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a. Quantitative, Continuous, Interval

b. Quantitative, Continuous, Ratio
c. Qualitative, Nominal
d. Quantitative, Discrete, Ratio
e. Qualitative, Nominal
f. Qualitative, Nominal
g. Quantitative, Discrete, Ratio
h. Qualitative, Ordinal
i. Quantitative, Discrete, Ratio
j. Quantitative, Continuous, Interval

a. Descriptive statistics
b. Inferential statistics
c. Inferential statistics

i. students who had enrolled over the past 3 years
ii. (a) selected students from criminology department who had enrolled
over the past 3 years,
(b) selected students from business administration department who
had enrolled over the past 3 years
iii. (a) number of students who were satisfied with the school policies and
(b) number of students who were not satisfied with the school policies
and regulations
iv. (a) sex,
(b) age group
i. customers who had purchased a videocassette recorder over the past
12 months
ii. (a) selected customers who had purchased a videocassette recorder
over the past 6 months,
(b) selected customers who had purchased a videocassette recorder
over the past 3 months
iii. (a) number of customers who were satisfied with the product,
(b) number of customers who were not satisfied with the product
iv. (a) model of the videocassette,
(b) durability of the videocassette

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