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Prelims Reviewer For Purposive Communication 4.

Communication Channel:
- The person who is interested in communicating
Communication has to choose the channel for sending the
Communication is defined into three (3) required information, ideas etc. This information
is transmitted to the receiver through certain
- Is a process of exchanging ideas between two or channels which may be either formal or informal.
more persons 5. Receiver:
- The act of process of using words, sounds, - Receiver is the person who receives the
signs, or behaviors to express or exchange message or for whom the message is meant for.
information or to express your ideas, thoughts, It is the receiver who tries to understand the
feelings, etc. to someone else message in the best possible manner in
- A process by which information is exchanged achieving the desired objectives.
between individuals through a common system 6. Decoding:
of symbols, signs or behavior - The person who receives the message or
symbol from the communicator tries to convert
Value of Communication
the same in such a way so that he may extract
- The word communication came from the Latin its meaning to his complete understanding.
word “communis” which means common or to 7. Feedback:
“commune” or to come together or to share - Feedback is the process of ensuring that the
something in common. receiver has received the message and
understood in the same sense as sender meant
“Communication in its most basic sense is the cement it.
that holds society together. Without it, society will fall
apart” – Maslog 1988

Nature of Communication

Communication represents the important role inside

personal existence, family member’s existence, cultural
existence, company existence and many others.

1. Communication is related to human

activity: Communication exchanges are actually
directly linked with every single ball of human
being lifetime.
2. Communication involves two or more parties: At
least, two parties are involved in virtually any
communication exchange process.
3. Communication could be one-way or maybe
two-way process: Communication might take the
design involving two-way or maybe one-way
process. With two-way communication, the
receiver sends his feedback to the sender after
receiving the message. Communication is:
4. Success of communication depends on a proper
understanding of the parties involved: Powerful Reciprocal because we cannot separate
communication comes about if your receiver communicators into sender and receiver.
feels your concept you might say your sender Process because it keeps on “evolving
posts the idea. If the receiver doesn’t deliver his changing”.
or her reaction to your sender, your sender is not
going to fully grasp your receiver’s view. involves creating and sharing of meaning.
5. Conversation in organization flows in a variety of
Process of Communication:
styles: With organization, information flows in a
variety of recommendations, for example way
upward direction, down way, horizontal way and
many others.

7 Major Elements of Communication Process

1. Sender:
- The person who intends to convey the message
with the intention of passing information and
ideas to others is known as sender or

2. Ideas:
- This is the subject matter of the communication.
This may be an opinion, attitude, feelings, views,
orders, or suggestions.
3. Encoding:
- Since the subject matter of communication is
theoretical and intangible, its further passing
requires use of certain symbols such as words,
actions or pictures etc. Conversion of subject
matter into these symbols is the process of
stands. It may be explained through the
a. Intimate distance
b. Personal distance
c. Social distance
d. Public distance
7. Touch- the kind of touch used in communication
reflects meaning about the relationship between
the sender and the receiver.
(Ex. The more intense the relationship, the more
frequent and more intimate the touch)
8. Time - There are two kinds of people based on
time; punctual and late
Six Basic Elements of Communication
Verbal Language
1. Sender/Receiver – Persons
2. Message – Topic/Information - Verbal language consists of symbols like letters,
3. Channel – Medium/Tool words, and other marks that you need to subject
4. Feedback – Reaction/Response to language or grammar rules for a coherent or
5. Noise – Disturbing Factor organized means of understanding or
6. Setting – Time/Place expressing ideas. This verbal or spoken
language becomes a written language once you
Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
put on paper or any surface the marks or prints
Non-Verbal Communication is a form of sharing insights symbolizing or representing the ideas you intend
and ideas, information, experiences etc. without the use to convey or have spoken to others.
of words
LESSON 2: Principles and Characteristics of
*Most of the time verbal communication is supported by Communication
non-verbal communication to better portray the
meanings a speaker would like to share. 1. Communication is a Schemata-driven
- Communication begins within yourself, you
Type of Non-verbal Communication
begin with what you have already stocked in
1. Body Movements your brain or with what you have already known
a. Emblems – These are body movements or understood about the subject matter of the
which have direct translation into word (Ex. communicative act. Transmitted messages
Thumbs up) become understandable or meaningful because
b. Illustrators – These are used to accent, of your innate or old knowledge about the
emphasize or reinforce words (Ex. Pointing messages.
Fingers in giving direction) 2. Communication is an interpretative act.
c. Regulators – These are signs showing - The only person who knows the exact or full
control at the back and forth natures of meaning of the message transmitted is the
speaking and listening (Ex. Head nods, sender or speaker. Being the creator or source
hand gestures, shifts in posture during of the ideas, he/she has the absolute knowledge
interaction) about his message. It is called interpretative act
d. Display of Feelings – A persons face or because the role of the receiver or listener is just
body movements may convey how intense to interpret, infer, or guess the meaning of things
his emotion is. (Ex. Tight Hug signify an appealing to his sense of hearing.
intimate relationship) 3. Communication does not guarantee a direct or
e. Adaptors – there are non-verbal ways used automatic link between two minds.
in adopting to the communication situation - These forms of knowledge become meaningful
(Ex. A woman visited a friend’s house and only to others when you initiate communication
when she was there, she started picking up with them.
scattered things on the floor. She implied 4. Communication is active, powerful, or forceful
that her friend could hardly clean her - Communication is generally taken as an active
house.) messages, because it has varied effects on all
2. Paralanguage – refers to the ways of saying participants in any communicative event. It
something. It includes the characteristics as: engages speakers and listeners in action of
Rate – speed of speaking giving and receiving information. Communication
Pitch – highness/lowness of tone is powerful and forceful for it elicits different
Volume- loudness meanings or reactions, these messages are
Quality- pleasing / unpleasing sound prone to changes. Subjected to the changeable
3. Body types – can also communicate a message and continued existence of the world,
Ectomorphs (thin people) communication is dynamic (A process or system
Endomorphs (fat people) characterized by constant change) as life that
Mesomorphs (athletic people) goes on and on like a river. Nothing remains
4. Attractiveness can get positive response than permanent or fixed in the world of
those who are perceived not to be attractive. communication.
Physical Attributes of a person may mean 5. Communication is symbolic.
something to the people around her. - Symbols, signs, or marks like letters, words,
5. Body Adornment involves form of clothing, make sentences, graphs, pictures and other concrete
up, jewelry and hairstyle (Ex. An applicant who objects represent or stand for ideas that you
is dressed appropriately might likewise be hired intend to convey verbally. For non-verbal
than those who are not.) communication, you resort to bodily actions
6. Space and Distance/ Proxemics (gestures, eye movements, posture, facial
- It concerns the way a person uses the space expressions) voice quality, space and time
around him as well as the distance where he
elements to stand for the ideas you want to different countries' cultural elements are displayed for a
express. person from any cultural background to experience. It is
6. Communication always results in something. a truly beautiful thing to know and understand different
- It refers to two or more persons participate in culture and their practices and to have that opportunity
any communicative act. The first, expresses or to experience it everyday. Yet, some people exploit this
sends a message; the second, responds or cultural exchange of goods. They adopt another's culture
reacts to the message. in a way that is disrespectful and ignorant of one's
7. Communication is irreversible. culture, without realizing the implications it can have on
- You are free to talk about anything under the the borrowed culture.
sun. But once you utter something, the things
you have said remains as it is susceptible to This phenomenon is called cultural appropriation.
different interpretations or meanings. Cultural appropriation is the umbrella term that captures
8. Communication is contextual. this ignorance and disrespect of others' culture. It is
- An exchange of views, ideas, or feelings doesn’t defined as a sociological concept that considers
only involve the sender and the receiver, but adoption of one's cultural elements to be negative and
also other aspects of the communication setting harmful to the culture from which traditions are being
like time, place, topic, occasion, purpose, and borrowed. It is different than cultural exchange because
manner of communication. cultural exchange is neutral, while cultural appropriation
9. Communication is developmental or progressive. is negative. The assumption is that the culture which is
- To communicate ideas is to go through the adopting the values of the other is the more dominant
different stages of language learning that begins one, while the one borrowed from is the oppressed
from birth to elementary, highschool, and college culture. For example, in today's pop culture many
levels. It is not a one-time learning towards American artists "borrow" cultural elements from minority
communicative competence. groups such as African Americans and Latinos.
10. Communication is a process.
- Several stages of communication take place Miley Cyrus brought out the trend of the "twerk"--
when people exchange or share ideas with one originally, it was a dance style rooted in African
another. Each stage involves elements with American culture-- and made it a popular dance move.
different functions. Katy Perry performed her song "Unconditionally" during
11. Communication is ethical. the American Music Awards in 2013 which she said was
- Any communication event is expected to apply a tribute to Asian culture. How is it a tribute when the
rules, moral values, and beliefs agreed upon by songs bring out the stereotype that Asian women will
societal members. Guided by these standards love their partners unconditionally no matter how they
determined by the cultural group you belong to, are treated as humans? How is even an enjoyable
your communication becomes ethical, good or performance justifiable when it is misrepresenting an
desirable. entire culture? People can't see the effects or the "big
12. Communication is influenced by media and deal" right there in that performance because it's
technology. supposed to just be entertainment, no big deal. Yet, here
- Now, you are in the era of knowledge explosion what we have are examples of how some cultures take
or modern technology. This period is advantage of other culture's elements and twist them in
characterized by an instant global exchange of a way either for their own advantage or to gain
knoeledge, services and technology. Using popularity. There is a lack of knowledge and
modern electronic communication devices, an understanding of this borrowed culture and sometimes
exchange of ideas occurs just in seconds or disrespect of the roots of where these elements come
minutes regardless of the distance between or from.
among the participants. With the speedy turn out
of varied modern media and devices of Of course, it is hard to not want to adopt another
communication like the e-mail, cellphone, web culture's cool styles, foods, and music. I would be hard
cam, internet and other computer-run gadgets, pressed to find people who don't like to dress up on
you now find interaction with anyone in any Halloween in some type of cultural costume, or even
corner of the world easily and quickly. want to adopt certain dance moves as their own. Yet,
this exchange comes at a price. What crosses the line
from cultural exchange into cultural appropriation? When
is it okay to take some sort of traditional knowledge or
cultural expression without a culture's permission and
CROSS-CULTURAL communication is a field of study make it your own? Especially when the culture being
that looks at how people from differing cultural borrowed form is a minority group that has been
backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways exploited in the past.
among themselves, and how they endeavor to
communicate across cultures. Intercultural The best way to target and prevent cultural appropriation
communication is a related field of study. is for people to take small steps. We can’t expect people
to adopt these cultural elements and take the time to
GLOBAL COMMUNICATION is the term used to understand them right away, especially when people
describe ways to connect, share, relate and mobilize don’t even realize what they are doing. The key is to
across geographic, political, economic, social and become aware of the dangers of cultural appropriation
cultural divides. It redefines soft and hard power as well and to try the one thing that is guaranteed to make some
as information power and diplomacy in ways not sort of difference: respect.
considered by traditional theories of international
relations. Effects of Globalization on Global Communication

Close your eyes. Imagine you are walking down a busy Connecting with people on the other side of the world is
street in New York. You may spot a sushi bar, an now much easier than it was a few years ago. Satellites,
authentic Italian gelato stand, or perhaps, a henna booth fiber-optic cables and the internet make it effortless to
all within a few city blocks. Today, immersion in different share information with those in different time zones and
cultures is inevitable. Especially in American cities, locations. Global communication is directly affected by
the process of globalization, and helps to increase themselves do run the risk of having those with whom
business opportunities, remove cultural barriers and they interact judge them to be insensitive, ignorant, or
develop a global village. Both globalization and global culturally confused. The culturally confused pay a high
communication have changed the environmental, price. The following examples demonstrate the extent to
cultural, political and economic elements of the world. which cultural

Definition of Terms (A MUST BE READ PART)

1. Increased Business Opportunities
Accommodation – It is the means by which co-culture
Many companies today hire employees that are located members maintain their cultural identity
in other countries. Using communication vehicles such
as video calling make it simple to converse with while striving to establish relationships with members of
colleagues across the globe, almost making it feel as if the dominant culture.
they are in the same room. Technology also makes it Assimilation – It is the means by which co-culture
easier to connect with suppliers and customers all over members attempt to fit in with members of
the world, and to streamline those relationship through
improves ordering, shipment tracking and so on. With the dominant culture.
this kind of communication technology, many businesses
are able to take advantage of opportunities in different Co-cultures – It refers to group of people who differ in
countries or cities, improving the economic outlook on a some ethnic or sociological way from the
global level. parent culture.

Thanks to global communications, information itself can Collectivistic Cultures – It refers to cultures in which
be transferred as a valuable business asset from one group goals are stressed.
country to another. This has the effect of making
Cultural Imperialism – It is the expansion of dominion of
everyone's operations more modern and efficient,
one culture over another culture.
regardless where they are located.
Cultural Pluralism – It is the adherence to the principle of
2. Fewer Cultural Barriers cultural relativism.
Many people perceive culture to be the root of
communication challenges. When people from two Cultural Relativism – It refers to the acceptance of other
different cultures try to exchange information, the cultural groups as equal in value to
way they speak, their body language or their
one's own.
mannerisms can be interpreted differently by the
other person. The way people approach problems Culturally Confused – It refers to the lacking an
and how they participate in communities is all understanding of cultural difference.
influenced by culture. Globalization has made it
possible, for example, for someone in Japan to Culture – It is a system of knowledge, beliefs, values,
understand how someone in the U.S. goes about customs, behaviors, and artifacts that are
their day. With television and movies, cultural
acquired, shared, and used by members during daily
barriers are becoming less prevalent. Being able to
communicate effectively and frequently with
colleagues or friends across the planet helps people Diversity – It refers to the recognition and valuing of
understand each other’s cultures a little better. difference such factors as age, gender,
3. Creation of a Global Village
You’ve likely heard of the phrase "global village," race, ethnicity, ability, religion, education, marital status,
coined by theorist Marshall McLuhan. Affected both sexual orientation and income.
by globalization and global communication, the
Ethnocentrism – It is the tendency to see one's own
global village is created when distance and isolation
culture as superior to all others.
no longer matter because people are connected by
technology. Wide-spread telephone and internet Globalization – It refers to the increasing economic,
access have been life-changing for many people political, and cultural integration and
across the world, especially those in developing
countries. Many are now enrolling in universities interdependence of diverse cultures.
across the world without having to leave their desk High-context Communication – It is a tradition-bound
chair. Virtual assistant jobs are becoming communication system which depends
commonplace, where employees from developing
countries work with companies in North America or on indirectness.
Europe, providing administrative support and other
business services that can easily be conducted over High-power-distance Cultures – It pertains to the
the phone or via the internet. cultures based on power differences in which

subordinates defer to superiors.

Globalization and global communication have made
it easier to see people on the other side of the world Individualistic Cultures - It pertains to the cultures in
as a neighbor, instead of a stranger from a faraway which individual goals are stressed.
land. There is so much knowledge about other
Intercultural Communication – It is the way of
countries and cultures available online, that it’s no
interpreting and sharing meanings with
longer a complete mystery.
individuals from different cultures.
The Cost of Cultural Ignorance
Interethnic Communication – It refers to the interaction
Cultural misunderstandings often lead to lost with individuals of different ethnic
opportunities and increased levels of tension between
people. Communicators who fail to realize that persons origins.
from different cultures may not look, think, or act as they
International Communication. It refers to the
communication between persons representing

different nations.

Intracultural Communication. It refers to the interaction

with members of the same racial or

ethnic group or co-culture as yours.

Interracial Communication - It is the way of interpreting

and sharing of meanings with

individuals from different races.

Low-context Communication – It is a system that

encourages directness in communication.

Low-power-distance Cultures – It pertains to the cultures

that believe that power should be

used only when legitimate.

Masculine Cultures - It pertains to the cultures that value

aggressiveness, strength, and

material symbols of success.

Melting-pot Philosophy – It is the view that different

cultures should be assimilated into the

dominant culture.

Multiculturalism – It refers to the engagement with and

respect toward people from distinctly

different cultures.

Prejudice – It is a positive or negative prejudgment.

Separation – It is the means co-culture members use to

resist interacting with members of the

dominant culture.

The Serious Case of Communication and Globalization

Communication – is the act of conveying a certain

message between or among people. In connection,
therefore it involves unity which plays a vital role in
establishing exceptional opportunities across cultures
and nations

The Fundamental Role

- The role of communication across different

cultures is essential in achieving unity and even
utopia , thus being familiar and knowledgeable
on other culture important

Reason why knowing one’s culture is important

1. It helps one to be more accepting of diversity

2. It creates curiosity
3. It leads to global awereness
4. It promotes harmony

The Cost of Globalization

1. Increased Business Opportunities
- Many companies today hire employees that are
located in other countries. With the usage of Cultural sensitivity refers to a set of skills that allows you
technology in communicating to understand and learn about people whose cultural
2. Fewer Cultural Barriers background is not the same as yours. But, what does
- Cultural Barriers is when people of different that really mean? Let's take a look at some examples.
cultures are unable to understand each other’s
customs. Example
3. Creation of Global Village
Avery Jones, a 55-year-old African-American woman,
- Global village was based on the idea that culture
has not been feeling well. Since she is new in town and
would move toward greater personal interaction
has not yet had a chance to establish care with a
after leavin’ behind early years of humanity
physician, she decides to go to Dr. James Morrison at
The inevitability of Problems Across Cultures her friend's recommendation. Upon their first meeting,
the 32-year-old Dr. Morrison introduces himself as 'Dr. knowledge with which people associate their individual
Morrison' and calls her 'Avery.' Dr. Morrison then and collective cultural identities. Henceforth,
assumes that she is on Medicaid. Avery Jones leaves globalization brings increasing interconnectedness
Dr. Morrison's practice upset and decides to find a among different populations and cultures. This has been
different doctor. Dr. Morrison is obviously confused successful through the use of Internet, popular
about her response. So, what did he do wrong? culturemedia, and international travel.

The following are the importance of having one’s culture:

In this example, Dr. Morrison was not being culturally A. Individual and social benefits of culture
sensitive. In many cultures, it is customary to call people 1. Intristic Beliefs - Cultural experiences are
by their last names, especially when they are older than opportunities for leisure, entertainment, learning,
you. Since Dr. Morrison called his patient 'Avery' instead and sharing experiences with others. From
of 'Mrs. Jones,' she took it as a sign of disrespect. To museums to theatres to dance studios to public
make matters worse, Dr. Morrison assumed that Avery libraries, culture brings people together.
was on Medicaid based solely upon his initial impression 2. Improved Learning valuable skills for the future -
of her. This not only upset Mrs. Jones, but also Cultural heritage broadens opportunities for
prevented her from getting the medical treatment that education and lifelong learning, including a
she needed. better understanding of history. Many
jurisdictions make strong linkages between
culture and literacy and enhanced learning
So, what would the culturally sensitive approach look outcomes, in both public education and in the
like? Instead of calling her 'Avery,' Dr. Morrison would development of valuable workforce skills.
have asked her how she would like to be addressed. He 3. Better Health and Well being - Participation in
could then make a note in her chart so that all of the staff culture contributes to healthy populations in
know to address her as 'Mrs. Jones.' Instead of several ways. Creativity and cultural
assuming that Mrs. Jones was on Medicaid, Dr. Morrison engagement have been shown to improve both
would have asked her if she had medical insurance and mental and physical health. Participation in the
who her insurance provider was. Or maybe, he would arts can relieve isolation and promote identity
have avoided the subject all together, as most practices formation and intercultural understanding.
have a billing department that handles insurance 4. Vibrant Communities - The benefits of culture for
matters. Let's look at another example. individuals can spill over to society as a whole.
Culture helps build social capital, the glue that
Lesson 3: Local and Global Communication in holds communities together. By bringing people
Multicultural Settings together, cultural activities such as festivals,
fairs, or classes create social solidarity and
Culture originates from a French term, which in turn
cohesion, fostering social inclusion, community
derives from the Latin "colere," which means to tend to
empowerment, and capacity-building, and
the earth and grow, or cultivation and nurture
enhancing confidence, civic pride, and tolerance.
(Zimmermann, 2017). In other words; culture
B. Economic Benefits of Culture
encompasses religion, food, what we wear, how we
1. Contribution to Job Creation
wear it, our language, marriage, music, what we believe
- Economic opportunities created by culture have
is right or wrong, how we sit at the table, how we greet
taken on greater importance as economies
visitors, how we behave with loved ones, and a million
transition from the industrial model, and work
other things (De Rossi, 2017).
based on physical labour, to a new model in
The Center for Advance Research on Language which knowledge and creativity drive productivity
Acquisition goes a step further, defining culture as and growth.
shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive 2. Contribution to Tourism
constructs and understanding that are learned by - Culture makes a significant contribution to the
socialization. Thus, it can be seen as the growth of a tourism industry, further supporting job creation
group identity fostered by social patterns unique to the and encouraging infrastructure development.
group. The many festivals and events hosted each year
coupled with the province’s museums, art
Furthermore, as stated by Cristina De Rossi, Live galleries, and historic sites, are magnets for
Science Coordinator; culture appears to become a key in cultural tourists.
our interconnected world which is made up of so many 3. Cultural Planning
ethnically diverse societies but also riddled by conflicts - Increasingly, municipalities are recognizing the
associated with religion, ethnicity, ethical beliefs, and the contribution of culture to sense of place, quality
elements which make up culture. of life, and community and economic prosperity
through a process called “cultural planning.”
If cultures provide diverse ways of interpreting the
Cultural planning is led by local governments
environment and the world, as well as the relationship to
and involves broad community engagement to
other people; it is important to acknowledge that
identify and leverage a community's cultural
effective communicators have the ability to select and
resources, strengthen the management of those
perform communication appropriate to various settings
resources, and integrate them in all facets of
(Fred, 2013).
local planning and decisionmaking
Cultural Globalization
Cultural Differences
Culture is the lifeblood of a vibrant society, expressed in
Culture influences many parts of people’s lives
many ways we tell our stories, celebrate, remember the
including the food, dress, opinions, identity, music,
past, entertain ourselves, and imagine the future. Our
buildings, manners, social interaction and language.
creative expression helps define who we are, and helps
We need to understand others cultural background
us see the world through the eyes of others.
to make sense of different view points and opinions.
In this way, cultures can be part of culture globalization Cultural awareness is important in creating cross-
which involves the formation of shared norms and cultural understanding and acceptance. Cultural
awareness can give us a better understanding of our Lol
own culture and how it is perceived by outsiders.
The ubiquitous piece of Internet slang lol is either an
Similarly, culture is the customary beliefs, social acronym or initialism depending on how you would
forms and materials traits of a racial, religious or pronounce it, but in Dutch it means fun.
social group. Moreover, culture makes up a large
part of ou day to day life. Thus, cultural differences Slut
include differences in food, clothes, religion and Slut is yet another false friend coming from Swedish, in
language. For example, think about the different which it means end (and rhymes with loot). If you
ways of different cultures about drinking a tea. happen to see Slut onscreen after watching a film, it’s
Below are some examples of Cultural differences: the equivalent to The End. And Slutstation is not what
you might hope – it’s just the last stop on a train route
In order to avoid possible problems, here are some ways
• In Mediterranean European countries, Latin America on how to be culturally aware:
and Sub Saharan Africa, it is normal or at least widely
1. Engage with other’s cultures by aksing questions.
tolerated to arrive half an hour late for a dinner invitation,
whereas; in most northern European countries this 2. Be Open! Don’t get into the habit of thinking your way
would be considered extremely rude. is the only way of doing
• In England, the thumb and forefinger together to form something.
an ‘O’ means Ok, whereas; in France it means ‘nothing’
or ‘without any value’. 3. Think about what you can learn from them no matter
how unusual it is.
• Laughing is considered a sign of happiness in most
countries, but in Japan it is considered a sign of 4. Invite someone to share his/her culture with you.
confusion, embarrassment or insecurity 5. Overcome stereotypes
In most countries, shaking the head from side to side Cultural Sensitivity
means ‘No’, whereas; in India shaking the head from
side to side means ‘Yes’ Cultural sensitivity begins with a recognition that there
are differences between cultures. These differences are
Keep your shirt on!" may be a frequently heard idiom in reflected in the ways that different groups communicate
the U.S. But if you're traveling in South Korea, it's a and relate to one another. Cultural sensitivity is more
smart piece of advice for men. Yes, even at the beach. than an awareness that there are differences in culture
in order to interact effectively either through verbal or
non-verbal communication. People who don’t recognize
(Terms) • differences between cultures fall on stereotyping and
discriminating minority group.
Cultural sensitivity is an attitude and way of behaving in
We all know the English meaning of the word fart, but which you are aware of and acknowledge cultural
did you know that fart means speed in Danish, differences; it’s crucial for such global goals as world
Norwegian, and Swedish? If that doesn’t make you peace and economic growth as well as for effective
snicker enough, the words for speed bump in each interpersonal communication (Franklin & Mizell, 1995).
language are fartbump, fartshump, and farthinder. Without cultural sensitivity there can be no effective
Gift interpersonal communication between people who are
different in gender or race or nationality or affectional
In German, a gift is not quite as pleasant as in English – orientation.
it means poison! Taking it a step further, gift in the
Scandinavian languages can mean both poison and Sensitivity to Gender is being aware that there are
marriage. These two meanings are related and stem differences between male and female, but those
from the same root word, to give. differences are not universal.

Crap Aspects of Gender:

In Romanian, crap means carp, which is a type of 1. Assignment. This is the gender from birth, either being
commonly-eaten fish. To be fair, English has a fish male or female, it is also the gender
called a crappie. prescribed by the society.
Brat 2. Role. This is the set of behaviours, mannerisms and
As perhaps the most fitting example on our list, brat other traits that society use to express
means brother in Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, as part of the assigned gender.
and Serbian. Next time you call your brother a brat, just
tell him you’re learning one of these languages. 3. Identity. This is what we think the gender should be at
any given time.
4. Attribution. This is the gender assigned to people
Kiss has a more juvenile meaning in Swedish – pee. when we first meet them and is based on a
Simple, yet amusing!
set of cues that differentiate from culture to culture.
Increasing Cultural Sensitivity
In France, a préservatif isn’t quite what you might
expect. If you tend to have many conversations about Prepare yourself. Read about and listen carefully for
jams and jellies, it might be useful to be aware that culturally influenced behaviors.
préservatifactually means condom. In fact, many
European languages have variations of preservative that Recognize your fears. Recognize and face your own
all mean condom. fears of acting inappropriately
toward members of different cultures. 1. Research the Culture
- Prior to using another culture’s intellectual
Recognize differences. Be mindful of the differences property, it pays to properly research and
between yourself and those from understand it. Taking without respect,
other cultures. knowledge or insight will ultimately lead to a
serious backlash and accusations of cultural
Recognize differences within the group. At the same theft and cultural misrepresentation.
time that you recognize 2. Avoid the Sacred
- In the West, it can be easy to sometimes
differences between yourself and others, recognize that
overlook the sacred. What might seem a bit of
there are often enormous
fun, a joke or an innocent mistake to some, may
differences within any given cultural group. cause serious distress to others. Much of the
world still holds some things sacred, whether
Recognize differences in meaning. Be aware that that be God, gods, spirits, symbols or anything
words don’t always mean the same else. Using the sacred is a serious no-no unless
you want to cause trouble.
thing to members of different cultures.
3. Don’t Stereotype
Be rule conscious. Think mindfully about the cultural - A big issue with adopting from other cultures is
rules and customs of others that it can be based on stereotypes, often
negative and incorrect. It is natural when a
Cultural Appreciation vs Cultural Appropriation foreigner peers into another culture for them to
do so with their own cultural preconceptions and
Culture is important in a society, without culture; there is
baggage. They cannot have an objective opinion
no identity on a particular area. It is the quality of a
nor an insider’s insights and therefore their
person or society that arises from a concern for what is
understanding of the culture may be based on
regarded as excellent in arets, letters, manners,
scholarly pursuits, etc. In Anthropology it is the sum total
4. Promote Diversity
of ways of living built up by group of human beings and
- One area in which many fail when it comes to
transmitted from one generation to another. In today’s
borrowing from other cultures, is that more than
quickly changing times, many different cultures are being
often that culture is not represented in any
brought into light, but in the wrong way. We imitate the
shape or form in the decision-making process.
culture without properly knowing why certain place has
There is a dire need for more diversity in
that kind of practices among them. We are bound to use
businesses and organisations, whether media,
one’s culture in another way and purpose.
marketing, fashion or art. Having people with
Appropriation is the action of taking something for one's knowledge of different cultures and who
own use, typically without the owner's permission. understand the psychology of minority cultures
Appreciation on the other hand is the recognition and or faiths is a sure-fire way of avoiding many of
enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or the potential pitfalls.
something. The two are strikingly different but can easily 5. Engage, Promote & Share Benefits
be confused as the same thing due to the fact that a lot - Perhaps the most effective way to avoid cultural
of people don’t know when they are culturally appropriation is to engage with the culture you
appropriating. are adopting from. Spend time in it, understand
it, engage with it and then when it comes to
Cultural appreciation is when elements of a culture are using a pattern, symbol, headdress or anything
used while honoring the source they came from. It is else make sure you use that platform to promote
important to note that appreciation involves respect and that culture, its people and if possible share
value. benefits with them.
Cultural appropriation is taking intellectual property,
traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts
from someone else's culture without permission. This
can include unauthorized use of another culture's dance,
dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional
medicine, religious symbols, etc.

Examples of Cultural Appropriation

• In 2013, Miley Cyrus became the pop star most

associated with cultural appropriation. During recorded
and live performances, the former child star began to
twerk, a dance style with roots in the African-American
community. Writer Hadley Freeman of The Guardian
particularly took issue with Cyrus’ twerking at the MTV
Video Music Awards in August 2013.

• Nike caused so much anger when they ‘borrowed’

some Samoan tattoo designs for their Pro Tattoo Tech
collection that it actually led to a petition calling on the
company to stop sales.

When adopting from a foreign culture it is crucial to

follow some basic steps that will help you avoid being
accused of cultural appropriation and instead help create
cultural awareness.
LESSON 3: Writing a Reaction Paper Tell what others might gain from the material presented.

A reaction paper is an analysis and an evaluation of the o Is it valuable? Is it informative, entertaining, or accurate?
material presented. Do you think your

A reaction paper should: instructor should use it again? Why or why not?

make sure to give a detailed overview of the experience In your conclusion, summarize your ideas and tie them
and tell what exactly together.

was taken out of the experience. Writing a Reaction or Response Essay

be more than a simple summary of the material that you Reaction or response papers are usually requested by
are reacting upon. teachers so that you willl consider

include your opinion or reaction to the material. carefully what you think or feel about something you have
read. The following guidelines are
This may take on a variety of forms:
intended to be used for reacting to a reading although they
You may compare the work to other related material; could easily be used for reactions to
You may come up with ways to improve the work; films too. Read whatever you've been asked to respond to,
and while reading, think about the
You may express what you learned;
following questions.
You may concur with the work or argue against the work
How do you feel about what you are reading?
You can even use “I” or the first person, in this type of
paper. What do you agree or disagree with?
Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper Can you identify with the situation?
Consider these general steps as you plan your writing: What would be the best way to evaluate the story?
Pull your thoughts together on what you just Keeping your responses to these questions in mind, follow
experienced. the following prewriting steps.
Come up with a thesis statement. Prewriting for Your Reaction Paper
Come up with what reaction you want to put down on The following statements could be used in a
paper. reaction/response paper. Complete as
Decide on your organization and format draft your many statements as possible, from the list below, about
reaction paper. what you just read.
As a starting point for your reaction paper, select two or My Reaction to What I Just Read Is That . . .
three major points from the
I think that; I see that; I feel that; It seems that; In my
following list and write a paragraph for each point. opinion; Because; A good quote is;
React to the ideas presented. In addition; For example; Moreover; However;
Consequently; Finally; In conclusion.
o Are they clear and suitable? Explain the ideas, give
examples of their application What you've done in completing these statements is
written a very rough
in the material presented, and compare/contrast the ideas
with your own. reaction/response paper. Now it needs to be organized.
Compare it to another material. Organizing Your Reaction Paper
o How was it similar to the other material? How was it A reaction/response paper has an introduction, a body,
different? Which did you and a conclusion.
enjoy more? What makes it more enjoyable? Which did The introduction should contain all the basic information
you learn more from? in one or two paragraphs.
Discuss specific insights or facts you have learned or Sentence 1:
gained from reading the material
This sentence should give the title,
author, and publication you read.
o Discuss each insight or fact you have learned in a
detailed paragraph, using Sentence 2, 3, and

direct examples from the material presented. Include a sometimes 4:

page reference to the
These sentences give a brief summary of what you
material you are reacting to.
read (nutshell)
Make a judgment about the material presented and
support it. Sentence 5:

o Did you like it? Why or why not? Elaborate on your This sentence is your thesis statement. You agree,
answer by commenting on disagree,

the content, style, clarity, validity of ideas and method of identify, or evaluate.
The introduction should include a concise, one
Analyzed the material presented. sentence, focused thesis. This is the

o What is its purpose? How does it go about achieving its focused statement of your reaction/response.
goal? What is the
The body should contain paragraphs that provide
plan/method of presentation? support for your thesis. Each
paragraph should contain one idea. Topic sentences same scenario as proof that your essay was helpful in
should support the thesis, and the creating a new understanding.

final sentence of each paragraph should lead into the next Example
Topic Sentence
From the parking lot, I could see the towers of the castle of
detail -- example --quotation --detail -- example -- the Magic Kingdom standing
quotation -- detail -- example --
stately against the blue sky. To the right, the tall peak of
quotation -- detail -- example –quotation The Matterhorn rose even higher.

Summary Sentence From the left, I could hear the jungle sounds of
Adventureland. As I entered the gate, Main
You can structure your paragraphs in two ways:
Street stretched before me with its quaint shops evoking
Author an old-fashioned small town so
You charming it could never have existed. I was entranced.
Disneyland may have been built for
children, but it brings out the child in adults.
in contrast to
I thought I would spend a few hours at Disneyland, but
here I was at 1:00 A.M., closing
The conclusion can be a restatement of what you said in
time, leaving the front gates with the now dark towers of
your paper. It also be a comment
the Magic Kingdom behind me. I
which focuses your overall reaction. Finally, it can be a
could see tired children, toddling along and struggling to
prediction of the effects of what you are
keep their eyes open as best they
reacting to. Note: your conclusion should include no new
could. Others slept in their parents' arms as we waited for
the parking lot tram that would take
Strategies for Writing a Conclusion
us to our cars. My forty-year-old feet ached, and I felt a bit
Conclusions are often the most difficult part of an essay to sad to think that in a couple of days I
write, and many writers feel
would be leaving California, my vacation over, to go back
that they have nothing left to say after having written the to my desk. But then I smiled to think
paper. A writer needs to keep in mind
that for at least a day I felt ten years old again.
that the conclusion is often what a reader remembers best.
Challenging the reader: By issuing a challenge to your
Your conclusion should be the best
readers, you are helping them to
part of your paper.
redirect the information in the paper, and they may apply it
A conclusion should to their own lives.

1. stress the importance of the thesis statement, Example

2. give the essay a sense of completeness, and
Though serving on a jury is not only a civic responsibility
3. leave a final impression on the reader.
but also an interesting
experience, many people still view jury duty as a chore
4. Answer the question "So What?" that interrupts their jobs and the
5. Show your readers why this paper was important.
routine of their daily lives. However, juries are part of
Show them that your paper
America's attempt to be a free
was meaningful and useful.
and just society. Thus, jury duty challenges us to be
6. Synthesize, don't summarize interested and responsible citizens.
7. Don't simply repeat things that were in your paper.
Looking to the future: Looking to the future can
They have read it. Show them how the points you
emphasize the importance of your
made and the support and examples you used were
not random but fit together. paper or redirect the readers' thought process. It may help
8. Redirect your readers them apply the new
o Give your reader something to think about, perhaps a information to their lives or see things more globally.
way to use your paper in the "real" world. If your
introduction went from general to specific, make your Example
conclusion go from specific to general. Think globally.
Without well-qualified teachers, schools are little more
• Create a new meaning than buildings and equipment. If
• You don't have to give new information to create a
new meaning. By demonstrating how your ideas work higher-paying careers continue to attract the best and the
together, you can create a new picture. Often the sum brightest students, there will
of the paper is worth more than its parts. not only be a shortage of teachers, but the teachers
Strategies available may not have the best

Echoing the introduction: Echoing your introduction can qualifications. Our youth will suffer. And when youth
be a good strategy if it is meant suffers, the future suffers.

to bring the reader full-circle. If you begin by describing a Posing questions: Posing questions, either to your
scenario, you can end with the readers or in general, may help your

readers gain a new perspective on the topic, which they

may not have held before
reading your conclusion. It may also bring your main ideas
together to create a new



Campaign advertisements should help us understand the

candidate's qualifications and

positions on the issues. Instead, most tell us what a boob

or knave the opposing

candidate is, or they present general images of the

candidate as a family person or Godfearing American. Do
such advertisements contribute to creating an informed

or a people who choose political leaders the same way

they choose soft drinks and



In summary, this handout has covered prewriting and

organizing strategies for

reaction/response papers.


o Read the article and jot down ideas.

o How do you feel about what was said?

o Do you agree or disagree with the author?

o Have you had any applicable experience?

o Have you read or heard anything that applies to this

what the writer said in the

article or book?

o Does the evidence in the article support the statements

the writer made?


• Write the thesis statement first.

• Decide on the key points that will focus your ideas.
These will be your topic
• sentences.
Develop your ideas by adding examples, quotations,
and details to your
• paragraphs.
• Make sure the last sentence of each paragraph leads
into the next paragraph.
• Check your thesis and make sure the topic sentence
of each paragraph supports it

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