Sistem Saraf Tepi: - Outline: Sistem Saraf Otonom: Simpatis Parasimpatis - Sistem Refleks

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Sistem Saraf


• Outline:
Sistem Saraf Otonom:
§ Simpatis
§ Parasimpatis

• Sistem Refleks
— Controls most visceral functions of the body.
— This system helps to control:
◦ arterial pressure,
◦ gastrointestinal motility,
◦ gastrointestinal secretion,
◦ urinary bladder emptying,
◦ sweating,
◦ body temperature

— Pusat Integrasi SSO à Medulla spinalis, batang otak dan hipotalamus.

— Sinyal eferen SSO diteruskan ke berbagai organ tubuh melalui:
◦ Sistem saraf simpatis

The following are examples of the effects of neural control on various effectors
composed of different types of muscle and gland tissue:

■ Heart (cardiac muscle): increased pumping of blood by the heart when blood
pressure falls too low
■ Stomach (smooth muscle): delayed emptying of the stomach until the intestine is
ready to process the food
■ Respiratory muscles (skeletal muscle): augmented breathing in response to exercise
■ Sweat glands (exocrine glands): initiation of sweating on exposure to a hot

— Serat Preganglion
— Serat Postganglion
— Ganglion adl kumpulan badan sel neuron yang terletak diluar SSP
— Berasal dari tanduk lateral toraks dan lumbal dari medulla spinalis (T1 – L2).
— Preganglionnya pendek, bersinaps dengan badan sel neuron postganglion didalam
ganglia yang terletak di dalam rantai ganglion simpatis.
— Serat postganglionnya panjang dan berakhir pada organ efektor
— Preganglionnya melepaskan neurotransmiter ACh, postganglionnya melepas
neurotransmiter Norepinephrine
— fight-or flight response

— Berasal dari cranial dan sacral

— Serat preganglionnya lebih panjang
— Serat postganglionnya sangat pendek dan berakhir pada organ efektor
— Preganglion dan postganglion melepaskan neurotransmiter Asetilkolin
— “rest and digest” functions.
response, in which the brain triggers massive simultaneous
sympathetic discharge throughout the body. As the body prepares
to fight or flee, the heart speeds up; blood vessels to muscles of the
arms, legs, and heart dilate; and the liver starts to produce glucose
to provide energy for muscle contraction. Digestion becomes a
low priority when life and limb are threatened, and so blood is
diverted from the gastrointestinal tract to skeletal muscles.

— Refleks otonom = refleks visceral

◦ Urinasi dan defekasi à medula spinalis

◦ Heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, eating, water balance, and
maintenance of body temperature à hipotalamus, talamus, batang otak.
◦ salivating, vomiting, sneezing, coughing, swallowing, and gagging à batang

— Refleks otot skeletal

Refleks otot skeletal

— Mekanisme pengalihan segera terhadap stimulus berbahaya.
— Pusat Integrasi : Medulla Spinalis

Withdrawal Reflex

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