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  ActivitY V i e w a n a u d i o -v i s u a l t e x t

In this following activity, you will analyse the material first as an audio-visual text
before analysing it purely as an audio text.
Read the questions below, then watch the audio-visual text at
au/7.30/content/2015/s4374012.htm – ‘Girls dominate the classroom, so why are
they missing out in the boardroom?’ once to familiarise yourself with the text. Then
watch the text a second time, and attempt to answer as many questions as possible.
You can takes notes. Finally, listen to the text without viewing it. You may pause the
text at various points to answer the questions. Finish answering the questions.

Background information
Girls achieve as good and sometimes better results at school than boys. However,
there are far fewer women than men in the top ranks of business – for example, as
members of boards – and various professions. Leigh Sales interviews Sally Herman
and Jane Caro to find out why this is so, and what their solutions are.

1. Why is this issue a topical one?

2. What is the first reason Sally Herman gives as to why there are fewer women in
the top levels of organisations?

3. How are women’s career paths affected by the areas of business or roles in which
they work?

4. Which factor does Jane Caro not think is the cause of the differences in career
progression between men and women, and what evidence does she give to
support her point of view?

5. List three reasons Jane Caro identifies for why there are fewer women at the top levels.

6. What is the major difference between the solutions proposed by Caro and Herman?

7. Which of the two speakers seems to have a more positive belief that change will
occur? Give reasons to support your answer.

8. What does Caro mean when she says, ‘Follow the benefit and you’ll always see
why the actions are happening.’ (Circle the best response).

a. Women have to look after the children; men don’t.

b. Men are happy for the current situation to remain the same because they
have a greater chance than women of gaining the top jobs.

c. Men earn more money than women.

d. Women have to work in the home, and in the office.

9. Provide two examples of how Herman and Caro show politeness towards the
interviewer, and are generally interested in what is being discussed.

insight  E A L Y E A R 1 2

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