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The  3  Steps  to  Emotional  Success    
By  James  Dawborn  

1-­‐  Chapter  1  –  Step  1  –  Creating  a  Compelling  Vision    
2-­‐  Chapter  2  –  Step  2  –  Defining  Your  Identity  
3-­‐  Chapter  3  –  Step  3  -­‐  Challenging  Beliefs  
6-­‐  The  Next  Step  –  The  Key  to  Ever  lasting  Success.    
Hello   and   thank   you   so   much   for   taking   the   time   to   listen   to   my  
exclusive   audio   coaching   session   –   The   3   Steps   to   Emotional   Success,  
my   name   is   James   Dawborn   and   today   you   are   going   to   learn   3   of   the  
most  powerful  and  most  effective  steps  that  will  enhance  all  areas  of  
your  life.    
As   a   life   coach   and   expert   hypnotherapist   I   have   been   coaching   for  
over  a  decade  now  and  it  has  been  my  passion  to  find  the  techniques,  
exercises  and  strategies  that  can  help  make  the  difference  in  peoples  
I  have  found  that  in  a  world  of  uncertainty,  it  extremely  important  for  
us  to  have  an  understanding  of  who  we  are  and  what  we  value  in  life.  
Your   dreams,   your   desires   and   your   goals   all   play   apart   in   the  
questions  you  ask  and  decisions  you  make.    
If   you   want   to   unleash   the   amazing   power   within,   then   you   need   to  
find  an  effective  way  to  connect  with  your  subconscious  mind.  Once  
you   have   complete   alignment,   you   can   then   find   the   strength   to  
overcome   fear,   self-­‐doubt   and   the   negative   thinking   that   can   so  
quickly  fall  upon  you.    
We  all  have  memories  that  cause  us  pain  and  it  is  these  past  events  
that   then   develop   into   a   conflicting   belief,   which   without   warning,  
can  take  over  our  thoughts  and  our  feelings.    
It   has   been   through   my   own   research   that   I   have   found   that   one   of  
the  most  effective  ways  to  reach  emotional  freedom  is  to  search  deep  
within   our   mind   and   find   a   new   level   of   acceptance   and  
understanding  that  can  break  down  these  conflicts  that  hold  us  back  
from  total  abundance  and  fulfillment.    
Take   a   mental   note   of   this   –   The   fasted   way   to   improve   your  
emotional   strength   is   to   create   a   new   level   of   acceptance   into   your  
So  what  is  Emotional  Freedom?    
The   best   way   to   answer   that   is   to   ask   you   this   simple   but   meaningful  
question,  how  happy  are  you  in  your  life  today?    
Think   about   it,   what   is   it   you   need   in   order   to   feel   emotionally  
What   currently   drives   you   to   get   out   of   bed   every   morning?   Where    
does  your  passion  lie?  Do  you  feel  confused  and  frustrated  with  life?    
Has  something  happened  to  knock  you  off  your  chosen  path?    
To  get  the  best  from  these  questions  I  would  like  you  to  now  do  the  
following  as  we  look  at  each  area  of  your  life.    
Lets  take  relationships  as  the  first  one.  How  to  you  rate  the  love  and  
passion  you  have  right  now?   Whether  you  are  with  someone  or  not  I  
want  you  to  take  this  opportunity  to  think  about  how  happy  you  are  
within  this  area.    
Are   you   with   someone   at   the   moment   and   the   passion   has   gone?  
Maybe  you  are  scared  to  let  go  and  the  fear  of  being  alone  is  keeping  
you   together   but   the   relationship   is   causing   you   resentment   and  
It   is   important   to   be   open   and   honest   with   yourself,   if   you   begin   or  
continue   to   lie   about   how   you   really   feel,   you   will   end   up   focusing  
wasted   energy   on   a   journey   that   will   lead   to   more   pain   and  
Be   real   about   your   needs,   focus   on   prosperity   and   there   will   be   no  
reason   to   fear..   we   all   need   love   and   passion,   anyone   who   says  
otherwise  has  clearly  experienced  pain  in  the  past  and  has  created  a  
conflicting  belief  that   they  truly  believe  that   they  do  not  need  love  to  
be  happy.    
Well  I  will  be  the  first  to  stand  up  and  say  that  they  are  wrong,  you  
need   love   and   you   need   that   connection   not   only   with   yourself   but  
with  other  people  too.    
Love  and  passion  will  give  you  more  energy;  more  power  and  it  can  
give  you  a  sense  of  purpose  and  direction.    
Exercise   -­‐   Write   down   all   the   things   you   would   like   from   a  
relationship  and  remember  them.    
Lets   move   on   to   the   next,   how   are   your   finances   at   this   moment?   Are  
you   in   debt   or   are   you   financially   debt   free?   Most   of   us   would   like  
more   wealth   and   even   the   successful   people   in   this   world   want   more  
than   what   they   have   but   that’s   natural,   when   we   make   goals  
especially   relating   to   wealth   we   have   to   adopt   a   new   approach   to  
know   that   as   soon   as   that   goal   is   reached,   we   should   have   another   to  
set  in  its  place,  other  wise  our  momentum  is  knocked  and  we  can  find  
ourselves  taking  a  step  back.    
Exercise  –    
Take  some  time  now  just  to  think  about  what  wealth  means  to  you,  
perhaps   it   is   not   that   important   in   your   life   and   you   find   fulfillment  
comes  to  you  on  a  more  spiritual  level.    
Whatever  your  priorities  are  this  is  all  about  what  you  want  and  it  is  
extremely  important  to  know  that  living  someone  else’s  dreams  will  
never  make  you  happy,  this  have  to  be  what  you  want  and  not  what  
others  want  for  you.    
Once  you  have  done  that  I  now  want  you  to  take  a  look  at  your  self-­‐
development,  how  fulfilled  are  you  with  your  own  happiness,  do  you  
have   any   fears   that   are   holding   you   back   from   taking   action?   Are   you  
a  confident  person  or  do  you  lack  self-­‐esteem?    
What   is   it   you   would   like   to   challenge   about   yourself   to   help   you  
grow   and   become   a   better   person?   Has   something   or   someone  
knocked   your   own   self-­‐confidence   and   you   constantly   doubt   your  
ability  to  be  successful  and  happy?  
If   so   then   this   is   an   area   we   need   to   improve   upon   and   face   up   to  
these   conflicts   head   on,   which   is   what   these   3   steps   are   going   to   help  
you  to  achieve.    
Exercise  –    
Write   down   all   the   things   you   would   like   to   learn   to   help   you   grow  
and  boost  your  knowledge.    It  can  be  anything  from  improving  your  
career,  to  learning  more  skills.  Be  creative  and  think  outside  the  box.    
I   hope   so   far   you   can   begin   to   see   that   emotional   Freedom   can  
therefore   mean   different   things   to   us   all   and   with   that   in   mind   I  
would   like   you   to   write   down   in   your   notebook   or   journal   the  
‘Emotional  Freedom  means  ….  ‘  and  then  fill  in  the  gap,  what  does  it  
mean   to   you,   what   do   you   want   from   the   universe   and   from   life?  
What  will  make  you  fulfilled?    
Whether  it  be  more  wealth,  a  healthier  lifestyle,  a  better  body,  more  
confidence,  a  passionate  relationship,  whatever  it  is  write  them  down  
and  explain  briefly  why  it  will  make  you  happy.  
I  believe  that  our  actions  come  from  3  influential  factors,  the  first  is  
the   environment   we   live   in,   it   includes   what   is   around   us   and   what   is  
in   the   media,   we   need   to   be   aware   of   the   people   we   associate   with  
and  how  they  effect  our  thoughts  and  feelings.  
Think  about  your  social  and  business  network,  do  you  know  anyone  
who   easily   becomes   negative   at   every   sign   of   trouble?   Do   you   have  
friends   that   are   supportive   and   will   respect   all   your   decisions?   It   is  
very  important  to  make  sure  you  are  in  the  right  surroundings  as  you  
focus  on  turning  your  dreams  into  reality.    
The  second  is  our  expectations,  this  relates  to  what  we  demand  of  not  
only  ourselves  but  of  the  people  around  us,  do  you  expect  too  much  
and  find  yourself  feeling  even  more  frustrated  because  it  seems  like  
no  one  is  listening  to  you?  If  so  then  you  need  to  think  about  the  rules  
you  have  for  your  life.    
It   is   your   expectations   that   will   affect   the   questions   you   ask   so   be  
mindful   of   the   rules   you   set,   at   the   end   of   the   day   you   want   to   win  
this  game  called  life  not  lose.    
The  third  influential  factor  is  our  experiences,  I  have  already  spoken  
about   how   our   memories   can   cause   us   pain   but   they   form   the  
foundations   of   where   our   beliefs   sit   upon   and   if   you   have   a   few  
painful   memories,   they   can   be   enough   to   cloud   your   thoughts   with  
fear  and  anxiety.    
Your   beliefs   steer   your   actions   so   you   need   to   have   a   set   of   beliefs  
that  will  work  for  you  and  not  against  you.    
So  how  is  this  handbook  going  to  help  you?  Well  from  all  the  clients  
that   I   coach   as   well   as   all   the   transformations   that   I   see   it   became  
clear  that  there  were  3  key  steps  that  needed  to  be  taken  if  someone  
was  to  begin  their  journey  to  emotional  abundance.    
It  is  these  3  steps  that  I  am  going  to  share  with  you  today  and  when  
you  begin  to  apply  them  to  your  life,  you  will  find  the  inspiration  to  
boost  your  momentum  all  the  way  to  success.  ,    
This   in   turn   will   provide   you   with   new   opportunities   that   will  
present  themselves  at  your  door.    
Do  not  mistake  me  though,  this  is  not  an  easy  process,  I  am  not  here  
to  tell  you  that  tomorrow  morning  you  are  going  to  wake  up  and  the  
world  will  be  at  your  feet,  it  is  going  to  take  time,  it  is  going  to  take  
effort   and   it   is   going   to   be   a   new   commitment   from   yourself   to  
develop  a  brand  new  attitude  to  wanting  a  better  life.    
There   are   going   to   be   moments   still   to   come   where   you   will   doubt  
your  dreams,  where  you  will  end  up  questioning  your  purpose.  Fear  
will   creep   in   and   test   your   emotional   strength   and   you   will   be  
tempted   to   throw   in   the   towel   and   go   back   to   your   comfort   zone.   but  
this   is   all   part   of   life’s   test,   this   is   your   opportunity   to   prove   to  
yourself  that  you  can  do  this  and  that  anything  is  possible.    
You   have   the   strength   and   the   power   within   to   fight   fear,   you   have  
the   determination   to   break   down   any   emotional   barrier   that   stands  
in   your   way,   all   you   need   is   a   reason,   all   you   need   is   a   defining  
purpose  to  keep  you  focused  and  believe  me  when  you  begin  to  see  
the   possibilities   that   lie   ahead   for   you,   life   will   be   in   your   hands  
instead  of  you  falling  victim  to  your  mistakes.    
It   is   time   to   take   control,   it   is   time   to   turn   your   dreams   into   reality  
and  it  starts  with  Step  1  –  Building  a  Compelling  Vision.    
Step  1  –  Creating  A  Compelling  Vision.  
Without  a  vision  we  run  the  risk  of  our  dreams  remaining  a  distant  
thought  in  our  lives.  It  is  only  our  actions  that  can  help  these  dreams  
and  desires  become  real.    
Take  a  moment  right  now  to  think  about  the  vision  you  have  for  your  
life?  Could  it  be  better?  Do  you  know  what  your  purpose  is  or  are  you  
feeling  lost  and  confused  about  what  it  is  you  truly  want?    
To  help  I  would  like  you  to  take  5-­‐  10  minutes  and  think  about  all  the  
things  that  will  make  you  happy.  The  idea  of  this  exercise  is  to  help  
you  shift  your  focus,  giving  you  a  better  picture  of  your  dreams  and  
Your  vision  is  the  same  as  your  purpose,  but  with  that  you  need  to  
find  something  that  resonates  with  your  soul,  something  that  you  
know  deep  down  will  give  you  happiness  and  fulfillment  on  a  whole  
new  level.    
So  just  take  your  time  and  think  about  what  your  purpose  could  be.    
Do  you  have  a  vision  for  your  life  that  you  know  deep  down  will  
make  you  happy?  It  could  be  to  explore  the  world  and  all  the  cultures,  
it  could  be  to  start  your  own  business  and  be  financially  free,  it  could  
be  to  have  the  body  you  truly  deserve  and  lead  a  healthier  lifestyle.  
Whatever  it  is  just  know  that  you  have  greatness  within  you  to  push  
you  forward  when  you  need  it  the  most.    
If  you  take  a  look  at  some  of  the  most  successful  people  in  the  world  
you  will  see  that  they  each  have  a  purpose,  they  have  a  vision  for  how  
they  want  their  life  to  be  and  they  will  do  what  it  takes  to  make  sure  
they  are  living  that  vision  day  in  and  day  out.    
You  need  to  find  the  drive  and  the  reason  to  push  you  through  
whenever  it  gets  tough.  You  are  only  going  to  be  able  to  achieve  so  
much  within  your  comfort  zone  and  there  will  be  times  when  you  
will  have  to  jump  out  side  of  this  and  really  take  action.  The  only  way  
to  find  true  success  is  to  push  the  limits  and  test  your  own  ability  to  
deal  with  the  conflicts  of  your  past.    
So  far  in  the  introduction  we  spoke  about  looking  at  each  area  of  your  
life,  thinking  about  how  happy  you  were  and  which  ones  you  wished  
to  improve.    
What  I  would  like  you  to  do  next  is  to  create  a  vision  board  and  if  you  
are  not  quite  sure  what  one  is  then  it  is  simply  a  collage  of  pictures  of  
the  things  that  you  may  want  in  life.  It  can  be  anything,  it  could  be  
luxury  items  you  want  or  places  you  wish  to  go,  what  ever  it  is  
include  your  dreams  and  desires,  make  it  colorful  make  it  stand  out.    
The  idea  of  this  is  to  allow  you  to  have  a  visual  reminder  of  what  it  is  
you  want  in  life  so  every  time  something  happens  to  give  you  doubt  
you  can  look  at  the  board  and  refocus.  Life  will  give  you  what  you  ask  
of  it,  you  just  need  to  have  the  faith  in  who  you  are  and  what  you  
know  you  can  achieve.    
Take  your  time  with  your  vision  board,  it  will  be  a  project  that  will  
always  need  updating  but  it  is  a  fun  and  artistic  way  to  remind  
yourself  of  your  purpose  and  your  vision.    
I  want  to  make  it  clear  to  you  that  it  does  not  matter  where  you  are  in  
your  life,  it  does  not  matter  how  old  you  are,  where  you  are  from,  
what  your  past  is,  there  is  always  opportunities  to  grow  your  
mindset  and  learn  new  things.    
When  was  the  last  time  you  read  a  book?  What  was  it?  Did  it  help  you  
in  your  life?  Perhaps  you  are  creative  and  would  like  to  write  your  
own  novel  one-­‐day,  either  way  building  up  your  knowledge  is  the  
best  way  to  stay  ahead  in  the  game.  Entrepreneurs  feed  off  of  
knowledge,  they  use  it  to  effectively  plan  their  strategies  and  look  for  
opportunities  to  arise.      
It  might  be  useful  for  you  to  research  several  experts  in  the  areas  you  
wish  to  improve  in  and  look  at  how  they  found  success.  When  you  do  
this  I  want  you  to  think  about  the  following;    
What  struggles  did  they  embrace  during  their  journey  to  success?    
What  was  their  vision  and  purpose?    
Did  they  have  any  setbacks?    
What  key  fundamentals  do  you  think  they  possess  which  contributed  
towards  their  achievements?    
You  need  to  develop  the  same  mindset  and  you  need  to  strengthen  
the  walls  around  your  purpose.  This  is  essential  if  you  too  want  to  
take  all  areas  of  your  life  to  the  next  level.    
In  Step  2  we  are  going  to  look  at  your  identity  so  if  you  are  still  
struggling  to  find  a  purpose  then  this  will  help  you  as  you  understand  
your  strengths  and  your  weaknesses.    
Step  2  –  Defining  Your  Identity.    
Accepting  who  you  are  is  the  most  important  part  of  this  step.  You  
must  be  able  to  understand  your  strengths  and  use  them  to  the  best  
of  your  ability,  you  must  be  able  to  accept  and  challenge  your  
weaknesses  to  help  you  grow  and  expand  as  an  individual.    
What  are  you  doing  every  day  to  boost  your  confidence?    
What  are  you  doing  to  help  your  mind  grow?    
Do  you  even  use  your  strengths?  Do  you  know  what  they  are  or  have  
you  filled  your  life  doubt  and  fear  that  your  strengths  have  taken  the  
back  seat?    
It  is  time  to  step  up,  it  is  time  to  prove  to  yourself  that  you  can  
achieve  what  ever  you  set  your  mind  to,  this  is  your  life,  these  are  
your  dreams,  so  what  is  holding  you  back?  What  is  stopping  you  from  
taking  massive  action?    
These  are  the  questions  you  should  be  asking  yourself  and  filling  
your  mind  up  with  negativity  will  only  take  you  on  a  path  of  pain  and  
Break  free  from  this,  live  every  day  with  passion,  ignite  that  flame  
inside  of  you  and  do  what  it  takes  to  become  emotionally  free.  Your  
breakthrough  is  going  to  come  through  learning  and  understanding  
about  your  boundaries;  it  is  going  to  come  from  being  aware  of  your  
emotional  triggers.      
Take  a  moment  right  now  and  think  to  yourself,  what  triggers  do  you  
have?  What  makes  you  angry?  What  makes  you  sad?  What  makes  you  
happy  and  excited?    
We  all  respond  to  experiences  in  different  ways,  what  one  person  
could  find  funny,  another  could  find  insulting,  what  one  finds  loving,  
another  could  find  obsessive.  We  all  have  our  own  references  and  
each  one  is  tagged  with  a  past  experience  and  memory  that  we  attach  
an  emotional  response  to.    
Do  you  know  what  yours  are?  Think  about  it  when  was  the  last  time  
you  became  angry  at  something  that  didn’t  need  that  kind  of  
emotional  response.    
It  happens  and  unless  you  begin  to  understand  your  identity,  you  will  
end  up  going  through  life  feeling  confused  and  frustrated.    
Let  me  ask  you  this,  when  was  the  last  time  you  were  in  a  state  of  
complete  certainty?  When  you  had  absolute  confidence  and  
determination  flowing  through  your  mind  and  body?    
When  was  it?  How  long  ago  was  this  experience?  What  happened  for  
you  to  feel  this  way?  Take  a  few  moments  right  now  to  relive  this  
memory,  think  about  the  confidence  you  have  and  focus  on  what  is  
going  on  around  you.    
Regardless  of  how  long  ago  this  was,  this  is  a  significant  moment  in  
your  life  and  I  want  you  to  feel  as  you  did  back  then,  feel  that  
confidence  as  you  breathe  in  and  out.    
You  command  your  emotions,  you  give  yourself  these  references.  You  
can  recreate  these  feelings  as  and  when  you  wish  to,  all  you  have  to  
do  is  just  focus  and  remember  the  past  experiences  that  empower  
Lets  take  another  example,  when  was  the  last  time  you  took  time  out  
for  yourself  and  truly  relaxed?  And  when  I  say  relaxed  I  mean  
relaxed,  when  nothing  could  bother  you,  you  were  channeled,  
focused  and  you  had  complete  emotional  alignment  with  your  
conscious  and  subconscious  mind?    
If  you  lead  a  stressful  life  I  am  going  to  guess  that  answer  is  …  ‘A  very  
long  time  ago..’  so  long  that  you  have  probably  forgotten  what  it  feels  
like  to  have  a  moment  to  yourself,  am  I  right?    
Even  just  realizing  this  should  make  you  think  that  you  need  time  out  
for  yourself.  Think  about  it,  what  does  relax  you?  When  was  the  last  
time  you  felt  emotionally  at  peace?  Was  it  a  holiday?  Was  it  at  a  spa  
or  doing  exercise?    
Whatever  it  is,  think  about  how  you  can  attract  more  of  this  into  your  
current  situation.      
For  me,  there  is  nothing  more  soothing  than  being  at  the  beach,  I  love  
to  take  time  out  and  just  breathe  in  the  relaxing  views  as  I  listen  the  
waves  gently  crashing  against  the  warm  golden  sand.      
No  one  to  bother  you,  no  fear,  no  pain,  no  confusion,  just  pure  peace  
and  harmony.  Wow  makes  me  want  to  go  there  right  now.  Truly  
Did  you  know  that  In  fact  these  wonderful  memories  and  experiences  
are  only  a  thought  away  and  you  can  relive  these  feelings  as  and  
when  you  want,  all  you  have  to  do  is  close  your  eyes  and  remember!    
You  are  in  control  of  your  thoughts  and  feelings,  if  you  remember  
painful  experiences  then  you  can  do  the  same  for  positive  ones  as  
well,  you  just  need  to  attach  a  greater  desire  and  meaning  to  them.    
Remember  these  3  steps  are  not  over  night  successes,  they  are  little  
seeds  of  light  that  need  to  be  nurtured  and  watered  every  single  day  
and  when  they  are  ready  they  will  flower  into  something  spectacular.    
These  seeds  are  your  dreams  and  desires  but  you  have  to  feed  them  
and  help  them  grow,  no  one  else  is  going  to  do  it  for  you.    
Exercise  -­‐    
I  would  like  you  to  write  down  in  your  journal  a  list  of  your  strengths,  
they  can  be  anything  you  can  think  of,  they  can  be  skills,  assets,  
qualities,  anything  that  you  can  use  to  give  you  instant  power.    
To  help  you  think  I  will  give  you  3  of  my  own.    
I  am  determined  –  I  never  give  up  not  matter  how  hard  the  journey  
gets  and  I  always  go  back  to  my  purpose  no  matter  how  long  it  takes.    
I  have  my  qualifications  in  life  coaching  and  hypnotherapy,  these  
help  me  to  grow  my  knowledge  and  understanding  of  the  human  
mind  so  I  can  help  people  over  come  their  fears  and  conflicts.    
Finally  I  love  to  read,  this  helps  me  to  learn  new  things  that  can  help  
me  become  a  better  person,  I  thrive  off  of  knowledge  and  I  am  always  
interested  in  becoming  experienced  in  new  skills  to  help  boost  my  
These  are  just  three  of  my  qualities  and  skills  that  I  have  on  my  own  
list  of  strengths.  I  want  you  to  now  write  down  your  own  list  and  see  
how  many  you  come  up  with.  Think  about  how  it  is  a  strength  and  
how  it  can  help  you  in  your  life  today.    
When  you  have  done  that  I  would  like  you  to  do  the  same  and  focus  
on  your  weaknesses,  if  you  can  begin  to  work  towards  challenging  
them,  you  will  find  your  confidence  will  slowly  but  surely  improve  
and  your  comfort  levels  will  increase.    
We  need  to  do  what  we  can  when  we  can  so  your  giving  yourself  the  
best  chance  of  success.    
I  mean  tell  me  I  am  wrong,  you  do  want  success  don’t  you?  You  are  
listening  to  me  right  now  because  you  want  more  from  life,  am  I  
right?  Well  what  are  you  going  to  do  to  make  that  happen?  It  starts  
with  you  and  it  helps  to  have  a  powerful  set  of  strengths  to  aid  you  in  
your  quest  for  emotional  freedom.    
Now  other  than  defining  your  identity  the  most  powerful  and  
effective  way  to  get  instant  and  ever  lasting  success  is  to  overcome  
any  conflicting  beliefs  that  you  might  have.  This  is  where  step  3  
comes  into  play  and  is  by  far  is  the  most  rewarding.    
Step  3  –  Challenging  Your  Beliefs.    
Welcome  to  step  3  –  challenging  your  beliefs.    
We  have  mentioned  how  important  it  is  to  have  a  compelling  vision,  
we  now  know  how  effective  having  our  strengths  to  hand  is  for  
boosting  our  confidence  but  for  me  as  a  coach  the  only  powerful  way  
to  really  get  long  lasting  results  is  to  help  someone  change  their  
belief  system.    
If  you  can  challenge,  accept  and  overcome  your  limiting  beliefs  you  
will  have  power  and  energy  like  never  before,  I  have  seen  clients  
completely  change  their  thoughts  and  feelings  within  hours  and  they  
still  to  this  day  feel  amazing.    
I  will  share  with  you  an  example,  I  had  a  client  recently  who  had  a  
fear  of  death,  she  had  anxiety  almost  every  day  which  would  stop  her  
from  living  her  life,  she  felt  discomfort  and  pain  on  a  daily  basis  and  
she  could  never  relax  or  enjoy  herself.    
This  anxiety  was  stopping  her  from  living  and  for  the  last  16  years  it  
has  emotionally  crippled  her.    Within  2  hours  of  a  coaching  session  
with  me  I  got  to  the  route  of  the  issue  and  used  a  very  powerful  
technique,  which  helped  her  to  overcome  this  troubling  conflict  to  
the  extent  that  so  far  to  this  day  she  has  not  had  one  anxiety  attack.    
So  what  happened  within  her  mind  for  this  amazing  change  to  take  
Here  is  the  secret,  are  you  ready  for  this?  This  has  changed  thousands  
of  peoples  lives  and  I  want  it  to  help  yours  too..    
You  see  as  we  go  through  life  we  experience  events  that  can  happen  
beyond  our  control,  it  is  in  these  moments  that  we  attach  a  pain  or  
pleasure  association  depending  on  the  meaning  we  give  each  and  
every  event.    
It  only  needs  to  take  one  moment,  one  experience  to  create  a  belief,  
for  example  if  you  have  been  in  a  relationship  where  you  lost  trust  in  
someone,  you  are  likely  to  create  a  belief  that  future  partners  are  not  
to  be  trusted,  this  of  course  is  a  conflicting  belief  and  can  cause  you  
discomfort  and  fear  down  the  line.    
To  break  free  from  this  conflict  you  must  first  deal  with  the  route  of  
the  issue,  so  if  we  take  trust  as  an  example  you  have  to  first  instead  of  
pushing  the  memory  deep  down  inside,  deal  with  the  facts  of  what  
happened  and  understand  that  you  are  not  the  one  to  blame,  they  are  
the  one  who  made  the  decision  to  break  your  trust,  they  are  the  one  
who  did  not  respect  your  values  and  needs.    
Blaming  yourself  will  never  end  in  happiness,  all  it  will  do  is  create  
further  beliefs  that  you  do  not  deserve  fulfillment  and  success,  
therefore  starting  the  viscous  cycle  of  confusion,  anger,  resentment,  
fear,  pain  and  sadness  all  over  again.    
Changing  your  belief  system  will  give  you  much  more  drive  and  
determination,  it  recalibrates  your  way  of  thinking  and  your  mindset  
naturally  begins  to  balance  the  negative  thinking  to  a  more  positive  
vibe  as  you  accept  that  your  life  needs  to  be  full  of  more  joy,  passion  
and  happiness.    
The  confusion  and  heart  ache  we  experience  can  also  be  enough  to  
result  in  finding  emotional  distractions  and  what  I  mean  by  this  is  
reaching  out  for  temporary  from  of  control,  this  can  be  done  by  
picking  up  habits  or  addictions  to  things  like  alcohol  or  drugs.    
Comfort  eating  is  another  product  of  losing  control,  our  minds  reach  
out  for  something  to  give  us  pleasure  and  there  are  moments  when  
this  can  be  in  the  form  of  food.  It  is  the  pleasure  association  that  we  
place  with  food  at  the  time  of  eating  it  that  can  cause  us  even  more  
frustration  especially  when  the  guilt  suddenly  kicks  in  and  we  regret  
eating  that  slice  of  cake  or  bar  of  chocolate.    
What  I  want  you  to  do  is  realise  and  accept  the  fact  that  you  are  in  
control  of  your  life,  you  chose  the  meaning  that  you  give  
uncontrollable  events  and  you  ultimately  make  the  decisions  in  your  
life.  The  greatest  power  we  have  is  the  power  of  choice.    
You  can  decide  right  now  that  you  are  going  to  demand  more  from  
your  life,  no  one  is  going  to  stop  you  from  achieving  this,  not  even  
I  would  like  you  to  repeat  these  affirmations  after  me..    
‘I  have  outstanding  strength  within  me  to  achieve  emotional  success.’    
‘I  am  enough  to  make  my  life  a  success  and  I  intend  to  get  it.’    
My  dreams  and  desires  will  come  true  should  I  want  them  to,  now  is  
the  time  for  action.’    
I  would  like  you  to  repeat  these  every  morning,  every  time  you  wake  
up  I  want  you  to  shout  out  these  affirmations  and  when  you  do  I  want  
you  to  focus  on  what  they  mean  and  how  you  can  apply  it  to  your  life  
So  lets  recap  beliefs  to  make  sure  you  agree  and  follow  with  what  I  
am  saying  here,  we  all  have  memories  and  experiences  that  have  
caused  us  pain,  we  all  get  that  feeling  of  being  lost  and  confused  at  
times  and  when  this  happens  it  means  that  this  inner  conflict  that  we  
have  buried  deep  within  us  makes  an  appearance  to  remind  us  
emotionally  that  we  are  not  happy  and  something  needs  to  change.    
I  believe  that  if  your  not  happy  in  life,  then  your  simply  not  happy  
and  when  that  happens  you  need  to  make  a  clear  precise  plan  about  
what  you  are  going  to  do  to  change  things  around  and  transform  all  
areas  to  give  you  balance  once  more.    
For  this  steps  exercise  I  would  like  you  to  write  down  in  your  journal  
a  list  of  your  beliefs  that  both  empower  you  and  cause  you  conflict.    
With  the  beliefs  that  cause  you  conflict  I  would  like  you  to  look  at  
each  one  and  think  about  where  the  route  of  the  issue  lies.  Is  it  
possible  to  understand  the  conflict  in  a  different  way,  can  you  accept  
a  few  truths  about  what  happened  in  your  past  to  help  you  move  on  
and  focus  on  the  future?  
If  you  find  you  are  struggling  to  think  of  any  conflicting  beliefs,  think  
to  yourself  this.  Why  am  I  not  happy,  which  areas  of  my  life  do  I  want  
to  improve,  what  is  it  about  this  area  I  feel  down  about?  Is  there  a  
fear  lurking  around  that  needs  challenging?    
If  so,  where  has  this  fear  come  from,  what  have  I  experienced  in  my  
life  to  cause  me  pain  and  heartache?  Has  this  given  me  a  limiting  
belief  that  has  affected  most  if  not  all  of  the  decisions  in  my  life  that  
has  led  to  more  mistakes  and  failure?    
Remember  what  I  said  in  step  2,  be  truthful  to  yourself,  is  there  
anything  you  never  told  anyone  before?  Any  secrets  about  your  life  
that  has  caused  significant  pain?    
Your  subconscious  mind  will  then  do  the  work  and  you  can  then  
work  on  challenging  these  thoughts  and  feelings.  This  by  far  is  not  
going  to  easy  and  you  might  even  refuse  to  talk  about  it  but  think  
about  out  this:  
You  are  currently  unhappy  for  a  reason,  would  you  rather  live  in  the  
past  and  focus  on  pain  or  would  you  rather  decide  that  enough  is  
enough  and  the  need  for  success  and  happiness  out  ways  the  hard  
work  and  effort  needed  to  overcome  these  conflicting  beliefs  that  
have  been  holding  you  back  for  so  long.    
Ultimately  this  is  your  life,  you  have  the  power  of  choice,  so  stand  up  
tall,  make  a  statement  and  prove  to  yourself  you  have  the  right  stuff  
needed  to  make  a  difference.    
Trust  me  on  this,  once  you  begin  to  see  successes  not  matter  how  
small  and  no  matter  how  long  they  take  you  will  have  an  amazing  
feeling  come  over  you  that  will  give  you  the  spur  to  keep  going.    
I  dare  you  to  prove  me  wrong?    
Final  Thoughts.  
So  that  is  step  3  challenging  your  beliefs,  I  hope  now  you  begin  to  see  
how   it   is   possible   to   change   your   emotional   state   and   how   by  
creating   a   compelling   vision,   you   will   be   able   to   find   the   anchor   for  
your  thoughts  and  your  decisions.    
It   is   also   about   defining   your   identity   and   how   it   will   give   you   the  
strength  needed  to  pursue  your  dreams  and  your  desires.    
Remember,   the   answer   to   ever   lasting   success   is   the   ability   to  
challenge  and  overcome  your  conflicting  beliefs.    
So   what   is   next?   When   are   you   going   to   make   a   change   in   your  
circumstances?   I   hope   the   answer   I   am   hearing   right   now   is   NOW  
You   have   the   Power   to   command   your   thoughts,   you   have   the  
strength   to   demand   more   from   your   life   and   you   have   the   energy  
within  to  keep  you  focused  especially  through  the  tough  times.    
I  want  you  to  commit  to  a  life  of  daily  improvement  so  you  can  train  
your  mindset  to  live  emotionally  free..  
You  are  enough  to  turn  things  around,  you  are  enough  to  make  sure  
that  you  focus  on  prosperity  and  remember  don’t  let  your  dreams  
stay  a  distant  thought,  your  life  is  an  opportunity  to  make  a  
difference  and  take  all  your  desires  to  the  next  level.    
I   really   hope   you   have   enjoyed   this   audio   session   and   I   urge   you   to  
utilize  and  apply  the  exercises  we  went  through,  for  they  will  really  
help  you  on  this  road  to  success.    
Please  find  the  time  to  follow  me  on  Facebook    and  Twitter  and  I  look  
forward  to  hearing  from  you  soon.    
All  the  very  best    
Goodbye  for  now.    

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