Effects of NSAIDs On PLT Homeostasis

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Effects of Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory

Drugs on Platelet Function and
Systemic Hemostasis
Andrew I. Schafer, MD

Aspirin and nonaspirin nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDsJ inhibit platelet

cyclooxygenase, thereby blocking the formation of thromboxane A2 • These drugs produce
a systemic bleeding tendency by impairing thromboxane-dependent platelet aggregation
and consequently prolonging the bleeding time. Aspirin exerts these effects by irrevers·
ibly blocking cyclooxygenase and, therefore, its actions persist for the circulating lifetime
of the platelet. Nonaspirin NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase reversibly and, therefore, the
duration of their action depends on specijic drug dose, serum level, and half-life. The
clinical risks of bleeding with aspirin or non aspirin NSAIDs are enhanced by the concom-
itant use of alcohol or anticoagulants and by associated conditions, including advanced
age, liver disease, and other coexisting coagulopathies.

N provide
onsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
effective relief of pain and inflammation
normality in platelets. This paper reviews effects of
NSAIDs on platelet function and compares and con-
caused by a variety of clinical disorders, including trasts actions of aspirin and nonaspirin NSAIDs. In
different types of arthritis, nonarthritic musculoskel- addition, guidelines for identifying patients at risk of
etal conditions, headache, and dysmenorrhea. More bleeding from aspirin and nonaspirin NSAIDs and
than 70 million prescriptions for NSAIDs (excluding suggestions for alternative analgesics are provided.
aspirin) were written in the United States in 1991,
predominantly for these disorders, thus generating PLATELET-VESSEL WALL INTERACTIONS
a per capita consumption of 278.6 prescriptions per
1,000 people and a retail cost exceeding $2.2 billion. 1 A monolayer of endothelial cells lines the intimal
Because of increased physician awareness of ad- surface of blood vessels throughout the circulatory
verse gastrointestinal events among NSAID users, 2 a tree, and under normal circumstances, these cells
stabilization of NSAID usage and an increased use of maintain blood fluidity by providing a thromboresis-
gastroprotective and anti-ulcer drugs have occurred. tant surface. Anticoagulant factors of endothelial
Whereas most physicians find NSAIDs to be safe and cells include prostacyclin (PGI 2), an eicosanoid prod-
effective, gastroenterologists have been increasingly uct of arachidonic acid metabolism, and nitric oxide,
concerned about their toxic effects on the gut, the a component of endothelium-derived relaxing factor
most significant of which is gastrointestinal hemor- (EDRF). 6 ·7 Prostacyclin and nitric oxide maintain
rhage. a-s The risk of gastrointestinal bleeding from blood cells in a quiescent state by inducing vasore-
NSAIDs is compounded by their adverse effects on laxation and inhibiting platelets. Prostacyclin stimu-
systemic coagulation resulting in a qualitative ab- lates adenylyl cyclase and raises the level of cyclic
AMP in vascular smooth muscle cells and platelets.
Nitric oxide stimulates guanylyl cyclase and raises
levels of cyclic GMP in the same cell types.
From the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Hous- At a site of vascular injury, thromboresistant prop-
ton, and the Medical Service, Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center. erties of endothelial cells are lost or impaired, and
Houston Texas. Address for reprints: Andrew I. Schafer, MD, Medical thrombogenic subendothelial components of the
Service (111), Houston VA Medical Center, 2002 Holcombe Blvd., vessel wall (e.g., collagen) become exposed to blood.
Houston, TX 77030. Platelets attach to the damaged vessel wall through a

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lipid pools by phospholipases (phospholipase A2 or

the sequential actions of phospholipase C and diglyc-
eride lipase), which are activated by various extra-
cellular stimuli. Cyclooxygenases then catalyze the
oxygenation of free arachidonic acid to cyclic endo-
peroxide prostaglandin G2 (PGG2 ), which is subse-
quently converted by hydroperoxidase to PGH2. (In
platelets, arachidonic acid is also oxygenated by a 12-
lipoxygenase to form 12-hydroperoxy- and 12-hy-
droxy-fatty acids, which have uncertain biologic
roles.) Subsequently, cells selectively differentiate in
their metabolism of cyclic endoperoxides to biologi-
cally active products (e.g., via thromboxane synthase
to thromboxane A2 in platelets, or via prostacyclin
synthase to prostacyclin in endothelial cells).
Platelet-derived thromboxane A2 and endothe-
lium-derived prostacyclin and nitric oxide have di-
rectly opposing actions on platelets and the vessel
wall. Platelet-derived thromboxane A2 is a potent
Figure 1. Platelet and vessel wall eicosanoid metabolism. Platelets platelet activator and vasoconstrictor, and endothe-
and vascular endothelial cells are stimulated by a variety of posi- lium-derived prostacyclin and nitric acid are platelet
tive stimuli (agonists) to activate phospholipases, which hydrolyze inhibitors and vasodilators. The balance of their pro-
free arachidonic acid from their membrane phospholipid pools. duction represents an important determinant of the
Free arachidonic acid is then oxygenated to prostaglandin endo- state of platelet-vessel wall interactions, blood fluid-
peroxides in both cell types by cyclooxygenase, an enzyme that is
irreversibly inhibited by aspirin and reversibly inhibited by non- ity, and hemostasis. Both in vitro 10-13 and in vivo 14- 16
aspirin NSAlDs. (In platelets, arachidonic acid is also metabolized studies demonstrate that activated platelets unidi-
to 12-HPETE and 12-HETE by a 12-lipoxygenase, but the physiolog- rectionally divert endoperoxides to vascular cells
ical significance of this pathway is unclear.) The labile endoperox- (termed "endoperoxide steal") to serve as substrates
ides, PGG 2 and PGH2 , are then metabolized by thromboxane syn-
thase to thromboxane A2 in platelets. and by prostacyclin synthase for prostacyclin synthase (Figure 1). This endoperox-
to prostacyclin (PGI2) in endothelial cells. Activated platelets can ide rediversion increases prostacyclin production at
also divert their endoperoxides to endothelial cells and augment the platelet-vascular interface presumably as a
prostacyclin formation. Prostacyclin is a potent platelet inhibitor thromboresistant response to activated platelets.
(and vasodilator) that exerts this action by raising platelet intracel-
lular cyclic AMP levels. Thromboxane A2 is a potent platelet acti-
vator (and vasoconstrictor) that exerts this action by decreasing (or INHIBITION OF CYCLOOXYGENASE BY
preventing the elevation ofJ intracellular cyclic AMP levels. ASPIRIN AND NONASPIRIN NSAIDs

Aspirin covalently acetylates the active site Ser529

process of platelet "adhesion" mediated by the bind- of cyclooxygenase and irreversibly inhibits the en-
ing of von Willebrand factor to its platelet receptors zyme.17-23 It might be expected that simultaneous
on membrane glycoprotein (Gp) lb. Binding of von inactivation of platelet and endothelial cyclooxygen-
Wille brand factor to platelet Gp lb initiates a cascade ase by aspirin would have deleterious effects on he-
of intracellular signals8 that stimulates the "release mostasis by blocking thromboxane A2 and prostacy-
reaction." Major products of this platelet release re- clin formation. However, to enhance selectivity of
action are prepackaged contents (e.g., ADP) of spe- aspirin inhibition on platelet thromboxane A2 syn-
cific granules and thromboxane A2 , which is synthe- thesis, several therapeutic strategies have been pro-
sized de novo from arachidonic acid in response to posed to exploit pharmacokinetic differences be-
platelet activation. Products of the platelet release tween effects of aspirin on platelet and endothelial
reaction then act in concert to promote platelet ag- cyclooxygenase. First, cyclooxygenase acetylation
gregation, which results in formation of an occlusive by aspirin permanently inactivates the enzyme in
platelet plug at the vascular injury site. anucleate platelets, which normally have a circulat-
The principal cyclooxygenase metabolites of ara- ing lifetime of 7 to 10 days. Recovery of platelet
chidonic acid are thromboxane A2 in platelets and thromboxane A2 synthesis in an individual exposed
PGI2 in endothelial cells9 (Figure 1). The rate-limiting to aspirin requires that senescent, cyclooxygenase-
step in production of these metabolites is hydrolysis inhibited platelets be replaced in the circulation
of free arachidonic acid from membrane phospho- with new, uninhibited platelets from bone marrow

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megakaryocytes not exposed to the drug. In contrast,

vascular endothelial cells recover rapidly after aspi-
rin exposure because they can continuously synthe-
size new, unacetylated cyclooxygenase. 24 This
difference in protein synthetic capacities of the two
cell types has led to suggestions that alternate-day
administration may optimize the antithrombotic po-
tential of aspirin by maintaining essentially continu-
ous suppression of platelet thromboxane A2 produc-
tion while permitting intermittent recovery of endo-
thelial prostacyclin production. A second difference
between cyclooxygenases of the two cell types is in-
creased sensitivity of platelet cyclooxygenase to as- Figure 2. Patterns of platelet aggregation in vitro induced by ADP,
pirin. 25 •26 Consistent with in vitro observations is the epinephrine, collagen, and arachidonate. The upper series of trac-
finding that administration of very low doses of aspi- ings depicts normal aggregation patterns; the lower series shows
rin to healthy subjects results in cumulative inhibi- changes in aggregation in response to the corresponding stimuli in
individuals taking aspirin and nonaspirin NSAIDs.
tion of platelet thromboxane production. 27•28 How-
ever, long-term administration of conventionally for-
mulated aspirin at low doses partially suppresses
vascular prostacyclin formation. 29•30 Therefore, bio- platelet-rich plasma prepared from freshly drawn
chemical selectivity of this regimen for platelets is at blood. Aggregation in the stirred samples of platelet-
best relative, not absolute. 31 •32 Finally, strategies with rich plasma is then measured by monitoring the in-
low-dose, controlled-release, and enteric-coated crease in light transmission that occurs as platelets
preparations of aspirin provide a drug delivery rate clump. Tracings of normal aggregation responses to
that does not exceed the threshold for hepatic ex- various platelet agonists are shown in the top row of
traction of aspirin, thus leading to first-pass metabo- Figure 2. An initial depression in the baseline that is
lism of aspirin to salicylate, a very weak and revers- caused by a transient decrease in light transmission
ible inhibitor of cyclooxygenase. 33 This permits cu- is often present. This reflects the initial platelet
mulative inhibition of platelet cyclooxygenase in the shape change that follows platelet stimulation. Next,
prehepatic circulation while sparing the systemic a rapid increase in light transmission occurs as plate-
vascular endothelium exposure to aspirin. 34- 37 Salic- lets aggregate. When a weak stimulus such as ADP or
ylate released into the peripheral blood may block epinephrine is used as an aggregating agent, a bipha-
effects of residual circulating aspirin on vascular en- sic pattern of platelet aggregation is characteristi-
dothelium. cally observed; with strong stimuli, such as collagen
Whereas aspirin covalently acetylates and irre- and arachidonic acid, a single wave of platelet aggre-
versibly inhibits cyclooxygenase, other NSAIDs (e.g., gation is noted. The plateau between first (primary}
indomethacin, flurbiprofen, ibuprofen, naproxen} and second (secondary} waves of ADP- and epineph-
reversibly inhibit cyclooxygenase. 38 •39 Additionally, rine-induced aggregation corresponds to the platelet
ibuprofen and other nonaspirin NSAIDs protect release reaction (see above} that follows initial plate-
platelets from irreversible inactivation by aspirin, let activation. Products released during this event,
presumably by blocking access of aspirin to the ac- including thromboxane A2 and ADP, mediate the
tive site of cyclooxygenase. 40 All nonaspirin NSAIDs second (and irreversible) wave of platelet aggrega-
interfere with platelet function by essentially the tion. The plateau phase between first- and second-
same mechanism; the in vivo differences among wave aggregation is undetectable when platelets are
these agents are primarily related to extent and du- activated by strong stimuli such as collagen and ara-
ration of their effects on platelet function. chidonic acid. Because NSAIDs inhibit thromboxane
A2 synthesis, and thereby block the release reaction,
PLATELET AGGREGATION AND BLEEDING only primary-wave aggregation in response to ADP
TIME: CLINICAL TESTS OF PLATELET and epinephrine is seen in platelets prepared from
FUNCTION subjects taking these drugs (as shown in the bottom
row of Figure 2}. Collagen-induced aggregation is
Platelet aggregation can be measured in vitro using markedly inhibited by NSAID use because aggrega-
an optical instrument. 41 This test is performed by tion in response to this stimulus is dependent on
adding standardized concentrations of substances thromboxane A2 formation. Arachidonate-induced
that cause platelet aggregation to suspensions of platelet aggregation is entirely mediated by its con-


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version to thromboxane A2 and, therefore, this re- mediated entirely by its conversion to thromboxane
sponse is abolished by NSAIDs. A2 , 57·58 and may partially block aggregation induced
The bleeding time is considered to be the best clin- by strong agonists (e.g., collagen, thrombin), depend-
ical screening test of in vivo primary hemostasis. 42-44 ing on the concentration of stimulus applied. Long-
Prolongation of the bleeding time can be because of term administration of very low-dose aspirin (20 mg/
(a) a qualitative abnormality of platelets (e.g., second- d) is sufficient to inhibit both ex vivo and in vivo
ary to NSAIDs), (b) thrombocytopenia, (c) an abnor- thromboxane formation by more than 95%, an effect
mality afplatelet-vessel wall interactions, and/or (d) that blocks platelet aggregation by a variety of stim-
a primary vascular disorder. The standard Ivy uli.32 Chronic aspirin therapy at the lowest dose
method45 has been modified to improve sensitivity causing near-complete blockade of thromboxane
and reproducibility. Semiautomatic template de- synthase (40 mg/day) is associated with the same de-
vices46 have been largely supplanted by newer dis- gree of platelet function inhibition as seen with a
posable automated products. 47-49 The test is per- higher dose (325 mg/day). 59 After a single dose of as-
formed by making a standardized incision over the pirin, inhibitory effects on ex vivo platelet aggrega-
volar aspect of the forearm while a blood pressure tion are maximal within 2 hours and persist for 4 to
cuff (proximal to the incision) is inflated to 40 mm Hg. 7 days, which is long after blood salicylate levels be-
The bleeding time is taken as the time to complete come undetectable. This is consistent with the life-
cessation of free blood flow from the incision. span ofirreversibly inhibited platelets. 55·80
Although the bleeding time remains an important
clinical screening test for evaluation of patients with Bleeding Time
suspected bleeding disorders, it has important limi-
tations. First, it is fraught with potential technical ar- By virtue of its ability to inhibit platelet aggregation,
tifact. Despite improvements in standardization, it is aspirin prolongs the bleeding time in many normal
operator-dependent, and reproducibility is affected individuals, and the effect is dose-dependent. Al-
by several variables, including direction, size, and though it is not a consistent finding, a paradoxically
depth of incision; skin temperature and vascularity greater bleeding time prolongation has occurred
at the wound site; and interindividual variability of with lower doses. 61 -63 This may be because of the rel-
age, sex, ethnic origin, skinfold thickness, and anxi- atively selective effect of low-dose aspirin on platelet
ety.44 Second, its role as a routine preoperative thromboxane synthesis compared with vascular
screening test to predict surgical hemorrhage has prostacyclin synthesis. With higher doses of aspirin,
been critically challenged.so-sz Finally, it cannot be the simultaneous suppression of prostacyclin syn-
extrapolated that skin bleeding time reflects bleed- thesis may offset the platelet inhibitory action of the
ing time elsewhere in the body. 53 For example, pro- drug. Bleeding times of healthy subjects typically in-
longation of the skin bleeding time produced by as- crease to about two times baseline values 12 hours
pirin use may not be associated with prolonged gas- after ingestion of aspirin (325 mg) and return to nor-
tric bleeding time, as determined by endoscopic mal within 24 to 48 hours. 80 After cessation of aspi-
biopsy ofthe stomach. 54 rin, the observation that prolonged bleeding time in
vivo normalizes earlier than abnormal ex vivo plate-
EFFECTS OF ASPIRIN ON PLATELET let aggregation (see above) reflects the emergence of a
FUNCTION AND BLEEDING TIME large number of uninhibited platelets from the bone
marrow into the circulation to achieve normal in
Aspirin affects both platelet aggregation and bleeding vivo primary hemostasis (as measured by the bleed-
time. However, these two clinical tests are not nec- ing time) but not ex vivo platelet activation (as mea-
essarily equated. Aspirin has a more prolonged effect sured by aggregometry).
on platelet aggregation than on the bleeding time.
Conversely, the bleeding time may be prolonged EFFECTS OF NONASPIRIN NSAIDS ON
with defects of platelet function other than those in- PLATELET FUNCTION AND BLEEDING TIME
volving the aggregation process (e.g., adhesion).
Platelet Function
Platelet Function
Unlike aspirin, the effect of nonaspirin NSAIDs on
Aspirin inhibits the second wave of ADP- or epineph- platelets is reversible. Because these drugs reversibly
rine-induced platelet aggregation ex vivo by blocking inhibit platelet cyclooxygenase, function of the en-
thromboxane A2 formation. 55 "56 Aspirin also abol- zyme is restored as the drugs are cleared from circu-
ishes arachidonate-induced aggregation, which is lation. Therefore, normal platelet function returns

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more rapidly after discontinuation of NSAIDs with measured as total (bound plus unbound) unresolved
shorter half-lives. 64 Platelet effects of long-acting drug. Results of a subsequent study showed intensity
NSAIDs such as piroxicam may persist several days and duration of the anti platelet effect to be dose-de-
after the drug is discontinued. 5 5 pendent, and the antiplatelet effect was related to
A study comparing ten commercially available plasma unbound concentration of S(+)-ibuprofen,
NSAIDs administered to healthy human volunteers which is the enantiomer responsible for cyclooxy-
demonstrated considerable variability in extent and genase inhibition. 76 Although these studies indicate
duration of their inhibitory effects on ex vivo platelet that platelet function usually returns to normal
aggregation. 56 As predicted, a single oral dose of aspi- within 12 hours after administration of ibuprofen,
rin abolished the second wave of aggregation in re- the time for disappearance of anti platelet effects after
sponse to ADP and epinephrine, and it produced a cessation of chronic therapy is less predictable. The
long-lasting effect that persisted for 5 to 8 days. Ad- S(+)-enantiomer of ibuprofen potentially accumu-
ditionally, piroxicam, naproxen, diclofenac, and in- lates in adipose tissue, and its leaching from these
domethacin blocked ADP- or epinephrine-induced stores may result in prolonged platelet inhibition af-
second-wave aggregation, and the abnormality per- ter chronic therapy. 77
sisted 3 days after piroxicam was discontinued and 2
days after naproxen, diclofenac, and indomethacin Bleeding Time
were discontinued. Ibuprofen and diflunisal pro-
duced a weaker but definite effect, which normal- Although ibuprofen inhibits platelet function like as-
ized within 24 hours of ingestion. Results from a pirin, its effects on the bleeding time are less well
more detailed study in subjects taking diflunisal for established. Results of an early study with low doses
8 days showed that its platelet inhibitory effects were of ibuprofen (200 mg three times daily) showed that
dose-dependent. Although no changes in ADP- and it did not prolong the bleeding time; 78 however, one
collagen-induced platelet aggregation were found study demonstrated a slightly but significantly pro-
with daily doses of 250 mg or 500 mg, respectively, longed bleeding time 2 hours after a single, 600-mg
1,000 mg daily of diflunisal caused impaired platelet dose of ibuprofen. 72 Additionally, significant pro-
aggregability equivalent to that seen with aspirin longations of the bleeding time have been reported
(1,300 mg daily). The changes on day 8 tended to be 90 minutes and 1 week after ibuprofen dosed at 600
greater than on day 1, and they diminished within 24 mg three times daily; however, the bleeding times
hours of the last dose for most subjects. 5 7 Effects of typically do not become abnormally prolonged. 79 In
indomethacin, which is as potent an inhibitor of a study of HIV(+) hemophiliac patients taking ibu-
platelet thromboxane production as aspirin, occur profen 400 mg every 6 hours concomitantly with zi-
within 2 hours of drug ingestion and persist for up to dovudine, the mean bleeding time was prolonged
8 hours. Restoration of normal platelet aggregability above normal limits at 1 hour, and this prolongation
after administration of indomethacin is related to continued through the fourth hour after the dose. 80
dose and plasma concentration. 66 Sulindac likewise Bleeding times at later time points were not deter-
produces transient changes in platelet aggregation mined.
that are lost 24 hours after the last dose. 5 9 In addition to ibuprofen, which shows a general
The effect of ibuprofen on platelet function has correlation between serum levels and bleeding
been well studied. Ibuprofen inhibits platelet aggre- time, 72 ·79 other nonaspirin NSAIDs, including
gation and thromboxane A2 synthesis. 66·7D-76 Ibupro- diflunisal, 67 indomethacin, 81 and ketorolac, 82-84
fen inhibited platelet aggregation at 1.5, 3, and 6 cause a prolongation of bleeding time. Nonaspirin
hours after a single 800-mg oral dose. 66 A single dose NSAIDs cause transient, dose-dependent, and mod-
of ibuprofen between 300 mg and 900 mg blocked est bleeding time abnormalities; however, abnormal-
platelet aggregation 2 hours after administration; ities often do not exceed the upper limit of normal.
however, the effect was lost within 24 hours. 38·72
The relationship between platelet aggregability, EFFECTS OF ASPIRIN ON CUNICAL
thromboxane production, and serum concentrations BLEEDING
of ibuprofen has been examined. After ibuprofen ad-
ministration of 200 mg, 400 mg, and 800 mg to Aspirin has been associated with clinically signifi-
healthy subjects, arachidonate-induced platelet ag- cant spontaneous bleeding complications. For exam-
gregation was inhibited for 6, 8, and 11 hours, respec- ple, results from two randomized trials for the pri-
tively.75 This study developed a pharmacodynamic mary prevention of cardiovascular disease demon-
model to relate platelet aggregation parameters to se- strated that regular aspirin (325 mg every other day
rum drug levels, but ibuprofen concentrations were or 75 mg/day) use among healthy male physicians


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was associated with an increase in disabling hemor- reported doses) within 7 days before CABG was asso-
rhagic stroke. 85 ·86 This complication has been attrib- ciated with an almost twofold increase in the likeli-
uted to the interference of primary hemostasis by as- hood of reoperation because of bleeding; however,
pirin. However, these results were not supported by no correlation could be demonstrated between risk
a meta-analysis of 31 randomized secondary preven- of reoperation for bleeding and proximity of aspirin
tion trials. 87 Aspirin use is also a risk factor for devel- exposure before surgery. 101 Results of other studies
opment of chronic subdural hematoma after head in- have not shown increased CABG surgical bleeding
jury.88 with preoperative aspirin use. 103-105 Ingestion of aspi-
Regular administration of aspirin (75-250 mg/ day) rin during pregnancy may also be associated with ex-
predisposes patients to overt gastrointestinal hemor- cessive bleeding in both mother and neonate during
rhage.89·90 Although a suggested relationship exists the peripartum period. 106- 108
between the dose of aspirin and risk of gastrointesti- It can be concluded from these studies that if pre-
nal bleeding, doses as low as 75 mg per day increase operative aspirin ingestion causes excessive intraop-
the frequency of gastrointestinal bleeding episodes. 91 erative or postoperative bleeding it is of marginal
Risk of such adverse effects from low-dose aspirin clinical significance in most patients. History of pre-
may be particularly pronounced in elderly patients, operative aspirin use should not cause emergency
a population expected to derive greatest benefit from surgery to be delayed. Many patients requiring
regular aspirin administration for prevention of vas- cardiac surgery will be on chronic aspirin therapy for
cular complications. In a 12-month, double-blind, preventing secondary coronary events. Delaying sur-
randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 400 subjects gery in these patients until discontinuation of aspirin
older than 70 years, clinically evident gastrointesti- to allow for the restoration of normal platelet func-
nal bleeding occurred in 3% of those receiving low- tion would not only increase cost but also carry a po-
dose enteric-coated aspirin (100 mg daily); no such tentially undesirable clinical result. 105 The decision
events occurred in the placebo group. 92 Aspirin- whether to delay surgery for up to 1 week after dis-
treated subjects also had a significantly greater de- continuing aspirin should be individually evaluated
crease in hemoglobin levels as compared with pla- for each patient, weighing the risks of excessive
cebo-treated subjects. bleeding against the urgency of the operation and the
In addition to overt gastrointestinal bleeding, aspi- type of surgery contemplated. However, two excep-
rin is associated with fecal blood loss. Whereas nor- tions should be noted. First, aspirin should be discon-
mal subjects lose approximately 0.5 mL of blood per tinued for at least 7 days before elective surgery in-
day, there is a dose-related increase in blood loss volving sites where even small amounts of bleeding
from the gastrointestinal tract in aspirin users. 93 In are potentially dangerous (e.g., neurosurgery). Sec-
an 8-day study of normal subjects, administration of ond, aspirin should be stopped before any elective
aspirin (1,300 mg twice daily) was associated with a surgery in patients with coexisting systemic coagu-
6.6 mL blood loss, which was a sixfold increase over lopathies (e.g., von Willebrand's disease) because as-
that in control subjects. 5 7 pirin-induced impairment of platelet function may
Numerous reports provide conflicting results re- provoke serious clinical bleeding.
garding the relationship between aspirin use and
surgical bleeding complications. Results from one EFFECTS OF NONASPIRIN NSAIDS ON
study94 demonstrated that patients taking aspirin CUNICAL BLEEDING
had a significant increase in perioperative blood loss
during total hip arthroplasty; however, the clinical Although nonaspirin NSAIDs also increase bleeding
significance of this finding was questioned. Aspirin- times, effects of these drugs on clinical bleeding are
treated patients undergoing cholecystectomies have less clear. 109 The incidence of gastrointestinal bleed-
prolonged bleeding times and a high incidence of ing is higher with high-dose aspirin than with nonas-
postoperative bleeding. 95 In contrast, results from an- pirin NSAIDs. 1111-116 Endoscopic studies suggest that
other study showed no difference in perioperative the degree of gastric mucosal injury and gastrointes-
blood loss between patients taking and those not tak- tinal bleeding may vary depending on NSAID and
ing aspirin preoperatively. 96 There has been consid- dose used. 117-119
erably more published literature concerning the risk Conflicting results have been reported regarding
of bleeding when aspirin is used before cardiac sur- effects of nonaspirin NSAIDs on perioperative blood
gery. Patients taking aspirin before undergoing coro- loss. An increased frequency of bleeding episodes
nary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgeries have in- was found following abdominal surgery in patients
creased operative blood loss97-101 and increased risk treated with indomethacin 100 mg every 8 hours as
of reoperation for bleeding. 100-102 Aspirin use (of un- compared with placebo. 120 Increased blood loss with

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indomethacin has also been found in patients un- platelet function disorders (e.g., von Willebrand's
dergoing hysterectomies. 121 In contrast, no signifi- disease) exhibit a marked exaggeration of aspirin-in-
cant increase in blood loss was noted in patients who duced prolonged bleeding time. 131 -133
had received a continuous infusions of indomethacin Interaction of NSAIDs with other drugs may in-
before undergoing emergency surgeries of the lower crease the risk of bleeding. Most NSAIDs potentiate
extremities; however, bleeding times were pro- the activity of oral anticoagulants 134 '135 by displacing
longed.122 Compared with placebo, no significant in- protein-bound drug136 or inhibiting metabolism by
crease in blood loss was found in patients receiving hepatic microsomal enzymes. 137 Results of one study
diclofenac before undergoing hip replacements, 123 showed that aspirin, but not nonaspirin NSAIDs, is
transurethral resections ofthe prostate, 124 or gyneco- associated with an increased risk of bleeding from all
logic laparotomies. 125 Another nonaspirin NSAID, sites in patients simultaneously treated with warfa-
ketorolac, was not associated with increased periop- rin.138 In contrast, a large retrospective cohort study
erative blood loss in patients undergoing transure- of Medicaid enrollees aged 65 years or older who
thral prostatectomies. 109 were taking nonaspirin NSAIDs revealed a nearly 13-
As is the case for aspirin, surgery does not need to fold increase in risk of developing hemorrhagic pep-
be delayed in most patients taking NSAIDs. NSAIDs tic ulcer disease in concurrent users of oral anticoag-
should be discontinued before surgery involving ulants.139 Furthermore, approximately 10% of hospi-
sites that require critical hemostasis or in patients talizations for hemorrhagic peptic ulcer disease in
with a coexisting coagulopathy. The delay in these users of anticoagulants were attributed to NSAID
cases should involve only a matter of hours, rather exposure. This study concluded that NSAIDs should
than days, because of the reversible nature of the be used with extreme caution in elderly patients re-
platelet inhibitory effect of nonaspirin NSAIDs. ceiving anticoagulants. NSAID use in patients with
coexisting coagulopathies (e.g., liver failure, inher-
CONDITIONS COMPOUNDING THE RISK OF ited coagulation factor deficiencies) may also in-
BLEEDING WITH NSAIDS crease bleeding risk. Lastly, use of ibuprofen and zi-
dovudine in HIV(+) hemophiliacs is associated with
Alcohol ingestion by itself does not prolong the defects in platelet function 80 and an increased fre-
bleeding time. However, alcohol potentiates bleed- quency and severity of hemarthroses and hemato-
ing time prolongation produced by aspirin and non- mas.t4o
aspirin NSAIDs; 126·127 this can range from a slight in-
crease to a marked, sustained elevation, which is po- RECOMMENDATIONS
tentially sufficient to provoke spontaneous bleeding
in otherwise normal individuals. 126'128 The magni- With the widespread use of aspirin and nonaspirin
tude of the augmentation varies independently from NSAIDs for a variety of clinical indications, physi-
response with aspirin alone and, therefore, it is not cians must be aware of their potential to cause bleed-
possible to predict individual sensitivity to simulta- ing complications. The chronic use of even very low-
neous ingestion. This interaction with alcohol has dose aspirin (the equivalent of 1 "baby" aspirin daily)
been found not only with aspirin but also with other can produce maximal inhibition of platelet function
NSAIDs, including ibuprofen and indomethacin. 126 and primary hemostasis. Easy bruising, particularly
The mechanism of the alcohol-NSAID interaction in young and otherwise healthy women, is not un-
has not been completely elucidated. In vitro studies commonly encountered with the use of aspirin and
have shown that low concentrations of alcohol re- nonaspirin NSAIDs. Nevertheless, serious bleeding
verse the inhibition of vascular prostacyclin synthe- problems rarely occur spontaneously as a result of
sis but not the inhibition of platelet thromboxane the use of these platelet inhibitory drugs. Even major
synthesis mediated by aspirin. 129 Furthermore, alco- surgery is not usually complicated by clinically sig-
hol (at doses achieved through consumption of alco- nificant bleeding in patients taking these drugs.
holic beverages) potentiates the inhibitory effect of Therefore, it is usually not necessary to delay sur-
prostacyclin on platelet aggregation. 130 The risk of al- gery to restore normal hemostasis after discontinua-
coholic patients bleeding from NSAIDs may be com- tion of these agents. An exception to this generaliza-
pounded by coexisting factors, such as coagulopathy tion should be considered in patients undergoing
from liver failure, thrombocytopenia because of hy- surgery at sites where normal hemostasis is critical.
persplenism and toxic effects of alcohol on the bone The most important bleeding problems that occur
marrow, and potential anatomic sites of hemorrhage with the use of aspirin and nonaspirin NSAIDs are
(e.g., esophageal varices, ulcers, hemorrhoids). In ad- encountered in patients who have coexisting coagu-
dition to alcohol ingestion, patients with underlying lopathies. Particular care should be taken with the


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