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English Conversation

Gengo English S1 #6 Welcome
to New York! Avoid Instant
Immersion Shock with this



Narator: Thanks for tuning in. This is Narator.

Keith: Hey and I’m Keith. Welcome to Gengo English Lesson number 5 - “Welcome to New York!
Avoid Instant Immersion Shock with this Lesson!”

Narator: In the last lesson, Lesson 4 - “A Conversation Mistake You

Don't Want to Make,” you learned how to get to

know more about people.

Keith: And how to talk about yourself.

Narator: You also learned how to ask, "What do you do?" Keith: And

how to talk about jobs. In this lesson you’ll learn.. Narator: talking

about the time, date, and temperature.

Keith: And this conversation takes place..

Narator: on a landing plane.

Keith: And the conversation is between...

Narator: Zo, our main character, and his new friend,

Michelle, during the pilot's landing announcement. Keith:

Alright, well let’s listen in to the conversation.


Pilot: Good afternoon, everyone. This is the pilot. Welcome to New

York. The time now is three PM on Thursday,

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April 30th. The temperature’s a cool fifty-three degrees

Fahrenheit, which is about twelve degrees Celsius.

Enjoy your stay in New York.

Zo: Fifty-three degrees? Wow. It's cold.

Michelle: Yep, I have a jacket.

Zo: Oh. I don't.

Keith: One more time, slowly.

Pilot: Good afternoon, everyone. This is the pilot. Welcome to New

York. The time now is three PM on Thursday,

April 30th. The temperature’s a cool fifty-three degrees

Fahrenheit, which is about twelve degrees Celsius.

Enjoy your stay in New York.

Zo: Fifty-three degrees? Wow. It's cold.

Michelle: Yep, I have a jacket.

Zo: Oh. I don't.


Narator: So, uh, Zo has finally arrived at his destination-- Keith:

Narator, do you know where that is?

Narator: It happens to be this fair city of New York.

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Keith: [singing] Duh-duh-duh-na-na-na..

Narator: [laughs]

Keith: [laughs] You’re not going to sing for us, are you? Narator:

Ah... not just yet. I have to loosen up a little bit.

Keith: [laughs] Not yet. Need a couple of drinks, huh? Well, he’s definitely a lucky guy. This is a
beautiful city, isn’t it?

Narator: Yeah, yeah. I’d say so. And not only has he finally arrived in New York, he's made a lot of
progress with getting to know his new friend, Michelle.

Keith: Yeah, he definitely has! And his English is really coming in handy! Narator: Ah,

coming in handy. What’s that mean?

Keith: That’s actually a very handy phrase. [laughs] It means to be useful. Narator:

So his English is really useful for him right now.

Keith. Right because he’s having a conversation. Narator:

So now they're finally landed, here in New York. II

wonder if they'll meet again?

Keith: I don't know!

Narator: I guess we'll have to stick around to find out.

Keith: Well, I don't mind sticking around!

Narator: Stick around. What’s that mean?

Keith: It means to stay around but for this, for Gengo English, it would mean to keep listening.

Narator: So we’ll have to keep listening to find out if Zo and Michelle become better fr

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Keith: Yeah, and I don’t mind.

Narator: And I’m sure our listeners don’t mind, either.


Keith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is: Narator: good

[natural native speed]

Keith: positive in nature; not bad or poor Narator:

good [slowly - broken down by syllable] Narator:

good [natural native speed]


afternoon [natural native speed]

Keith: the middle part of the day; after 12:00 PM and before 5:00 PM

afternoon [slowly - broken down by syllable]

afternoon [natural native speed]


Narator: pilot [natural native speed] Keith: a

person who flies a plane

Narator: pilot [slowly - broken down by syllable]

Narator: pilot [natural native speed]

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everyone [natural native speed]

Keith: every person; each person

everyone [slowly - broken down by syllable] everyone

[natural native speed]


Narator: this [natural native speed]

Keith: the person, thing, or idea that is present or near

Narator: this [slowly - broken down by syllable]

Narator: this [natural native speed] Next:"

time [natural native speed]

Keith: a moment, hour, day or year time

[slowly - broken down by syllable] time

[natural native speed]


Narator: weather [natural native speed]

Keith: the conditions outside; the temperature or appearance Narator:

weather [slowly - broken down by syllable]

Narator: weather [natural native speed]

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sunny [natural native speed]

Keith: weather full of sun; bright in appearance or manner sunny

[slowly - broken down by syllable]

sunny [natural native speed]


Narator: temperature [natural native speed] Keith:

degree of hotness or coldness

Narator: temperature [slowly - broken down by syllable]

Narator: temperature [natural native speed]


enjoy [natural native speed]

Keith: to have a good time

enjoy [slowly - broken down by syllable] enjoy

[natural native speed]


Narator: stay [natural native speed] Keith:

time spent in a place

Narator: stay [slowly - broken down by syllable]

Narator: stay [natural native speed]

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have [natural native speed]

Keith: to hold or maintain; to have have

[slowly - broken down by syllable] have

[natural native speed]


Narator: cold [natural native speed] Keith:

not warm; very cool

Narator: cold [slowly - broken down by syllable]

Narator: cold [natural native speed]


Narator: jacket [natural native speed] Keith:

a short or light coat

Narator: jacket [slowly - broken down by syllable] Narator:

jacket [natural native speed]


Keith: Alright, well let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this

Narator: The first phrase we’ll look at is... Keith:

"Good afternoon, everyone."

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Narator: That’s right. The pilot greets the passengers on the plane with,

"good afternoon." The plane has landed in New York and the time is 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

Keith: The afternoon is the middle part of the day; the part of the day after morning and before the
evening, which starts around 5 pm. The evening. So it’s probably around 12 to 5 o’clock.

Narator: The afternoon begins after noon time-- after

12 pm. Hence, the name "afternoon." The next phrase is ,"This is ...................." The pilot says,
"This is the pilot." He's announcing himself-- he's letting people know that he is the one speaking.

Keith: "This is the pilot" is short for, "This is the pilot speaking."

Narator: Exactly. You may also hear this phrase at the start of a phone conversation-- if you call me,
for example, I pick up the phone and say, "Who’s this?"

Keith: And if I hear that, I could say, "This is Keith."

Narator: So “This is Keith” would be short for “This is Keith speaking.”

Keith: You don’t have to say the “speaking” part. You can just say, “This is Keith.” Narator: Exactly.

The next phrase is, "Welcome."

Keith: Ah, of course. The pilot welcomes the passengers to New York, where they have just

Narator: “Welcome” is a greeting used to say hello to a guest or to a newcomer. It can be heard
in many instances; you may hear "Welcome!" when visiting someone's home, a shop, or even
an entire city or county-- just like in the dialogue.

Keith: Here in New York there’s a lot of people that are visiting from all over the place, and if I meet
someone new, “Hey, you’re from New Zealand,” “Hey, you’re from Afghanistan. Welcome.
Welcome to New York.” Also the pilot then announces the time.

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Narator: That's right. He says, "The time is 3 pm." Keith: So,

it's 3 in the afternoon. PM is used for the afternoon and


Narator: AM is used for the morning.

Keith: Finally, the pilot announces the temperature to prepare

the passengers for the different weather, right? Narator: So uh,

he gives the temperature in both Fahrenheit, which, I guess, is

common in

English-speaking countries, or is that just the United States?

Keith: I think it’s.. Yeah, I think it’s just the United States that uses Fahrenheit. Narator: OK.

Keith: And maybe one other country, I think.

Narator: Then it would make sense that the pilot announces the temperature in Fahrenheit and he
also announces it in Celsius, which is used everywhere else in the world.

Keith: That’s right, Celsius. Buy why does he do that? Why does he give the temperature?

Narator: He gives the temperatures so that all of the passengers who are coming from all different
places, many different climates, so they have an understanding of the

conditions outside-- so they can understand the weather.

Keith: And last but not least, we’re going to look at the word, "Wow!" Narator:

Great phrase, "Wow!"

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Keith: Yeah, it definitely is. Zo is not expecting the temperature to be so cold, so

he let's out a "Wow!" "Wow" is an

expression of surprise.

Narator: Yep, and it can be used in practically any situation during

which you are surprised. Wow!


Narator: The focus of this lesson is talking about the time, date and temperature.

Keith: Let’s address talking about the time first. It’s easy to talk about the time. In the dialogue, the
pilot says, "The time now is 3 pm.”

Narator: So in other words, it's three in the afternoon.

Keith: So, PM is used for the afternoon. 3 pm means, "3 in the afternoon." And 5 pm means, "5 in
the evening."

Narator: If you remember, morning is before 12 noon, and afternoon is, well, AFTER NOON. The
evening starts at around 5 pm-- or, 5 in the evening.

Keith: What's used for the morning? Before 12 pm?

Narator: For the morning? We use AM. So how would you say 2 in the morning? Keith:

That’s easy. You would say 2 am.

Narator: So what's 7 am?

Keith: That’s 7 in the morning.

Narator: Now, to ASK about the time say, "What time is it?"

Keith: And another way of asking about the time is, “Do you have the time?”

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Narator: Yeah, that’s pretty polite. Still another way is to say, “Do you know what time it is?”

Keith: And as we just discussed, to ANSWER "What time it is, you can say, "It's 6 pm." Or, "it's 6 in
the evening" and so on and so forth.

Narator: So let's move on to talking about the date.

Keith: Sure. Talking about the date is also pretty simple. In the dialogue, the pilot simply says
that the date is “Thursday, April 30th.”

Narator: So he gives the day of the week, Thursday, and the calendar date, April 30th.

Keith: I think most of our listeners will probably know the months of the year, but how about a
quick review?

Narator: Sure, first is January.

Keith: Second is February.

Narator: The third month of the year is March. Keith:

Next is April.

Narator: After April is May.

Keith: And the sixth month is, remember this one because it’s my birthday in there, is June.

Narator: And after June, it’s July.

Keith: Next is August.

Narator: And after August, my birthday month is September.

Keith: I’ll remember that. After September we have where Halloween is, October. Narator:

And after October is November.

Keith: That’s where Thanksgiving is, one of my favorites. And after November, the last

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month of the year is December.

Narator: December. And why don’t we review the days of the week as well? We’ll start with Sunday.

Keith: Next is Monday.

Narator: Then Tuesday.

Keith: Next, Wednesday.

Narator: Then Thursday.

Keith: Friday.

Narator: And Saturday.

Keith: And again we’re back at Sunday.

Narator: So Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Keith: Actually, one day in there I wanted to mention is Wednesday because you don’t say it
the way you spell it.

Narator: That’s true.

Keith: Whenever I write Wednesday, I have to remind myself it’s not “wensday” It’s “wed-nes-

Narator: Exactly, exactly. So w-e-d-n

Keith: n-e-s-d-a-y.

Narator: Wed-nes-day. But not “wens-day.” Keith:

Exactly. So, Narator, when’s your birthday?

Narator: Oh, my birthday is September 27th. When's your birthday? Keith:

My birthday is June 16.

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Narator: Ah, OK. I’ll remember that. What about your favorite holiday? When’s your favorite

Keith: I think I like Thanksgiving the most. And actually a good note is, Thanksgiving is mostly an
American holiday, I think.

Sandia: Yeah.

Keith: But it’s always on a Thursday.

Sandia: Right. It’s always... Is it the last Thursday of the month? Keith:

That’s right. The last Thursday of November.

Narator: Ah, OK.

Keith: How about you? What’s your favorite holiday?

Narator: That’s a good question. I don’t really know if I have a favorite holiday. I kind of like the
entire month of December because there’re all these different holidays and everyone’s having a
party and it’s just kind of a month-long celebration.

Keith: There’s a lot of holidays in December, so actually in America, a lot of companies take off
maybe, the last two weeks?

Narator: Mm-hm.

Keith: Until New Years.

Narator: Right, right. So December is a great month.

Keith: To not work, yeah. [laughs]

Narator: [laughs] Alright, now that we’ve got dates out of the way, let's talk about the temperature.

Keith: In this dialogue, the temperature is “53 degrees Fahrenheit and

that means about 12 degrees Celsius.” Usually

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the temperature is given in EITHER Fahrenheit OR degrees Celsius. Narator:

But of course, they're all on a plane with passengers coming from different

parts of the world, so the pilot

gives the temperature in BOTH scales. Fahrenheit AND Celsius Keith: In

America, the temperature

is reported in Fahrenheit.

Narator: The temperature can be used as an answer to the

question, “What’s the weather like today?”

Keith: It’s about 50 degrees in the morning, but it’ll

reach 75 degrees in the afternoon.

Narator: Here in New York it's finally starting to warm up!

Keith: And actually that’s in Fahrenheit. What would it be in Celsius? Narator: I don’t

do math, Keith. [laughs]

Keith: [laughs]

Keith: I’m not a hundred percent sure. Well, I think 50 degrees Fahrenheit is about 17 degrees
Celsius, and 75 degrees Fahrenheit is about 25, 26 degrees Celsius?

Narator: Sounds good to me.


Keith: Somebody who’s good at math, help us out. [laughs] Well, how about you, our listeners?
Why don’t you tell us what the weather is like where you’re from? Alright, well that’s going to do it
for this lesson. Thanks for listening.

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Narator: Thanks for listening. Buh-bye.

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