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Assessment Task 2

Submitted by: -Spandan Dahal
Student ID: - S00256084

Opinion Editorial on some of the Major issues created by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 also know as the coronavirus has left the world hanging out from balance with its outbreak
from the city “Wuhan” located in China from December 2019. This virus has not only held back one
of the countries but the entire world. Millions of people have suffered from this virus and nearly
about million people have faced death. Although there has been still rise in the cases till date but
with the 29.9 Million cases 20.3 million people have recovered (COVID-19 pandemic data, 2020).

Each individual quest for back for the regard from the other individual whatever the capability both
have in them. The decency of their self makes a noteworthy issue in everybody's life and something
against their equalization may squeeze them hard back to front. Without a doubt the wonderful run;
treat others how you would have gotten a kick out of the chance to be overseen comes
enthusiastically at whatever bring up the individual sort their self-pride pride (Australian Catholic
University, 2016, section. 1.3.2). Covid-19 pandemic has not only made an effect on a single
person’s life, but it has created so many problems to all the people across the globe. Despite of
various problems created by the pandemic one major problem is not having appropriated supplies,
most emergency clinics are experiencing a shortage of free beds, defensive veils, purifying fluids and
even ECMO machines for patients with serious cases. Vanquishing this pandemic is
incomprehensible without joined and facilitated worldwide endeavours moulded by all nations of
the world.

Besides other problems created by the pandemic there are various social problems being seen in the
world. Police brutality, rising in level of domestic violence, business facing bankrupt, misinformation
about the pandemic in the community as well as the media are the peak problems going on locally
as well as globally. Police brutality is seen as one of the biggest problems in most of the countries
due to corona virus. It has come to a highlight that many police in different countries have seen
arresting thousand of people for the violation of lockdown measure. In some countries police are
using rubber bullets, tear gases and other sources of enforcement to make people in social
distancing. These have specially seen in poor neighbourhood people. This violence’s the common
good principles and social catholic teachings. Recently in Australia there had been a fight between
police and the people for having a barbecue party with their friends and family at there own
backyard without applying social distancing rules. A survey conducted by the Australian Institute of
Criminology revealed that 4.6 per cent of all women experienced physical or sexual violence from
the start of the pandemic (Galloway, 2020). Physical violence or sexual violence disrupts the golden
rule which states, "we must treat others the way they want to be treated "(Australian Catholic
University, 2016, section. 1.3.2). Similarly, 33 per cent of the women were the first timers who had
experienced physical or sexual violence from the break of the Covid-19 (Galloway, 2020).

Along with other problems bankruptcy in the businesses is one of the major problems being faced
due to covid-19 outbreak. With the lockdown protocols and social distancing measure the
businesses have got nearly an income of 0 percentage and forced to closed. This has let many
businesses facing bankrupt and forced to shut down. The pandemic has created misleading
information in the news as well as the community. Recently there was many trending news that had
let to misinformation about the cure of the virus for example people started saying that paracetamol
cure the virus.

In this critical situation the government must not unleash its full police force to the public rather
than support people and make them aware in following the rules and regulations of the pandemic.
Similarly, health workers must give their top priority for the people that have been suffered from the
pandemic and make their way of life easier in the hospitals.


Australian Catholic University. (2016). 1.3.2 Individual and Society UNCC100 Unit Materials.
Retrieved from
118b46d203d4/20/M2-IndividualAndSociety.html 2020. COVID-19 Pandemic Data. [online] Available at:


Galloway, A., 2020. Domestic Violence on The Rise During Pandemic. [online] The Sydney Morning
Herald. Available at: <

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