and psychological threats.
At the third level are your social needs, such as needing to belong, to be accepted, and to receive
sup-port and affection from others. These social needs are generally met by family and friends.
Maslow‘s fourth level centers on your needs for esteem, including self-respect, achievement, and
recognition. You need to feel good about yourself and to feel as though you have the respect and
appre-ciation of others.
The fifth and highest level is your need for self-actualization. Self-actualization means fully
developing your abilities and ambitions. It is the need you have to reach your highest potential, or put in
simple terms, ―to do your best.‖


As indicated by Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs, self-esteem is a fundamental human need.
According to Nathaniel Branden [8], self-esteem is made up of two
interrelated components:
Self-efficacy - your sense of competence
Self-respect - your sense of personal worth
To be self-efficacious is to feel capable of producing a desired result.

Self-respect comes from feeling positive about your right to be happy, rom feeling
that you are worthy of the rewards of your actions, and from feeling that you deserve
the respect of others.
It is important to have both self-efficacy and self-respect.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
It is no surprise that high self-esteem is one of the best predictors of personal happi-
ness [9]. The value of self-esteem is not merely that it allows you to feel better, but
also that healthy self-esteem will be a key factor in your productivity and success.
According to Branden:

Your college years provide a unique opportunity for you to enhance your self-
esteem by building both your self-efficacy and your self-respect.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
A team is defined as two or more people who interact regularly and coordinate their work to
ac-complish a mutual objective.
Nothing of significance is ever achieved by an individual acting alone. Think of impressive human
achievements: climbing of Mt. Everest, launching a fighter jet from an aircraft carrier, placing a
hu-man on the moon, building the Golden Gate Bridge. We‘re all aware that these achievements
re-quired significant teamwork.
If you, as many students do, prefer to work alone, now is the time to get over it. Virtually all engi-
neering work is teamwork. You will be involved on a team – as a team member or leader –
throughout your engineering education, your career as an engineering professional, and your life.
an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Following are some general principles that govern every high performing team.
Purpose – Teams need a clear, well-defined vision of what needs to be accomplished.
Synergy – By combining efforts and talents, teams can outperform any individual.
Cooperation – Team members must be willing to subordinate their self interests on behalf of the team‘s pur-
Roles – Each team member contributes optimally when in the correct, clearly-assigned role.
Difficulty – The more challenging the goal, the more important the teamwork is.
Motivation – Team members need to find ways to spark the team‘s greatest possible accomplishments.
Weakest Link – The team‘s results will be limited by the performance of its weakest member.
Attitude – Poor attitudes can spoil the greatest of talents.
Trust/Reliance – Team members need to be able to rely on one another.
Discipline – Team members must be prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to do what needs to be done.
Focus – Teams need a system to track their progress and keep them focused on their goal(s).
Values – Team members should have shared values about their project.
Leadership – The team needs to have effective leadership.
Morale – Team members should feel good about being a member of their team.
Planning and Resources – The team should effectively plan and use resources.
Decision-Making – The team needs to be able to make good decisions.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
As every ship needs a captain, every team needs a team leader. Depending on the context, the team leader
might be appointed (e.g., by your professor) or elected by team members. The purpose of the leader is to
direct the actions of the team to achieve its goal.
Some of the important attributes of an effective team leader include:
4. Willingness to lead and take charge
5. Ability to keep the team focused on its purpose
6. Ability to set goals, priorities, and standards of performance
7. Proficiency at being a team builder
8. Ability to plan appropriately/accordingly
9. Able to run productive meetings
10. Ability to communicate effectively
11. Ability to promote harmony and inspire trust
12. Ability to foster high levels of performance by team members
No matter what their traits or skills, leaders carry out their roles in a
wide variety of styles. Three of the most common are:
1) Autocratic – Leader makes decisions independently with little input from team members.
2) Democratic – Leader offers guidance but also encourages strong participation from team members.
3) Laissez-Faire – Leaders offer little guidance and leave decision making up to team members.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Some of the characteristics of an effective team member are:
• Supports and helps the team leader succeed
• Understands and supports the team mission, purpose, and goal
• Subordinates self-interest on behalf of the team‘s purpose
• Welcomes being a member of the team and works to get to know and build trust with other
team members
• Communicates openly and honestly
• Respects differences and diversity in team members
• Works to elicit the ideas of others; listens to understand others‘npoints of view
• Views conflict as useful and necessary; works toward consensus
• Is reliable; follows through on tasks; meets deadlines
• Is willing to work hard, often ―beyond the call of duty,‖ for the success of the team

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
To be productive and happy, it is important that you take care of your mental and physical well-
being. With the rigors and demands of being a student – and, later an engineering professional
– it is easy to ignore these areas of your life. But that is a big mistake. Tending to these personal
needs is a must.


Since each of us is so unique and our emotional and physical states so complicated, this section
is only meant to offer you a few ideas. Most obviously and most importantly, to expect a high
level of mental and physical health, you must:
Eat nutritionally
Engage in regular aerobic exercise
Get adequate sleep
Avoid drugs

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
To ensure a healthy mental state, you need to strike a balance between immediate and
future gratification. By seeking too much immediate gratification (and therefore not
getting your work done), you are likely to feel guilty. You’ll probably then worry about the
fact that you are not studying, putting yourself into a mental state in which you
cannot study.

On the other hand if you work too much, too long, or too hard, you begin to feel de-
prived. Feelings of deprivation and resentment care bound to sabotage your commit-
ment to your studies. You may begin to doubt whether the sacrifice is worth it.

Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, 4th Edition by Raymond b. Landis
Interestingly, the term stress was borrowed from engineering by Dr. Hans Selye, an early
pioneer in the area of stress management. Selye defined stress as ―the response of the body to
any de-mand made upon it to adapt, whether that demand produces pleasure or pain.‖
Stress can be either positive or negative. Eustress is a positive form that motivates individuals to
attain high levels of performance. For example, the ―butterflies‖ a football player experiences be-
fore a big game can produce inspired play. Distress is the negative form of stress. It distracts
you from being the best you can be. It can debilitate both your physical and mental health.


1ST SEMESTER A.Y. 2020-2021


-to define and describe Engineering and Civil Engineering
• The word engineer originates from the Latin term ingenium/ingeniare meaning cleverness/to invent,
to create or to regulate
• Application of scientific principles to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces
of nature for the benefit of mankind.
• Application of physical science and chemical laws and principles and mathematics to
design millions of products and services that we use in our everyday lives

To meet the demands of mankind using millions of products and services everyday, there are a lots of
engineering disciplines. To name a few we have

Aerospace, Agricultural, Biomedical, Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and

Nuclear Engineering
Engineers make products and provide services that make our lives better. To see how engineers
contribute to the comfort and the betterment of our everyday lives, let us look around us more carefully. All
through out the day, we would experience hot or cold weather but thanks to some mechanical engineers
who design heating, air-conditioning and ventilating systems we can go by the day comfortably. The TV or
smartphones we are using to get our morning news was designed by electrical and electronic engineers.
When we get up in the morning, be assured that thousands of mechanical and electrical engineers and
technicians at power plants and power stations are making certain the flow of electricity remains
uninterrupted so that we have enough power to turn on your TV or charged your phone. When we are
getting ready to take shower, the clean water we are to use is coming to our home thanks to mechanical
and civil engineers. Even the pump to bring water to our homes was also designed by them. After our
shower, when we are about to dry ourselves with a towel, think about what types of engineer worked
behind the scenes to produce it. Yes, the cotton towel was made with the help of agricultural, industrial,
manufacturing, chemical, petroleum, civil and mechanical engineers. Think about the machines that were
used to pick the cotton, transport the cotton to a factory, clean it, and dye it to a pretty color that is pleasing
to our eyes. Then other machines were used to weave the fabric and send it to a sewing machine were
designed by mechanical engineers. The same is true to the clothing we are about to wear. Well, you may
say, I can at least sit down and eat my breakfast and not wonder whether some engineers made this
possible as well. But the food you are about to eat was made with the help and collaboration of various
engineering disciplines, from agricultural to mechanical. Let‘s say we are about to have some cereal. The
milk was kept fresh in our refrigerator thanks to the effort and work of mechanical engineers, chemical
engineers and electrical engineers. Now you are ready to get into your car or take a ride to go to school.
The car you are about to ride was made possible with the collaboration of automotive, mechanical,
electrical, electronic, material, chemical, and petroleum engineers. We could go on forever talking about
the achievements, accomplishments and contributions of engineers to the society. So, you see there is not
much that we do in our daily lives that has not involved the work of engineers.


• CIVIL ENGINEERING is the science or profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and
physical sciences gained by study and practice is applied with judgement to utilize natural and
man-made resources and forces in the planning, design, management, construction, and
maintenance of buildings, structures, facilities and utilities in their totality, for the progressive well-
being and for the benefit of mankind, enhancing the environment, community living, industry, and
transportation, taking into consideration functionality, efficiency, economy, safety, and
environmental quality. National Statistics Code of the Philippines Volume 1, 7th edition, 2015
(Chapter 1- General Requirement 1-3)

Civil engineering is everything you see that‘s been built around us. It‘s about roads and railways, schools,
offices, hospitals, water and power supply and much more. The kinds of things we take for granted but
would find life very hard to live without.


5) CIVIL ENGINEER- is a professional engineer licensed to practice in the field of civil
engineering. National Statistics Code of the Philippines Volume 1, 7 th edition, 2015 (Chapter 1-
General Requirement 1-3)
Civil engineers design, build, and supervise infrastructure projects and systems or someone who applies
scientific knowledge to improve infrastructure and common utilities that meet basic human needs.
Civil engineers conceive, design, build, supervise, operate, construct and maintain infrastructure
projects and systems in the public and private sector, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams,
bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment. Many civil engineers work in planning,
design, construction, research, and education.

Civil engineers typically do the following:

• Analyze long range plans, survey reports, maps, and other data to plan and design projects.
• Consider construction costs, government regulations, potential environmental hazards, and
other factors during the planning and risk-analysis stages of projects
• Compile and submit permit applications to local, state, and federal agencies, verifying that projects
comply with various regulations
• Oversee and analyze the results of soil testing to determine the adequacy and strength of
• Analyze the results of tests on building materials, such as concrete, wood, asphalt, or steel, or
use in particular projects
• Prepare cost estimates for materials, equipment, or labor to determine a project‘s economic
• Use design software to plan and design transportation systems, hydraulic systems, and
structures in line with industry and government standards
• Perform or oversee surveying operations to establish building locations, site layouts,
reference points, grades, and elevations to guide construction
• Manage the repair, maintenance, and replacement of public and private infrastructure

Infrastructures must be…


Economically sound

Good looking (aesthetic)

Note: it is a good practice that the top takes the highest priority and bottom takes the least

Civil engineers also must present their findings to the public on topics such as bid proposals, environmental
impact statements, or property descriptions.

Many civil engineers hold supervisory or administrative positions ranging from supervisor of a construction
site to city engineer, public works director, and city manager. As supervisors, they are tasked with
ensuring that safe work practices are followed at construction sites.
Other civil engineers work in design, construction, research, and teaching. Civil engineers work with
others on projects and may be assisted by civil engineering technicians.

Civil engineers prepare permit documents for work on projects in renewable energy. They verify that the
projects will comply with federal, state, and local requirements. These engineers conduct structural
analyses for large-scale photovoltaic, or solar energy, projects. They also evaluate the ability of solar array
support structures and buildings to tolerate stresses from wind, seismic activity, and other sources. For
large-scale wind projects, civil engineers often prepare roadbeds to handle large trucks that haul in the

Civil engineers work on complex projects, and they can achieve job satisfaction in seeing the project reach

Civil engineers work in a variety of locations and conditions. When working on designs, civil engineers
may spend most of their time indoors in offices. However, construction engineers may spend much of their
time outdoors at construction sites monitoring operations or solving onsite problems. Some jobs may
require frequent relocation to different areas and offices in jobsite trailers.

Civil engineers who function as project managers may work from cars or trucks as they move from site
to site. Many civil engineers work for government agencies in government office buildings or facilities.
Occasionally, civil engineers travel abroad to work on large engineering projects in other countries.

Civil engineers typically work full time and some work more than 40 hours per week. Engineers who direct
projects may need to work extra hours to monitor progress on the projects, to ensure that designs meet
requirements, and to guarantee that deadlines are met.


Civil Engineers need a bachelor‘s degree. To become a Licensed Civil Engineer in the Philippines, a
graduate of Civil Engineering needs to pass the Civil Engineering Licensure Examination. The
examination is conducted by the Board of Civil Engineering under the supervision of the Professional
Regulations Commission (PRC). It is scheduled twice a year in the months of May and November.
Day 1 (8:00 AM- 1:00 PM)
Mathematics, Surveying and Transportation Engineering-75 items

• Algebra, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Analytics, Descriptive and Solid Geometry,
Differential and Integral Calculus, Highway and Railroad Surveying, Plane topographic and
Hydrographic Surveying, Advanced Surveying, Design and Construction of Highways and
Railroads, Piers, Ports and Wharves

Day 1 (2:00 AM- 6:00 PM)

Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering-50 items

9) Fluid Properties; Hydrostatic Pressures; Fluid Flow; Bouyancy and Flotation; Relative equilibrium
of Liquids; Hydrodynamics; Water Supply
10) Soil Properties; Soil Classification; Fluid Flow through Soil Mass; Stresses in Soil Mass; Soil
Strength and Test Bearing Capacity; Compaction; Consolidation and Settlement; Lateral
Earth Pressures; Slope Stability
Day 2 (8:00 AM- 1:00 PM)
Structural Engineering and Construction-75 items

4. Engineering Mechanics; Strength of Materials; Theory of Structures; Analysis and Design of

Concrete; Steel; Timber Structures and Foundation with the application of the governing Codes
of Practice

To be a certified civil engineer, you must get a general average of 70% plus no grades lower than 50%
in any of the subject areas.


November 2019 15,075 6,510 43.18%
May 2019 8,855 3,372 38.08%
November 2018 13,887 6,262 45.09%
May 2018 7,599 2738 36.03%
November 2017 12,447 6,075 48.81%
May 2017 6,998 2,514 35.92%
November 2016 10,972 5,036 45.90%

To preserve the integrity of CELE, PRC board of civil engineering released the list of allowed calculators for
November 2019 board exams onward. The board emphasized that the use of brands CASIO FX-570ES
plus and CASIO FX-991ES plus are strictly prohibited.
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on May 27, 2020 has released the list of allowed non-
programmable calculator in the upcoming Civil Engineering (CE) board exams.

Pursuant to Resolution No. 02, series of 2020, issued by the Professional Regulatory Board of Civil
Engineering, as approved by the Commission, examinees may use any of the following non-
programmable calculators.

Fx-95MS Fx-122S Fx-350HA Fx-82ES PLUS

Fx-100D Fx-220 Fx-350MS Fx-85MS

Fx-100MS Fx-250HC Fx-350TL Fx-85W

Fx-100S Fx-260 Fx-570AD Fx-901

Fx-100W Fx-300W Fx-570MS Fx-911W

Fx-115MS Fx-350D Fx-570S Fx-991MS

Fx-115S Fx-350ES PLUS r-x-570W Fx-991S

Fx-115WA Fx-350EX Fx-82EX Fx-991W


F-502 F-710 F-718SG F-720i

F-502G F-718S F-718SGA F-760S

F-604 F-718SA F-720 F-789SGA


EL-500W EL-506W EL-510R EL-531XH

EL-501V EL-509D EL-520G EL-531W

EL-501W EL-509R EL-520VA EL-546L

EL-501X EL-509V EL-520W EL-546VA

EL-506P EL-509W EL-520X EL-556G

EL-506V EL-509X EL-531VH EL-W531


HP 9S HP IOS HP 30S HP Smartcalc 300S


SR-135N SR-260N SR-270N SR-270X SR-281N


AX-501 AX-528BL AX-595TV AX-597W AX-600S


LCD 8110 LCD 9210 ES-570MS ES-570ES PLUS


Tl-30XA Tl-30XllS Tl-30XS Tl-34 Tl-36X PRO


KC-S991 KC-S3500


YH-105 YH-106

TS-98MS TS-2000

Allowed calculators are limited to functions/features including addition, subtraction, multiplication,

division, trigonometric function, logarithm and xy. Likewise, only one (1) calculator per examinee is
allowed in examination room and will be thoroughly inspected by proctors for maximum compliance.


Republic Act No. 10912, otherwise known as the ―Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of
2016‖, is an act which requires CPD as the mandatory requirement for the renewal of Professional
Identification Card. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and
experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It's a
record of what you experience, learn and then apply.

The CPD Act lapsed into Law on July 21, 2016 and it took effect on August 16, 2016.

The implementation of R.A. No. 10912 started on March 15, 2017, upon the effectivity of Resolution No.
1032 or the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. No. 10912

For Civil Engineers, pursuant to Resolution No. 07, s. 2017, of the Professional Regulatory Board of
Civil Engineering, the following is the transitory period for the compliance of their CUs:


June 2017 – February 2018 0
March 2018 – December 2018 25
January 2019 - Onwards 45


Aged 60-65 years 40
66-70 years 30
Over 70 years 20
As for PERSONS WITH DISABILITY, the required CPD credit units in a compliance period shall be thirty
(30), starting January 2019.

The Major Areas of CPD Activities for Civil Engineersshall be divided into four (4) major areas
with corresponding required credit units as shown in the following table:


Ethics 2
Professional Practice (e.g. laws, Attendance to PRB-sponsored 4
rules, PRB/ Commission learning activities
Enhancement of Professional General civil engineering 10
Practice in Civil Engineering practice
Enhancement of Technical Civil engineering practice in the 27
Competence in chosen field of chosen field of specialization
Specialization (career path)
Environmental Factors Affecting Awareness of the environmental 2
the Profession (e.g. Gender and factors affecting the profession
Development, Personality

PROFESSION Maximum Creditable Units Coverage Of Activities

For Self-Directed And/Or Which Has Limited
Lifelong Learning In A Creditable Units
Compliance Period
CIVIL ENGINEERING 20 CUs Self-Directed And/Or Lifelong
(except for OFWs who shall be Learning activities provided by
allowed 35 CUs) Board Resolution No. 07, S.2017

• DECISION MAKING SKILLS. Civil engineers often balance multiple and frequently conflicting
objectives, such as determining the feasibility of plans with regard to financial costs and safety
concerns. Urban and regional planners often look to civil engineers for advice on these issues. Civil
engineers must be able to make good decisions based on best practices, their own technical
knowledge, and their own experience.

• LEADERSHIP SKILLS. Civil engineers take ultimate responsibility for the projects that they
manage or research that they perform. Therefore, they must be able to lead planners, surveyors,
construction managers, civil engineering technicians, civil engineering technologists, and others in
implementing their project plan.

• MATH SKILLS. Civil engineers use the principles of calculus, trigonometry, and other advanced
topics in mathematics for analysis, design, and troubleshooting in their work.

• ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS. Only licensed civil engineers can sign the design documents for
infrastructure projects. This requirement makes it imperative that civil engineers be able to monitor
and evaluate the work at the jobsite as a project progresses. That way, they can ensure
compliance with the design documents. Civil engineers also often manage several projects at the
same time, and thus must be able to balance time needs and to effectively allocate resources.

• PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS. Civil engineers work at the highest level of the planning, design,
construction, and operation of multifaceted projects or research. The many variables involved
require that they possess the ability to identify and evaluate complex problems. They must be able
to then use their skill and training to develop cost-effective, safe, and efficient solutions.

• SPEAKING SKILLS. Civil engineers must present reports and plans to audiences of people with a
wide range of backgrounds and technical knowledge. This requires the ability to speak clearly and
to converse with people in various settings, and to translate engineering and scientific information
into easy-to-understand concepts.

• WRITING SKILLS. Civil engineers must be able to communicate with others, such as architects,
landscape architects, urban and regional planners. They also must be able to explain projects to
elected officials and citizens. Civil engineers must be able to write reports that are clear, concise,
and understandable to those with little or no technical or scientific background.

PLATE No. 1-Reaction paper about …



In the field of engineering, there seems to be a perennial issue between engineers having licenses and
those having none. It has created some unnecessary barriers at work because of the
pride that licensed engineers hold. But that shouldn‘t be the case.

What‘s the purpose of having an engineering license anyway? An engineering license allows one engineer
to work having the credit of an engineer. Regulations about licensing in engineering vary
from different countries but a license has one humanitarian purpose: it is to encourage
safety and well-being of the general public by being accountable as an engineer. It is the
stronghold of the law for engineers to take legal responsibility for any engineering work or
projects, through the registered engineers‘ signatures, seals and stamps.

It‘s more than just having an ―engineer‖ tagged in a name. An engineering license is considered the
highest standard of competence, which dignifies an engineering graduate who really is capable to practice
his or her profession. It is the title that represents an authority and responsibility. Moreover, registered
engineers get immediate respect from peers and an innate sense of achievement. They are also the ones
who are first noticed by employers upon hiring, even when licenses are not necessarily required to be in
the workforce.

There is so much power that is paired with an engineering license; however, there‘s a huge ―but‖ to all
these merits: if one is not a licensed engineer, it doesn‘t mean that he or she doesn‘t have the right to work
as an engineer. He or she also has a valid engineering opinion that may even be better than those who
have licenses. The title is not strictly exclusive to those who passed professional exams, but also to those
who uphold the values and ideas of an engineer, which is to design and innovate.

It may be that the law doesn‘t allow non-licensed engineers to be called engineers in everything they do, but it
doesn‘t mean they are not also allowed to act like engineers. They can still become engineers of their own
right. We need to stop thinking highly if we are one of those registered engineers. We need to stop thinking
lowly if we are one of those non-registered engineers. Either way, this is a kind of thinking lying at the back of
our heads which breeds the discrimination. We are all engineers if we do engineering. Period.

Engineers are better off not classified with their licenses at work, because what‘s important is that an
engineer delivers for the benefit of mankind. It also starts among ourselves as engineers to treat our co-
engineers fairly, regardless of license.

PRC Board of CE likewise added the following reminders during examination day:

6. Cellular Phones, Smart/digital watches, any form of Transmitters, Bluetooth, Earplugs, Portable
Computers, iPad/Tablets, Camera and Audio/Video Recorders and other electronic
gadgets/devices that maybe used for communication purposes are not allowed.
7. Books, notes, review materials, and other printed materials are prohibited.
• Bags of any kind (ladies bag, shoulder bags, attache case, backpacks, etc.) are not allowed in
the examination room.

• Other examination aids not stated in the program are prohibited.

Locally, the demand for Civil Engineers depends on the current state of the construction industry. A
construction boom will spur the demand for Civil Engineers and other skilled construction workers.
Government spending on infrastructure will likewise push the demand for this type of workers. Overseas,
the demand for engineers and other construction workers of various skills will continue in the Middle East,
Korea, The Caribbean Islands, Malaysia, Ireland and Canada. Civil Engineers may be employed in the
following industries: Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, Gas and Water Supply,
Construction, and Real Estate, Renting and Business Activities. (Department of Labor and Employment-
Bureau of Local Employment)

Employment projection data for civil engineers in 2018-2028 (U.S. Bureau

of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

Projected Change 2018-2028

Occupational title Employment, 2018
Employment, 2028 Percent Numeric
Civil Engineers 326,800 347,300 6 20,500

A person working as a Civil Engineer in Philippines typically earns around 40,700 PHP per month. Salaries
range from 18,700 PHP (lowest) to 64,700 PHP (highest).

This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits. Civil Engineer salaries
vary drastically based on experience, skills, gender, or location. (salary explorer)


1 SEMESTER A.Y. 2020-2021

History of Civil Engineering

To state the background and history of Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life since the beginnings of human existence thus it is difficult to
determine the history of emergence and its beginning. By our definition Civil engineering involves the design,
construction, and maintenance of works such as roads, bridges, and buildings. It‘s a science that includes a
variety of disciplines including soils, structures, geology, and other fields. Thus the history of civil engineering is
closely associated with the history of advancement in these sciences. In ancient history, most of the construction
was carried out by artisans( a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand or
manual labor), and technical expertise was limited. Tasks were accomplished by the utilization of manual labor
only, without the use of sophisticated machinery, since it did not exist. Therefore, civil engineering works could
only be realized with the utilization of a large number of skilled workers over an extended period of time.

It might be appropriate to assume that the science of civil engineering truly commenced between 4000
and 2000 BC in Egypt when transportation gained such importance that it led to the development of
the wheel. Earliest practices may have commenced first in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia when
humans started to abandon a nomadic existence. This led to the development of construction, as trial
and error distinguished good design from less effective approaches. Mesopotamia contained some of
the most skilled engineers in the ancient world, as did Ancient Egypt.
Let us look at some of the ancient historic civil engineering constructions.

The construction of Pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700-2500 BC)

might be considered the first instances of large structure
constructions. Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first
documented engineer, built a famous stepped pyramid for
King Djoser located at Saqqara Necropolis. With simple tools
and mathematics he created a monument that stands to this

day. His greatest contribution to engineering was his

discovery of the art of building with shaped stones. Those
who followed him carried engineering to remarkable heights

Pyramids in Egypt s using skill and imagination.

Existence of ancient dams, irrigations canals and Qanats

shows the long lasting struggle of people to fight against
drought condition. By the increasing demand of water due
to the increasing population, ancient Iranian invented a new
system to bring the groundwater to the surface using the
gravitational force. This is called Qanat water management
system (the oldest older than 3000 years and longer than 71
km,) Qanat has been introduced to people in other regions
of the world (e.g. Japan, Egypt, Oman, Spain, Chile), and so
is considered as the main contribution of Iranians in
Qanat water management system (the oldest older
Hydraulics. Qanat has a main sloping tunnel and many
than 3000 years and longer than 71 km,)
shaft wells, which together bring water from a high
mountain region to low elevation lands.

Parthenon, temple that dominates the hill of the Acropolis at

Athens. It was built in the mid-5th century BCE and dedicated

to the Greek goddess Athena Parthenos (―Athena the Virgin‖).

The temple is generally considered to be the culmination of

the development of the Doric order, the simplest of the three

Classical Greek architectural orders.

Parthenon by Iktinos in Ancient Greece (447-

438 BC)
The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest sights
in the world — the longest wall in the world, an awe-
inspiring feat of ancient defensive architecture. Its
winding path over rugged country and steep
mountains takes in some great scenery.
Materials used are stone, soil, sand, brick
material delivery is by hand, rope, cart, goat

Great Wall of China by General

Meng T‘ien under orders from Ch‘in
Emperor Shih Huang Ti (c. 220 BC)

While the Inca are best remembered for their beautiful

walls, their civil engineering projects were incredibly
advanced as well. (Especially, as is often noted, for a
culture that used no draft animals, iron tools, or wheels.)
The site we see today had to be sculpted out of a notch
between two small peaks by moving stone and earth to
create a relatively flat space. The engineer Kenneth Wright
has estimated that 60 percent of the construction done at
Machu Picchu, Perut Machu Picchu was underground. Much of that consists of
deep building foundations and crushed rock used as

The Romans developed civil structures throughout their empire, including especially
aqueducts, insulae, harbours, bridges, dams and roads. (from left to right)

Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil eng‘g and architecture, and the term engineer

and architect were mainly geographical variations referring to the same person, often used interchangeably.


Historically, the term ‗civil engineering‘ did not exist. In the 18th century, the term civil
engineering was coined to incorporate all things civilian as opposed to military eng‘g.


A military engineer is one who

makes ‗machines of war‘
Engineers whose duties were civil Projects
and non- military
In ancient times the bridge,
Projects waterways, fortifications and
roads, dams, buildings and machines of war
bridges. *roads, dams, buildings and bridges
facilitated for the military agendas
of certain rulers.

The beginnings of civil engineering as a separate discipline may be seen in the foundation in France in 1716 of
the Bridge and Highway Corps, out of which in 1747 grew the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées(―National
School of Bridges and Highways‖). Its teachers wrote books that became standard works on the mechanics of
materials, machines, and hydraulics, and leading British engineers learned French to read them. As design and
calculation replaced rule of thumb and empirical formulas, and as expert knowledge was codified and formulated,
the nonmilitary engineer moved to the front of the stage. Talented, if often self-taught, craftsmen, stonemasons,
millwrights, toolmakers, and instrument makers became civil engineers. In Britain, James Brindleybegan as a
millwright and became the foremost canal builder of the century; John Rennie was a millwright‘s apprentice who
eventually built the new London Bridge; Thomas Telford, a stonemason, became Britain‘s leading road builder.

John Smeaton, the first man to call himself a civil engineer, began as an instrument maker. His design of Eddystone
Lighthouse (1756–59), with its interlocking masonry, was based on a craftsman‘s experience. Smeaton‘s work was
backed by thorough research, and his services were much in demand. In 1771 he founded the Society of Civil Engineers
(now known as the Smeatonian Society). Its object was to bring together experienced
engineers, entrepreneurs, and lawyers to promote the building of large public works, such as canals (and later
railways), and to secure the parliamentary powers necessary to execute their schemes. Their meetings were
held during parliamentary sessions; the society follows this custom to this day.
The École Polytechnique was founded in Paris in 1794, and the Bauakademie was started in Berlin in 1799, but no such

schools existed in Great Britain for another two decades. It was this lack of opportunity for scientific study and for the

exchange of experiences that led a group of young men in 1818 to found the Institution of Civil Engineers. The founders

were keen to learn from one another and from their elders, and in 1820 they invited Thomas Telford, by then the dean of

British civil engineers, to be their first president. There were similar developments elsewhere.

6) The first engineering school, The National School of

Bridges and Highways, France, was opened in 1747.
7) The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was John
Smeaton who constructed the Eddystone Lighthouse.
8) In 1771, Smeaton and some of his colleagues formed the
Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, a group of leaders of
the profession who met informally over dinner.24
9) In 1818, world‘s first engineering society, the
Institution of Civil Engineers was founded in London.
10) In 1820 the eminent engineer Thomas Telford became its first president.

11) The institution received a Royal Charter in 1828,

formally recognizing civil engineering as a profession.

“Civil engineering is the application of physical and scientific principles, and its history is intricately linked to

advances in understanding of physics and mathematics throughout history. Because civil engineering is a wide

ranging profession, including several separate specialized sub-disciplines, its history is linked to knowledge of

structures, material science, geography, geology, soil, hydrology, environment, mechanics and other fields.”

- Royal Charter in 1828

Today, civil engineering addresses complex design with advanced technology. CAD, Revit, SketchUp and Staad etc.

help with design, creation and testing of structure simulations.

It works well whether a civil engineer is addressing flood plain management, designing a
bridge or planning roadways. This software leads to effective products and cost savings.

It is difficult to find an area where civil engineering has not been involved. If you work in a new building, cross

a bridge or move into a new subdivision, there was likely a civil engineer involved in the original plans.

Researched or compiled by: Dindo, Mojica, C.E., M. Eng


The history of the architecture and civil engineering profession in the Philippines were almost synonymous to each
other. In more than three-and-a-half centuries of Spanish subjugation, there were no Filipino civil engineers. Social
prejudice constrained the repressed indio builders to content themselves to be called mere Maestro de Obras
(Master Builders) even if they could design and build any type of structure that technology could allow at that time.
Master Builders as of today were equivalent to Construction Foreman.

Civil Engineering, as practiced in the Philippines during the Spanish era, was not by
virtue of an academic title. There were no civil engineering schools in the country at
that time and the only architects/engineers with academic degrees were Spaniards.
The walled city in Intramuros was established by the Spaniards as a model community. The Friar
Architects/Engineers during that time were the ones who built the government buildings, bridges, residential and
other structures, incorporated European standards in engineering and architectural installations.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, Filipino engineers were assigned the task of maintaining, repairing and/or remodeling

infrastructure systems in all ―pueblos‖ or towns including churches, convents and government buildings.

Maestro de Obras were called by the Ilustrados‖ or the elite group to build structures in villas and mansions.

18th and 19th CENTURY

Road work in the Philippine Islands during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, under the Spanish regime, consisted
in the opening of routes of communication throughout the Islands, in a very thorough manner, and leaving a very valuable
asset to the present Government in the matter of the width of right of way, which was incorporated into the law and
became a part of the public domain. The location of these routes has been justified, inasmuch, that few changes have
been made in the general alignment, except when new sections have opened up and a change in location justified. Grades
have been improved and method of construction changed. The right of way, as established by law, has made possible the
construction methods of to-day. The use of broken stone or gravel on road work seems not to have been practiced by the
Spaniard, as little evidence is found to promulgate this belief.

Two types of construction under Spanish regime were practiced: First, pavement of cut Spanish road. Cut adobe stone
pavement. Stone. This was usually of the adobe quality, probably used because it is easily quarried, cut, and handled, the
size used called ''ordinario" 20 by 20 centimeters and 50 centimeters long. This makes a very smooth and pretty
pavement, but, where an ordinary amount of traffic is encountered, wears very rapidly.
Had a hard stone been used, the result would have been of a permanent nature.

Second, Spanish road, rubble-stone pavement. cobblestones. The pavement of cobblestone consisted of boulders
probably taken from river beds varying in size from 10 to 30 centimeters in diameter. This type was very durable
and lasting, so long as the individual stones retained their position in a bed of earth. Owing to the size used there
was no bond, and stones were easily displaced, unless covered with earth, sand, or gravel. This pavement was very
rough and, had a second or top course of small gravel been used and bound together with a binding material,
would have been in use to-day. Attention is often called to the good roads that existed during the Spanish regime.


The coming of the Americans brought about drastic changes in our engineering culture. The new colonizers
pursued ―benevolent‖ policies that focused on English education, public health, free enterprise, and representative
governance thus bringing with them were military engineers, Thomasite teachers, doctors and evangelist.
Under the civil government established in July, 1901, such ―assimilation‖ manifested
itself physically in the form of infrastructures. Highways, bridges, schools, hospitals,
and government buildings steadily transformed the Philippine landscape.

EARLY 1900‘S
Transportation in the Philippines was depended largely on trails, waterways, railroad, earth roads and partially-gravelled
roads. Highway in the Philippines at that time is nothing more than a dream to most Filipinos. The US government initiated
the development of roadways in the Philippines connecting towns, cities and provinces. The popular Macadam road type
was introduced. It gained acceptance because of abundant supply of stones and gravel.

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) is the oldest engineering school in
the Philippines. It was established on May 18, 1907, as School of Civil Engineering with one program
offering leading to the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE). From faculty records, it
appears that it was only in 1912 when the earliest batch of students was conferred their MSCE degrees.

Don Ramon Irureta-Goyena headed the UST-COE. During the early years of U.S. occupation, most of
the civil engineers in our country came from America. The College was patterned after the University of
Havana in Cuba and was first set up at the second floor of the old UST building in Intramuros.

The Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines, in a resolution passed on June 3, 1910, appointed Mr.
W.J. Colbert as acting Dean of the College of Engineering. His appointment was set to effect on June 13, 1910
thereby creating the College of Engineering. Dean Colbert was authorized to prepare the curriculum and select the
necessary teaching personnel for the new course. Initially, a four-year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Science with an additional degree of Civil Engineer upon completion of an extra year of study was approved. The
first instructor to be appointed was Mr. Jose P. Katigbak of the City Engineer‘s Office of Manila, as instructor in
graphics (drawing) on a part-time basis.

The first appearance of motor vehicles in the Philippine highways in 1910. Roads and bridges had to be kept in
good condition at all times. Naturally, there was a need for funds to keep the roads passable the whole year round.


After the Second World War, the new independent Philippine government continued the rehabilitation and
construction of roads, bridges, buildings and other infrastructures, through the reparations and war damages paid
by the Japanese government. Other financial grants and aids received from the US government were used in the
construction and rehabilitation of roads, bridges, buildings and other infrastructures.

Laws separating statutes between architects and engineers passed

On June 17, 1950, the Architects (Philippine Institute of Architects) prepared and lobbied the passing of the first
Architect‘s law (RA 545) while the Civil Engineers (Philippine Association of Civil Engineers), the Civil Engineering
law (RA 544, through the efforts of PACE President Alberto Guevarra) was also passed the same year. They jointly
celebrated the passing of their respective laws at the Manila Hotel Winter Garden.

Philippines had created one of the top countries in the world that produces architects and engineers since the 60′s

Private and infrastructure developments were not in existence in the country to

make use of these new architects and engineers

Shortage of projects in the country have resulted to an influx of Filipino architects

and engineers‘ migration to the US and Europe which started in the 60′s

Inexpensive labor and be able to communicate in English of these Filipino

professionals made them attractive to be hired by these developed countries

Due to their proficiency in English (compared to other immigrants), Filipino architects/engineers

have successfully assimilated in the political and economic structure in their host country

Many architects and engineers have established their own firms and/or had ―broken the ceiling‖ within their firms

Due to their numbers, Filipino architects and engineers globally have formed their
own groups and made alliances with other Filipino associations

Many Filipino architects and engineers in the Philippines have found contract work overseas

1960 – 1980‘s

The automobile age. It was during the decade that road construction becomes a
matter of priority of the government under the slogan: ―This nation is on Wheels.‖


On June 1973, President Ferdinand E. Marcos issued Presidential Decree 223, creating the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) regulating all professions and accrediting only one organization to represent each profession.

On February 1974, the first election of officers of PICE was held and Engr. Cesar Caliwara became its first
president. In order to truly unite the civil engineers of the Philippines, provincial chapters were organized.


PD 1096, otherwise known as the National Building Code of the Philippines (the ―NBCP‖) signed by
then Pres. Ferdinand Marcos on 19 February 1977 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (―IRR‖);

Martial Law executed Letter of Instruction 1000 on March 20, 1980 – the Malacanang edict of having just

one organization for each profession to be accredited by the Professional Regulations Commission.

The increase of handheld calculators revolutionized engineering, with faster and
more efficient calculations leaving the old slide rule behind.

In as early as 1981, the Philippine Board of Examiners for the Various Licensure Examinations for
the Practice of Engineering and Architecture began to use the new system of units, SI.


Finally, by virtue of Executive Order No. 124, dated January 30, 1987, the Ministry of Public
Works and Highways (MPWH) is now known as the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) with five (5) bureaus, six (6) services, 16 regional offices, 24 project
management offices, 16 regional equipment services and 118 district engineering offices.

As the primary engineering and construction arm of the government, the DPWH is responsible for the
planning, design, construction and maintenance of infrastructures such as roads and bridges, flood control
systems, water resource development projects and other public works in accordance with national objectives.
And for the first time, a "Civil Engineering Week" for the period November 3 to 9, 1991 was declared by Malacañang
thru Proclamation No.799 issued on September 20, 1991 by President Corazon C. Aquino. The C.E. week was
celebrated nationwide thru coordinated activities of all PICE chapters and the PICE National Board culminating in
the most successful and well-attended '91 PICE Annual Convention (1,400 plus registered participants).


The Board of Civil Engineering (at PRC) held its first fully computerized (board)
examinations on May 29, 1993 and released the results on November 9, 1993.

On February 28, 1995, the Syllabi for the Subjects in the Civil Engineering licensure examinations were promulgated.

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (PICE) has been awarded by the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) as the Most Outstanding Accredited Professional Organization.


Since November 2006 CE Board Exam, the Professional Regulation Commission releases
only Top 10 Board Exam Performers and stopped releasing the 11th to 20th places

Executive Order No. 566 issued by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo dated September 8, 2006 directing the
Commission on Higher Education to regulate the establishment and operation of review centers and similar entities

November 2007 CE Board Exam was invalidated (retake last January 2008 for Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering)

Note: Results of retake exam (Hydraulics and Geotechnical Engineering) was released last January 2008

Commission on Higher Education makes Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) based on Executive Order No. 566

Last March 2012, the Board of Civil Engineering wrote to Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) that the
board exam questions will be increased from 30/35 (per subject) to 100 problems per subject effective for May 2012
CE Board Exams. Meaning, there are 100 problems per subject or a 300-item board exam questions.
In 2005, a petition for declaratory relief filed on May 3, 2005 by the PICE and Engr. Leo Cleto Gamolo to declare null
and void Sections 302.3 and 302.4 of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (―Revised IRR‖) of
Presidential Decree No. 1096 (the ―National Building Code‖). The said provisions require that architectural
documents submitted in applications for building permits must be prepared, signed and sealed by architects. PICE
claim that the said sections of the Revised IRR, by effectively prohibiting Civil Engineers from also preparing,
signing and sealing architectural documents, are contrary to the National Building Code and the Republic Act No.
544 (the ―Civil Engineering Law‖), which purportedly gave Civil Engineers the said right. After several court
hearings at the Manila Regional Trial Court, the PICE's motion was denied January 29, 2008 and the RTC ruled in
favor of the architects. This issue was brought by the PICE to the Court of Appeals.

On January 5, 2012, the Court of Appeals, in its decision granted the appeal of PICE
and reversed the Decision of the Regional Trial Court thus giving the Civil
Engineers the rights from preparing, signing and sealing architectural documents
On November 5, 2014, Philippine President Benigno Aquino III issued a declaration by virtue of
Proclamation No. 904 signed by Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa Jr. and has declared the
month of November of every year as Civil Engineering Month to bring to the attention and
concsciousness of the Filipino people the importance of the civil engineers in nation building.
As of year 2019, PICE has more than 90,578 registered civil engineer-members in 105 chapters and
some 12632 civil engineering student-members in 210 student chapters throughout the country.


1ST SEMESTER A.Y. 2020-2021

Civil Engineering and Society and Other Professions


On December 11, 1973, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued Registration Certificate No.53896
to the PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. (PICE). This was the culmination and fulfillment
of a vision to merge two separate organizations of civil engineers in the country,
• the Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) and
• the Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE).
The Philippine Society of Civil Engineers (PSCE) was formed sometime in the late twenties by a
group of civil engineers mostly from the government sector. It was the country‘s first civil engineering
organization with the late Engr. Marcial Kasilag as its first president. Engr. Kasilag holds the No.1 slot
in the PRC Registry of Civil Engineers. He then occupied a high-ranking position in the government
and the early members of PSCE were government engineers. There were relatively few civil engineers
in private practice during that time as most of the early graduates were readily engaged by the various
government agencies.
In 1937, another group of civil engineers in the private sector, led by Enrique Sto. Tomas Cortes formed
the Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE). Mr. Cortes was its first president.
The major objectives of both associations were similar:
 to elevate the standards of the profession,

 encourage research and engineering knowledge and technology,

 foster fellowship among members,

 and promote interrelation with other technological and scientific societies.
The Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE) proved to be the more active between the two
groups and this resulted to the transfer of many PSCE members to PACE. PACE, under the leadership
of President Alberto Guevarra, was mainly responsible for the passage of Republic Act No. 544
otherwise known as the ―Civil Engineering Law‖ in 1950. It was a milestone in establishing prestige
and safeguarding the interest of the civil engineering profession in the country.
It was sometime in 1972 under the administration of the late PACE President Cesar A. Caliwara when more
serious effort was exerted to merge the two societies. Panel representatives were designated by both
organizations to convene and start a series of talk. Leading members of PACE and PSCE, Eduardo
Escobar, Pedro Afable, Angel Lazaro, Jr., Andres Hizon, Ambrosio Flores, Tomas de Guzman, Lucas
Agbayani, to mention a few ere involved in the negotiation. The choice of a new name, formal accounting
and turnover of assets and liabilities, accreditation of bonafide members and election rules for the first
officers were some of the concerns that were sooner resolved.
Finally, an election of the first officers and directors of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers, Inc. (PICE)
was held sometime in February 1974 and Cesar A. Caliwara became the first President. During his term,
the first International convention was held in the Philippines on May 20 to 24,1975 with the theme ‖ Civil
Engineering in Disaster Prevention Control.‖ Proceedings in this convention were published into a book
and sold to members and public. Also, the drive to organize provincial chapters was intensified in order to
truly unite the civil engineers of the country. Another historical milestone was the accreditation (no. 007) of
PICE by the Professional Regulation Commission on August 13, 1975 as the only official recognized
organization of civil engineers in the Philippines.
PICE 2020 National President-Dr. Erdsan Rene S. Suero
12) PICE Oriental Mindoro Chapter
Charter No.: 88
Approved Date: September 28, 1994
President Oriental Mindoro Chapter: Engr. Arleo M. Cabagyo
Life Members: 136
Regular Members: 638
• PICE Mission
To advance the welfare of our members and the development and prestige of the civil
engineering profession ant to be a dynamic force in nation building.
RR. PICE Vision
The leader among professional organizations known globally for professionalism, integrity, excellence and
social responsibility – A key player in nation building.
• PICE Core Values Piles
11) Professionalism
12) Integrity
13) Leadership
14) Excellence and
15) Social Responsibility
PICE Goals and Objectives
Image: courtesy of Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a body that comprises standards
organizations from 163 countries.
ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:
5. needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
6. aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including
processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
All the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are generic and are intended to be applicable to any
organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides.

The Principles of ISO 9001

As with other quality management methods, ISO‘s requirements and improvements contain agreed upon
principles. ISO 9001 includes seven principles, although some practitioners break out supplier
relationships into a separate principle unto itself.

Customer Focus: By making the customer the center of the business, organizations
can understand needs and generate customer loyalty.
Engagement of People: As with total quality management (TQM), Kaizen, and Lean, this principle
should include all employees. In this way, people with a vested interest will be more committed to
the venture‘s success.
Leadership: Good leaders create an environment that focuses on customers and involves all
Process Approach to Quality Management: When you view the goals and activities of a
company through the lens of processes, the big picture becomes clear. Rather than focusing on
silos or inspection at the finish, the process reveals issues and concerns on the way to product
Continual Improvement: Organizations must regularly seek improvement beyond the changes
they make to gain certification.
Evidence-Based Decision Making: You should make data-driven decisions to provide
a foundation for comparing results and build organizational confidence.
Relationship Management: Actively managing all relationships with suppliers, partners, and
others is critical to the success of your organization. This includes understanding their needs
and providing feedback on services.
-occupations that share similar duties, skills, interests, education, or training with the
occupation covered in the profile.
Architects design various buildings and structures that include office buildings and houses. They can work
on projects as small as rooms in a building to designing the entire building. They must have experience
with computer software such as CADD to create scaled drawings to provide plans to workers. Architects
must have great creativity and vision to ensure the project looks attractive to clients. They are also
responsible for taking care of many parts of the project, so they must be very organized to keep track of all
aspects of the architectural development.
Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Taj Mahal Agra

Responsibilities of Architects vs Civil Engineers

Civil engineers work on a variety of different projects that include planning, building, and maintaining roads,
buildings, bridges, and water systems, while architects work primarily with houses, factories, and similar
structures. Civil engineers and architects do, however, work together on some projects. They both visit
construction sites to ensure work is being completed correctly and in the given time frame. Civil engineers
and architects both estimate costs and create plans based on the projected budget. While civil engineers
decide on the materials used to ensure a safe structure, architects highlight the design aspect of the
Civil engineering technicians help civil engineers to plan, design, and build highways, bridges, utilities, and
other infrastructure projects. They also help to plan, design, and build commercial, industrial, residential,
and land development projects. Most of their time is spent working with civil engineers in the office with the
design process; however, they also have on-site tasks. Often times, technicians visit job sites and observe
how a project is going and must relay information back to the engineer. While on job sites, their schedule
may change depending on the construction project. They must have good problem-solving skills to ensure
a project stays on the designated time-line and figure out ways to fix issues that arise

Responsibilities of Civil Engineers vs. Civil Engineering Technicians

Civil engineers and civil engineering technicians both prepare plans and look over project sites. They test
different materials, estimate costs, and prepare reports. Civil engineers are responsible for supervising
and reviewing the work that the technician completes. They also ensure that projects are done correctly.
Typically, civil engineers plan and direct the work that needs to be done, while technicians do many of the
actual tasks.
Construction managers plan, coordinate, budget, and supervise construction projects from start to finish.
Construction managers work on site more than civil engineers and are responsible for inspecting both the
work as it is done and the materials being used in construction to ensure that they comply with all codes
and regulations for the area in which they are built. They are responsible for overseeing not only the
planning of the project, but also all of the workers, materials and methods involved in its implementation.

Construction managers do need to have a complete and thorough understanding of the civil engineering
principles used in project planning. This ensures that those plans are carried out according to requirements
and will result in a quality building and grounds when the project is complete.


Once the civil engineer has finished drawing up the plans and blueprints for a construction project, the
construction manager comes into the picture to implement those plans and oversee the work being done.
Even a simple building project must follow a certain order, and there are many moving parts to any project
that must be coordinated and overseen.
Construction managers plan, coordinate, budget, and supervise construction projects from start to finish.
Duties Construction managers typically do the following:
• Prepare cost estimates, budgets, and work timetables
• Interpret and explain contracts and technical information to other professionals
• Report work progress and budget matters to clients
• Collaborate with architects, engineers, and other construction specialists
• Select subcontractors and schedule and coordinate their activities
• Respond to work delays, emergencies, and other problems
• Comply with legal requirements, building and safety codes, and other regulations

Construction managers work closely with other building specialists, such as architects, civil engineers, and
a variety of trade workers, including stonemasons, electricians, and carpenters. Projects may require
specialists in everything from structural steel and painting to landscaping, paving roads, and excavating
sites. Depending on the project, construction managers may interact with lawyers and local government
officials. For example, when working on city-owned property or municipal buildings, construction managers
sometimes confer with city inspectors to ensure that all regulations are met.
Environmental engineers use the principles of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to develop
solutions to environmental problems. They are involved in efforts to improve recycling, waste disposal,
public health, and water and air pollution control. Environmental engineers find solutions to various
environmental issues, as well as finding new ways to recycle, control water and air pollution, and produce
safe drinking water. These engineers work with a variety of people to complete their work, including
lawyers, businesspeople, scientists, and other engineers. They need excellent problem solving skills in
order to produce a plan that can help the environment based on problems they see occurring. Much of their
work is done in an office, though they do have some outdoor and on-site tasks as well.


Both civil and environmental engineers develop and design projects that can help the world we live in.
Some of the projects may overlap; for example, when developing a water supply system, civil engineers
focus on the design and building, while environmental engineers develop the system for cleaning the water
and reducing waste. At other times, these engineers will work on very different projects. Civil engineers
create highways, tunnels, and bridges. Environmental engineers use research and engineering practices to
develop ways to protect the environment.
Landscape architects design parks and the outdoor spaces of campuses, recreational facilities, businesses,
private homes, and other open areas.
Landscape architects' duties involve the planning and initial development of public locales. They design areas to be
both beautiful and functional and to fit within the environment where they are set. These professionals must devise a
plan for the site they are working with, taking into consideration the reason for the project as well as available funds.
They also must prepare an initial design using computer-aided drafting and design (CADD) or geographic information
systems (GIS) software. CADD is typically used for small projects, while GIS is used for much larger projects.
Additionally, landscape architects might need to take into account local, state or federal regulations.


Are you interested in finding out the difference between landscape architects and civil engineers? Here,
we explain how these two occupations differ by discussing information about job duties, education
requirements, and salary information.
Although landscape architects and civil engineers may overlap on certain projects, their specific job duties
are very different. Landscape architects come up with the best possible layout for their landscape designs
and ensure all project requirements are met. Some of their primary responsibilities include:

Designing all kinds of outdoor spaces, like parks and home

yards Analyzing the environmental impact of projects
Evaluating the usability of outdoor areas, such as considering how an area blends with the natural

On the other hand, civil engineers may work with landscape architects for some projects, but
civil engineers work on a much wider range of projects beyond landscaping, including:

Designing, building, and managing major transportation

projects Working with local, state, and federal agencies to
obtain permits Ensuring projects meet all regulations
Mechanical engineers design, develop, build, and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices,
including tools, engines, and machines.
A license and bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering is typically required to work as a mechanical
engineer. These professionals focus on designing mechanical items, such as power tools, or machines
such as elevators. While mechanical engineers may benefit from some creative talents to help them come
up with design plans, they also need to be able to work as an effective part of a team. They need to be able
to assess a problem and determine how to solve it. Although they spend a great deal of time working in an
office environment, they may also visit factories or other venues where products they've designed are being


Civil engineers and mechanical engineers create design plans for the projects they're working on. They
also need to be able to determine the expected costs related to their project, and may oversee work on
their projects. Civil engineers are responsible for building things like tunnels and highways, while
mechanical engineers focus on mechanical products. Mechanical engineers may work with smaller items,
such as medical devices, or they may work on mechanical systems in buildings, such as power generators.
Surveyors make precise measurements to determine property boundaries. They provide data relevant to
the shape and contour of the Earth's surface for engineering, mapmaking, and construction projects.
The surveyor provides important information about the site to architects and engineers, which helps them to
list out the important site-specific details they need to take into account for a project. The surveyor can
provide the engineer with information about where exactly the bridge footings should be located, and the
civil engineer can then determine how much weight the bridge can hold and the specific building strategies
that need to be used for it.
Urban and regional planners develop land use plans and programs that help create communities,
accommodate population growth, and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and
metropolitan areas.
Civil engineers and urban and regional planners both work in fields related to the planning and construction
of buildings, roads and other facilities. While civil engineers focus on the projects themselves, urban and
regional planners emphasize how the projects will fit in the local planning climate. Consequently, civil
engineers and urban and regional planners often interact, cooperating on projects.
For your assignment kindly research about the different specialization of civil engineering and what they do.
Next week will be our Pre-final quiz. Coverage-Civil Engineering and Society and Other Professions.


1ST SEMESTER A.Y. 2020-2021


One of the biggest benefits of studying civil engineering is that the field is so broad, encompassing a diverse collection of
specializations and projects. Some of the most popular civil engineering specializations are construction engineer,
geotechnical engineer, structural engineer and transportation engineer, according to the United States Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS). There is also the related field of energy and environmental engineering, which can be considered either
a discipline of engineering in its own right or a subfield of civil engineering.
One of the benefits of studying civil engineering is that, due to the breadth of the discipline, students are never bored with
the major. They are involved in so many different phases and stages of an engineering project that their opportunities to
contribute are endless. They use a variety of different calculations throughout the planning, design and testing stages. They
play a part in building and construction as well as planning and design. Civil engineers are even responsible for maintaining,
repairing and upgrading infrastructure, so they are involved with engineering projects in a unique and ongoing way even
after construction is complete.
While civil engineers usually specialize in an area of the discipline they find particularly interesting, they may branch out into
other specializations or disciplines over the course of their careers.


• Structural Engineering
• Construction and Management Engineering
• Geotechnical Engineering
• Water Engineering
• Transportation Engineering
• Energy and Environmental Engineering

Reference Structural Engineers Association of California


Structural Engineers create drawings and specifications, perform calculations, review the work of other engineers, write
reports and evaluations, and observe construction sites.

The basic tasks of structural engineering relate numerical quantities of physical forces to physical configurations of force-
resisting elements. ANALYSIS is the process of determining forces in each element in a structure (such as a beam) when
the configuration of elements is already defined. DESIGN is the process of configuring elements to resist forces whose
values are already known. Analysis and Design are complementary procedures in the overall process of designing new
structures. After performing a preliminary design, the designer estimates the final configuration of elements of a structure,
but only until an analysis is performed can the forces in those elements be known. After performing an analysis, the element
forces are known, and the elements can be designed (their configuration can be chosen) more precisely. The process
iterates between analysis and design until convergence is achieved.

Structures are subject to vertical, or "Gravity" Loads and horizontal, or "Lateral" Loads. Gravity loads include "dead", or
permanent, load, which is the weight of the structure, including its walls, floors, finishes, and mechanical systems, and "live",
or temporary load, which is the weight of a structure's contents and occupants, including the weight of snow. Lateral loads
include those generated by the wind, earthquakes, or explosions. Structural elements must be designed so that, as a
system, the structure can resist all loads that will act upon it.
Structures are any system that resists vertical or horizontal loads. Structures include large items such as skyscrapers,
bridges, and dams, as well as small items such as bookshelves, chairs, and windows. Most everyday "structures" are
"designed" by testing, or trial and error; while large, unique, or expensive structures that are not easily tested are generally
designed by a qualified structural engineer using mathematical calculations. Most practicing structural engineers design
and analyze buildings, bridges, power plants, electrical towers, dams, and other large structures that are essential to life as
we know it.
List of different loads on a structure and its definition
Loads are forces or other actions that result from the weight of all building materials, occupants and their possessions,
environmental effects, differential movements and restrained dimensional changes. Permanent loads are those loads
in which variations over time are rare or of small magnitude. All other loads are variable loads.
Basic Load Combinations

Dead Load-These loads are permanent loads which are carried to the structure throughout their lifespan. Dead loads are
also called as stationary loads. These loads occur mainly due to the self-weight of the structural members, fittings, fixed
partitions, fixed equipment, etc.

Live Load-As the name itself resembling that these type of loads are real-time loads. Live loads are also called as imposed or
sudden loads. Live loads changes with respect to time. This type of loading may come and go. For example, At one
moment the room may be empty hence the live load is zero. If the same room is packed with the people, then the live
load intensity will vary considerably. The live load includes the weight of furniture, people occupying the floor, etc.

Wind Load- Wind loads are occurred due to the horizontal load caused by the wind. As an increase in using lighter
materials in the construction, wind load for a building should be considered. The structure should be strong enough with the
heavy dead weights and anchored to the ground to resist this wind load.

Earthquake Load- These type of loads causes movement of the foundation of structures. Earthquake forces are internal
forces that developed on the structure because of ground movements.
Three mutually perpendicular forces act on the structure during an earthquake, two horizontal forces which acts in opposite
direction and one vertical force due to the weight of the structure. As vertical force doesn‘t affect much during earthquake
whereas two opposite horizontal forces results in movement of the building during an earthquake. These two horizontal
direction forces are considered in the design.

Structural engineering jobs can take place across national and international contexts and involve work on some of the
most exciting construction projects in the world.

Structural Design

Structural design determines the type of structure that is suitable for a particular purpose, the materials to be used,
the loads and other actions that the structure must sustain, and the arrangement, layout and dimensions of its various

Structural design involves detailed calculations to ensure that:

• the structure is stable

• all parts have adequate strength to resist the design loads
• the structure as a whole will remain serviceable throughout its design life and able to perform its intended function.

Finally, structural design involves the careful preparation of drawings that will communicate the engineering design to
the contractors who will build the structure.


Structural engineers use their creativity and scientific training to develop and maintain new and existing structures and
incorporate advanced materials.
Structural engineers:

• develop structural solutions to resist loads and other forces

• devise ways to provide safe load paths for these forces.
Designing a society‘s infrastructure presents enormous challenges, creatively and intellectually. This is a fascinating
career for those interested in building, mechanics and mathematics and who would enjoy working in teams with other
engineering disciplines, architects, contractors and builders.


Construction engineering and management, project management and asset management skills are vital to building
and maintaining the infrastructure we need to live in cities and towns in the 21st century.

Construction engineering

Infrastructure projects, such as bridges, buildings, roads, railways, wharves, mine and natural resource facilities, dams and
waste treatment plants, progress through feasibility, design, construction, commissioning and handover phases.
Construction engineering is about organising and coordinating the people, equipment and materials so that the construction
work is done efficiently, safely and in an environmentally sensitive and sustainable way.

Construction management

Construction is followed by an asset management phase involving operation, maintenance, refurbishment and
retrofitting over the remaining lifespan of the infrastructure asset. Construction engineers need to manage these so that
the infrastructure owner, public or private sector, gets value for money spent.


Construction engineers and managers, engineering managers, project managers and asset managers are responsible for
essentially all decision making regarding expenditure related to infrastructure. The work is extremely motivating and
rewarding as construction engineers see infrastructure unfolding from nothing to become completed assets, such as
bridges and buildings, which will serve society for many years.

Construction projects can be extremely large, as in the oil and gas industries; medium, as in building bridges; or small, as
in small commercial office and residential construction. Construction engineers can work in large teams or medium-sized
teams in the public or private sector, or be sole practitioners. They are able to choose the type of work that suits their
interests, often moving on to senior business roles in construction companies.

Construction engineering and management skills are internationally recognized.

Construction engineering
Construction engineers must understand relevant construction technology, as well as having managerial skills, such as
costing, contracts, planning and risk. Construction engineers are problem solvers and innovators. They typically work
in offices located wherever the construction is taking place, in cities, regional towns and overseas.

Construction management
Infrastructure projects may take several years to complete and when they are finished, construction engineers can transfer
to another project, while progressing their careers, or they might remain with the project as a project or asset manager or,
more generally, as engineering managers. Their skill set includes financial and economic appraisal and managing life
cycle costs, risk, people, contracts and planning.

Construction engineering and management is crucial in providing the infrastructure on which society depends.


When you build a piece of infrastructure it has to be connected to the ground. Geotechnical engineering is
about understanding how the infrastructure interacts with the ground.

Geotechnical engineers deal with many types of infrastructure – tunnels, bridges, dams, buildings, roads, railways, ports and
landfills – that are built on the ground. The ground nearly always has a complicated behaviour, whatever the type of soil or rock it
is made of, so geotechnical engineering is very exciting and challenging – no two problems are ever the same.


Geotechnical engineers deal with many types of infrastructure – tunnels, bridges, dams, buildings, roads, railways, ports
and landfills – that are built on or in the ground.

Geotechnical engineers have to produce designs for infrastructure that are safe and serve the required purpose – during
the construction phase, as well as a long time into the future.

Geotechnical engineers gather the information needed for their designs and analyses from site investigations which can be
in urban areas or remote areas, depending on where the infrastructure has to be built.

Geotechnical engineers also study landslides and earthquakes, and ways of preventing future landslides from occurring and
ways of making infrastructure earthquake resistant.

Geotechnical engineers tend to be practical people who are good at using mathematics and mechanics and who enjoy
working outside, as well as in an office environment.


Water engineering is about how water interacts with all aspects of the built and natural environments.

Water engineering looks at the way that natural systems such as rivers, estuaries and the coasts behave, as well as
designing infrastructure to store and direct water.

Water engineering is concerned with:

13) water needs in different parts of Philippines – this includes drinking water, water for industry and agriculture and,
importantly, water for the natural environment.
14) flooding – one of the most costly natural disasters for Australia and around the world.
15) groundwater – water that lies in underground aquifers and deep in the soil.
16) coastal water behaviour – what happens when rivers meet the sea, and when the sea meets the land.
17) water quality requirements.


To safeguard Australia‘s water future, water engineers need a long-term and holistic perspective of water from catchment to
ocean and innovative approaches to all aspects of the water cycle.

Water levels
Water engineers design and operate dams to ensure that we have enough water during dry times and that water is
allocated fairly and efficiently to all users. This includes designing efficient irrigation schemes to try to minimise the loss of
water through evaporation, which is a big problem in a dry continent like Australia.

Flood prediction
Water engineers model the rainfall and flow in catchments. They work with local communities, governments and emergency
services to predict flooding and ensure that development in floodplains is safe and appropriate. Water engineers also design
stormwater systems that can prevent flooding. Exciting developments in this area include Water Sensitive Urban Design
which complements traditional stormwater pipes with natural water features, such as wetlands.

Groundwater is an important resource for much of Australia, but its location makes it difficult to study. Water engineers
must come up with innovative ways to track and quantify the water in this precious resource.
Coastal engineering

This type of water engineering studies the behaviour of the ocean and how it interacts with the coastal land, including
understanding coastal erosion and designing ways to protect beaches and properties. Coastal engineering includes
designing beach nourishment programs and breakwalls that ensure safe navigation of boats into harbours and estuaries.
Estuaries, where rivers meet the ocean, are a fascinating area to study as the mixing of saltwater and freshwater leads to
unique habitats for vegetation and wildlife. Water engineers try to understand how estuaries behave and can help to
restore them when development has caused them to become out of balance.

Water quality
Water quality requirements depend on the intended use of the water - water engineers design and operate water treatment
plants, waste water treatment and water recycling schemes. Water quality of natural systems is also a key concern and
water engineers can consider the impact of human activities and natural events, such as bushfires, on aquatic


Transport engineers plan, design and operate the large public and private infrastructure systems that connect our
physical world.

We need a broad range of continually evolving, large-scale transport infrastructure, including road, rail, air and water.
Transport engineers quantify and optimize our mobility infrastructure networks to meet travel and freight demands, while
ensuring safety, equity and sustainability, at minimal levels of congestion and cost.

Transport engineering has always been one of the essential civil engineering disciplines, impacting roadways, bridges,
transit stations, airports and sea ports etc. Transport engineering has now developed into a multidisciplinary field spanning
economics, politics, sociology and psychology, in addition to its core mathematical, engineering and computational

Transport planning
Transport planning involves developing mathematical techniques for:

• forecasting travel demand and planning to accommodate growth in demand

• determining improvements to the transport infrastructure
• reducing emissions
• reducing energy use.

Computational transport planning uses mathematical methods to predict, represent and quantify:

SS. the evolution of land use in cities

TT. travel attributes such as trip purpose
UU. travel decisions, including mode choice.

Planning models then examine the feasibility of projects and policies through cost-benefit and scenario analysis.

Transport design
Transport engineers face multi-faceted design decisions when they are designing optimised transport infrastructure
networks. These might relate to:

• the physical expansion of transport facilities, such as lane width or the number of lanes, for a roadway
• the materials and thickness used in pavements
16) the geometry of a facility, such as a roadway, rail line or airport
17) road pricing schemes
18) deploying information-based technology.

In all design decisions, multiple performance measures, cost metrics and safety criteria must be considered and weighed.

Transport operations
Transport operations, whether for road, rail, port or air traffic, are designed to minimise travel delays, improve safety, reduce
emissions and enhance reliability, as well as taking other considerations into account.

Transport operation decisions involve:

7. optimizing traffic signals

8. setting specific tolls
9. designing traffic signs and markings.

With the development of new Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), transport engineers use tools including
advanced traveller information systems (such as variable message signs), advanced traffic control systems (such as
ramp meters) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications to optimize the performance of the transport system.


Transport engineers apply their maths skills and interests in strategic planning and decision making to provide
innovate engineering solutions for problems that affect people in their daily lives.

Transport engineers work in government departments and organizations, planning agencies, private firms and
financial institutes – providing technical and managerial support to a wide diversity of transport projects.


Energy and environmental engineering is a branch of energy engineering which seeks to efficiently use energy and
to maintain the environment.

Energy engineering
Energy Engineers design, develop, or evaluate energy-related projects or programs to reduce energy costs or improve
energy efficiency during the designing, building, or remodeling stages of construction. May specialize in electrical systems;
heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems; green buildings; lighting; air quality; or energy procurement. They
also identify and recommend energy savings strategies to achieve more energy-efficient operation.

Environmental engineering
Environmental engineering is about identifying environmental problems and creatively developing effective solutions to
them. It combines aspects of civil engineering such as systems design, water, geotechnical and transport engineering, with
aspects of chemical engineering, applied and biological sciences and environmental studies.


Environmental engineers use the principles of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to develop solutions to
environmental problems. They work to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and water and air pollution control.
They also address global issues, such as unsafe drinking water, climate change, and environmental sustainability.
Environmental engineers conduct hazardous-waste management studies in which they evaluate the significance of a hazard
and advise on treating and containing it. They also design systems for municipal and industrial water supplies and industrial
wastewater treatment, and research the environmental impact of proposed construction projects. Environmental engineers
in government develop regulations to prevent mishaps.


Energy Engineers design, develop, or evaluate energy-related projects or programs to reduce energy costs or improve energy
efficiency during the designing, building, or remodeling stages of construction. May specialize in electrical systems; heating,
ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems; green buildings; lighting; air quality; or energy procurement.

• Identify and recommend energy savings strategies to achieve more energy-efficient operation.
• Conduct energy audits to evaluate energy use and to identify conservation and cost reduction measures.
• Monitor and analyze energy consumption.
• Monitor energy related design or construction issues, such as energy engineering, energy management, or sustainable
A Summary of Civil Engineering Specialization. Watch the clip below (1:00-6:46)


1ST SEMESTER A.Y. 2020-2021

Civil Engineering in Relation to Sustainable Developments

One of the first sources of confusion, particularly among those who are not engineers or scientists, is the distinction between
science and engineering. The main focus of the scientist is to develop knowledge and understanding of the physical universe.
Science is the pursuit of knowledge in its purest sense without any concern to the needs (or interpreted needs) of society, whereas
engineering is the combination of both. The direction of scientific research has been described by some as curiosity-based research
which is not necessarily driven by the values of society. Societal values (and resulting priorities) do not necessarily define the bounds,
direction or scope of scientific curiosity. Engineering connects pure science to society (see figure below). Unlike science, in engineering
the environment in which engineers plan, design, build, manufacture, maintain and operate continually changes and so the engineer
must be prepared within an ‗acceptable level of risk‘ for all possibilities and outcomes.

Societal Needs


Scientific Knowledge

Engineers have contributed very largely to society, but are a misunderstood group, as their efforts are often under-appreciated.
Delivery of most of the services essential to modern life such as electricity, flight, television, medical imaging, sewage networks, the
telephone, water networks and railway lines are the result of engineering.


For the past 150 years, engineering practice has been based on a paradigm of controlling nature rather than cooperating with
nature. In the control- of-nature paradigm, humans and the natural world are divided, and humans adopt an oppositional, manipulative
stance toward nature. Despite its drawbacks, this approach has led to remarkable engineering achievements during the nineteenth and
especially twentieth centuries. For instance, civil and environmental engineers have played a critical role in improving the condition of
humankind on Earth by improving sanitation, developing water resources, and developing transportation systems.
The 20th century have witnessed a great achievement in engineering technology in the field of design, information technology
(IT), construction, manufacturing, robotic, advanced materials or even the engineering management techniques for problem solving.
Some of the newly and enhanced technologies include:

Nuclear technologies - a new source of electric power and new capabilities in medical research and imaging as well as for
unwarranted military use
Lasers and fiber optics - pulses of light from lasers are used in industrial tools, surgical devices, satellites, and other products.
In communications for instance, a single fiber-optic cable can transmit tens of millions of phone calls, data files, and video images.

Petroleum and gas technologies – fuel for cars, home, and industries. Petrochemicals are used in products ranging from
aspirin to zippers. Engineering in oil exploration and processing, petroleum products have an enormous impact on world
economies, people, environment and politics.

Health technologies - Medical professionals have an arsenal of diagnostic and treatment equipment at their disposal. Artificial
organs, replacement joints, and bio-materials are but a few of the engineered products that improve the quality of life for millions.

Imaging technologies - Imaging technologies have expanded the reach of our vision. Probing the human body, mapping ocean
floors, tracking weather patterns are all the result of engineering advances in imaging technologies.

Space explorations – development of spacecraft has expanded our knowledge base, and improved our capabilities. Thousands of
useful products and services have resulted from the space program, including medical devices, wireless communications, etc.

Agricultural mechanization - machinery of farms; tractors, cultivators, combines, and hundreds of others dramatically
increased farm efficiency and productivity.

Electronics - provide the basis for countless innovations; CD players, TVs, and computers. From vacuum tubes to3 transistors,
to integrated circuits, engineers have made electronics smaller, more powerful, and more efficient.

Aeronautics - modern air travel transport goods and people quickly around the globe, facilitating personal, cultural and
commercial interaction.

Automobiles - may be the world‘s major transporter of people and goods, and a strong source of economic growth and stability.
The automobile is a showcase of 20th century engineering ingenuity, with innovations made in design production & safety.

Electrification - powers has literally lighted the world and impacted countless areas of daily life, including food production and
processing, air conditioning and heating, refrigeration, entertainment, transportation, communication, health care, and computers.

Most engineering achievements of the past were developed without consideration for their social, economic, and environmental
impacts on natural systems. Not much attention was paid to minimizing the risk and scale of unplanned or undesirable perturbations in
natural systems associated with the engineering systems.

The world is becoming a place in which the human population is becoming more crowded, more consuming, more polluting and more
connected. There is a growing recognition that humans are altering the Earth‘s natural systems at all scales, from local to global at an
unprecedented rate. This has raised an important issue of maintaining a balance between satisfying the needs of an exponentially increasing
population and preserving the carrying capacity of our ecosystems and biological and cultural diversity. A related question is what should be
done now and in the near future to ensure that the basic needs for water, sanitation, nutrition, health, safety, and meaningful work are fulfilled
for all humans. These commitments were usually defined as ―Millennium Development Goals".

The increasing population is creating unprecedented demands for energy, food, land, water, transportation, materials, waste
disposal, earth moving, health care, environmental cleanup, telecommunication, and infrastructure. The role of engineers will be critical
in fulfilling those demands at various scales, ranging from remote small communities to large urban areas (megacities), mostly in the
developing world (Cruickshank and Fenner, 2007). If engineers are not ready to fulfill such demands, who will? The emergence of large
urban areas is likely to affect the future prosperity and stability of the entire world.

Considering the problems facing our planet today and the problems expected to arise in the first half of the twenty- first century,
the engineering profession must revisit its mindset and adopt a new mission statement - to contribute to the building of a more
sustainable, stable, and equitable world. "Sustainable development will be impossible without the full input by the engineering
profession." For that to occur, engineers must adopt a completely different attitude towards natural and cultural systems and
reconsider interactions between engineering disciplines and nontechnical fields.

As we enter the twenty-first century, we must embark on a worldwide transition to a more holistic approach to engineering. This
will require:
• a major paradigm shift from control of nature to participation with nature;
• an awareness of ecosystems, ecosystems services, and the preservation and restoration of natural capital; and
• a new mindset of the mutual enhancement of nature and humans that embraces the principles of sustainable development.
What is Sustainable Development?
The term ―sustainable development‖ was first proposed by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in
its 1987 report Our Common Future (also known as the Brundtland Commission report). WCED, which included 23 members from 22
countries, was formed by the United Nations in 1984, and for three years studied the conflicts between growing global environmental
problems and the needs of less-developed nations.

WCED‘s widely used definition of sustainable development is:

―Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.‖

Sustainability is a characteristic of a process that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. From an environmental
stance, the term refers to potential longevity of vital human ecological support systems, such as planet‘s climate system, system of
agriculture, industry, forestry and fisheries, and human communities in general, and the various systems on which they depend.
Sustainability is an approach to decision making that considers the interconnections and impacts of economic, social and
environmental factors on today‘s and future generations‘ quality of life. It is a dynamic and evolving notion, and as a process, it
strives to be participatory, transparent, equitable, informed, and accountable.

Sustainable development is the process of moving human activities to a pattern that can be sustained in perpetuity. It is an
approach to environmental and development issues that seek to reconcile human needs with the capacity of the planet to cope with the
consequences of human activities. Sustainable development consists of the three broad themes of social, environmental and economic
accountability which is said as the Triple Bottom Line concept (Elkington, 1994).Sustainable Community can be defined as a
community that maintains, enhances, or improves its environmental, social, cultural, and economic resources in such a way that
support current and future community members in pursuing the healthy, productive and happy lives (see figure below).
Since 1987, there have been many efforts to explain and amplify what is meant by sustainable development. To an engineer, a
sustainable system is one that is either in equilibrium, or one that changes slowly at a tolerable rate. This concept of sustainability is
best illustrated by natural ecosystems, which consist of nearly closed loops that change slowly. For example, in the food cycle of plants
and animals, plants grow in the presence of sunlight, moisture and nutrients and are then consumed by insects and herbivores which,
in turn, are eaten by successively larger animals. The resulting natural waste products replenish the nutrients, which allows plants to
grow and the cycle to begin again.

If humans are to achieve sustainable development, we will have to adopt patterns that reflect these natural processes. The roles
of engineers in sustainable development can be illustrated by a closed-loop human ecosystem that mimics natural systems. This model
of a closed-loop ecosystem was first proposed in 1990. Other authors have since suggested modifications to this model, one of the
most sophisticated.
Businesses use all kinds of terms to prove they‘re environmentally friendly. ―Recyclable,‖ ―plant-based,‖ and ―energy efficient‖ all
get tossed around a lot — and while most people generally know what those words mean, there‘s one frequently used phrase that‘s
harder to decipher: closed-loop system.
The phrase ―closed-loop system‖ is often paired with ―circular economy,‖ which is ―an industrial system that is restorative and
regenerative by intention or design,‖ to use the World Economic Forum’s definition. It‘s helpful to think of literal loops or circles to
understand the core concept. Instead of raw materials moving in a straight line from collection, through manufacturing, to purchase
(and, once it‘s broken or used up, the trash can), imagine a loop. The materials are always moving through this loop, never reaching an
When a product has served its purpose, it restarts at collection. Someone pares the item back down to scraps, providing ―new‖
raw materials. Then it‘s manufactured into a finished product yet again, one the consumer can then purchase.

Think of aluminum cans. When you finish drinking a beverage out of a can, you put it in a recycling bin. Factories salvage the
aluminum and make another can that is shipped to a store, where anyone can buy it. The process can be repeated thousands of times.
Engineers contribute to all the steps in this systems model:
• By developing, processing and transporting natural resources in closed-loop systems, we can reduce waste and increase the
efficient use of resources.

• Harvesting renewable resources such as water, fish and trees within the limits allowed by nature will ensure a continuing
supply of resources for humans and natural ecosystems. Minimizing our use of non-renewable resources, such as petroleum and
scarce minerals, and replacing them with environmentally friendly substitutes will also help extend the supply of natural resources.

• Processing natural resources efficiently and with little or no waste helps to preserve the earth‘s finite natural resources. We
can further preserve resources by designing products and packaging for reuse and recycling, and we can protect resources through
industrial processes and facilities that have minimal adverse environmental impacts throughout their full life-cycles.

• Transporting goods contributes heavily to pollution; to minimize these effects, we can transport resources and manufactured
goods efficiently to consumers by pipelines, rivers, railways, roads, ships and airplanes using technologies that have minimal impacts
on the surrounding land use and serve the needs of consumers with little waste.

• How we develop, process and transport resources can improve living standards in many ways. These include providing clean
water, energy, housing and commercial buildings and streets and other forms of infrastructure; efficiently storing and distributing food;
and meeting acceptable health standards, including high-quality waste management and treatment.

• To allow natural and built environments to be clean and unpolluted, we can reduce waste throughout this ecosystem cycle by
continually recycling and recovering residual byproducts of resource development, industrial processing and meeting consumer needs.
Some waste in the system is inevitable but should be in forms that have minimal long-term impacts on the natural environment. The
impacts from residual waste can be offset by continuing programs to clean up and reuse old waste sites, along with other forms of
environmental restoration.

• The effects of developing energy sources on the atmosphere, earth and water can be reduced by more efficient use of power
and by production from non-fossil sources.

Professional engineers have an important and significant role to meet the sustainability. They work to enhance the welfare,
health and safety, with the minimal use of natural resources and paying attention with regard to the environment and the sustainability
of resources. Their work is influenced by the opportunities and challenges that bring the sustainability. Engineers are the providers of
options and solutions to maximize social value and minimize environmental impact. There are some pressing challenges due to the
adverse effects of environmental pollution, depletion of resources, rapid population growth and damage to ecosystems. Therefore a
purely environmental approach is insufficient, and increasingly engineers are required to take a wider perspective including goals such
as poverty alleviation, social justice and local and global connections.

Globalization brings important opportunities for engineers to promote change through sharing experience and good practice.
The leadership and influencing role of engineers in achieving sustainability should not be underestimated. Increasingly this will be as
part of multidisciplinary teams that include non-engineers work that crosses national boundaries. The main goal of the sustainable
development is to make enable all people throughout the world to satisfy their basic needs and enjoy an improved and better quality of
life without compromising to the quality of life for future generations. Sustainable development stands on two concepts, needs and
limitations imposed by the state of technology and the present and future demands. The following principles have been agreed to
achieve sustainable development:

• living within environmental goals

• ensuring a strong, healthy and just society
• promoting good governance
• achieving a sustainable economy
• using sound science responsibly
One of the fundamental canons of the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE)‘s Code of Ethics is that “civil engineers shall
hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in
the performance of their duties.” In addition, the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED)‘s strategic framework (2011-16)‘s
objectives are anchored to the overall societal goal which is the “attainment of inclusive growth and sustainable development.” (CHED,
n.d.). With the latest issuance of CHED‘s Policies, Standards and Guidelines (PSGs) for the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Program to be implemented in the academic year 2018-19 highlighted the attributes and competences of a civil engineer in
―conjunction with the Civil Engineering Professional Practice towards a personal commitment to societal, health, safety, legal and
cultural issues recognizing obligations to society, subordinates, and the environment‖ (CHED, 2017).

Indeed, the role of civil engineers is paramount in the planning and managing our communities to become more resilient to
human-induced hazards, climate change and natural disasters. It is also important to note that civil engineering graduates must be
prepared by their academic qualifications in the practice of their profession and to take leadership roles in facilitating SD in their
respective communities.

Civil engineers shall be committed to the following ASCE Principles of Sustainable Development:

Principle 1- Do the Right Project. A proposed project's economic, environmental and social effects on each of the communities
served and affected must be assessed and understood by all stakeholders before there is a decision to proceed with a project.
Consider non-structural as well as structural (built) solutions to the needs being addressed; and
Principle 2 - Do the Project Right. The civil engineer shall actively engage stakeholders and secure public understanding and
acceptance of a projects economic, environmental and social costs and benefits. To move toward conditions of sustainability,
engineers must design and deliver projects that address sustainability holistically (from concept to demolition or reuse) rather than
adding a variety of "green" features onto a conventional project.
ASCE supports the following steps to achieve a sustainable project:

Perform Life Cycle Assessment from Planning to Reuse. Project participants should use rigorous life cycle methodologies that
quantify the economic, environmental and social effects of the project;
Use Resources Wisely. Minimize Use of Non Renewable Resources. Sustainable development shall include progressive
reductions in resource use for a given level of service and resiliency. The feasibility of restoration, or return of depleted resources, shall
be evaluated by the civil engineer;
Plan for Resiliency. Sustainability requires planning for the impact natural and man-made disasters and changing conditions
can have on economic, environmental, and social resources; and
Validate Application of Principles. Civil engineers must guide project development and validate the application of these
principles by using metrics and rating tools such as the EnvisionTM Rating System for sustainable infrastructure.
Promotion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
SD is defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in its 1987 report, Brundtland Commission
Report as a kind of development ―that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generations to
meet their own needs.‖ Harding (2002) points out further that SD is not a ―business as usual‖ scenario. The author viewed SD as a
framework for development which poses new demands on the roles of engineers and scientists and will affect the decision-making
process and outcomes. These new roles from engineering professionals entail different skills – away from the traditional educated
professionals and it is expect them to have the following essential qualities: (a) attitude: an environmental ethic and holistic approach;
VV. specific skills: the ability to understand and work with complex systems, work as a team with diverse backgrounds, good
communication skills and high level of creativity; and (c) broad knowledge: in terms legal, social economic and ecological aspects.

After the Brudtland Report, numerous agreements, conferences and summits on SD followed worldwide, including the adoption
of the Eight (8) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations (UN) taken from the UN Millennium Declaration that took
effect in September 2000 with specific indicators and targets to be achieved by the year 2015. The MDGs basically aimed to combat
hunger, poverty, illiteracy, disease, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women and children. The UNESCO‘s Report
(2010) clearly recognized the critical roles of engineers towards the achievement of MDGs. In particular, two of these goals relate to the
environmental limits that require engineers to be involved in the delivery of infrastructures with pro-poor outcomes in the entire project

As the prime mover of SD, the UN came up with another set of goals in September 2015 - the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), consisted of 17 goals (with 169 targets) as presented below, Table 1. Overall, these goals provide many challenges and
opportunities for engineers worldwide (Kelly and Mohsen, 2016).
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are targets for global development adopted in September 2015, set to
be achieved by 2030. All countries of the world have agreed to work towards achieving these goals.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 2 End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages
Goal 4 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5 Achieve gender equalit y and empower all women and girls
Goal 6 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13 Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15 Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all
Goal 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
At the local scene, the Philippines formulated its own Agenda 21 (known as the National Agenda for Sustainable Development)
in response to the UN Agenda 21 – the global blueprint for sustainable development forged during the UN Conference on Environment
and Development (UNCED) in 1992. In 1997, the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) was also created through
Executive Order No.15 with the mandate to operationalize SD at the national level with representatives from government, private sector
and civil society (Galang, 2002). Galang (2002) further discussed that prior to PA 21, the Philippines has already adopted the Philippine
Strategy for Sustainable Development (PSSD) in 1989 which served as a framework for environment and development issues. PSSD
is designed to achieve sustained economic growth without additional depletion of natural resources and sacrificing the quality of
One of the notable initiatives during the Aquino administration is the inclusion of strategies in pursuing sustainable and resilient
communities in the National Framework for Physical Planning (2001-2030) and the National Urban Development and Housing
Framework (2009-2016), (Magno, 2017). In particular, the latter plan document highlighted the use of ―market- based incentives and
disincentives‖ approach to encourage sustainable planning and green building, including the integration of climate change adaptation
and disaster risk management into community and regional development.
With the present Duterte Administration, its Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 is geared towards the attainment of
Ambisyon Natin 2040 and it also takes into account the country's international commitment to SDGs (NEDA, 2017). For example, it is
expected that individuals and communities will be more resilient from various natural and human-induced hazards. The Plan reiterates
that building up resilience reduces exposure to hazards, mitigates the impact of the risks, and accelerates or fast recovery if and when
the risk materializes. In terms of education, lifelong learning opportunities will be available to all, including investment for infrastructures
in basic education are more accessible and with relevant curriculum offering. Thus, improvement in the quality of higher and technical
education leads competent and highly skilled individuals and workforce. It is also explicitly focused by the Plan to promote new urban
agenda in developing integrated neighborhoods and sustainable communities which involves innovative solutions to housing
construction and improved community relations between communities and government towards safe and secured communities. Finally,
the Plan states that the foundation for sustainable development is to have a balanced and strategic development of infrastructure, while
ensuring ecological integrity and a clean and healthy environment. In terms of environment and natural resources management, the
Plan contains strategies to rehabilitate and restore degraded natural resources, and protect fragile ecosystems through ―a ridge-to-reef
approach‖ and a sustainable area development framework.
This study seeks to highlight the leadership role of civil engineers in realizing SDGs by 2030, specifically in areas where they
can provide innovative solutions to:
• ensure inclusive and equitable quality education (SD Goal 4),
• ensure available and sustainable management of water and sanitation (SD Goal 6),
• ensuring access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy for all (SD Goal7),
• build resilient infrastructure (SD Goal 9),
• make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, and resilient (SD Goal 11,
• take urgent action in combat climate change and its impacts (SD Goal 13),
• prevent marine pollution of all kinds, particularly from land-based activities (SD Goal 14, and
• ensure the conservation, and restoration of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems (DG Goal15).

Specific Roles of Civil Engineers and Challenges towards Sustainable Development

In general, engineering is a requirement to achieve the 17 SDGs (WFEO, 2015). From the provision of water, safe food, energy
and fuel generation, transportation, communication, and design and production of medical equipment have involved engineers of all
disciplines. Science and engineering make possible improvement of our quality of life but associated with negative social and
environmental impacts. Thus, engineers have a duty to enhance the good associated with technology while minimizing the harm.
WFEO (2015) also acknowledges the challenges arise when costs and benefits transcend user groups, thus, sustainability requires
the overall benefits always outweigh costs and that society and ecosystems must be able to accommodate the costs.
In relation to the three suggested principles (Appendix), the key sustainability factors for engineers to consider:
19) In relation to Principle 1, there is a need to manage changes in the environment as the result of any engineering activities;
20) With Principle 2, it is very important the need to maintain equity and safety of engineering activities for both current and
future generation, including the means to improve the quality of life in developing countries.
21) For Principle 3, professional engineers have the skills in solving problems to be done in a holistic way which does not lead to
another problem, and following the sustainability principles, engineers need to consider resolving existing problems caused by failures.

Three Sustainability Principles for Engineers
Principle 1: Maintaining the viability of the planet
10. Humans need to maintain the integrity of global and local biophysical systems to retain the irreplaceable life support
functions upon which human well-being depends.
11. The efficiency of products needs to be improved and the material and energy intensity needs to be reduced by a factor of 10
to 50 to achieve sustainability; thus redesigning engineered products, processes, and services and minimization, recycling, and
reuse of resources are needed to achieve this factor.
12. Depletion rates of non-renewable resources shall equal the rate at which renewable substitutes are developed by human
invention and investment. Renewable resources must be managed to ensure that they can be produced over the long term
without damage to the environment, and harvest rates of renewable resource inputs must not exceed the regenerative capacity of
the natural system that generates them.
13. All waste products from the life cycle of engineered products, processes or systems should be eliminated, preferably
at the source. Waste discharge should be kept within the assimilative capacity of the local and global environments.
14. The use of hazardous materials must be minimized and, wherever possible, eliminated.
15. The use of materials and chemicals that can accumulate in the environment needs to be reduced to a minimum that
will not exceed natural or hazardous levels, whichever is lower.
• When selecting an engineering option for product design, processing or providing a service, weight shall be given to choices
that, for a given expenditure, minimize the use of resources, particularly non-renewable resources such as fossil fuel-based energy
and metals.
• Options chosen for product design, processing, or providing a service should be based on the precautionary principle and
reduce risk as much as practicable or foreseeable.

Principle 2: Providing for equity within and between generations

9. All members of society have equal rights to achieve an acceptable quality of life, to be given choices in their life and to work
to reduce significant gaps in health, security, social recognition, political influence, etc. between rich and poor people. These
rights must be respected.
10. Excessive consumption of resources by the wealthy needs to be reduced to allow those in poverty to fulfil their needs
while ensuring resource use is within the environment‘s carrying capacity.
11. Development and resource use must be considered over a sufficiently long time scale so that future generations
are not disadvantaged economically, socially, or environmentally.
12. All those affected by engineering projects need to be given equal opportunity without repercussions to voice their
concerns and opinions and to have their views incorporated into the planning and decision making process.
Principle 3: Solving problems holistically
• Problem solutions shall be based primarily on human needs and ecosystem viability rather than the availability of technology.
• A holistic, systems-based approach shall be used to solve problems rather than focusing on technology alone.
• Methods that provide optimum outcomes for all stakeholders rather than expedient or single solutions shall be implemented.
• The use of non-sustainable practices or practices that present a risk to sustainability shall be minimized and reduced to zero over
time. Where it is practicable or desirable, past degradation must be reversed.
• Problem solving shall be based on prudent approaches and not through solving one problem at the expense of another.
Source: Boyle and Coates (2005)

Specifically, there are a number of the SDGs that deeply dependent on civil engineering discipline. These goals are as follows:
SD Goals 6, 7, 9, and 11. It is argued however, that even these goals are heavily engineering, should make it clear that achieving
sustainable development as defined in the Goals will require a truly transdisciplinary approach (UN, 2017; UN 2016a; UN, 2016b; UN,
2016c; UN, 2016d; UN, 2016e; UN, 2016f; UN, 2016g; Kelly et al, 2016;Sandhu et al, 2016; Kelly, 2015). To summarize, Table 2
provides the appropriate targets for each SDGs that have a direct link or significance to the leadership roles of civil engineers.
Further, the matrix also identifies the specific roles and contributions of engineering profession, specifically highlighting the
linkages of civil engineering with SDGs.
Goal/Tar get Engineering Contribution** Civil Engineering Leadership Roles
G1: End poverty in all its forms Provision of basic services; applied Design and construction of affordable
everywhere technology and provision of urban housing units and low-cost settlements
T1: Access to basic services, ownership systems that make growth (wealth that can stand extreme events and
and control over land and other forms of creation) possible disasters; better community/town planning
property and development; strict compliance with
T2: Build the resilience of the poor and building codes, CLUP/zoning ordinance
those in vulnerable situations and applicable laws
G2: End hunger, achieve food security Manage the nitrogen cycle; sustainable Design and construction of flood
and improved nutrition and promote irrigation; sustainable transportation; control/abatement and irrigation
sustainable agriculture adjudicate genetically modified organisms infrastructures, including water
T1: Ensure sustainable production impounding system, soil erosion control
systems and implement resilient system;
agricultural practices Design and construction of farm-to-market
T2: Increase investment, including roads; strong involvement in
through enhanced international watershed/river basin and river system
cooperation in rural infrastructure, management; Provision for infrastructures
agricultural research and extension in the promotion of agri-tourism products
services and services

3. Ensure healthy lives and promote Engineer better medicines; Advance Design and construction of road networks
wellbeing for all at all ages health informatics; Clean air, clean water, with high quality standards; Proper traffic
T1: Reduce the number of global deaths safe food; production; Develop bio- management and monitoring system;
and injuries from road traffic accidents engineering & nanotechnology life Design and construction of waste
T2: Substantially reduce the number of improvement devices & materials management facilities, including
deaths and illnesses from hazardous customized water/wastewater treatment,
chemicals and air, water and soil pollution sewage drainage facilities,
and contamination including air pollution control facilities;
strict compliance with applicable
environmental laws and regulations (RA
9003; RA 8749 and RA 9275)
Refer to Goal 6)
4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality Advance personalized learning; Quality OBE system and accreditation in civil
education and promote lifelong learning engineering education in all countries to engineering program; Practicing civil
opportunities for all ensure local workforce engineers as lecturers and pursue post-
T1: Equal access for all women and men graduate studies and trainings; conduct
to affordable and quality technical, researches and extension programs;
vocational and tertiary education, encourage/mentor women to take civil
including university engineering courses; active participation
in professional organization as part of
G5. Achieve gender equality and Increase participation of women in all Mentoring women in the field of civil
empower all women and girls engineering fields engineering, including full support and
T1: Ensure women’s full and effective acknowledgement of their work; Provide
participation and equal opportunities for equal opportunities and incentives for
leadership at all levels of decision-making women to excel in the workplace and
other professional practice
G6. Ensure availability and sustainable Provide clean water for all Design and construction of efficient water
management of water and sanitation for supply and distribution system; promotion
all of rainwater harvesting and water re-
use/recycling system; Innovative and
cost-effective ways in water quality
T1: Achieve universal and equitable management (freshwater and
access to safe and affordable drinking groundwater); Promotion of 3Rs (reduce,
water for all recycle and reuse)
T2: Improve water quality by reducing approach in water usage; Promotion of
pollution, eliminating release of hazardous integrated water resources management
chemicals and materials (reservoirs, dams, irrigation); river
T3: Implement integrated water resources basin/watershed management
management at all levels (Refer to Goals 2 and 3)
T4: support and strengthen the
participation of local communities in
improving water and sanitation
G7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, Make solar energy economical; ensure Active agent in the promotion of
sustainable and modern energy for all safe nuclear power safe; provide energy alternative sources of energy such as
T1: Ensure universal access to affordable, from renewable; increase efficient use of wind, solar, hydro, wave and geothermal
reliable and modern energy services energy and biomass;
T2: Increase substantially the share of Design and construction of buildings and
renewable energy in the global energy facilities that promote renewable use of
mix energy and efficient/energy saving;
G8.Promote sustained, inclusive and Restore and improve urban infrastructure; Conduct of research and extension work,
sustainable economic growth, full and continue to provide the underpinning of including creation of patents and other
productive employment and decent work wealth generation, e.g urban systems, innovative products and services in the
for all mobility, communication, data; safe and construction industry;
T1: Promote development-oriented inclusive work environment for Promotion of occupational health and
policies that support productive activities, professionals and participants safety programs; Compliance to relevant
etc. laws and regulations; Implementation of
T2:Protect labor rights and promote safe infrastructure projects with high quality
and secure working environments for all standards;
workers Promotion in the utilization of alternative
T3: Devise and implement policies to construction materials available in the
promote sustainable tourism that creates locality;
jobs and promotes local culture and Promotion in the restoration of structures
products with historical significance or value; Full
support to programs On-Job-Trainings
(OJT) or apprenticeship;
Promotion of ISO EMS and QMS
(Refer to Goal 2)
G9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote Sustainable and resilient infrastructure; Promotion of green engineering;
inclusive and sustainable industrialization sustainable manufacturing Adoption of comprehensive countryside
and foster innovation and regional planning;
T1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable Promotion of urban regeneration
and resilient infrastructure, with a focus on strategies and retrofitting/re-engineering
affordable and equitable access to all urban planning approach;
T2: Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit Implementation of life cycle assessment
industries to make them sustainable (LCA) in infrastructure development;
Adoption of best practices in infrastructure
development (public-private partnership)
(Refer to Goals 2, 3, 6, and 8)
G10. Reduce inequality within and among Provide global example within profession; Be active participants in the ASEAN
countries highlight the Negative ‗consequences of engineers registry and engineering
T1: Facilitate orderly, regular and inequality on engineering systems program accreditation
responsible migration and mobility of (Refer to Goal 4)
G11. Make cities and human settlements Restore and improve urban infrastructure; Design and construction of housing and
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Development of technologies and settlements using local alternative
T1: Ensure access for all to adequate, processes globally to ensure safety & construction materials;
safe and affordable housing and basic security across engineered systems Promotion of integrated land use and
services and upgrade slums cyber security for mass transit transport network plans;
T2: Enhance inclusive and sustainable Promotion of mixed-use schemes (MUS)
urbanization and capacity for development in urban regeneration areas
participatory, integrated and sustainable (redevelopment or renewal); Compliance
human settlement planning and with LGUs‘CLUP and zoning ordinances;
management Full implementation of RA 9003 and RA
T3: Reduce the adverse per capita 8749
environmental impact of cities including (Refer to Goals 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
attention to air quality and municipal and
other waste management
G12. Ensure sustainable consumption Circular Economy (material flows)-cradle Strict compliance to relevant
and production patterns to cradle minimize waste in the environmental laws and regulations
T1: Achieve the sustainable management manufacture of product; enhanced particularly ISO EMS and QMS
and efficient use of natural resources resource efficiencies, industrial ecology & certifications;
T2: Achieve the environmentally sound demineralization Strict compliance to RA 9184 and RA
management of chemicals and all waste 9003
throughout their life cycle (Refer to Goals 2, 6, 7, 8, and 11)
T4: Substantially reduce waste generation
through prevention, reduction, recycling
and reuse
T3: Promote public procurement practices
that are sustainable, in accordance with
national policies and priorities
T4: Develop and implement tools to
monitor sustainable development impacts
for sustainable tourism that creates jobs
and promotes local culture and products
G13. Take urgent action to combat Develop carbon sequestration methods; Design and construction of infrastructures
climate change and its impacts monitor, research & provide professional that can stand against natural disasters
T1: Strengthen resilience and adaptive input on the role of geoengineering; and extremes weathers;
capacity to climate-related hazards and sustainable energy for all; make the built Promotion of alternative renewable
natural disasters environment adaptable and resilient to sources of energy
T2: Integrate climate change measures uncertain climate & weather extremes; (Refer to Goals 7 and 11)
into national policies, strategies and substantially reduce green-house gas
planning emissions from the built environment;
ensure safe nuclear power
G14. Conserve and sustainably use the Improved monitoring; better provision of Strict compliance with applicable and
oceans, seas and independent data relevant
marine resources for sustainable environmental laws and regulations;
development Civil Engineering curriculum development
T1: Prevent and significantly reduce with areas of specialization
marine pollution of all kinds, in particular (oceanography, port development,
from land-based activities geographic information systems)
T2: Sustainably manage and protect (Refer to Goals 3, 7 and 11)
marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid
significant adverse impacts
Protect, restore and promote sustainable Restore organic matter to degraded soils; Strict compliance of relevant and
use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably better integrate biofuels applicable environmental laws and
manage forests, combat desertification, regulations
T1: Ensure the conservation, restoration Refer to Goals 3, 7, 11 and 14)
and sustainable use of terrestrial and
inland freshwater ecosystems and their
T2: Promote the implementation of
sustainable management of all types of
G16. Promote peaceful and inclusive Prevent nuclear terror; secure Strict compliance of RA 3019, The Anti-
societies for sustainable development, cyberspace; Provide credible monitoring Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and the
provide access to justice for all and measures of success RA 11032, Ease of Doing Business and
T1: Substantially reduce corruption and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act
bribery in all their forms of 2018
G17. Strengthen the means of Play a more active role in the global Pro-active in lobbying new relevant
implementation and revitalize the global partnership as practitioners of legislations through professional
partnership for sustainable development. sustainable development membership or affiliation;
T1: Strengthen domestic resource Close collaboration and partnership with
mobilization, including international foreign investors
support to developing countries
T2: Encourage and promote effective
public public-private and civil society

The findings from this study provided a clearer direction for civil engineering professionals to take – engaging and committing
themselves to participate and collaborate in various infrastructure programs and projects towards high quality standard outcomes.
With the technological advancement, innovative solutions and strategies in the construction industry as well as in the
academe/education sector, civil engineers should go beyond minimum compliance, offering exceptional engineering products and
In conclusion, sustainable development should be at the core of the higher education institutions (HEIs) which will require both
local and national commitments. Definitely, it is expected the demand for civil engineering skills and expertise will be higher than in
the past years to meeting the challenges of achieving the sustainable development goals. Finally, the roles of civil engineering
professionals through their active affiliations with various organizations and civic societies somehow enhance their leadership roles in
shaping our towns and cities inclusive, resilient, safe and sustainable.
World Federation of Engineering Organizations’ Committee on Technology, August 2002
Civil Engineering and Sustainable development goals (SDGs): Future Challenges in Building Resilient Towns and
Cities by Reynaldo P. Ramos, PhD
The Role of Engineers in Sustainable Development by Dr. Asad Sarwar Qureshi and Atif Nawab

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