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ectious Diseases 4. inte f mrontalben, MD, FPCP, Msc "cecil by Cinically Useful Antibiotics Gram + Gram- | anaerobic activity activity | activity Comment ae — é 7 -gaave Resistant Penicilins (PRP) om POI o : : ++ mow acnels 3 aureus and Enteroceceus Give very slow as a Winfusion Broad spectrum pei Good anaerobic Bravalin PO ampallin Srrav Cavulanic nd covery ap Subactam Good avaerobic coverage Periciin with Anti-Pseudomonas Activity FresaviinyTazo- ++ bey, 1 Use as Reserve Drug vaca for Pseudomonas Monobaetams: eee - Use as an nate to the aminoglycosides an rena} failure ‘arbapenems: Fs ‘one ee +++ Ta 4] Use as Resewe Drug —_ Gm {+1 actiaty a8 good as Penicilin For Gm (-). May add Amikacin for syrergsm Anaerobic activity as good as Metronuazale Scanned with CamScanner : Use Table Fram + Grm- | Anaerobic | activity activity rides Macro! ee Ernie? +4, Anthony : Clantheomycn Duithomye" Fenaeyin® re Doxycycline Tetracyciine QD Ammoglycosides: eee Ambacia % Gentamicin Totvamycin Nell ant ay First Generation Cephalospori Zepratexn PO tee] + > Cefarolin a Second Generation Cephalosporins: Cefuroxime IV ++, aed + Intrawanous dry ‘ions axctit ++, ++ + Graldug teh + efoxitin ++ ++ ++, | Cephalaspernan ’ best anaerae coverage Third Generation Cephalosporins: Ceftvagone T T For muindnog e rewstant yrs Cohazrd Tenaeinee I. ime + ++ + + | Ceftazdime ste! Cefotanme ce teil ‘ofotaxere 9 86" urth Generation Cephalasparins. ee ee C2tprome aS et te na ed fo th ns iS. Scanned with CamScanner cyeically U* : On al Gram + Anaerg le activi ecobie el activity _|__aetwity | activity Commeny ne Te Used Tor many sistant oho fev Croton ey "ot Ptudomoney 0g rug oF Choice ter urcampicatea Tphos “Reove da heage anaeivbey Goad Gms) aewuty “Below diaghiage anaerobes Faance Tg tuberculaas| No actnty again these mucroorgamsms fa actnty against these mizraarganisms city against these micioorgansr™s + Eedent ach against these mtioo(garisms ‘ditional Notes: | Drugs with Anti-Pseudomonas properties: Aminoglycosdes {Tes bramycin, Netitmicin, Amikacin, Gentamicin), Cehazidime, Gee perazone, Quinolones (Ciprofloxacin). Ticarcilfin and ee Monobactams (Aztreonam), Carbapenems (Meropenem), Generation Cephalosporins (Cefepime and Cefpirome i 2 Drugs wath good anaerobic properties Clindamycnn, Metro Hin: Chloramphenicol, Cefoxitin, Meropenem in Amoxycilin-Clavulanic acid and high-dose Pen" y Clavula enetration 19 i o) po Snags ath good central nervous syste ae F ‘Cofotaxime, 5 Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime, Cefuroxime vain, Pecicllm “openem, Ampucillin-Sulbactam. Ciprofioxacl™ P ol ant rimoxaz have hi : noxaz| Wein Chlorampherscal and CO i iam { ever without men ingress. on t0 the cerebrospinal fluid ee & — Scanned with CamScanner

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