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Working Schedule and Leave:  

PR Solution

Working Schedule

23.1. The employee has to resume his duties on six days a week i.e.  Monday to, Saturday.
Sunday being weekly off.


Monday to Saturday: 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (inclusive of lunch break)

                             8 hours per day excluding lunch break of ½ an hour

If an  employee comes at office after 10.10 am , it would be considered as Half day leave.

Types of Leave

24.1. Subject to the guidelines stated herein this Manual, the following kinds of leave may be
granted to an employee:

Casual Leave
Privilege Leave
Maternity Leave
Paternity Leave
Leave without pay.   

General Conditions Governing Grant of Leave.

24.2. The following general principles shall govern the grant of leave to the employees.

a)  It is to be noted that Leave is earned by duty or service and it cannot be claimed as a
matter of right. When exigencies of the Company so requires, the Competent Authority may
refuse or revoke leave of any description.
b) Sanction of leave is not to be presumed and leave applied for should not be availed of
unless it has been sanctioned.
c) An employee is expected to avail of leave granted, fully, before resuming duty. An
employee on leave cannot return to duty before the expiry of such leave except with the
permission of the Competent Authority. 

d) An employee who remains absent after the end of his sanctioned leave shall not be
entitled for pay for such overstay, unless otherwise allowed by the Competent Authority.
Willful absence from duty after the expiry of sanctioned leave will be treated as a breach of

e) An employee on any one of types of the leaves stated in 25.3  to 25.7  subject to the
conditions in respective clause , shall be treated on duty.  

f) Leave may be prefixed and/or suffixed to a holiday, however, intervening holidays shall be
treated as leave. 

g) Casual Leave may normally be availed of only after sanction by the Competent Authority
but one day casual leave may be availed of without prior sanction in case of unforeseen
emergency provided the Competent Authority is promptly informed.
h) Application for privilege shall be ordinarily submitted 15 days before the date on which
leave is required. The Competent Authority may waive shortfall, if any, in the period.
i) An employee shall, before proceeding on leave, intimate to the competent Authority his
address while on leave. 
j) Combination of leave: Casual leave cannot be availed of in conjunction with any other kind
of leave. Subject to this condition any kind of leave under this chapter can be granted in
combination with or in continuation of any other kind of leave.
k) No leave can be sanctioned for a fraction of a day.           
l) All leave lapses at the time of retirement, death discharge dismissal resignation or
termination for any reason whatsoever.
Casual Leave

24.3    a) An employee may be granted casual leave upto a maximum of 12 days during the
period of 12 months from 1st January  to 31st December.
b) In case of confirmed employee, the casual leave of 12 days, may be credited in advance
as on 1st Jan every year. However, when an employee is on leave /remains absent for more
than 3 months, excepting in ML cases, casual leave will be credited pro rata basis @ 1 day
c) Except under special circumstances the employee should not avail of Casual Leave,
     d) In case of an employee on probation, 1 day casual leave will be 
     credited on 1st of every month during probation period.

     e) Casual leave cannot be availed for more than 6 days at a time.
f) Any casual leave, not availed of by an employee during the year, can   
be carried forward for the next year, but necessarily to be availed of on or
before 30th June of such next year, failing which such carried forward
casual leave shall lapse.

Privilege Leave

24.4  a) An employee, except one who has not completed six months of   probation on
first appointment, shall earn privilege leave . For this purpose “Duty” means the period spent
in the service of the Company but excludes periods of leave of any kind except casual leave.

 b) Unavailed privilege leave will be carried forward for the next year. 
c) The period of privilege leave which can be accumulated by any employee is 240

Maternity Leave

24.5  a) A confirmed female employee shall be entitled for maternity leave,   

subject to submission of necessary medical certificate, for a period of 4  months on one
occasion subject to maximum of 8 months in entire service.
b) In addition to the maternity leave as above, maximum 6 weeks leave will  be allowed in
entire service, for MTP and miscarriage. The ceiling of 6 weeks is applicable separately in
case of MTP and miscarriage. Further 2 weeks leave will be granted when a female
employee has undergone tubectomy operation. The leave under this section is subject to the
submission of necessary medical certificate. 

Paternity Leave

24.6 a) A confirmed male employee shall be entitled for Paternity leave, during wife’s
pregnancy but within one month of child’s birth, subject to submission of necessary medical
certificate, for a period of 3 days on one occasion subject to maximum of 6 days in entire
Leave without Pay

24.7 Employee’s absence may be treated as leave without pay in the event of:--

1.Employee availing of any type of leave without being eligible for it.

2. Employee availing of any type of leave without getting it sanctioned by the Competent

3. Employee overstaying beyond the period of the sanctioned leave.

4. Employee availing leave in combination which is not permitted as per terms and
conditions of this HR Policy.

5. Leave without pay i.e. sanctioned absence due to inadequate credit balance in leave
account can be maximum up to 180 days. 

6. Leave without pay for any period beyond 180 days can be granted by MD & CEO on the
merit, on case to case basis.

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