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1. In 1866 _______ is one of the founding fathers of copy writings.

a) Jonayhan Gabay
b) Claude Hopkins
c) Jhon Cleese
d) Albert Einstein

2. A written material, in contrast to photographs or other elements of layout

means ________
a) Advertising Copy
b) Advertising Layout
c) Advertising logo
d) Advertising page
3. Which of the following is not a specific duty of a copy writer? __________
a) Interpreting account brief
b) Researching clients, competitors and target audience
c) Supervising Junior staff
d) Managing Accounts
4. _________ is a seller who plays with the words for advertisements.
a) Copy Writer
b) Ad designer
c) Brand Manager
d) Ad Maker
5. Which of the following is not one of the main principles of Copywriting
a) Saves Time
b) Provocative
c) Demonstrative
d) Non concise
6. Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate ______ that may be useful
in solving problems.
a) Solution
b) Ideas
c) Strategy
d) Plan

7. Which of the following is associated with Left Brained Thinking _______

a) Emotional
b) Creative
c) Intuitive
d) Rational

8. _________ part of mind consist of primitive, instinctual wishes as well as the

information that we cannot access.
a) Sub conscious
b) Conscious
c) Unconscious
d) Alert

9.__________ is a mental shortcut which helps to make decisions and

judgements quickly without having to spend a lot of time researching and
analysing information.
a) Simplistic
b) Heuristic
c) Criticality
d) Creativity
10. The process we use to develop ideas that are unique, useful and worthy of
further elaboration is known as _________
a) Unique thinking
b) Critical thinking
c) Evaluative thinking
d) Creative thinking

11. The implementation of an idea or solution in the creative process model is

when and individual begins the process of transforming his / her thoughts
into a _______ product.
a) Initial
b) Intermediate
c) Final
d) First

12. The three stages of successful ideation includes Implementation,

Generation and _________
a) Selection
b) Rejection
c) Creation
d) Correction
13. The reasons to try brainstorming techniques is to get ideas, to solve
problems, to be a better team and _________
a) Train your body
b) Train your Team
c) Train your brain
d) Train your skills
14. Mind mapping helps for two reasons Storyboarding and ___________
a) Sleeping
b) Waking
c) Imagining
d) Daydreaming
15. _________ is an idea generation technique that utilizes action verbs as
a) Mind mapping
b) Scamper
c) Wishing
d) Analysing

16. The Process of adapting material from one language to another and ensure
that the intended impact, style and emotion of the adapted message is not
lost is known as _______
a) Pre – Creation
b) Post – Creation
c) Trans – Creation
d) Pro – Creation
17. ________, pricing and trans-creation itself is expected from trans-creation.
a) Adjustment
b) Assessment
c) Judgment
d) Requirement
18. The objectives of trans-creation is to transfer the _____, style, vocal tone
and emotional salience of the message from the source language to that of
the targeted audience.
a) Intent
b) Files
c) Font
d) Folder
19. Considerations for trans-creation include Language and _______
a) Style
b) Font
c) Imagery
d) Tone
20. Translation and trans-creation are related processes, but they are
a) Non Identical
b) Identical
c) Opposites
d) Dependant
21. Which of the following is not a qualitative method of pre-Testing
a) Focus group
b) Consumer Jury method
c) In-Depth Interview
d) Projective Techniques
22. The Four Phases of advertising campaign includes strategy development
phase, Advertising brief to the client, _______ and Evaluation of the
a) Analysing Phase
b) Conclusive Phase
c) Creative Phase
d) Testing Phase
23. Which of the following colours give negative colour association in an
a) Yellow
b) Blue
c) red
d) Black
24. __________ is an integral part of human experience at least as a
perception of beauty and art.
a) Aesthetics
b) Creativity
c) Emotion
d) Knowledge
25. The Main objective of an ad campaign is to ______, convince and make
your product available to the customers.
a) Aware
b) Allow
c) Agree
d) Inform
26.____________ is a form of writing in which the writer uses words to
convince the reader that the writer’s opinion is correct in regards to an
a) Intuitive writing
b) Persuasive Writing
c) Narrative Writing
d) Attentive Writing
27. Three Parts of persuasive writing are Ethos, _______ and Pathos.
a) Logos
b) Carlos
c) Melos
d) Delos
28. The 4 Keys of writing ________copy are Conversational style, Narrative
structure, Benefits and __________
a) Narrative, Target audience
b) Appropriate, Target emotions
c) Persuasive, Target emotions
d) Decent, Target audience
29. Which of the following process is not involved in evaluating the final results
of an ad campaign? __________
a) Pre – Testing
b) Post _ Testing
c) Concurrent
d) Pro – Testing
30. The types of Rational Appeals include Feature appeal, Competitive
advantage appeal, News appeal, Popularity appeal and ___________
a) Fear Appeal
b) Humour Appeal
c) Sex Appeal
d) Price Appeal

31. __________ includes a wide range of marketing materials, including

brochures, catalogues, postcards, newsletters and sales letters.

a) Direct Mail
b) Direct ad
c) Direct Copy
d) Direct Campaign
32. A Public relations announcement issued to the news and other targeted
publications for the purpose of letting the public know of company
developments is known as _________
a) Advertisement
b) Press release
c) Advertorial
d) News ad
33. Infomercial is a combination of both ________ and _________
a) Information, Communication
b) Information, Connection
c) Information, Correction
d) Information, Commercial
34. __________ is marketing of products to businesses or other organization
for use in production of goods, for use in general business operations, or
for resale to other consumers, such as a wholesaler selling to a retailer.
a) B 2 B
b) B 2 C
c) C 2 C
d) C 2 B
35. The Four U’s formula for effective headlines are Unique, Ultra-specific,
_______ and Useful.
a) Ultimate
b) Unite
c) Urgent
d) Uncover
36. Different Types of headlines include direct headline, In-Direct Headline and
a) Bold Headline
b) News Headline
c) Top Headline
c) Soft Headline
37. ________ is the main text part of the layout advertisement or any print, it
carries a selling message.
a) Layout
b) Body Copy
c) Font
d) Headline
38. When businesses leverage internet technologies to deliver promotional
advertisement to consumer is called as _________
a) Print advertising
b) Bill board advertising
c) News Advertising
d) Digital Advertising
39. Slogans used repeatedly in the ads are also known as ________
a) Songs
b) Jingles
c) Notes
d) Rhythm
40. The Key elements to considers while writing a copy for women are
a) Personalization, Exclusive attention, Utility
b) Images , Colours , Emotional appeal
c) Values , Attitudes
d) Efficiency, Credibility
41. Two elements that makes TV so exciting are ________ and _________
a) Picture, Sound
b) Sight, Sound
c) Colour, Sound
d) Colour, Sight
42. A poster is a _______ Communication tool.
a) Verbal
b) Visual
c) Non-Visual
d) Non Verbal
43. ___________ the process we use to reflect on assess and judge the
assumption underlying our own and other ideas and efforts.
a) Creative Thinking
b) Submissive Thinking
c) Critical Thinking
d) Analytical thinking
44. The 5 Steps in Creative Process model are Preparation, ___________
illumination, Evaluation, Implementation.
a) Incubation
b) Intimation
c) Interaction
d) Introduction
45. Which of the following tools of media doesn’t require internet connection?
a) Facebook Promotion
b) Direct Mail
c) Radio Promotion
d) Online Promotion
46. __________ and __________ are to be kept in mind while making an ad for
a) Detailed Information, Credibility
b) Avoiding details, 3 C’s Rule
c) Emotions and
d) Age, Efficiency
47. The 3 C Rule is used to express your offer Clearly, Compellingly and
a) Confusingly
b) Curiously
c) Complexly
d) Convincingly

48. The Three groups of senior citizens are 55 and older- mature adults, 68 to
74 – young elderly, older than 75 - __________
a) Old Adults
b) Older elderly
c) Young Adults
d) Senior Adults
49. Which type of method of pre testing is used on Focus group, In-depth
interview and Projective techniques? __________
a) Qualitative Method
b) Quantitative Method
c) Questioning Method
d) Query Method
50. The Unconscious part of the human mind consist of _______ percentage of
the brain.
a) 10-15
b) 50-60
c) 30-40
d) 65-75

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