The Outline of Research Proposal

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Short talk in presentation:

1. Greeting
Good afternoon

2. Expression of gratitude
Thanks for the chance/opportunity given to me to present my research proposal
entitles: ...................
Thanks for the chance/opportunity given to me to do presentation. Here I would like to
present my research proposal entitles: ....................................

3. Content:
1) The Background of Problem
The objective of teaching English as a foreign language is enables students to
communicate in English in real-life situations and understand the foreign culture.
However, based on my preliminary research the writer found that students ............
Ability/mastery is still low. They could not ............. the writer assume it happened
because ............ it is relevant with theory stated by ...................................
that ........................... Therefore, the writer want to know whether or not there is
correlation between ........... and ............(for correlation research), the writer want to
solve the problem by teaching ............... using (for expreimental research).

2) Identification of Problem
3) The Formulation of Problem
4) The objectives Research
5) The Hypotheses
6) The Methodology of Research
a. Method
b. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique
c. The Data Collecting Technique
d. Research Instrumentation
e. The Data Analysis
4. Closing:
Thank you for the attention and suggestions given to me. Good afternoon.

Arranged by: Franscy, M.Pd.


1. What is your research title?

2. Why do you choose the title? Or tell me the background of your research problem.
3. Mention the identification of problem of your research!
4. Mention the limitation of problem of your research!
5. Mention the formulation of problem of your research!
6. Mention the objectives of your research.
7. Mention the uses of your research?
8. Mention the frame of thinking of your research!
9. Mention the hypotheses of your research!
10. Mention your grand and minor theories that support your hypotheses!
11. What method will you use in conducting your research?
12. Mention the research procedure will you follow in conducting your research?
13. How many variables of research do you have? Mention them!
14. Mention the operational definitions of your variables!
15. How many populations of your research do you have?
16. How many samples of your research do you have?
17. What sampling technique will you use in collecting the data of your research? Why?
18. What data colleting techniques will you use in collecting the data of your research?
19. How will you judge the validity and the reliability of the data collecting techniques?
20. What statistical formula will you use in calculating the data of research?

Arranged by: Franscy, M.Pd.

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