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1. Aloof – detached; without participation

2. Belittler–considers or speaks of (sb/sth) as less valuable or important

than it really is

3. Back-stabber – says harmful things about you in your absence

4. Bootlicker, servile, sycophant, fawning, grovelling –praises people in

authority usually in order to get some advantage from them

5. Chivalrous / gallant –extraaa polite & kind towards women

6. Clairvoyant – has the ability/power to see future events

7. Didactic – intended to teach; telling people what to do (u should / must)

8. Fickle – changes their opinion/ mind / feelings suddenly; a person with

unsteady mind; capricious

9. Fussy / finicky / punctilious – not easily satisfied

10.Garrulous – talkative; loquacious

11.Gossipmonger (UK) –enjoys talking about other people & their private

12.Gourmand –enjoys eating large amounts of food

13.Hard task master –gives others a lot of work to do

14.Haughty / supercilious – unfriendly & seeming to consider yourself

better than other people

15.Hypochondriac – continually worries about their health without any


16.Lazybones – someone who is lazy

17.Micro-manager – to control every part of a situation, even small details

18.Martinet – a strict disciplinarian; someone who demands that rules &

orders always be obeyed

19.Nosy – interfering

20.Opportunist – tries to get an advantage in every situation

21.Parasite – a person who relies on or benefits from other ppl& gives

nothing back

22.Parsimonious – not willing to spend money or give sth; stingy; niggardly

23.Perfectionist –wants everything to be perfect & demands the highest

standards possible

24.Pushy – trying too hard to persuade someone to do something

25.Rabble-rouser – makes speeches that make people excited or angry

26.Reticent – unwilling to speak about their thoughts or feelings; shy

27.Sadist – obtains pleasure by hurting another person

28.Sociable – friendly; likes to meet & spend time with other people

29.Tardy – late in arriving

30. Timorous / timid – nervous and lacking confidence

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