John Locke Jean-Jacques Rousseau Immanuel Kant

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Activity #2 - “Theories on the Rise of the State”

Class Number: B-13 Full Name: Villaueva, Hubert Mico P. Gr/Sec: 11-Faith

Instruction: Research for the following theories on the emergence of the states. Use the matrix below
for your answer. Properly cite the information sources.

Theory Definition Proponent/s Examples

1. Divine Right Moses was chosen to
Theory Right to rule based on their ● King James I of lead God's people out of
filial relationship with England Egypt
supernatural forces and

2. Force Theory
A group of forces members ● Thomas Hobbes, The United States'
of another group to subject ● John Locke establishment involves a
themselves to their rules ● Jean Jacques foreign group entering a
Rousseau. new area and claiming it
as their own. Through
this process, they
dominated the existing
inhabitants by force,
eventually requiring
them to adhere to a new
type of rule.

3. Paternalistic
Theory The father essentially is the ● Immanuel Kant Laws that require
leader of the first political in 1785 drivers of automobiles
unit. highly patriarchal, ● John Stuart Mill to wear a seatbelt.
male-dominated society in 1859

4. Social Contract
Theory Mutual agreement between ● John Locke America's social
the ruler and the ruled to ● Jean-Jacques contract. It sets out what
ensure order and security Rousseau the government can and
● Immanuel Kant cannot do. People who
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choose to live in
America agree to be
governed by the moral
and political obligations
outlined in the
Constitution's social

5. Natural Theory Humans have a natural

Humans have an innate ● Aristotle drive to eat, drink, sleep
need to be part of a ● St. Thomas and procreate.
community. Aquinas
● C.S. Lewis

(for teacher’s use only)

❑ Information is somewhat accurate. ❑ Information is accurate and well-researched.
Needs to research further on the theories.
❑ Answers are incomplete. ❑ Answers are complete. The matrix of theories is
Some cells in the matrix of theories are not rich with information.
filled out with information.
❑ Examples given are okay, but difficult to ❑ Examples given are correct and relevant to the
find relevance to the theory. theory.
❑ Sources of information must be properly ❑ Sources of information are properly cited.
❑ Check spelling and grammar. ❑ Minimal to no grammatical, spelling, and
punctuation errors.
❑ The output was submitted past the ❑ The output was submitted on time.

Other comments/recommendations:


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