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(Prepare a short essay of 600 words on yourself in the space provided below.

You may wish to talk

about your background, significant events, accomplishments, experience at your workplace,
extracurricular activities, relationships with friends and family, career plans and how the Post
Graduate Programme in Business Analytics from IIMB fits into your dreams and ambitions. Please
make sure that your essay forms a coherent whole.)
1. Background
2. Personality
Body Paragraph 1:
1. Relationship with your friends & Family
Body Paragraph 2:
1. Challenges/strugggles
2. How did you overcome those challenges
Body Paragraph 3:
1. Significant events
2. Accomplishments
3. Extra Curriculars
4. Skillset
5. Work ethics
Body Paragraph 4/ Conclusion
1. Career Plans
2. Dreams & Ambitions
3. how the Post Graduate Programme in Business Analytics from IIMB fits into your
dreams and ambition
Ahead from here, I feel Business Analytics would see a marked rise in professionals from every
stream, with a variety of experience delving into the pure science of analytics and relating their
respective experience in the sector. With more diversity and a wider perspective, the sector would
invite tenured and seasoned professionals to look at the way they conduct businesses in the
changing scenario.  And when that happens, I wish to be ready for the challenge.
With the twenty first century sitting at the epicentre of social media, digital convergence and
evolving analytics, the new age business paradigm has always enticed me and fuelled my curiosity
towards the ever-growing applications of business analytics in every enterprise.

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