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GONZALES, Micah Abigail C.

GED104 – A9

In Lewis Wolpert’s statement in p. 1524, he meant that people do not know what the contrast

difference between science and technology. Science makes us generate ideas on what will happen in the

future. It will not do anything either good or bad to us until technology is going to involve in the


From what I have understood in the article, he meant that the scientists will have to conduct

their research accurately so that when they released it to the public, no one could make any negative

comments to the scientists on how their research was conducted. An example would be the vaccine for

the COVID-19 virus. The Pfizer-BioNtech brand has an efficacy rate of 95%. Naturally, scientists have did

countless times of experiments to produce their best product. When it was released it to the public, it

made the people have positive thoughts and trust the scientists.

The ethical issue within technology is that the sharing of private data inside an association

brings up the issue of whether the activity is good or improper. Organizations can gather data about

people utilizing PC programs and even utilize the data for their advantage without ethical quality. Data

situation empower individuals to control records inside a brief period, in this manner bringing up issues

on whether the data is certified or obscure.

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