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Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

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Research Paper

Personal and environmental drivers of resident participation in urban public T

woodland management – A longitudinal study
Hanna Forsa, , Björn Wiströma, Anders Busse Nielsenb

Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 66, SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Keywords: Woodlands are a core component of urban green infrastructure in terms of both ecosystem service provision and
Involvement areal cover, with particular relevance and potential for engaging citizens in co-management approaches. Despite
Green space management widespread agreement on the importance of user participation, there is still a lack of comprehensive knowledge
Co-management zones on the underlying drivers. Extending existing knowledge is important for efforts by local authorities to facilitate
and sustain participation. The present longitudinal mixed-method study investigated residents’ drivers for
participating in the management of urban woodland bordering their gardens in a so-called co‐management zone
in the Danish residential area Sletten, Holstebro. Repeated field surveys of physical signs of participation were
combined with a field survey of woodland vegetation characteristics and demographic data on residents. Mixed
generalised linear modelling was performed to identify the dominant personal, physical environmental and
social environmental variables explaining level of resident participation. The statistical analysis was com-
plemented by interviews with residents. Both personal and environmental drivers explained participation.
Interest in gardening, stand height and residents inspiring their neighbours helped explain participation in 2010,
while increase in participation between 2010 and 2015 was supported by forest edge type and length of re-
sidence. Thus, a stronger focus on the temporal dimension is recommended for future studies. Green space
managers wanting to facilitate co-management can encourage participation by identifying people interested in
gardening who inspire others, combined with strategic woodland vegetation design and management aimed at
increasing visual and physical accessibility, i.e. establishing one-step and semi-open forest edges and sufficient
tree height.

1. Introduction user participation is promoted worldwide and across multiple phases of

green space planning and management. Factors contributing to this
As a consequence of sprawling post-industrial cities, woodlands development are the Local Agenda 21 Action Plan (UNCED, 1992), the
have become a core component of urban green infrastructure in terms European Landscape Convention (Council of Europe, 2000) and the
of both ecosystem service provision and areal cover (e.g. Haase et al., EU’s Aarhus Convention (Stec, Casey-Lefkowitz, & Jendrośka, 2000), all
2016; Nielsen, Hedblom, Olafsson, & Wiström, 2017). That urban of which aim to involve citizens more closely in decisions regarding the
woodland has particular relevance for participatory management ap- local places and services they use. User participation in public green
proaches is e.g. visible in UK forest strategies and policies, where space management (e.g. through communal urban gardening) may
community woodlands are encouraged, being seen as a way to deliver a enhance the cultural ecosystem services provided by public green
wide range of benefits to users (e.g. community cohesion) and bio- spaces (Middle et al., 2014; Van der Jagt et al., 2017). Encouraging
physical qualities (e.g. increased woodland biodiversity) (Lawrence & organised and confined participation could potentially also be a way of
Ambrose-Oji, 2015). However, since the many studies evaluating preventing undesirable residential encroachment into urban wood-
community forestry cases in the UK predominantly have focused on lands, such as those observed in Canada by McWilliam, Brown, Eagles,
biophysical output, e.g. number of planted trees, there is still little and Seasons (2014). However, despite widespread agreement on the
empirical evidence of community empowerment or meaningful parti- importance of participation and its potential benefits, there is still a lack
cipation in decision-making (Lawrence & Ambrose-Oji, 2015). Today, of knowledge on how to facilitate co-management processes (Enengel,

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H. Fors), (B. Wiström), (A.B. Nielsen).
Received 19 March 2018; Received in revised form 28 January 2019; Accepted 8 February 2019
0169-2046/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Penker, Muhar, & Williams, 2011). Therefore, the following description of drivers of user participation is
Here the term ‘co-management’ is used to describe the practice restricted to a selective review introducing the concepts and variables
whereby local authorities and residents manage the local landscape of relevance for studying the Sletten case.
jointly on the operational level, i.e. by maintaining and developing the
physical green space from day to day (Randrup & Persson, 2009). The
1.2.1. Physical environment
drivers of participation are important aspects of co-management. An
The affordance concept (Gibson, 1979) provides a frame for
understanding of these and how they affect participation is essential to
studying variables of the influence of the physical landscape in Lewin’s
facilitate and sustain participation (Measham & Barnett, 2008). Penner
equation. Affordances are physical features of the environment that
(2002) states that the factors making people choose to engage in vo-
make valued activities, such as co-management, possible for a person or
lunteerism differ from those that sustain their participation. This sug-
a user group. For example, distinctive properties such as access, secure
gest that longitudinal studies could provide insight into the dynamics of
perimeter fencing and the size and location of the area where user
drivers over time and ideally also identify both users’ key drivers for
participation takes place have been found to affect the level of com-
choosing to participate and drivers that sustain their participation. Yet
munity participation in the operational management of green commons
such longitudinal studies remain rare within the field of co-manage-
(Dennis & James, 2016). The key to understanding the affordance
ment of urban green spaces, and particularly urban woodlands. If the
concept is that it is relational and characterises the suitability of the
drivers of participation can be identified, the process can be designed in
environment for the observer, and thus depends on their motives and
such a way that inspires specific types of participation or reaches spe-
capabilities. This notion explains how properties of the physical land-
cific groups of citizens, which will ultimately result in better use of
scape can initiate actions such as co-management, so as to take ad-
public resources (e.g. money and property) and private resources (e.g.
vantage of the affordances of the landscape or to change the landscape
citizen’s time and local knowledge).
towards desired affordances (e.g. prune dense vegetation to improve
According to the psychologist Kurt Lewin (1936) famous and often-
visual and physical accessibility). The latter possibly explains why users
cited equation (B = f(P,E)), human behaviour (B), such as participation
participate in local green spaces that they find inaccessible or un-
in the co-management of urban green space, is the result of a combi-
nation of person (P) and environment (E), where environment com-
Empirical studies have confirmed that participants are often moti-
prises the properties of the physical and social environment. The person
vated by how the physical outcomes of their efforts are perceived, so
side of Lewin’s equation has been thoroughly investigated for the pre-
the characteristics of the physical environment play a role in retaining
diction of behaviour in general (i.e. not participation specifically),
people in local participation (Speller & Ravenscroft, 2005; Young,
whereas the environment part has been neglected, thereby disregarding
2011). In relation to this, good visual (i.e. at eye level) and physical
the interrelatedness of the two (Horstmann & Ziegler, 2016). A review
accessibility have been found to increase people’s recreational pre-
by Fors, Molin, Murphy, and Konijnendijk van den Bosch (2015)
ference for woodland use in several studies (e.g. review by Gundersen &
showed that this bias also emerges in studies of user participation in
Frivold, 2008). Visual accessibility was also found to be important by
public green spaces, most studies not assessing how the properties of
Jorgensen, Hitchmough, and Calvert (2002) in a study of perceived
the physical landscape influence participation, or how participation
safety and preference for woodland, among local residents in Sheffield,
may directly change (and benefit) urban green spaces. Therefore, little
UK, who perceived dense, shrubby woodland edges as less safe than
is known about the interaction of the physical landscape with the social
open edges. It is plausible that the association between these distinctive
environment and the personal motives driving co-management of local
woodland properties and perceived safety and preferences for wood-
landscapes. Consequently, possible changes in the influence of these
land also influences participation in co-management. A deeper under-
three groups of drivers over time on user participation in urban green
standing of, for example, the potential importance of tree height, forest
space management are also under-investigated. Together, this suggests
edge type and garden enclosure as drivers of residents’ participation is
a need for further studies of the components of Lewin’s equation within
needed, since these variables are likely to affect visual and physical
the specific behavioural context of co-management.
1.1. Aim and research questions
1.2.2. Social environment
The present article builds on a seven-year mixed-method study, The length and success of a participatory process can also be in-
where we applied Lewin’s equation on human behaviour as a theore- fluenced by several factors in the social environment, here defined as
tical lens for studying drivers of participation in the Danish residential influence from other people, both users and professionals. Several
area of Sletten, in Holstebro. In Sletten, individual households partici- studies have shown that changing municipal contact persons and am-
pate in diverse management of the edge zone of a public urban biguous communication structures may hinder participation in public
woodland, through a so-called co‐management zone. The aim of the green space management, whereas stable (green space) policies, clearly
study was to advance the knowledge on personal and environmental communicated long-term participation contracts and continuous com-
(distinguishing the social and physical environment) drivers of co- munication support and inspiration from green space managers support
management of public urban woodlands. The study was guided by the and sustain participation over time (Jones, 2002; Mathers, Dempsey, &
following research questions: Frøik Molin, 2015; Mattijssen et al., 2017; Young, 2011). Straka,
Marsinko, and Childers (2005) found, for example, that non-participa-
1. Which personal and environmental variables drive residents’ parti- tion in community forestry programmes is often rooted in a lack of
cipation in the co-management zone in Sletten, and how have they awareness of the possibility to participate.
changed over time? Residents can also influence each other’s participation. For example,
2. Which are the drivers of different types of participation, i.e. changes Mathers et al. (2015) identified social reasons, such as meeting new
to the physical environment, and do these change over time? people, as drivers of participation in green space management. In re-
lation to this, Jorgensen, Hitchmough, and Dunnett (2007) found that
1.2. Drivers of user participation signs of individual and collective care in the landscape contribute to
communal place identity. However, it is not known whether partici-
The literature on factors driving user participation is extensive, and pants (or non-participants) affect each other in other ways, for example,
participation in urban green spaces intertwines with issues of planning, by inspiring or discouraging next-door neighbours to participate, or
design, management and governance (Jansson & Lindgren, 2012). whether other social environment factors affect participation levels.

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

1.2.3. Drivers related to the person planting rows) and must be accessible to the public.
Turning to the person side of Lewin’s equation, Jorgensen et al. • Each household may choose whether, and to what extent, it wants to
(2007) found that people generally have a desire for orderly, well-kept participate in the section of woodland edge that borders its property
landscapes in their immediate residential environment, but also for (i.e. the width of its garden).
more nature-like areas nearby; the former partly explaining why re- • A minimum of 30% of the originally planted trees and shrubs
sidents participate in the management of green spaces to change its (planted with a spacing of 1.5 m × 1.5 m) must be retained.
affordances to better suit them. Similarly, a desire to improve one’s • Up to 40% of the trees may be replaced with other trees or shrubs.
neighbourhood or local green space has been identified as an important • Up to 30% of the trees may be replaced with herbaceous plants, etc.
driver for urban forestry volunteers and friends of parks groups • Weeding, pruning of trees and shrubs, removal of field layer vege-
(Mathers et al., 2015; Still & Gerhold, 1997). tation and other maintenance activities should respect and maintain
Furthermore, demographic variables have been found to influence a forest character.
participation; age in particular being well studied, although the find- • Establishment of permanent structures, such as sheds and green-
ings are not unequivocal. In a study in Philadelphia and New York City houses, is not permitted, nor is storage space for firewood, tools,
(US) by Still and Gerhold (1997), nearly half of urban forestry volun- garden compost, etc.
teers (43%) were aged 35–50 years. Similarly, Straka et al. (2005)
found that participants in urban and community forestry programmes The guideline document also provides inspiration in the form of a
in South Carolina (US) were younger than non-participants; most par- list of suitable woody plants, summer flowers, vegetables and woodland
ticipants being 30–49 years old. In contrast, the working population, i.e. herbs (see online supplementary material). Procedures for guideline
a group in the similar age span 18–65 years, participated less in such enforcement are not described; rather, residents are encouraged to
programmes than children, adolescents and elderly people, according to contact the local authority when in doubt about whether a specific
Wall, Straka, and Miller (2006). The age of participants was included in management action is allowed. Paper copies of the guidelines were
the present study, in order to provide more information on this vari- distributed to all residents and discussed at meetings late in the summer
able. of 2010 to which all residents were invited. Since then, manager pre-
sence in the neighbourhood and enforcement of the co-management
2. Materials and methods zone guidelines have been limited, and information on the co-man-
agement zone has not been distributed to newcomers. Participation in
2.1. The co-management zone in Sletten Sletten is organised as an ‘open co-governance arrangement’ (Arnouts,
van der Zouwen, & Arts, 2012), where involved actors mostly work
Housing in the Danish residential area of Sletten in Holstebro is individually and only occasionally collaborate, e.g. green space man-
integrated in a matrix of woodland and pastures. The woodland was agers marking trees that residents fell.
designed to be a ‘landscape laboratory’, i.e. an experimental urban
woodland in a local landscape context where innovative design and 2.2. Methods
management concepts are demonstrated and studied in full scale
(Tyrväinen, Gustavsson, Konijnendijk, & Ode, 2006). There are 201 In order to include the time aspect when exploring drivers, data
housing units in the woodland, arranged in eight so-called forest villages, were collected in field studies on three different occasions and com-
i.e. a group of houses centred around an elongated green space with plemented with resident interviews, the entire mixed-method study
private gardens in the back, facing towards the woodland. The wood- spanning seven years. In June and July 2010, the co-management zone
land was established in three phases, in parallel with residential bordering each individual household’s garden (n = 201) was surveyed
housing development during the years 1999–2004 (visible in Fig. 2). for physical signs of participation in woodland management. The type
Three widely differing afforestation models were implemented, one for of boundary between garden and co-management zone was also noted,
each phase, resulting in 52 stand types and a total of 85 tree and shrub and the character of the garden was assessed. This field survey was
species. Accordingly, the woodland varies markedly in appearance (e.g. guided by a template developed in dialogue with the green space
stand height, plant spacing, species composition and edge type), see managers responsible for the management of the woodland in Sletten,
online supplementary material for planting plans. In 2018, Holstebro ensuring that their knowledge and experiences were integrated. Field
municipality had 58,444 inhabitants and covered an area of notes were supported by photographic documentation of a selection of
801.55 km2. Sletten was established at the fringe of Holstebro city. residents’ management inputs and garden characteristics. The 2010
However, at the time of the study, the city had expanded even more field survey was conducted before the co-management zone was for-
towards east, making Sletten an unusually green residential district malised and guidelines distributed to all residents. In 2015, a post-
inside the urban body. formalisation field survey was conducted, using the same methodology
Early on, individual Sletten residents with gardens bordering di- as in 2010.
rectly onto the afforested area on their own initiative started to weed A field survey of woodland vegetation characteristics was carried
around the planted seedlings or to grow flowers and vegetables at the out in 2013, i.e. between the field studies in 2010 and 2015. The
woodland edge. As the tree canopy closed in, residents started to prune growth of young trees and shrubs in the region has been reported to be
and thin among the trees, plant their own plants, provide nesting and approximately linear (Henriksen, 1988), which was confirmed by field
feeding boxes for birds, hang up hammocks, put out garden furniture, observations and photos. Thus, the vegetation data provided an in-
and make trails or huts for play, etc. dication of characteristics and stand height for 2010 and 2015. Forest
These activities were encouraged by the municipal green space edge types were considered to be more or less stable over the timespan
manager at the time, who often visited the neighbourhood and had led studied, based on previous studies on forest edges in the same ecoregion
the novel woodland development in collaboration with a Swedish (Wiström & Nielsen, 2014; Wiström, Nielsen, Klobučar, & Klepec,
professor and now initiated a verbally communicated, unique co-man- 2015). This was verified by vegetation observations made during the
agement approach as response to resident initiatives. When he retired field survey of resident participation in 2015. As a supplement to the
in 2005, a local authority–resident communication “vacuum” ensued field survey data, demographic data on age of the residents in house-
until the new manager (appointed in 2008) formalised the approach as holds with a garden bordering the co-management zone were obtained
a ‘co-management zone’ in 2010, developing the following guidelines: from the local authority for 2010 and 2015. All data were compiled in
Microsoft Office Excel. The data variables are described in greater detail
• The co-management zone extends 4 m into the woodland (three below, sorted according to the response and explanatory variables

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Table 1
Summary of response and explanatory variables included in the analyses. Ordinal, binary and nominal variables are presented with frequencies for the different
categories. For binary variables, 0 corresponds to No and 1 to Yes.
Variable Variable category Variable type Data from % of 0 % of 1 % of 2 % of 3

Participation 2010 Response Binary Derived from field survey 2010 variables 59.20 40.80
Plant maintenance 2010 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 30.85 35.32 20.40 13.43
Plant establishment 2010 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 55.22 23.38 12.94 8.46
Function establishment 2010 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 48.26 30.35 12.94 8.46
Misuse 2010 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 10.45 81.59 6.97 1.00
Participation 2015 Response Binary Derived from field survey 2015 variables 35.32 64.68
Plant maintenance 2015 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 17.41 25.87 34.83 21.89
Plant establishment 2015 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 43.50 22.50 16.50 17.50
Function establishment 2015 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 36.82 34.83 19.90 8.46
Misuse 2015 Response Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 17.00 28.00 40.00 15.00
Stand height Physical environ. Continuous Vegetation survey 2013 Mean 4.83 m (SE = 0.161 m)
Forest edge type Physical environ. Nominal (3 levels) Vegetation survey 2013 Shrub 67.2%, Semi 19.4%, One-step 13.4%
Physically enclosed garden 2010 Physical environ. Binary Field survey 2010 68.16 31.84
Physically enclosed garden 2015 Physical environ. Binary Field survey 2010 63.00 37.00
Visually enclosed garden 2010 Physical environ. Binary Field survey 2015 84.08 15.92
Visually enclosed garden 2015 Physical environ. Binary Field survey 2015 87.50 12.50
Neighbour effect 2010 Social environ. Binary Derived from field survey 2010 variables 42.29 57.71
Neighbour effect 2015 Social environ. Binary Derived from field survey 2015 variables 17.91 82.09
New/same owner 2015 Social environ. Binary Derived from demographic data 2010 and 2015 86.80 13.20
Mean age per household 2010 Person Continuous Derived from demographic data 2010 Mean 42.1 yr (SE = 1.459 yr)
Mean age per household 2015 Person Continuous Derived from demographic data 2015 Mean 46.8 yr (SE = 1.491 yr)
Horticultural richness 2010 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 24.88 31.34 27.36 16.42
Minimalistic 2010 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 51.24 13.43 12.94 22.39
Order 2010 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 51.74 39.30 7.46 1.49
Play 2010 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2010 59.70 18.41 16.42 5.47
Horticultural richness 2015 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 22.73 17.68 32.32 27.27
Minimalistic 2015 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 59.09 8.59 14.14 18.18
Order 2015 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 69.70 21.21 7.58 1.52
Play 2015 Person Ordinal (4 levels) Field survey 2015 69.70 14.65 8.08 7.58

included in the statistical analysis (see also Table 1 for a summary of the representing limited, moderate and major input to the overall character
variables). of the co-management zone, respectively. As is typical in ‘expert as-
The statistical analysis of quantitative data was complemented with sessments’, the scores were determined by the three researchers car-
16 semi-structured interviews, conducted with Sletten residents in their rying out the field survey, who first made independent assessments and,
homes during four consecutive days in October 2017. Residents were if the assessments differed, discussed the score and cross-evaluated it
approached in each of the eight forest villages, in order to obtain an backwards, i.e. when necessary, the specific assessment was compared
even spatial distribution over the neighbourhood, and to capture po- with earlier border-line assessments.
tential local variations caused, for example, by differences in woodland Participation: Based on the assessment of the type and level of par-
attributes. Eventually, residents from one to three households from ticipation, the summarising binary variable ‘participation’ was created,
each forest village were interviewed. The number of family members at where 0 indicates no or limited participation, and 1 indicates moderate
home during the interviews varied between one and two. Because of or major participation. In other words, households that had obtained
this, some of the interviews were conducted with two family members scores of 2 or 3 in one or more of the positive types of participation, i.e.
in the household, resulting in 21 interviewees in all. The interviewees ‘plant maintenance’, ‘plant establishment’ and ‘function establishment’,
were between 31 and 79 years old, with a mean age of 55.1 years. were grouped as moderate and major participation (1), whereas
Interviews increased the construct validity of the study (Yin, 2009), households scoring 0 or 1 for all the positive types of participation were
since residents as key informants were asked about their opinions on grouped as no or limited participation (0). Misuse was excluded from
the importance of the drivers identified based on quantitative data, the summarising variable in order to differentiate it from the three
thereby reviewing the conclusions from the statistical analysis. potentially more conscious, constructive and desirable types of parti-
cipation. Thus, a household could, for example, participate moderately
2.3. Collected data through plant establishment, while also misusing the zone.

2.3.1. Response variables 2.3.2. Explanatory variables – physical environment characteristics

Type and level of participation: An assessment of the type and level of Stand height: The height (in metres) of eight randomly selected in-
participation was conducted based on observed traces of resident par- dividual trees in a representative part of each woodland stand outside
ticipation in the co-management zone. Four main types of resident the co-management zone, along the four different points of the compass
input were distinguished: (1) Plant maintenance (e.g. weeding, grass (two in each direction), was measured, and the mean height of the
mowing and tree pruning), (2) plant establishment (e.g. introduction of stand calculated.
vegetables, perennials, shrubs and trees), (3) function establishment Forest edge type: The forest edge of each stand was classified as one
(such as putting up bird boxes or garden furniture and play equipment) of the following types: (a) one-step forest edge; (b) shrub forest edge; or
and (4) misuse (i.e. activities prohibited in the guidelines; e.g. not (c) semi-open forest edge with a mosaic of trees and shrubs (Fig. 1).
maintaining the forest character and keeping storage space in the Classification was supported by original planting plans, and participa-
woodland). For each household, the part of the co-management zone tion in the forest edge was disregarded in cases when this had occurred.
bordering the garden was given a separate ordinal score for each of the Physically/visually enclosed garden: The boundary chosen by re-
four types of input: 0 indicating absence of the aspect, and 1, 2 and 3 sidents between their garden and the co-management zone was

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Garden character: Four basic garden owner characters identified in

other studies were used as a framework for aspects to be included in the
field survey, distinguishing gardens where:

A. owners have created horticultural richness by growing vegetables,

fruit trees and/or shrubs, or planted colourful arrangements of
flowers, ornamental trees and shrubs (Van den Berg & van Winsum-
Westra, 2010);
B. avoidance of laborious elements have resulted in rather minimalistic
gardens dominated by lawns, and limited in content and plant di-
versity (Marckmann, 2005);
C. a high need for order and the perception that free-growing plants are
disorganised have resulted in a rather static and controlled garden
appearance (Marckmann, 2005); and
D. the focus is on children’s play; for many families with young chil-
dren, the garden’s main function is as a play area, and is dominated
by different play elements (Jansson & Persson, 2010).

Most gardens are combinations of the different characters described

above (Marckmann, 2005), and thus individual gardens in Sletten were
given a separate ordinal score for each of the following aspects: (A)
horticultural richness, (B) minimalism, (C) order and (D) play. A four-
point ordinal scale was developed, where 0 indicates absence of the
character, 1 a minor contribution to the overall character, 2 a moderate
contribution, and 3 that it is the dominating character of the garden.
The garden character levels were determined as an expert assessment
by the researchers carrying out the field survey, following a similar
process to that in the determination of participation levels described

2.4. Data analysis

Fig. 1. Forest edge types: (a) one-step forest edge; (b) shrub forest edge, where
All statistical analyses were performed in SAS 9.4, using mixed
the field survey distinguished shrub forest edge without canopy dripline, shrub
generalised linear modelling in PROC GLIMMIX with cumulative logit
zone inside canopy dripline, and shrub zone outside canopy dripline; (c) semi-
link function for ordinal responses and logit link function for binary
open forest edge with a mosaic of trees and shrubs. In plan view, circles re-
present trees and grey-coloured plants represent shrubs. variables, using the Laplace likelihood approximation to allow com-
parison using an information criterion. To incorporate the aspects of
change and interrelations, analyses were performed separately for
classified into the two explanatory variables ‘physically enclosed
participation in 2010 and in 2015, and the change between 2010 and
garden’ and ‘visually enclosed garden’, based on Robinson (2004). In a
2015. The change between 2010 and 2015 was modelled by including
physically enclosed space, vegetation is well below average eye level, but
the different participation levels from 2010 in the model of 2015 as
a low hedge or fence forms a barrier to movement, creating a clearly
baseline measures (see, e.g. Olsson, 2011). In order to test whether
defined and separate room, yet with an open prospect. The boundaries
different drivers of participation resulted in different types of partici-
of a physically and visually enclosed space, on the other hand, consist of
pation, separate models were constructed for the different specific types
impenetrable vegetation (hedge) to above eye level, resulting in a
of resident participation, i.e. ‘plant maintenance’, ‘plant establishment’,
completely separate room (Robinson, 2004).
‘function establishment’ and ‘misuse’, as response variables for 2010,
2015 and the change between them.
2.3.3. Explanatory variables – social environment characteristics The possibly explanatory variables listed in Table 1 were included in
Neighbour effect: The explanatory variable ‘neighbour effect’ was the model construction procedure for all analyses. The variable ‘new/
created to examine whether neighbours’ actions inspired or discouraged same owner 2015’ was not included in the analyses of the 2010 dataset.
participation, where 1 indicated that at least one next-door neighbour The model construction approach used was that different competitive
participated positively in the co-management zone, while 0 indicated models using manual stepwise selection with entry and removal level of
that none of the next-door neighbours participated. 0.05 were constructed and compared using the Bayesian information
New/same owner 2015: Length of residence could potentially influ- criterion (BIC), where a change of 2 was seen as a threshold for in-
ence the level of participation, not least because the co-management clusion of none significant variables (Raftery, 1995). The three different
zone guidelines have not been sent to residents who moved to Sletten woodland establishment phases were included as a random variable in
after 2010. This is a result of the local authorities’ attitude towards all models. Two different inclusion orders of variables were used,
participating residents, which is one of several possible social en- starting either with environmental variables or personal variables, re-
vironment factors that could influence participation. The variable ‘new/ flecting the theoretical two-sidedness of Lewin’s equation of human
same owner 2015’ was created, where 1 indicates a new owner at the behaviour. Additional models, using backward screening and a full
address, and 0 indicates the same owner as in 2010. saturated model (Raftery, 1995), were also constructed. When single
variables varied between the different models, hybrids between com-
2.3.4. Explanatory variables – personal characteristics of residents peting models were also constructed. Finally, the most parsimonious
Mean age per household: The age of all members of the individual model based on BIC (Raftery, 1995) was selected and odds ratios (ORs)
households, including children, were compiled into the explanatory and 95% Wald confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for this
variable ‘mean age per household’ which was included in the analysis. model.

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Fig. 2. Resident participation in 2010 and 2015. White shading indicates households with no or limited participation, while green shading indicates households with
moderate to major participation in the co-management zone. The coloured areas in the varied woodland correspond to 52 different types of vegetation. Based on
orthophoto, ®GST. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

3. Results value below 1 indicates a negative relationship, where the explanatory

variable decreases the probability of resident participation, while when
A comparison of the binary response variable ‘participation’ in 2010 the OR is greater than 1, a larger absolute value indicates a stronger
and in 2015 showed an increase in residents’ overall participation, from effect, and the explanatory variable indicates an increased probability
41% of all households in 2010 to 65% in 2015. A particularly large of participation (Table 3).
increase in participation was found in the newest, eastern part of the Variables associated with several types of participation provide
neighbourhood with the youngest woodland vegetation (Fig. 2). more explanation than variables only explaining a single type of par-
The mixed generalised linear modelling identified ten variables with ticipation. For this reason, only the main patterns of the analysis will be
a significant impact on overall resident participation, and/or a specific in focus in the following sections.
type of participation, and/or changes in participation between 2010
and 2015 (Table 2). Variables explaining participation were found in all
of the three groups Physical environment characteristics, Social environ- 3.1. Participation in 2010
ment characteristics and Personal characteristics of residents.
OR is a measure of effect size, describing the strength of the asso- Resident participation in 2010 was explained by three variables,
ciation between an explanatory variable and the response variable. A two of which increased the probability of resident participation. These
were households with gardens dominated by ‘garden character –

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Table 2
Overview of variables and their p-values included in the final models, explaining overall resident participation and specific types of participation in 2010 and 2015,
and the change between 2010 and 2015. The variable in italics had no significant impact in the modelling of resident participation.

horticultural richness’, i.e. a personal variable, and increasing ’stand with 2010. Furthermore, increases in overall participation, plant
height’, being a physical environment variable. ‘Visually enclosed maintenance and function establishment were supported by ‘garden
garden’, on the other hand, was associated with a lower probability of character – play’, which was also significant, but unordered, in its ef-
participation, i.e. a physical environment variable. fect. Lower ‘mean age per household’ helped explain the increases in
The variables ‘stand height’ and garden character ‘horticultural plant maintenance and misuse.
richness’ were positively associated with all specific types of partici-
pation in 2010, except misuse. Having a next-door neighbour who
3.4. Residents’ views on drivers of participation
participated in woodland management increased plant maintenance,
i.e. ‘neighbour effect’, whereas ‘visually enclosed garden’ was asso-
The results of the 16 resident interviews, summarised in Table 4,
ciated with a lower level of plant maintenance. Misuse in 2010 was
largely confirmed the importance of the drivers identified through
partly explained by ‘neighbour effect’, supplemented by ‘forest edge
statistical analysis. Interviewees are hereinafter referred to by ‘I’ for
type’ towards the garden, with a higher probability of misuse in the
interview, followed by a number, e.g. I14. All except one interviewee
one-step forest edges compared with shrub edges and semi-open edges.
thought that an interest in gardening could lead to participation in
Furthermore, the probability of misuse in 2010 was higher for house-
woodland management (i.e. garden character ‘horticultural richness’).
holds with a lower ‘mean age per household’.
A majority of the interviewees (14 out of 16) believed that residents
could inspire each other to participate and share ideas through their
3.2. Participation in 2015 own participation (i.e. ‘neighbour effect’). One of them found it difficult
to visualise participation ideas beforehand, and therefore needed in-
‘Stand height’ and garden character ‘horticultural richness’, vari- spiration, while her participating husband, who had an interest in
ables which were positively associated with overall participation in gardening, did not share that need (I2). Four of them reported having
2010, still helped explain participation in 2015. In addition, the phy- inspired other residents (I10, I11, I12, I16). Many interviewees (11 out
sical environmental variable ‘forest edge type’ mattered, with one-step of 16) thought that ‘tree height’ drove participation, but did not simply
edges and/or semi-open edges in relation to shrub forest edges being state “the taller the trees the better”. Rather, they were of the opinion
positively associated with overall participation and all specific types, that there was a lower threshold for tree height before it became in-
except function establishment. Lastly, households with a lower ‘mean teresting to participate (I9), and that the woodland had to be perceived
age per household’ increased the probability of misuse in 2015, but also as a “real forest” before being driven to participate (I8). They found a
of participation in plant maintenance and function establishment. woodland with taller trees more useful, while low, thicket-like wood-
land was deemed uninviting, messy and affording fewer activities (I3,
3.3. Change in drivers between 2010 and 2015 I4, I10, I16). Many interviewees (10 out of 16) thought that shrub
‘forest edges’ favoured less participation than one-step forest edges,
The models in Table 2 for 2010 and 2015 provide snapshots of the with the exception of two interviewees who thought the opposite,
participation drivers in 2010 and 2015. However, in order to explain considering shrubs easier to prune and in greater need of pruning than
the increase and changes in participation between 2010 and 2015, the trees (I10, I13). The results from interviews regarding length of re-
models on the far right of Table 2 are needed. The changes in all par- sidence were more ambiguous (i.e. ‘new/same owner 2015’). Some
ticipation types was consequently supported by ‘forest edge type’, with interviewees confirmed the findings of the statistical analysis, believing
a lower probability for participation in shrub forest edges than in one that newer residents did not participate due to a lack of information
step and/or semi-open edges. The changes in all participation types from the local authority (I3, I7, I14), and that long-term residents
except plant establishment were partly due to the variable ‘new/same participated more than newer ones, as they had followed the growth of
owner’, where the probability of resident participation was lower for the trees over the years (I1, I8, I11, I15). Regarding the interest that the
residents living at an address having a new owner in 2015 compared local authority had shown in Sletten, 10 out of 16 were of the opinion

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Table 3
Estimated parameter values for final models with standard errors in brackets, together with odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals, in brackets, below. Odds ratios
were modelled as the probability of ‘Yes’ (1) for the binary variables and as ‘Positive/Increasing rankings’ for ordinal variables. Variables in italics had no significant
impact in the modelling of resident participation. Categorical variables are compared against a reference level indicated by 0. Pairwise comparisons were also
performed for nominal categorical variables, where treatment levels that do not share a letter are significantly different from each other.
Explanatory variable Participation 2010 Plant maintenance 2010 Plant establishment 2010 Function establishment Misuse 2010

Stand height 0.2525 (0.1005) 0.2331 (0.0787) 0.2218 (0.0815) 0.2895 (0.07684)
1.287 (1.056–1.570) 1.263 (1.081–1.475) 1.248 (1.063–1.466) 1.336 (1.148–1.554)
Forest edge type One-step: 0 a
Semi: −1.3524 (0.6423)
0.259 (0.073–0.918) b
Shrub: −1.3177 (0.5441)
0.268 (0.092–0.783) b
Physically enclosed garden
Visually enclosed garden 1: −1.2457 (0.5289) 1: −0.8131 (0.4034)
0.288 (0.101–0.817) 0.443 (0.200–0.983)
Neighbour effect 1: 0.6691 (0.3060) 1: 1.0431 (0.4110)
1.953 (1.068–3.571) 2.838 (1.262–6.383)
Mean age per household −0.02086 (0.007594) −0.01813 (0.009597)
0.979 (0.965–0.994) 0.982 (0.964–1.001)
Garden character - horticultural 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0
richness 1: 0.4850 (0.4874) 1: 0.0293 (0.5787) 1: 0.5320 (0.4302) 1: −0.1801 (0.5716)
1.624 (0.621–4.247) 1.030 (0.329–3.225) 1.702 (0.729–3.977) 0.835 (0.270–2.579)
2: 1.0882 (0.4918) 2: 1.2653 (0.7099) 2: 1.1416 (0.4247) 2: 1.4023 (0.7373)
2.969 (1.125–7.832) 3.544 (0.874–14.380) 3.132 (1.355–7.237) 4.065 (0.949–17.404)
3: 2.1221 (0.5970) 3: 1.5853 (0.7656) 3: 2.2655 (0.5111) 3: 1.7150 (0.7931)
8.348 (2.572–27.102) 4.881 (1.078–22.101) 9.636 (3.517–26.405) 5.557 (1.162–26.56)
Garden character – minimalistic 0: 0 0: 0
1: 1.1104 (0.5430) 1: 1.0525 (0.5626)
3.036 (1.040–8.860) 2.865 (0.944–8.692)
2: 1.3421 (0.5683) 2: 1.5430 (0.6233)
3.827 (1.247–11.741) 4.679 (1.368–16.001)
3: 0.4440 (0.6871) 3: 0.7053 (0.6980)
1.559 (0.402–6.047) 2.024 (0.511–8.021)
Garden character - order
Garden character - play

Explanatory variable Participation 2015 Plant maintenance 2015 Plant establishment 2015 Function establishment Misuse 2015

Stand height 0.1767 (0.09805) 0.2136 (0.08012) 0.1467 (0.08271) 0.1397 (0.07658)
1.193 (0.983–1.448) 1.238 (1.057–1.450) 1.158 (0.984–1.363) 1.150 (0.989–1.337)
Forest edge type one step: 0 a one step: 0 a one step: 0 b One-step: 0 a
Semi: 0.7985 (1.0077) Semi: 0.1538 (0.7495) Semi: 1.9561 (0.7040) Semi: −1.0967 (0.4989)
2.222 (0.304–16.225) a 1.166 (0.266–5.118) a 7.072 (1.764–28.359) a 0.334 (0.125–0.894) b
Shrub: −1.353 (0.6617) Shrub: −1.223 (0.4899) Shrub: 0.3295 (0.4710) Shrub: −1.3397 (0.431)
0.258 (0.070–0.953) b 0.294 (0.112–0.774) b 1.390 (0.549–3.521) b 0.262 (0.112–0.613) b
Physically enclosed garden
Visually enclosed garden
Neighbour effect
Mean age per household −0.02256 (0.008625) −0.03393 (0.007815) −0.01807 (0.006639)
0.978 (0.961–0.994) 0.967 (0.952–0.982) 0.982 (0.969–0.995)
Garden character – horticultural 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0
richness 1: −0.01313 (0.5183) 1: −0.5338 (0.4406) 1: 0.4651 (0.4428) 1: −0.2875 (0.4542)
0.987 (0.355–2.744) 0.586 (0.246–1.399) 1.592 (0.665–3.814) 0.750 (0.306–1.838)
2: 0.3987 (0.4590) 2: 0.1553 (0.3833) 2: 0.1175 (0.3889) 2: 0.8104 (0.3828)
1.490 (0.602–3.685) 1.168 (0.548–2.488) 1.125 (0.522–2.422) 2.249 (1.057–4.786)
3: 1.0908 (0.5060) 3: 0.6483 (0.4233) 3: 1.9648 (0.4281) 3: 1.4650 (0.4347)
2.977 (1.097–8.078) 1.912 (0.829 4.409) 7.133 (3.065–16.600) 4.327 (1.835–10.203)
Garden character – minimalistic
Garden character – order
Garden character – play 0:
1: −0.3590 (0.4521)
0.698 (0.286–1.704)
2: 0.6498 (0.5827)
1.915 (0.606–6.047)
3: −1.4737 (0.5768)
0.229 (0.073–0.715)
New/same owner 2015 1: −1.1528 (0.5166) 1: −1.1738 (0.4683) 1: −0.7387 (0.3902)
0.316 (0.114–0.875) 0.309 (0.123–0.779) 0.478 (0.221–1.032)

(continued on next page)

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Table 3 (continued)

Explanatory variable Participation change Plant maintenance change Plant establishment change Function establishment Misuse change
2010–2015 2010–2015 2010–2015 change 2010–2015 2010–2015

Stand height
Forest edge type One-step: 0 a One-step: 0 a One-step: 0b One-step: 0 ab One-step: 0 a
Semi: 0.3198 (0.7647) Semi: −0.7083 (0.5270) Semi: 1.4834 (0.5146) Semi: 0.5436 (0.5145) Semi: −0.8771 (0.6382)
1.377 (0.305–6.224) a 0.492 (0.174–1.393) a 4.408 (1.597–12.165) a 1.722 (0.624–4.753) a 0.416 (0.118–1.465) ab
Shrub: −1.9732 (0.635) Shrub: −1.8989 (0.4629) Shrub: −0.0468 (0.4354) Shrub: −0.5118 (0.4355) Shrub: −1.058 (0.478)
0.139 (0.040–0.487) b 0.150 (0.060–0.373) b 0.954 (0.404–2.253) b 0.599 (0.254–1.415) b 0.347 (0.135–0.891) b
Physically enclosed garden
Visually enclosed garden 1: 0.8915 (0.4375)
2.439 (1.029–5.782)
Neighbour effect
Mean age per household −0.02390 (0.008722) −0.01616 (0.006919)
0.976 (0.960–0.993) 0.984 (0.971–0.997)
Garden character – 0: 0
horticultural richness 1: 0.8412 (0.4524)
2.319 (0.950–5.661)
2: 0.03566 (0.4031)
1.036 (0.468–2.296)
3: 1.3736 (0.4349)
3.950 (1.675–9.315)
Garden character – minimalistic
Garden character – order 0: 0
1: 0.7935 0.3525
2.211 (1.103–4.433)
2: 1.4982 0.5702
4.474 (1.452–13.783)
3: 0.08815 1.0702
1.092 (0.132–9.026)
Garden character – play 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0
1: −0.3919 (0.5463) 1: −0.1962 (0.4617) 1: 0.9889 (0.3977)
0.676 (0.230–1.985) 0.822 (0.330–2.044) 2.688 (1.227–5.892)
2: 1.0933 (0.7556) 2: 0.8238 (0.6073) 2: 1.0755 (0.5135)
2.984 (0.672–13.249) 2.279 (0.688–7.555) 2.931 (1.064–8.074)
3: −1.5996 (0.7024) 3: −1.8474 (0.5823) 3: −0.3285 (0.5444)
0.202 (0.051–0.807) 0.158 (0.050–0.497) 0.720 (0.246–2.108)
New/same owner 2015 1: −1.2741 (0.5516) 1: −0.9411 (0.4358) 1: −0.9337 (0.4625) 1: −0.7879 (0.4001)
0.280 (0.094–0.830) 0.390 (0.165–0.922) 0.393 (0.158–0.979) 0.455 (0.207–1.002)
Participation levels of 2010 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0 0: 0
1: 2.7178 (0.4655) 1: 0.8692 (0.3524) 1: 1.2361 (0.3382) 1: 1.4219 (0.3399) 1: 1.3297 (0.4676)
15.147 (6.046–37.942) 2.385 (1.190–4.781) 3.442 (1.766–6.709) 4.145 (2.120–8.106) 3.780 (1.502–9.509)
2: 2.4536 (0.4362) 2: 2.6480 (0.4750) 2: 3.2575 (0.4972) 2: 2.6550 (0.7412)
11.631 (4.918–27.508) 14.125 (5.533–36.060) 25.985 (9.742–69.309) 14.225 (3.295–61.402)
3: 2.9476 (0.5062) 3: 3.9788 (0.6918) 3: 3.4049 (0.5718) 3: 2.3517 (1.7519)
19.061 (7.019–51.764) 53.455 (13.65–209.28) 30.111 (9.744–93.051) 10.503 (0.331–333.128)

that providing residents with information and inspiration regarding the participants found it somewhat difficult to answer the question re-
co-management zone could affect participation. Two interviewees who garding drivers (I5, I6). In addition to the drivers identified through
had not experienced any interest on the part of the local authority statistical analysis, interviewees mentioned personality, interest in
consequently did not consider this a driver (I1, I2). Interviewed non- nature, and period in life and, related to this, the amount of energy,

Table 4
Interviewees’ views on the relevance of drivers for participation identified through statistical analysis.
Interview Gender (female/ Age (years) Length of Interest in Neighbour Tree Forest edge Length of Local authority/researchers
male) residence gardening effect height type residence showing interest

1 Female 74 From the start Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No

2 Female; Male 31; 33 2.5 years Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
3 Female; Male 45; 39 2 years Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
4 Female 44 From the start Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
5 Female 74 From the start Yes Yes – – – No
6 Male 79 From the start Yes Yes – Yes Yes –
7 Female 63 5 years Yes – No Yes Yes Yes
8 Female 46 From the start Yes Yes Yes – Yes No
9 Male 43 From the start Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
10 Female 47 10 years Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
11 Female; Male 63; 64 From the start Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
12 Male 75 12 years Yes Yes No – No Yes
13 Female 44 11 years Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
14 Female 64 From the start No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
15 Female; Male 69; 62 From the start Yes Yes Yes – Yes No
16 Female; Male 49; 50 From the start Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

Fig. 3. Example of resident participation in the co-management zone, where a transparent boundary between the garden and the woodland, combined with high tree
growth, supports extensive visual and physical accessibility, encouraging long-term residents to increase their participation between 2010 and 2015.

time and physical strength required for participation, as possible ad- did.
ditional drivers. Regarding the physical environment side of Lewin (1936) equation,
the fact that distinct woodland properties drive overall participation, all
4. Discussion positive participation types in 2010 and 2015 as well as change in
participation, suggests the concept of affordance (Gibson, 1979) as yet
The marked increase in residents’ participation in the co-manage- another lens for the interpretation of participation drivers. Residents in
ment zone between 2010 and 2015 suggests general appreciation of the Sletten have had – and still have – a rare opportunity to follow the
possibility to participate, driven by both personal and environmental growth and development of the neighbouring woodland, from its es-
variables. While this general result can be argued to ‘simply’ confirm tablishment between 1999 and 2004 and the gradual development of
Lewin’s equation for human behaviour, the main contribution of the stand height. Taller trees usually mean that an interior is created below
present study is rather knowledge on how development of driver the canopy. However, the finding that interviewees believed a wood-
composition has determined and changed type and extent of partici- land with taller trees to be more useful than lower woodland and
pation over time. This was made possible through the repeated field wanting a “real forest” before participating, suggests that the re-
surveys, which provided a rare opportunity for longitudinal compar- lationship between stand height and participation is not linear. Rather,
isons and interpretations. To the best of our knowledge, longitudinal it seems that trees need to reach a minimum height to afford partici-
observational studies of drivers of participation in green space man- pation, but once that threshold has been passed, other variables drive
agement are rare, and existing longitudinal studies tend to be retro- the change in participation between 2010 and 2015. Regarding the
spective (e.g. Mattijssen et al., 2017). The current literature is thus only development of drivers over time, the increase in overall participation,
helpful to a limited extent in understanding the increase in participa- from 41 to 65% between 2010 and 2015, and the change in all parti-
tion in the co-management zone in Sletten between 2010 and 2015. cipation types were supported by the forest edge type, where one-step
and semi-open forest edges provided visual and physical access. That
4.1. Drivers of participation and their development over time shrub edges hindered participation was confirmed by the results of the
interviews. One explanation of the importance of tree height and edge
Regarding the person side of Lewin’s equation, the strong relation- type as drivers of participation could be that the affordance of the
ship between horticultural richness and participation demonstrates that woodland edge zone for co-management “grew” in parallel with tree
the 41% of the households that participated in 2010 became first and shrub growth, or, more precisely, with increasing visual and phy-
movers, being mainly driven by their personal interest in gardening, sical accessibility associated with increasing tree height. Expressed
participating in places where the woodland had grown sufficiently high simply, participation seems to have been encouraged where residents
(i.e. driven by the physical environment variable ‘stand height’). could see the suitability of the zone for co-management and could enter
However, these residents were not only the first to participate, but their the zone physically (Fig. 3). The forest edges are more often semi-open
participation was also sustained over time. The fact that gardens in the newest, easternmost part of the neighbourhood, which makes
dominated by a ‘horticultural richness’ character were positively asso- forest edge type a valid explanation of the marked increase in partici-
ciated with all positive participation types in both 2010 and 2015 in- pation in this part of Sletten. Degree of visually and physically acces-
dicates that this group of residents not only participated in preserving sible woodland edges and interiors has also been found to positively
maintenance, but also in management, developing the woodland by influence recreational preferences for woodlands (see e.g. Gundersen &
adding plants and functions such as nesting and feeding boxed for birds, Frivold, 2008 for a review) and perceived safety of woodland
etc. at their own expense. Moreover, this, combined with the significant (Jorgensen et al., 2002). Thus, aesthetic merits and perceived safety
‘neighbour effect’ for plant maintenance 2010, indicates that these re- could be additional explanations of the increased levels of participation
sidents’ co-management actions inspired next-door neighbours to par- prompted by open stand and edge types.
ticipate, i.e. their actions changed the social environmental dimension In addition to the importance of forest edge type, there was a ten-
of Lewin’s equation. This interpretation is supported by statements from dency for residents who enclosed their gardens visually, for example, by
the interviewees, describing how they had inspired other residents. As planting a high hedge, to participate less than other residents in 2010
indicated by one interviewee, first movers did not need any inspiration (overall participation and plant maintenance) and they were also re-
to start participating, while residents lacking an interest in gardening sponsible for a degree of the increase in misuse between 2010 and

H. Fors, et al. Landscape and Urban Planning 186 (2019) 79–90

2015. Visually enclosed gardens obstruct residents’ views of the co- negligible and merits much more attention, as also suggested by Penner
management zone, disconnecting them visually from the woodland, (2002). We argue that this calls for re-focusing of research on partici-
thereby making them less likely to participate in its maintenance. This pation in urban green space management in favour of longitudinal
can be seen as an affirmation of the affordance of visual and physical studies. Second, most of the empirically substantiated knowledge tends
accessibility to the co-management zone as a driver of participation. to provide results and conclusions mainly for the person and social (in
One reason why visually enclosed gardens increased misuse could be particular governance aspects) dimensions of participation (e.g.
that residents with such gardens did not have to look at the rubbish or Mattijssen et al., 2017; Straka et al., 2005), thereby disregarding the
compost heaps they had dumped in the woodland, as they were hidden interrelatedness of the two as regards the physical environment. Sup-
behind the high hedges they had chosen to plant. In relation to this, the ported by Lewin’s equation of human behaviour, we propose broad-
association between one-step forest edges and increasing misuse of the ening future empirical studies to include all three dimensions on equal
co-management zone suggests that the visual and physical accessibility terms, and focusing specifically on how they interact and come together
afforded by this specific edge type increased not only positive partici- in driving participation in the co-management of urban woodlands (e.g.
pation, but also undesirable misuse. A Canadian study by McWilliam young and old woodlands) and in other types of green space across
et al. (2014) reported similar undesirable residential encroachment in various governance set-ups and sociodemographic groups.
urban woodland, despite strict municipal enforcement. This suggests
that the misuse observed in Sletten is not unique or provoked by the 4.3. Perspectives for practice
local authority’s permissive attitude, but simply a bad habit.
The increase in overall participation between 2010 and 2015, and The importance of both personal and environmental drivers iden-
the changes in all participation types except for plant establishment, tified here confirms that co-management of urban woodlands requires
were partly explained by new owners at certain addresses in 2015 green space managers to focus on both well-functioning communication
compared with 2010. Looking further into the social side of Lewin’s with users and conscious woodland design and management. Regarding
equation, findings by Mattijssen et al. (2017) suggest formalisation, for users, our findings suggest that green space managers wanting to fa-
example, the establishment of rules within the participant group, as cilitate co-management can benefit from identifying people interested
another key variable supporting and sustaining participation in public in gardening as important first movers who inspire others to participate.
green space management. In the same vein, the formalisation of the co- Regarding design and management, our results point to the extended
management zone and associated distribution of guidelines to all re- visual and physical accessibility associated with one-step and semi-open
sidents provide another plausible explanation of the increase in parti- forest edges alongside gardens and trees of a minimum height as dis-
cipation between 2010 and 2015. This interpretation is supported by tinctive woodland properties that stimulate co-management. As a de-
Straka et al. (2005), who found lack of awareness to be a variable ex- rivate of this, the development of dense shrub-dominated edges in
plaining non-participation in urban and community forestry pro- places where housing borders woodland of high conservational value
grammes. Interviewees said that guidelines were not distributed to could be a better nature-based alternative to limit residential en-
newcomers after 2010, and that long-term residents who had followed croachment, while simultaneously supporting important ecosystem
the growth of the woodland over the years participated more than services (e.g. Wiström et al., 2015), than fences and inspection roads, as
newer ones, which may be two reasons why newer residents were less suggested by McWilliam et al. (2014). Furthermore, the strategic
engaged in the co-management zone than those who lived in Sletten management models employed should incorporate changes over time in
also in 2010. both vegetation and participants. Some residents have a higher
Households with a lower mean age misused the woodland to a threshold for initiating participation than others, and some types of
higher degree than households with a higher mean age. Lower ‘mean environments are more difficult for people to engage in.
age per household’ also partly explained the increased resident parti-
cipation in plant maintenance in 2015. This could be because plant Acknowledgement
maintenance such as tree felling becomes too strenuous for older re-
sidents, as also mentioned by interviewees. Another reason could be the The authors wish to thank Märit Jansson for valuable comments on
increase in overall participation, plant maintenance and function es- the manuscript, Jan-Eric Englund for statistical advice, Stefan Darlan
tablishment in 2015 performed by residents with gardens characterised Boris for field assistance and Martin Meisler Elmholdt-Svendsen for
by play, i.e. mainly families with children and the associated lower practical assistance. This research was financially supported by a
mean age of the household. However, ‘mean age per household’ did not partnership project between Holstebro municipality and Movium,
influence overall participation levels, suggesting that other variables project no. 9112.
had a greater influence on participation. This interpretation is sup-
ported by the inconsistent age patterns of participants in urban and Appendix A. Supplementary material
community forestry found across other empirical studies (Still &
Gerhold, 1997; Straka et al., 2005; Wall et al., 2006). Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
4.2. Perspectives for future research
While this study presents a comprehensive picture of the drivers of
resident participation in public urban woodland management in the Arnouts, R., van der Zouwen, M., & Arts, B. (2012). Analysing governance modes and
Sletten neighbourhood, other drivers may have been overlooked. shifts – Governance arrangements in Dutch nature policy. Forest Policy and Economics,
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Moreover, the present study was confined to a specific landscape con- Council of Europe (2000). European landscape convention. Florence: Strasbourg: Council of
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