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Fast food billing system

 In current Covid-19 situation
 Physical contact (social distance)
 Dine In not allowed
 Elimination of

The solution of our project is to

According to current pandemic situation of corona, this system is useful as customer don’t need
to come in direct contact with the admin and the customer can share his details as well as he/she
can place his order and can perform various operations as well through a system that will be
followed by the admin. This system has two end users that are discussed in the proposal as well.

The scope of our project is to:

 Modules
1. Admins
2. Users
 Enable order placement without coming in physical contact
 Make it easier to use both for customer as well as admin
 Improves customer satisfaction
 View complete detail of everything through one single platform  Simplifies changes in

inventory, details and other updates.

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