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392 Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 7 No.

1,January 1992
W. J. McNutt, Fellow, IEEE
Berkshire Transformer Consultants, Inc.
Pittsfield. MA

ABSTRACT - Revision of industry loading BACKGROUND

guides for transformers is currently in pro-
gress, with the objective of improving the Since the invention of the power trans-
realism of assessment of life consumption as former, the conventional conductor insulation
a result of loading beyond nameplate rating. has been some form of paper or cloth. The
The purpose of this paper is to offer recom- main constituent of these fibrous materials
mendations for a new treatment of insulation is cellulose, an organic compound whose mol-
thermal life which recognizes the effects of ecule is made up of a long chain of glucose
more significant parameters and would enable rings or monomers, typically numbering in the
users to make more realistic judgements about range from 1000-1400. (5,6,7,8) Degree of
the impact of loading on functional life. molecular polymerization is the average num-
Background tutorial material from the pub- ber of glucose rings in the molecule. The
lished literature is presented as an aid to chemical structure of a portion of a cellu-
understanding the basis for the change. lose molecule is shown in Figure 1.
A subject of major concern to the utili-
ty industry is projected equipment life, a
quantity which by any measurement is not pre-
cisely definable. For transformers, utili- O \ r
ties apply industry loading guides ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) to
assist them in establishing loading practices
which will not unduly jeopardize life. These
guides provide equations to enable estimation
of insulation hottest spot temperature as a
function of load, and a temperature/time H-C-H
i OH
relationship to compute consumption of life. I
It is this latter factor, the life relation- OH
ship, which will be dealt with in this paper.
Figure 1: Cellulose Molecule Structure.
It must be noted that transformer loading
guides define the life of material in the A single cellulose fiber is made up of
insulation system as i t is influenced by many of these long chains of glucose rings.
temperature, not the functional life of the Since the mechanical strength of the cellu-
transformer, which may also be affected by lose materials depends on the length and
mechanical and dielectric stresses that i t condition of the fibers, the degree of pol-
experiences. Just dealing with the thermal ymerization gives a good measure of retained
life definition, there are two aspects in- functionality as transformer insulation ages
volved, the first being the aging rate, or in service.
rate of deterioration of physical properties
with time, and the second being the defini- Three mechanisms contribute to cellulose
tion of the end point when life has been to- degradation in an operating transformer, and
tally consumed. Each will be discussed in each can be related to an agent principally
this paper, first from the perspective of the responsible.(6,7)
historical background information available
in the literature and then with a view toward Hydrolysis (Water)
more realistic coverage in the industry
loading guides. Revision of loading guides The oxygen bridge between glucose rings is
is currently underway within the IEEE Trans- affected by water, causing a rupture of the
formers Committee. This paper will provide chain and the formation of two -OH groups,
information to promote understanding of the each attached to its monomer. The result is
need for change and suggest appropriate a reduction of DP and shortening and weaken-
directions for the change. ing of the fiber.
Oxidation (Oxyaen)
91 SM 320-2 PWRD A paper recommended and approved
by the IEEE Transformers Committee of the IEEE Oxygen attacks the carbon atoms in the
Power Engineering Society for presentation at the cellulose molecule to form aldehydes and
IEEE/PES 1991 Summer Meeting, San Diego, California, acids, releasing water, carbon monoxide, and
July 28 - August 1, 1991. Manuscript submitted carbon dioxide. The bonds between rings are
January 18, 1991; made available for weakened, leading to lower DP. Water released
April 16, 1991. by this mechanism can also contribute to the
hydrolysis effect previously mentioned.

Pyrolysis (Heat) (1)
Heat in the extreme will result in char- A and B are empirical constants, and T is
ring of the fibers, but at lesser levels i t temperature in degrees Kelvin. This form of
contributes to the breakdown of individual relationship is frequently referred to as an
monomers in the cellulose chain. A solid Arrhenius reaction rate equation. It indi-
residue is formed and gases are liberated, cates that the perunit change in a property
namely water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon is equal to the rate constant multiplied by
dioxide, and hydrogen. Again DP is reduced. the time interval over which the change takes
place. Dakin demonstrated that his own aging
There is an obvious consequence of this data and other published aging data of that
discussion. Since the agents which accel- time, including Montsinger's data, would f i t
erate cellulose degradation have been iden- this relationship.
tified, their levels should be minimized in
operating transformers to extend useful life. Montsinger resisted Dakin's proposal, but
That is the purpose of modern oil preserva- the general technical community in the U.S.
tion systems which seek to prevent entry of accepted i t , and continuing work within AIEE
oxygen and water. This is accomplished by committees referenced i t and applied it. In
sealing the tank with an inert gas blanket a 1953 paper (13). Sumner et al. showed that
over the oil to accomodate oil expansion or the aging rate curves for different residual
by utilizing a membrane in a conservator oil strength end points had the same slope. Much
expansion tank. Heat is the remaining accel- later, Head et a1.(14) found in their inves-
erating agent which must be left to the tigations of oil-immersed cable paper that
control of operating personnel. the rate slopes (the B constant) were essen-
tially the same not only for the degradation
INSULATION AGING RATE of the various mechanical characteristics
(tensile strength, burst strength, elongation
For at least 75 years i t has been recog- at rupture), but also for change in degree of
nized that thermal aging of cellulose trans- polymerization and gas evolution. Other
former insulation deteriorates its mechanical modern investigators (16.17) have found sim-
properties. In a 1930 paper (9), V. M. Mont- ilarly close agreement between rates of gas
singer published aging data taken in 1916 on evolution and changes in mechanical proper-
yellow varnished cambric, the insulation used ties and DP.
in transformers in that era. The data showed
a gradual reduction of tensile strength over Since there appears to be general agree-
time at temperature, with an accelerating ment that Dakin's (or Arrhenius's) chemical
rate of reduction as temperature increased. reaction rate equation is appropriate for
F. M. Clark published similar data for linen measuring thermal degradation of transformer
paper in 1935 (10) which showed the same insulation, whether by change in mechanical
gradual loss of tensile strength, and also properties, change in DP, or gas evolution,
showed that other mechanical properties i t is reasonable to search for a single rate
(stretch, burst, and tear) deteriorated in a slope which might be applicable for all forms
like fashion, but tensile strength was most
sensitive to aging effects if a 50% retention
o f characteristic was used as an end point
criterion. Thermal aging test results for
modern transformer insulation papers yield
similar patterns of strength reduction with
time at temperature. (See Figure 2.)
Montsinger (9) made an observation about
the aging rate of cellulose versus tempera-
ture which has found wide favor. He proposed
a simple rule-of-thumb that the rate of de-
terioration of mechanical properties doubles
for each 5-10" C increase in temperature. He
recognized that this doubling factor was not
constant at all aging temperatures, but
people tend to remember i t as a constant
factor. In the vicinity of 100-110" C , he
found the aging rate to double for each 6" C
increase in temperature, but at 120" C and
higher a temperature increase of 8" C was
required to double the aging rate. The
simple 6" C doubling rule is still used in
IEC loading guides today.(4)
A more significant advance in defining
aging rates was made by Dakin in 1948.(12)
He observed that the changes taking place in
cellulose insulation as i t thermally ages are
0 10 20 30 40 50 €4 70 80
the result of chemical react ions, and,
Days at 160 "C
therefor, the rate of change of any measured
physical property might be expressed in the
form of a reaction rate constant, KO. Figure 2: Tensile Strength Reduction as a
a Result of Aging at 160°C.

of cellulose. Table I represents the results a percentage deterioration. In any event,

of such a search in published literature. for reproducibility, the physical condition
of the insulation system during thermal aging
Table I must also be defined. In the past. all of
Aaina Rate Constant - B these conditions have been met most commonly
by an end-of-life definition calling for 50%
Source Basis __ B deterioration of tensile strength of the
insulation paper after aging in a sealed
Dakin (12) 20% Tensile 18,000 vessel under oil, usually in the presence of
Sumner (13) 20% Tensile 18,000 copper or aluminum conductor and core steel,
Head (14) Mech/DP/Gas 15,250 but always with a low moisture and oxygen
Lawson ( 15) 10% Tensile 15,500 content in the system.
Lawson (15) 10% DP 11,350
Shroff ( 6 1 250 DP 14,580 It must be obvious that the physical
Lampe (18) 200 DP 11,720 characteristic of insulation which relates
Goto (16) Gas 14,300 most closely to functionality in a trans-
ASA-C57.92-1948 50% Tensile *14,830 former winding is dielectric strength. That
ANSI-C57.92-1981 50% Tensile 16,054 was not chosen as the measurable character-
ANSI-C57.91-1981 DT Life Tests 14,594 istic because it has been found that dielec-
tric strength of conductor insulation paper
deteriorates extremely slowly if the insula-
* 120"-150" C temperature range tion is not mechanically disturbed. Thus a
mechanical property was chosen, and tensile
Dakin's and Sumner's data seem to be the strength proved to be the most sensitive one.
same, and apparently were shared data being It seems that an absolute level of retained
considered by an AIEE committee. Daki'n also tensile strength would have been most appro-
includes data from F. M. Clark, which he felt priate, if that level could have been related
was in agreement with the AIEE data. Head's to functionality, but 50% retention (or de-
findings are most interesting in that he terioration) was chosen instead. This seems
concluded that the B constants for mechanical to be a flaw in the present definition, since
properties, DP, and gas evolution were the 50% retention of strength for an initially
same within a range of plus or minus 440 from weak paper could be a lesser absolute
the given average in the table. Most of the strength than 25% retention for an initially
published data are for non-thermally upgraded strong paper.
insulation, but Lampe evaluated both non-
thermally upgraded and thermally upgraded An alternative end-of-life defintion has
paper. His constant in the table (11,720) been suggested by some investigators, namely
for non-thermally upgraded paper is the an absolute level of retained degree of pol-
lowest found, but his constant for thermally ymerization. (See Table I.) This approach
upgraded paper in an oxygen-free environment seems to have merit from the point of view of
is even lower (9820). One explanation could ease of measurement and reproducibility of
be that his aging data for that part of his results. It has already been mentioned that
work covers the 1 imi ted temperature range of deterioration of DP correlates with deterio-
135" C to 155" C. The ANSI loading guide B ration of all of the mechanical properties.
constants are included at two points in time, The correlation between tensile strength and
but i t should be called to mind that the 1948 DP can be seen by comparison of Figures 2 and
ANSI curve was not an Arrhenius curve, hence 3. There only remains to relate the end point
i t did not have a single value for the B level to end of functionality. This has been
constant. approached as a level where "useful mechani-
cal properties" are lost. Different inves-
After all of these data are viewed, it tigators tend to choose different end point
might be concluded that there is no single DP levels. Bozzini (19) suggested 100-150,
"right" value of B , which may be the fact. Lampe ( 1 8 ) used 200, Fabre and Pichon (5)
Certainly all data is subject to experimental proposed 100-200, whi le Shroff ( 6) chose 250.
error and the materials and test conditions It is a fact that many in-service transform-
for the various investigators were not iden- ers have continued to operate with insulation
tical. If the industry wishes to use the DP levels below 100. One insulation sample
Arrhenius reaction rate concept, i t is from a service-aged transformer which I re-
necessary to arrive at a consensus value for cently examined had a DP of 124, but i t re-
B, and I would suggest the value of 15,000. mained intact on the conductor. However, i t
In making that selection, I am most influ- was quite brittle and i t required very little
enced by the Head, Shroff. and Goto data, force to rupture it. My own choice for an
which are the most modern. end point DP would be 200. From Figure 3 i t
is evident that this criterion yields a much
INSULATION LIFE END POINT longer "life" than the 50% retained tensile
strength of ANSI/IEEE C57.92.
If an end point for insulation life is to
be objectively defined, i t must be done in TRANSFORMER FUNCTIONAL LIFE
terms of a measurable physical characteristic
of the material. This could be a mechanical It should be recognized that transformer
property, such as tensile strength, burst functional life is most frequently terminated
strength, elongation to break, or abrasion by mechanical or dielectric stresses, while
resistance; i t could be an electrical pro- the insulation life defined in loading guides
perty, such as dielectric strength: or i t is related to the cumulative effect of ther-
could be a chemical property, such as degree mal stress. The concept of a "thermal life"
of polymerization. The end point could be an is a useful one, however, because i t can set
absolute value of the property or it could be a standard level of physical condition below

will also differ. On the negative side, the

average moisture content of insulation in an
operating transformer can range from 0.5% for
a good oil preservation system to 3%-5% for
free-breathing transformers. But on the
positive side, the moisture in an operating
transformer will partition, with the cooler
insulation having higher than average water
content and the critical hotter insulation
having lower than average water content.
These facts give incentive to utilities to
maintain insulation in a dry condition. In
the U.S., the general practice is to monitor
insulation power factor over time. Increas-
ing power factor indicates increasing mois-
ture. If the moisture level gets excessive,
the insulation system can be redried with
heat and vacuum in the field.
The effect of oxygen on the aging rate

has been examined by several investigators,
including Fabre (5) and Lampe (18). The
usual experiment is to compare aging rates
for a sealed system and for a system with
free access to oxygen. Through such experi-
ments Fabre found an aging acceleration fac-
tor of 2.5, while Lampe found a factor of 1 0 .
In any case, i t is clear that the presence of
o io m 30 40 yl 60 70 BO 9 0 1 0 0 oxygen has a very negative effect. Again,
Days at 160 "C these facts give utilities good incentive to
emplby an oil preservation system which
Figure 3 : Degree of Polymerization Reduction maintains a low oxygen content in the opera-
as a Result of Aging at 160OC. ting transformer.
which the transformer insulation integrity Some experience with in-service aging of
can be prejudiced by normally experienced transformer insulation is available in the
levels of mechanical and dielectric stresses. published literature in terms of residual DP
Since the critical physical condition can not after many Years of operation. A summary of
be precisely defined in terms of a specific that information is given in Table 11. It is
DP level at present, i t could prove useful to my understanding that all of the insulation
Zstablish a profile of DP versus age in the materials were non-thermally upgraded and in
general operating transformer population by no case was the degraded insulation a cause
testing insulation samples from transformers of failure.
whose service life is terminated for any
reason. Some data of this type is already Table I1
available in the published literature, as Degree of Polymerization Data
will be discussed later. From Service-Aaed Transformers
When the loading guide insulation life In Service
measurement is applied to estimate the effect MVA Service Years Dp
of certain loading conditions on the func-
tional life of operating transformers, i t 3.3 1922 31 189
must be remembered that the end point life 6.1 1923 36 150
was established with controlled levels of 6 1925 34 218
moisture and oxygen in the insulation system 6 1928 31 179
under test. Those levels may not be main- 6 1928 31 192
*tained in operating transformers throughout 0.9 1929 30 116
their lifetime. For that reason, a relative 1.5 1932 21 139
life consumption calculation would be more 8 1935 24 300
appropriate than an absolute life consumption 38 1935 24 110
calculation, as will be proposed later. At 64 1945 14 877
the same time, i t is important to be aware of 15 1938 23 125
the effect of the two controllable variables, 16 -- 14 190
water and oxygen, on thermal deterioration of 3.8 -- 10 460
cellulose. 3 1942 41 53
2 1958 31 105
Fabre and Pichon ( 5 ) stated a very sim- 2 1949 40 iao
ple rule for the effect of water, namely that 5 1964 25 304
the rate of thermal deterioration of paper is
directly proportional to its water content. Note: Where information on date of samp1 e
Data given by Shroff and Stannet (6) support measurement was not available i t was assumed
that rule. To the extent that the moisture that the sample was taken the year before the
content of the insulation in the hottest spot paper was written.
area of an operating transformer differs
from the controlled moisture condition of the Although the type of oil preservation was
insulation in a sealed aging cell, typically usually not identified for most of the above
0,2%-0.3% water by weight, the aging rate transformers, their age and the fact that

they are European and South American would 1. New "Transformer Insulation Life" Curve
imply that the oil preservation was open
conservator. It is known thst the last four Introduce a "Transformer Insulation Life"
units had open conservators and high moisture curve which relates per unit life to conduc-
contents, in the order of 5%. As a conse- tor hot spot temperature as shown in Figure
quence, all of the DP values are low compared 4. This curve has the form:
to what might be expected from relatively
oxygen free transformers in the U.S. Per U n i t L i f e = 9.80 >: 10-18 e15clCQ/T (2)
I can give two examples of as yet unpub- The reference life of 1.0 per unit occurs for
lished U . S . data, both of which came from operation at llO°C, the hottest-spot basis of
transformers with inert gas cushion oil rating temperature for a 65°C average winding
preservation. The first transformer in rise insulation system. 1 . 0 per unit life
service for 6 1 years on the New England for a 55°C average winding rise insulation
Electric system had a residual DP of 1 2 4 . system would occur for operation at a refer-
Inner wraps of paper close to the conductor ence temperature of 95°C. Aging is acceler-
were brittle, but were held in place by a ated at temperatures higher than the refer-
varnish dip which impregnated the outer wraps ence and is decelerated at temperatures lower
of paper. Insulation from the second trans- than the reference in accordance with equa-
former had a residual DP of 3 1 4 after 55 tion ( 2 ) . Since the same cellulose insula-
years of service on the Rochester Gas & tion materials are applied in power and dis-
Electric system. At this level of DP the tribution transformers, the same relative
paper was not extremely brittle and still life equation should be used.
appeared usable. In my opinion, the better
DP levels versus age for these two trans- This approach is similar to that taken in
formers are the result of lower levels of the IEC loading guide ( 4 ) . It isolates tem-
oxygen and moisture within the insulation perature as the principal variable which
s yst em. influences thermal life and eliminates the
effects of other variables affecting absolute
In a separate effort to evaluate func- life which may vary from one transformer to
tional life of transformer insulation, EPRI another or one application to another. Those
sponsored programs by General Electric and secondary variables, including moisture con-
Westinghouse in the 1 9 7 8 - 1 9 8 2 time period, tent of the cellulose, oxygen content of the
the results of which can be found in refer- oil, life end-point criterion, etc., would
ences 2 1 , 2 2 , and 2 3 . Both programs involved influence the choice of a projected value of
thermal aging of model disk windings while absolute life.
periodically subjecting them to short-circuit
and dielectric end point tests. In the 2. Life ConsumDtion Calculation
General Electric program ( 2 2 , 2 3 1 models were
cyclically aged at 180" C for 6 2 0 hours The procedure for calculating life con-
without failure. This represents 6 . 2 times sumption during operation under varying load
the reference ANSI life. After this degree conditions should be described in a loading
of aging the models were dielectrically guide modified as described above. Such a
tested to breakdown and it was found that the calculation can be made by accumlat ing rela-
mean breakdown strength was only reduced by tive life consumed over a 2 4 hour period
1 0 % compared to models with new insulation. an aging acceleration factor, "A",
The insulation wraps next to the conductor

were noticeably darkened and embrittled, but 10
the less affected outer wraps provided mech-
anical support to keep them intact.
Winding models in the Westinghouse pro-
gram ( 2 1 ) were aged at 1 8 0 " C and 2 0 0 " C.
Four 1 8 0 " C models survived end point tests 1.o
at 8 6 4 hours ( 8 . 6 4 times the reference ANSI
life), but failed tests after 1 7 2 8 hours.
Two models aged at 2 0 0 " C survived end point
tests after 3 4 2 hours and one survived for
2 6 9 hours. These times represent 15.3 and 0.1
1 2 . 0 times the reference ANSI life. Paper at
the top of the winding was very dark in color
and had been mechanically ruptured by short-
circuit stresses in some cases. The conclu-
sion from the two programs was that 5 0 % ten-
sile strength is a very conservative criter- 0.01
ion for end of functional life.
180 :
The material presented to this point
reveals some opportunities for improving the
realism of insulation life treatment in the
existing loading guides, leading me to make Hottest Spot Temperature - "C
the following proposals:
Figure 4 : "Transformer Insulation Life" VS
derived from equation (2). This factor can Table I11
be written in terms of a natural logarithm: "Insulation Life" __
__ Definitions
In A = 15,000/383 - 15,00O/T (3) Insul. Oxygen Life
Bas i s
-~ Water* Leve 1 Hours
"A" has a value greater than 1.0 for any time
increment when T is greater than 383°K 50% Tensile 0.5% Low 65,020
(110°C) and has a value less than 1.0 for any 1.0% Low 32,510
time increment when T is less than 383°K. 2.0% Low 16,255
Thus, for normal loading at nameplate rating 0.5% High 26,000
with a 0.5 load factor and a 20°C ambient 1.0% High 13,000
temperature, the hottest-spot temperature is 2.0% High 6,500
always less than 110°C and life consumed per 20% Tensile 0.5% Low 152,000
day may be only 30%-40% of a reference day's 1.0% Low 76,000
life. This corresponds to .011%-.015% loss 2.0% Low 38,000
of life per day by the present ANSI/IEEE 0.5% High 60,800
C57.92 life definition. On the other hand, 1.0% High 30,400
for a short-time emergency, with operation up 2.0% High 15,200
to 180°C conductor hottest-spot temperature 200 D.P. 0.5% Low 158,000
for a fraction of an hour, the aging accel- 1.0% Low 79,000
eration would be very great and life consumed 2.0% Low 39,500
in one day might be 8 reference day's life. 0.5% High 63,200
For rare occurrences, such an accelerated 1.0% High 31,600
life consumption could be found acceptable. 2.0% High 15,800

3. Alternatives For Absolute Insulation Life * Average water content by weight.

. The present ANSI/IEEE C57.92 offers one Note: Low oxygen content means sealed from
choice for absolute insulation life at llO"C, oxygen entry. High oxygen content
namely 65,020 hours for 50% retained tensile means free breathing.
strength of the cellulose. This is based on
extremely low oxygen and moisture conditions propose that the present insulation life
typical for sealed tube aging insulation life curve be retained for that purpose. Test
evaluations. Other alternative choices under conditions should be defined in terms of type
the same test conditions could be 20% re- of sealed aging cell, contents of the cell,
tained tensile strength or 200 DP. In addi- material preparation, aging regime, etc.
tion, alternatives should be available for There is ample experience with this procedure
transformers having higher moisture content using a life end-point criterion of 50% re-
or oxygen content. As an example, for 0.5% tained tensile strength and I see no reason
estimated average moisture content of the to change any of this past practice.
cellulose, the typical moisture content of
the hottest-spot cellulose would be about S U M h R Y AND RECOMMENDATIONS
0.25%, as a result of moisture partitioning
by temperature. This would qualify for the Transformer functional life is influenced
same life as the sealed tube aging evalua- by thermal, mechanical, and dielectric
tion. However, for 1.0% average moisture stresses. It is most frequently termin-
content in the cellulose, life would be one ated by one of the latter two stresses.
half of 65,020 hours, since the aging rate is The concept of insulation "thermal life"
approximately doubled. is still a useful one in that i t can set
a standard level of physical condition
An example of absolute "Insulation Life" below which insulation integrity may be
selection choices which could be made avail- prejudiced by mechanical or dielectric
able in a loading guide are given in Tablf, stresses normally experienced in service.
111. The life values shown illustrate the Three mechanisms contribute to cellulose
effect of the significant variables, but degradation in an operating transformer,
final values used in a guide should be based namely hydrolysis, oxidation, and pyrol-
on the consensus of aging data available in ysis. Therefore, i t is recommended that
the industry. all of the agents contributing to these
mechanisms be considered in the defini-
The end-point criteria in Table I11 are tion of insulation aging rates.
suggested for power transformers. It is Insulation aging data from published l i t -
probable that lower mechanical strength erature has formed the basis for a recom-
characteristics would be acceptable for a mendation for a new method of treatment
life end point for distribution transformers, of insulation life in loading guides. A
because their mechanical stress levels in single aging rate constant would be used
service are lower. Since functional life for all distribution and power transform-
test data are available for distribution ers to calculate life consumption during
transformers, that could form the basis for any given loading condition relative to
their life end-point criterion. continuous operation at a reference tem-
perature. The definition of absolute
4. Insulation Material Life Oualification "insulation life" would be influenced by
the moisture and oxygen content of the
The present insulation life curve in insulation system and the life end-point
ANSI/IEEE C57.92 has served in the past as a criterion selected.
criterion for qualifying materials as ther- Since there is presently no sound basis
mally upgraded and, therefore, suitable for for establishing a functional end-of-life
use in a 65°C rise insulation system. I criterion, it is recommended that the in-
dustry collect Degree of Polymerization 16. K. Goto, H.Tsukioka, E. Mori, "Measure-
data for insulation samples from aged ment of Winding Temperature of Power
transformers as opportunity presents, so Transformers and Diagnosis of Ageing De-
that a profile of condltlon versus age terioration by Detection of Cot and CO",
can be established for the U . S . trans- CIGRE Paper 12-102, 1990.
former population. Such a data base 17. H. Yoshida, et al., "Degradation of Iff-
should make i t possible to sot a realis- sulating Materials of Transformers ,
tic life end-point. IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insula-
w, Vol. EI-22, No. 6, Dec. 1987, pp,
18. W. Lampe, E. Spicar, K. Carrander, "Con-
1. ANSI/IEEE C57.91-1981, "IEEE Quide for tinuous Purification and Supervision of
Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead Transformer Insulation Systems in Ser-
and Pad-Mounted Distribution Transform- vice", IEEE paper A 78 111-7, Presented
ers Rated 500 kVA and Less with 65.C or at the IEEE Winter Power Meeting, Jan./
55°C Average Winding Rise." Feb. 1978.
2. ANSI/IEEE C57.92-1981, "IEEE Guide for 19. C. A. Bozzini, "Transformer Aging Diag-'
Loading Mineral - Oil - Immersed Power nosis by Means of Measurements of the
Transformers Up to and Including 100 MVA Degree of Polymerization. Results of New
with 55°C or 65°C Average Winding Rise." Experiments", CIGRE Paper 12-08, 1968.
3. IEEE Std. 756, 1984, "IEEE Trial - Use 20. A . Bassetto, J. Mak, "Analysis of the
Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Imnersed Degree of Polymerization of Paper S a y
Power Transformers Rated in Excess of ples from Service-Aged Transformers ,
100 MVA". Minutes of the 1990 Doble Client Confer-
4. IEC Publication 354, "Loading Guide for -, Doble Engineering Co., Watertown,
Oil-Immersed Power Transformers", Circu- MA.
lated under 6 months rule as 14 (Central 21. "Basic Research on Transformer Life
Office) 75/76-1990, to be published in Characteristics", EPRI Report EL-2622,
1991. September 1982. Published by the Elec-
5. J. Fabre, A. Pichon, "Deteriorating Pro- tric Power Research Institute, Palo
cesses and Products of Paper in Oil. Ap- Alto, CA.
plication to Transformers", CIGRE Paper 22 * "Basic Transformer Life Characteristics"
137, 1960. EPRI Report EL-2443, Vol. 1. June 1982,
6. D. H. Shroff, A. W. stannet, "A Review Published by the Electric Power Research
of Paper Aging in Power Transformers", Institute, Palo Alto, CA.
TEE Proceedinas Vol. 132, Pt. C, No. 6, 23. W. J. McNutt, G. H. Kaufman, "Evaluation
November 1985, pp 312-319. of a Functional Life Model for Power
7. W. Lampe, E. Spicar, "The Oxygen-Free Transformers", IEEE Transactions, Vol.
Transformer, Reduced Aging by Continuous PAS-102, May 1983, pp 1151-1152.
Degassing", CIGRE Paper 12-05, 1976.
8. U. P. Beavers, E. L. Rabb, J. C. Leslie, William J . McNutt (M'53-SM'62-F176) was born
"Permalex, A New Insulation System", in Philadelphia, PA in 1927. He received a
fEEE Transactions on PAS, April 1960, pp BSEE degree from Tufts College, Medford. MA
64-73. in 1950 and an MSEE degree from Illinois
9. V. U. Montsinger, "Loading Transformers In-stitute of Technology, Chicago, IL in
by Temperature", AIEE Transactions, Vol. 1952.
49, 1930, pp 776-792. For 35 years he was employed in the
10. F. H. Clark, "Pyrochemical Behavior of Power Transformer Department of the General
Cellulose Insulation", Electrical Fnai- Electric Company in various design and
neerinq, October 1935, pp 1088-1094. development engineering positions, the last
11. "Transformer Engineering", L. F. Blume, 20 years as Manager of Advance Development
et al., John Wiley & Sons, New York, Engineering. Since January 1987 he has been
1951, pp 275-281. President of Berkshire Transformer Consul-
12. T. W. Dakin, "Electrical Insulation De- tants, Inc.
terioration Treated as a Chemical Reac- Mr. McNutt has been active in the IEEE
tion Rate Phenomenon", AIEE Transactions Transformers Committee for many years 'and is
Vol. 66. 1947, pp 113-122. a past Chairman. He was the U.S.
13. ;. A. Sumner, 0. U. Stein, A. M. Lockie, Representa-tive to CIGRE SC-12 for 1 1 years.
Life Expectancy ff Oil-Immersed Insu- He is a Registered Professional Engineer in
lation Structures , AIEE Transactions, Massa-chusetts, and is a member of Tau Beta
Vol. 72, 1953. pp 924-930. Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and S i q a Xi.
14. J. 0 . Head, P. S. Gale, W. 0. Lawson,
"Effects of High Temperature and Elec-
tric Stress on the Degradation of Oil-
Filled Cable Insulation", Presented at
the 3rd International Conference on Df-
electric Materials, Measurements and Ap-
plications, September 1979, Birmingham,
Eng 1 and.
15. W. 0 . Lawson, U. A. Simnons, P. S . Gale,
"Thermal Aging of Cellulose Paper Insu-
lation". IEEE Transactions on Electrical
Insulation. Vol. EI-12, No. 1, February,

DISCUSSION ing us how to better assess the condition of the cellulose insulation system
when actual sampling of the paper is not possible. Mr. McNutt indicated
that transformer aging is not a uniform process. Changes in equipment and
MALCOLM V. THADEN system conditions, along with variations in thermal, moisture, and oxygen
Potomac Electric Power Company gradients within a transformer will all cause changes in the rate of insula-
1900 Pennsylvania Ave. N. w. tion aging. Doble is now involved in a study of the DP of in-service trans-
Washington, D. C. 20068
formers that includes collecting as much historical data as can be obtained.
Our instructions to those who might supply us with samples for testing are
Percent loss of life ( M F ) per day has to obtain paper from the top, middle, and bottom of both the high- and
been a useful parameter in establishing one low- voltage windings, as well as from one of the leads for each winding
of the limits to the calculations for when they are of the paper-wrapped type. There are at least two important
determining loading beyond nameplate. The reasons for taking samples from the winding bushing leads. The first is to
concept, however, of percent M F per day can see if some correlation exists between the data obtained for the leads and
be confusing to the typical user, since one that obtained for the windings of the same transformer. The second reason
must understand the meaning of a day as used is that it is easier (and less damaging) to obtain both outer wrap and inner
in this context, and the significance of the wrap samples of the leads. This allows for comparison of the paper most
percent value is not as meaningful as an exposed to the oil (outer wrap) and therefore higher oxygen and water
absolute or per unit value. content, with that which is subject to greater thermal stress (inner wrap).
The only test of this nature performed to date revealed that the outer wrap
For example, to understand the impact of
a MF/day value, such as .0369%, one must was the most aged with a DP value of 597 versus 696 for the inner wrap.
recognize that under the current loading Such differences may give us clues to the relative importance of the factors
guides a 65OC transformer continuously influencing the aging process. DP Measurements were made in accordance
operated at a llO°C hot spot has a calculated with IEC Publication 450.
life of 65,013 hours or 2709 days. .0369% of
2709 days is one day of this life. As
proposed by this paper, this day of life An example of differences between transformers can be seen by the DP
would be one per unit. Utility engineers are distribution given in Figure 1 which shows considerable variation in the
comfortable with per unit systems and paper aging.
quantifying life in terms of this reference
day should be readily understood. Cumulating
loss of life should also be simplified by Sample Location Transf. A Transf. B
summing the multiples of the per unit day
over time. Low-Voltage Winding Top 206: 318: 232 1015
Middle 975
per unit system would also provide the
Bottom 895
user with the flexibility to make changes in
the definition of absolute insulation life,
which may change as industry data is gathered Interwinding Insulation 875
and analyzed. High-Voltage Winding Top 910: 924 9 60
Middle 1025
Adoption of a per unit system and a new Bottom 1040
life curve that more accurately reflects the
observed life of power transformers should be Lead (Low Voltage) 635
a significant step toward the goal of being Lead (High Voltage) 854
able to evaluate remaining transformer life.
M a n u s c r i p t r e c e i v e d August 26, 1991. Average Degree Of Polymerization Of Paper Samples

It should be noted that the types of paper for the high- and low-voltage
winding in Transformer A were different. Upon further investigation into
S. H. Osborn, Jr. and P. J. Griffin (Doble Engineering Co.Watertown, the history of Transformer A the following was revealed:
MA). The information and ideas presented in Mr. McNutt’s extremely 1) The transformer was manufactured in 1951 and failed in 1978.
timely paper allow a better understanding and appreciation of that nebu-
lous phrase that we casually use - transformer insulation life. While the 2) The high-voltage winding and interwinding insulation was re-
impetus for this paper was directly related to the present Transformer placed in 1979.
Loading Guides promulgated by ANSI/IEEE, Mr. McNutt’s tutorial mate-
rial on the origin of the present formulas and rules relating to transformer 3) The low-voltage winding recently failed.
insulation aging rates is must reading for everyone concerned with deter-
mining the remaining life of aging transformers. The guidelines established Although there is no information as to insulation tests performed on the
for estimating insulation life affect manufacturers’ designs, utility loading low voltage winding in the late 1970’s when the HV winding was replaced,
practices, and expectations for replacement. Accurate estimation of insu- present data and operating history suggests that both windings should have
lation integrity may affect practical considerations, such as whether an old- been replaced in 1979. Further, if only the lead samples were used to as-
er transformer can be moved while retaining its electrical and mechanical sess the condition of the overall insulation in Transformer A or B, the
properties in a reliable condition. evaluation would be misleading. Transformer B was a 1982 RTE unit which
also failed in service in the past year. Clearly the more information that can
be obtained about the transformer history, the better the analysis and un-
In his paper, the author presents some data on the degree of polymeriza- derstanding of aging of the cellulose insulation.
tion (DP) of paper samples from service-aged transformers from different
sources. The results of these DP tests emphasize that besides thermal In just the last few months there has been considerably more interest in
stress, two other critical factors in reducing transformer insulation life are performing the DP tests on in-service and failed transformers. Samples
moisture and oxygen. When there is an excess of either (or both) the DP from over ten transformers have been tested and many more are expected
results will be reduced. Correlating DP with thermal stress and reliable this year. It is hoped that this experience will aid in our understanding of
measurements of water and oxygen content, could prove helpful in teach- transformer insulation life, and provide important empirical information
for the deliberations currently under way on revisions to the transformer Table A
loading guides. Camparlaon Between Service and
Calculated Life of Tranoformere
Manuscript received August 2 3 , 1991.


(%)** --- 6aC ---


1 182 39 2 130.8 77.3 40.4 21.7

McNutt is to be commended for this
2 198 24 4 65.4 33.6 17.6 9.4
excellent paper in whlch he puts forward a
new and more realistic approach to the
assessment of transformer insulation life. 3 228 41 4 --
56.9 29.2 15.3 8.2

Since I have been personally involved in 4 245 14 4 51.0 26.2 13.7 7.3
obtaining paper samples from power 5 12.7
transformers and voltage regulators for the 282 14 2 87.6 45.0 23.5
past five years to assess their solid
insulation aging, I had the opportunity to 6 304 23 2 81.1 41.7 21.8 11.7
analyze how the criteria proposed by Mr. 7 35.3 10.1 9.5 5.1
WcNutt correlated with such an information. 33 8 41 4

The transformers on CPFL’s system have 8 444 9 3 30.5 15.7 8.2 4.4
a 55% average winding rise insulation 9.4
system and are free-breathing. For this 9 448 9 5 18.3 4.9 2.6
type of insulation system, equation (2)
becomes : 10 500 22 2 39.2 20.2 10.5 5.7

x lo-.*’
Per Unit Life = 1.985 e*s*e*/l (1)
* DP of paper samples collected from the
PU Life = 1.00 for T = 368 K (95%) w 1 nd i ngs.

Though CPFL’s transformers are *3( Estimated average values

contaminated with excess of water, they are
not severely loaded. During the life of these
units, their hotteet-spot temperatures are, based on Flgure 3 of the paper. According to
on average, in the range 60-75.-C. The average Figure 3 , it take6 77 days for paper to reach
water content of the solid insulation was a DP of 2 0 0 , and 27 days for a DP of 4 5 0 . By
estimated based on the average water content dlvlding 27 by 7 7 , the multiplying factor is
of the oil. Table A shows a comparison approximately 0 . 3 5 . Then, the life in hours
between service and calculated life of was divided by 24 and 365 to be presented in
transformers. To facilitate the understanding years:
of how the transformer lives on Table A were
calculated a complete example will be given. 60% --> 4 5 8 , 4 5 3 x 0 . 3 5 / 2 4 x 365 r 1 8 . 3 Years
Unit no. 9 (Table A) had a DP of 448 and the 65-C --> 2 3 5 , 4 8 3 x 0 . 3 5 1 2 4 x 365 = 9 . 4 Years
estimated water content of its so id 70-C --> 1 2 3 , 3 0 3 x 0 . 3 5 / 2 4 x 365 = 4 . 9 Years
insulation was 5X. In accord with equat on 75-C --> 6 5 , 7 9 1 x 0 . 3 5 1 2 4 x 365 = 2 . 6 Years
( I ) , the PU Life for operation at 60-75.C 6:
All other examples mentioned in Table A
60-C --> 72.54 x PU Life at 95=C were calculated in the same way. The
65-C --> 37.26 x PU Life at 95°C calculated values which are closer to the
70eC --> 19.51 x PU Life at 95°C service years are underlined. When the
75-C --> 10.41 x PU Life at 95°C service years were between two calculated
values, the two limiting results were
The PU Life at 95-C for a unit to re ch underlined. The results obtained were very
200 DP, having 2X of water content in he interesting. They encourage the collection of
solid insulation and a hlqh oxygen level, is more data for a better assessment of the
1 5 , 8 0 0 hours (Table I 1 1 6f the-paper). This criteria proposed in the paper.
value was then multiplied by the above
temperature factors. As the estimated water Since these transformers were installed
content of the solid insulation was 5X, and at substations, it would be useful t o obtain
the rate of the thermal deterioration 1s data from transformers which have operated at
directly proportional to its water content, a more steady basis in terms of load and
the life was multiplied by 0 . 4 (2% divided by temperature. Data from generator transformers
5X) : installed at hydroelectric power plants would
be interesting.
60-C --> 72.54 x 15,800 x 0.4 = 450.453 hours
65pC --> 37.26 x 15,800 x 0 . 4 = 235,483 hours The assessment of thermally upgraded
70-C --> 19.51 x 15,800 x 0 . 4 = 123,303 hours paper would also be of great interest to
75-C --> 10.41 x 15,800 x 0 . 4 = 65,791 hours confirm whether, in practice, water and
oxygen would have the same effect on this
Finally, the life obtained was multiplied type of paper as they do on regular Kraft
by a factor for DP values different from 2 0 0 , paper.
Therefore, like Mr. McNutt, I also ture range which he believes to have existed.
encourage the collection of paper samples for Given the wide range of variables which can
running DP tests. The exchange of information occur in a transformer lifetime, I would not
among transformer operators worldwide would expect to find perfect correlation with any
be of great assistance. life measurement criteria, but even this gen-
eral correlation is encouraging. Mr. Basset-
to and I are of one mind with regard to the
value of accumulating more life consumption
data from service-aged transformers.
The Osborn and Griffen discussion provides
0. Compton, (Virginia Power, Richmond, VA): This is an excellent
more data on the degree of degradation in
tutorial on the subject and the author is to be congratulated for his concise,
service-aged transformers which give added
insight into the aging process. The fact
readable presentation. I have deep respect for his knowledge and ability. that, in some cases, presumably cooler in-
Is an attempt to develop another loss-of-life curve based on the operat- sulation shows greater aging than hotter
ing temperature for transformer insulation desirable? I think not. Previous
attempts were found to be faulty. The problem is our ignorance of the
insulation suggests that moisture can be an
transformer’s life span. I know of no other item of electrical equipment
equally significant variable as heat. Their
where engineers try to operate equipment based on a loss-of-insulation life
historical information on Transformer A in
parallel with the DP data is a unique contri-
Many of those making the early attempts had a limited knowledge of
bution, showing that DP is an excellent aging
transformer field operation. In the utility area, a transformer’s load (and
yardstick. Had i t been applied at the time
hence its temperature) is controlled not by the operator; but, by the
the HV windings were replaced, there would
customer’s load connected to the transformer. Usually the operator’s only
have been a clear indication of need to re-
choice is turning the transformer on or off. If it is turned on, revenue is
place the LV windings as well.
received; if it is turned off, no revenue is received. The choice is pretty
clear cut, especially when the operator realizes that even the most expert
It is if more than passing interest to note
engineers do not know how long a transformer will live under any given
that the original LV winding insulation in
load or temperature condition. It would appear that we should plan to Transformer A has reached a DP of 200 after
operate transformers to limit their hottest spot temperatures and forget
approximately 39 years of service aging. Re-
purported loss-of-life curves until we determine the real end-of-life crite- lating this to the prediction of Table I11
rion for the transformer.
for well dried insulation (0.5% moisture),
For several years, I have sought worldwide for data on power trans- namely 158,000 hours or 1 8 years, shows that
formers failing from overloading. No such information has been forthcom- i t has enjoyed 2 . 1 7 per unit life. Then ap-
ing. This is probably due to users following previous transformer loading plying Mr. Bassetto’s modified per unit life
guides and thereby operating transformers well below their capability. equation for non-thermally upgraded insula-
This may be considered laudable only if we ignore the fact that the loading tion to obtain the aging temperature required
guides make no attempt to get the maximum economic value from the to achieve this life, we find it to be 88°C.
transformer, The ultimate result is that the user usually imprudently This could be a very realistic average opera-
replaces the transformer too early and/or retires a completely usable unit. ting temperature for a generator transformer,
The author’s “Life Consumption Calculation” will probably result in a which I understand this to be.
“feel good” equation for engineers who may not realize that while it is I note with satisfaction the aged insulation
based on currently available information, it is not based on the ultimate data collection and analysis program indica-
life of any transformer. We do not know, nor can we accurately estimate ted in the Osborn/Griffen discussion. I com-
the life of the transformer. We just don’t have the information to select the mend them for their initiative and hope that
constants for an effective transformer life equation. readers of this publication will note and re-
It is my considered opinion that the proposed loading guide should spond to the insulation sampling directives
concentrate on tutorial material, good thermal transfer equations, and given, because the results of such a program
practical advice on limiting temperatures. The guide’s purpose is to can yield improved understanding of trans-
provide the transformer operator sufficient guidance to allow him to former insulation aging and life.
properly operate his transformers in a prudent, economic manner.
We should stay away from the loss-of-life equations of any sort until we It is interesting to compare the viewpoints
can accurately determine the end-of-life for transformers. If the present expressed in the Thaden and Compton discus-
insulation life curve has value for qualifying future materials, it should be sions. While one sees value in the per unit
retained in thermal evaluation publications; not in the proposed loading life assessment for load planning purposes,
guide. the other sees no need for any life consump-
tion calculation nor any meaning for the re-
Manuscript received August 12, 1991. sult. This latter viewpoint may be the con-
sequence of prolonged use of an unrealistic
life definition based on 50% retained tensile
strength. When that “end point” was reached,
the transformer was still fully functional
WILLIAM J. McNUTT: I appreciate the interest and continued in operation. I agree with Mr.
which the discussers have shown in the paper Compton that we cannot accurately estimate
and I thank them for the added value each has the life of a transformer, but I believe we
contributed to my subject. can assess when the insulation in the trans-
former has lost its useful mechanical proper-
Mr. Bassetto’s discussion adds some very wel- ties and is vulnerable to failure. I further
come quantitative data regarding life con- believe that that time is well past the 50%
sumption for in-service transformers. His retained tensile age.
approach to using the proposed life consump-
tion measurement criteria is very clever and In closing, I would like to again thank the
produces interesting results. I interpret discussers for their contributions and the
his Table A to indicate that application of valuable different perspectives they bring to
the relationships given in the paper .yields this subject.
results which would justify the measured DP
values for operation in the 60-75OC tempera- Manuscript received October 17, 1991.

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