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Philippine Politics and Governance

Quarter 1 – Module 1
Concept, Relationship and Importance of
Politics, Governance and Government

Philippine Politics and Governance – Senior High School
Quarter 1– Module 1: Concept, Relationship and Importance of Politics, Governance
and Government

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Hendrissa Deblois-Sicad
Editors: Joel A. Agripa, Salve G. Olazo, Ross G. Gime, Noli C. Huet, Nicky H. Villa, Gladys
L. Canon, Jevilyn R. Jardin, Cristy L. Peňa, Joselito G. Gidoc, Jesus E. Escandor,
Eleonora F. Polo, Owen N. Castillo
Reviewer: Owen N. Castillo

Concept, Relationship and Importance of Politics, Governance and

This module was conceptualized to help you be familiar with the basic key concepts;
politics, governance and government. Discussions are carefully outlined and language are
made simpler for you to understand clearly the lessons. Also, this module covers relevant
activities anchored on the identified objectives to ensure clearer understanding on the given
concepts. Your participation in accomplishing this module is a pre- requisite for you to be able
to proceed to the next lesson.
The module is mainly focused on explaining the concept, relationship and importance
of politics, governance and government.


After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Define politics, governance and government.

2. Distinguish politics, governance and government; and

3. Explain the importance of politics, governance and government.

Vocabulary List

For you to have a better understanding of the lesson presented in this module, you
should be familiar with the following terms:

❑ ACCOUNTABLE -(of a person, organization, or institution) required or expected to

justify actions or decisions; responsible.
❑ AGGREGATE- form or group into a class or cluster.
❑ ARTICULATED- (of an idea or feeling) expressed; put into words.
❑ AUTHORITATIVE-commanding and self-confident; likely to be respected and
❑ CONVEY- to communicate or send a message.
❑ COMPLEMENTARY-combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the
qualities of each other or another.
❑ DISCERN- perceive or recognize (something).
❑ DISTINGUISH - differentiate
❑ DYNAMICS-The forces or properties which stimulate growth, development, or
change within a system or process.

❑ ETYMOLOGY - the study of the origin of words and the way in which their
meanings have changed throughout history.
❑ HIGHLIGHT -emphasize; underscore
❑ LAW – is a codified set of statement that guides the behavior of a certain group. In
including groups’ experience, however, this may include unwritten practices.
❑ LEADERSHIP-the action of leading a group of people or an organization.
❑ MECHANISM- the different ways of directly getting resources
❑ PARLANCE- a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way
common to those with a particular job or interest.
❑ POLITICS- activities associated with the governance of a country or other area.
❑ POWER-the ability to achieve a desired outcome in a relationship wherein a
group/person can impose its will over another
❑ RESPONSIBLE- having an obligation to do something, or having control over or
care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
❑ SEMINAL- (of a work, event, moment, or figure) strongly influencing later
❑ SOCIETY- the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered
❑ TOP-DOWN – a hierarchical structure or process that progresses from a large,
basic unit to a smaller one
❑ TRANSCEND-be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically
a conceptual field or division).

Are you ready to answer the activities prepared for you? Let us try to test your
knowledge about the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance and
government by answering the following statements.

Direction: Write T on the blank if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is
false and underline the word or phrase that makes the statement false.
_______ 1. Politics comes from the Greek work “politeia” or polis which means city or
from the Latin term implying government or citizenship.

_______ 2. Only government officials have the right to study politics.

_______ 3. The aim of studying politics is therefore, to regulate this struggle for power
among men in order to preserve “peace and order.”

_______ 4. The definitions of Easton and Lasswell on politics were articulated

differently but they are complementary to each other. Both of them outline the
dynamics of politics and help us understand that the ultimate and defining purpose of
politics is governing and making public policy.

________ 5. The Institute of Governance defines governance as the process whereby

societies or organizations make their important decisions, determine who has voice,
who is engaged in the process and how account is rendered.

_________6. In traditional parlance, government orchestrates and manages, but in
governance, it rules and controls.

_________ 7. Good governance creates a strong future for an organization by

continuously steering towards a vision and making sure that day-to-day management
is always lined up with organization’s goals.

_________8. Government is the political direction and control exercised over the
actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states;
direction of affairs of a state, community. It is also the exercise of control or authority
over a group of people.

________9. The exercise of authority is uppermost in government and remains

significance in governance but is no longer the single focus. This is because the power
in governance is not so much wielded as shared and authority is defined not so much by
control of the ruler as by the consent and participation of the governed.

_________10. Studying government is essential because it develops your ability to

solve problems and make good decisions when current events and social economic
issues affect you directly.

Learning Activities

Nowadays, our country is being confronted with pressing political issues.

These issues may affect country’s economic growth even national security.
Being aware of these issues will enlighten you and will help you understand
the country’s situation. This will lead you also to become responsive and contribute
something to address these issues.

Activity 1- WHAT’S IN
Direction: Take a look at the pictures below and try to describe the situations.

1. 2. Source:

__________________________ ____________________________

3. 4. 4.

Source: Source:

____________________________________ ________________________________

Process Questions:
1. Can you tell what are the issues being highlighted in the pictures?
2. What ideas do you think these pictures want to convey?

You did a great job on answering the pre-test and the first activity. We will now begin
to achieve the objectives of this module. To successfully attain the objectives, you need to
read, answer and finish the activities especially prepared for you. Good luck and enjoy!

Activity 2a: WHAT IS IT

Direction: Read carefully and understand the discussions below on the concepts,
relationship and importance of politics, governance and government.

Politics: Varying Definitions

Politics came from the Greek work “politeia” or polis which means city or from
the Latin term implying government or citizenship. In its entirety, it means people with
government as a society or community and the management of public affairs (p.1613
World Book Dictionary Vol.2,1996). Politics is a “power game” that is struggle for power
individually or collectively whereby he who is in power may force another to obey with
what he wanted him to.
Using the above-mentioned etymology of the word politics, we can discern that
politics refers to the government. This is probably the reason why some scholars
define politics as the art of government. In fact, most people would look at politics as
something that the government does. Whatever the government does and whatever
the people do in relation to government, that is politics. In addition, politics is both an
art and science of government encompassing the administration and control of its
internal and external affairs. Thus, the government is the one that is central to the
activity of politics. (Reference: Diana J. Mendoza, Ph.D. et al., Politics Without Borders:
Philippine Politics and Governance, page 9)
On the other hand, politics is not limited to the activity of the state and
government but extends to include other institutions within the society such as the
family, the church, and other parts of the society because politics is everywhere.

Politics as a field of study is but the study of man and his struggle for power
whether alone or alone with others. Politics is also a set of activities that are associated
with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals,
such as the distribution of resources or status.

Easton defined politics as “the authoritative allocation of values for a society”

(1953) and the study of politics as “ understanding how authoritative decisions are
made and executed for a society” (1957).
Lasswell (1936) described the study of politics as “who gets, what, when, and
how” which was also the same title of his seminal book, Politics: Who Gets, What,
When and How.
The definitions of Easton and Lasswell on politics were articulated differently
but they are complementary to each other. Both of them outline the dynamics of politics
and help us understand that the ultimate and defining purpose of politics is governing
and making public policy. (Reference: Paul Micah S. Francisco,, Philippine Politics
and Governance for Senior High School)

Connection to Governance
The term governance means the exercise of political, economic, and
administrative authority in the management of a country’s affairs at all levels. It is the
decision-making and the exercise of power and authority so that society is able to
manage its developmental processes and resolve social conflicts. Furthermore,
governance involves the establishment of policies, and continuous monitoring of their
regular implementation by the governing body of an organization. Mechanisms are
required to balance the powers of the members and enhance the prosperity and
viability of an organization.
Government is an institution run by or on behalf of the state delivering, in more
or less top-down fashion, like for example those public goods of which citizens are
presumed to need. Whereas, governance is a more complex process by which the
executive institutions-public and private, central and local-combine more or less
smoothly to deal with the demands of increasingly less deferential individuals and
“Governance”, therefore, not only encompasses but transcends the
government” have become an integral part of the meaning of “governance” while an
administration refers to the men and women behind the workings of the government.

Importance of the Study

The importance of the study is anchored on the fact that man by nature is a
“social animal”. In order for them to live, he must associate himself to people whom he

thinks would best serve his needs and interests. Thus, dominating others especially
inferior to them is an advantage. With this incorrect thinking, studying politics is
• The aim of the study is therefore, to regulate this struggle for power among men
in order to preserve “peace and order.”
• Politics helps you to know your rights.
• Politics helps you understand our nation’s parties.
• Decisions people make will affect many lives.

Governance: Varying Definitions

Governance refers to such activities of the government as an institution relative
to its management of the public affairs. The acts of governance are undertaken by the
Government which is the institution composed of people entrusted with the
management of public affairs. In laymen’s term, governance is the aggregate of
authorities which rule a society (US. Vs. Dorr, 2 Phil. 339).

Governance is:
1.The traditions and institutions by which authority in a country is exercised’-
Kaufman et al
2. The way “… power is exercised through a country’s economic, political
and social institutions.” The World Bank’s PRSF Handbook
3. “The sound exercise of political, economic and administrative authority
to manage a country’s resources for development. It involves the
institutionalization of a system through which citizens, institutions,
organizations, and groups in a society articulate their interests, exercise their
rights, and mediate their differences in pursuit of the collective good”
(Country Governance Assessment, 2005)
4. “The exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to
manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms,
processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate
their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and
mediate their differences.” UNDF
5. In governance, citizens are rightly concerned with a government’s
responsiveness to their needs and protection of their needs and protection
of their rights. In general, governance issues pertain to the ability of
government to develop an efficient, effective and accountable public
management process that is open to citizen participation and that
strengthens rather than weakens a democratic system of government.” The
USAID, Office of Democracy and Governance.
6. Refers to how any organization, including a nation, is run. It includes all
the processes, systems and controls that are used to safeguard and grow
assets.” (UNDF, 1997)
7. “The system, processes and procedures put in place to steer the
direction, management and accountability of an organization.” Birmingham
City Council
8. “promoting fairness, transparency and accountability”- World Bank
9. “a system by which business organizations are directed and controlled.”

10. “the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a
country’s social and economic resources for development. It is referred to
as the quality of the institutions to make, implement and enforce sound
policies in an efficient, effective, equitable and inclusive manner.” The
Asian Development Bank
11. In broad terms, governance is about the institutional environment in
which citizens interact among themselves and with government
agencies/officials. (ADB, 2005)
12. The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are
implemented (or not implemented). Governance can be used in several
contexts such as corporate governance, international governance, national
governance and local governance.
13. The interactions among structures, processes and traditions that
determine how power and responsibilities are exercised, how decisions are
taken and how citizens or other stakeholders have their say.
Fundamentally, it is about power, relationships and accountability: who has
influence, who decides and how decision-makers are held accountable.
(IOG 2003)
14. “as the exercise of economic, political and administrative authority to
manage the nation’s affairs at all levels. It comprises of mechanisms,
processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate
their interests, exercise their legal rights and obligations and mediate their
differences. Governance is not the sole domain of government but
transcends government to encompass the business sector and the civil
society. (NEDA 2006)
15. The Institute of Governance defines governance as the process whereby
societies or organizations make their important decisions, determine who
has voice, who is engaged in the process and how account is rendered.
(IOG, 2006)

Relationship of Governance and Government

To govern is to exercise power and authority over a territory, system or
organization. (From Government to Governance, 2005) Reflections of
Ledivina C. Carino of the University of the Philippines, National College
of Public Administration and Governance (UP-NCPAG) on the concept of
Governance as an off-shoot of the (World-COG). This applies to both
government and governance. The exercise of authority is uppermost in
government and remains significance in governance but is no longer the single
focus. This is because the power in governance is not so much wielded as
shared and authority is defined not so much by control of the ruler as by the
consent and participation of the governed.
In traditional parlance, government rules and controls, but in
governance, it orchestrates and manages. Ruling and orchestrating rest on
different bases. To rule is to be the sole authority, for which the appropriate
response is to obey. A government that rules relies on force to exact
compliance which is based on this premise that the state has the monopoly of
legitimate violence. It enacts laws binding on all the inhabitants and metes out
sanctions according to these laws. It delivers services to passive recipients
who have little influence in the definition of the programs or their eligibility
requirement and methods.
By contrast, to orchestrate is to call on everyone to play a part in moving
the society. Power rests on the trust the players have on the director and on
each other. Because built on trust, transparency in the conduct of governing is
essential. Laws still bind all, but they are laws they had a part in bringing about.
Accountability is shared, and they who have the greatest power bear the
greater responsibility.
To control is not to manage, as Landau and Stout maintained in a classic
article. We have not found a definition of governance that uses control instead
of management.
To control is to direct what each part of the system must do. It assumes
that the controller knows the goals and is certain how an action it requires can
lead to it. Deviation will be viewed as error in a context of full knowledge.
Controlling assumes a law (using the term in scientific sense) but to
manage is to act on a hypothesis. The manager works on incomplete
information and tests if the hypothesis is borne out in a given situation. A
manager then must be open to inputs from outside which might provide new
information and to methods other than those originally promulgated that could
lead to the specified goal. Governance chooses management over control
because its system is permeable, admits outside the influences, assumes no
omnipotence or omniscience on the part of the decision-maker, and subject
decisions to the evaluation and critique of all those with a stake with them.
All governing is an act of leadership, of moving a society towards a
preferred direction. While government can have a connotation of being
interested only in maintenance and in preserving peace and order, governance
implies leadership toward societal development.

Characteristics of Good Governance (UNESCO for Asia and the Pacific)

Good governance has eight (8) major characteristics. It is participatory,
consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient,
equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It assures that corruption is
minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the
most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. It is also responsive to the
present and future needs of society.
Importance of the Study
The fundamental reasons why governance should be studied:
• Greatness can be achieved when good governance principles and practices
are applied.
• To provide the foundation of a high-performing state or country.
• To ensure that a state or country is well placed to respond to a changing
external environment

Government defined
Government as an element of the state originates with the same. The origin of
the latter deals also with the origin of the former. There are many theories as to the
origin of the state such as Divine Right Theory, Natural or Matriarchal Theory, the
Force Theory etc. The popular is the Social Contract Theory popularized by Jean
Jacques Rousseau, the French philosopher of the 17th century.
The government as an institution was invented primarily to control search for
power either alone or with others seeing to it that said struggle for power must be
exercised within the constitutional framework. The government as an institution may
impose policies or laws enacted so that peace and order can be achieved to attain
progress and development. The function of the law is to mandate the citizens to follow
and observe the compromise formula or else violation of such means penalty.
Government is the political direction and control exercised over the actions of
the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction
of affairs of a state, community. It is also the exercise of control or authority over a
group of people.

Differentiate governance from government

Governance is the act of governing or ruling. It is the set of rules and laws
framed by the government that are to be implemented through the representatives of
the state… The difference between “government” and “governance” may be clarified
using an example of a business which is run by a group of people.

Importance of the Study

Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society. Furthermore,
studying government is essential to:
• Understand the influence government has on your daily life.
• Understand why the government produces the policies it does.
• Understand and interpret current events in a rapidly changing world.
• Develop the ability to solve problems and make good decisions when current events
and social economic issues affect you directly.
• Apply your understanding when voting, petitioning, and speaking publicly.
• Deal with the government effectively in your future profession.
• Prepare for a career that requires a strong knowledge of government.
• Use your understanding of government to participate and bring about change in your
community or country.
• Contribute to the success of a democracy that depends on your understanding and
active participation.

Did you read intently the discussions above on politics, governance and government?
I hope you deeply understood the concepts and its explanations. Here is an activity I prepared
for you which will assess your learning. Goodluck!

This part encompasses activities that will deepen your learning and skills about the
definition, similarities and differences of politics, governance and government Enjoy the

Activity 2b– WORD MAP!!!

Direction: Complete the word map by answering what is being asked in each column.

Define the concepts in your own words Synonyms


Use it meaningfully in a sentence

You did well in answering the word map! You are very good in defining and
understanding the concepts of politics, governance and government. Now, you can proceed
to the next activity which is to distinguish the three concepts from one another. Read properly
the directions for the activities. Good luck!

Activity 3- VENN DIAGRAM

Direction: In the Venn diagram, compare and contrast politics, governance and
government. Write the unique characteristics in each empty circle and the similar
characteristics in the overlapping parts of the circles then answer the questions below.


Governance Government

Process Questions:

1. What can you say about the similarities and differences of the 3 concepts (politics,
governance and government)? Explain briefly.


2. From the differentiation you made on politics, governance and government, what are your
insights gained from these concepts?

Congratulations! You successfully distinguish politics, governance and government.

You did a good job in achieving the first and second objectives of this module.
Accomplishing the third objective which is to explain the importance of politics, governance
and government will now be easier for you. Enjoy working on the following activities prepared
for you. Good luck!

Activity 4a - ESSAY WRITING

Directions: Write an essay on the importance of politics, governance and government in
your daily life. Use the rubric below as your guide.




Direction: Make a poster / collage that shows the significance of politics, governance and
government in your daily life. Use the rubric below as your guide.

Criteria Percentage
Content-relatedness 30 %
Organization 25 %
Creativity 25 %
Neatness 20 %
Total 100 %

CONGRATULATIONS!!! for finishing the activities in this module. You successfully

achieved our objectives which are defining and distinguishing politics, governance and
government and explaining the importance of politics, governance and government. All these
objectives that you accomplished will help you become more aware, active and responsible
citizen of the country. The next part of this module will be more fun and easier for you. Good

To make your study worthwhile, meaningful and fruitful, I have prepared more
activities for you

Activity 5: WHAT I CAN DO

Direction: Write Yes beside the number of the statement which shows responsible
participation in the affairs of our government and No if not.

_______1. Gathering in a massive rebellious group to show disappointment towards

government recent agenda or propaganda.
_______ 2. Participate in an election by means of voting.
_______ 3. Getting paid in a voluntary civic activity.
_______ 4. Be selective in the laws to be observed.

_______ 5. Writing a malicious petition letter against a leader not of your choice.
_______ 6. Sharing issues to others concerning useful political programs.
_______ 7. Paying dutifully your taxes.
_______ 8. Declaring your actual income with dishonesty.
_______ 9. Attending meetings to gain information, discuss issues, or lend support
_______ 10. Participating in a political discussion.

Process Questions:
1. Based from your answers, why should you be responsible and accountable?

2. What are the things that hinder you from being a responsible/accountable citizen? How can
overcome these hindrances?


Direction: Write your learning on the 3- 2- 1 Box.

Concepts/Knowledge that I have Learned

3 1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________

Relationship and Importance of the topic that I have

2 Learned
1. _______________________________________________
2. ________________________________________

Essential Question: How can these concepts guide you in

deciding on your career in the future?
1 _______________________________________________

Let us now assess your mastery on the essential topics on politics, governance and

Post Test
Direction: Write T on the blank if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false and
underline the word or phrase that makes the statement false.
___________ 1. Lasswell (1936) described the study of politics as “who gets, what, when, and
how” which was also the same title of his seminal book, Politics: Who Gets, What, When and
__________ 2. Politics is not limited to the activity of the state and government but extends to
include other institutions within the society such as the family, the church, and other parts of
the society because politics is everywhere.

__________3. Politics helps you to know your rights.

___________4. Governance is the sound exercise of political, economic and administrative

authority to manage a country’s resources for development. It involves the institutionalization
of a system through which citizens, institutions, organizations, and groups in a society
articulate their interests, exercise their rights, and mediate their differences in pursuit of the
collective good” ( Country Governance Assessment, 2005)
___________5. All governing is an act of leadership, of moving a society towards a preferred
direction. While government can have a connotation of being interested only in maintenance
and in preserving peace and order, governance implies leadership toward societal
__________6. The fundamental reason why governance should be studied is that
greatness can be achieved when good governance principles and practices are applied.

__________7. The government as an institution was invented primarily to control search for
power either alone or with others seeing to it that said struggle for power must be exercised
within the constitutional framework. The government as an institution may impose policies or
laws enacted so that peace and order can be achieved to attain progress and development.
The function of the law is to mandate the citizens to follow and observe the compromise
formula or else violation of such means penalty.

__________8. Governance is the act of governing or ruling. It is the set of rules and laws
framed by the government that are to be implemented through the representatives of the
state… The difference between “government” and “governance” may be clarified using an
example of a business which is run by a group of people.

__________9. Studying government is essential because it contributes to the success of a

democracy that depends on your understanding and active participation.

__________10. Government is important because it utilizes your understanding of

government to participate and bring about change in your community or country.

To strengthen your learning about this module, please answer the activity below. Read
it carefully and enjoy doing the activity!

Additional Activities

Activity 7 – LET’S LOCALIZE!

Direction: Read article from a local newspaper. Select an issue concerning politics and
governance in your locality or in Philippine setting. Cut and paste the chosen article in the
specified portion. Then, provide a brief discussion by following this sequence.

First Paragraph: Brief discussion about the article. Put emphasis on what particular issue is
being highlighted in your chosen article.

Second Paragraph: Justify the relevance of your chosen article to the lesson presented.

Third Paragraph: Your point of view or stand regarding the issue presented in your chosen

Your article here → :

Your discussion here →:





This is how your work will be rated:

Congratulations! You successfully finished this module. Use all the learning you have
gained from this module to become a good and active citizen of the country.
You are now set for the next module. Ready, get set, go!!!

1. T 6. F- orchestrates & manages/rules & controls
2. F – only gov’t officials 7. T
3. T 8. T
4. T 9. T
5. T 10. T
Activity 1- What’s In
1. Traditional election anomaly such as intimidation of person
2. Tax evasion
3. Political Dynasties
4. Incidences of bribery and graft
1. Picture 1 – Deficiencies in the Political and Electoral System, Picture 2- Issue on Public
Fiscal Management, Picture 3- Deficiencies in the Political and Electoral System, Picture 4-
2. These are the key issues and challenges in governance which our country is
experiencing. They have a connection with the lesson on politics, governance and government
particularly concept on governance.
Activity 2b- Word Map
The answers depend on the student
Answer Key
Activity 3- Venn Diagram:
Unique Characteristics:
• Government rules and controls but in governance, it orchestrates and
• Governance is about leadership
• Good governance has eight (8) major characteristics. It is participatory,
consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and
efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. It assures that
corruption is minimized, the views of minorities are taken into account and
that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making.
It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society.
• Politics deals with power, conflict and decision-making
Similar Characteristics:
• To govern is to exercise power and authority over a territory, system or
organization. This applies to both government and governance
• Politics always involves the making of collective decisions for group of people
• Governance. The interactions among structures, processes and traditions that
determine how power and responsibilities are exercised, how decisions are
taken and how citizens or other stakeholders have their say. Fundamentally, it
is about power, relationships and accountability: who has influence, who
decides and how decision-makers are held accountable
• Politics helps you to know your rights.
• The rule of law means to say that good governance manifested through the
impartiality of fair legal framework such as the promotions of a full protection
of human rights and dignity especially those members of minorities.
• Law is another central concept in politics and governance. Law is basically
any written statement that limits or guides the behavior of a certain group.
Politics, as the art of science of government, highlights the role of law in
organizing and stabilizing individual interests to prevent the overlapping
individual needs and promote collective gains in society ( Roskin et al 2007)
• The knowledge of politics and governance not only helps in the participation
of an individual in the state but it also helps in safeguarding an individual
against bad government practices and abuse.
• Politics deals with power in society in general, governance specifically deals
with power in government and how this institution exerts power for the benefit
of the society
Process questions
• The answer depends on the student

Activity 5- What Can I Do
1. No 6. Yes
2. Yes 7. Yes
3. No 8. No
4. No 9.Yes
5. No 10. Yes
Activity 6- What I Have Learned
• The answer depends on the learnings gained by the student
• The answer depends on the student’s ability/skill.
• Rubric:
• The answer depends on the student’s ability/skill.
• Rubric:
Criteria Percentage
Content-relatedness 30 %
Organization 25 %
Creativity 25 %
Neatness 20 %
Total 100 %
Activity 7- Let’s Localize
• The answer depends on the ability/skills/learnings of the student
1. T 4. T 7. T 10. T
2. T 5. T 8. T
3. T 6. T 9. T


Peñaflor, Lito A. and Karyl A. Peñaflor Politics and Governance with Philippine
Constitution for Senior High School First Edition 2017

Pawilen, R.A. and Pawilen M. Reidan Philippine Politics and Governance First
Edition, Rex Book Store, Inc., Sampaloc, Manila 2017

Domingo, Ma. Olivia Z., Third Sector Governance: Meanings, Issues, and
Challenges in the Philippines, National College of Public Administration and
Governance, University of the Philippines

Laura, Edgar et al ( 2006) Partnerships: Putting Good Governance Principles in

Practice. Institute of Governance (IOG)

Asian Development Bank, ( 2005), Governance: Sound Development Management

Leagaspi, Perla E. (2005). Overview of Governance Framework. A Working
Draft on a Handbook on LGU-SPA Partnership; UP NCPAG

Cariῆo, Ledivina V.(ed.) 2002 Between the State and the Market: The Nonprofit
Sector and Civil Society in the Philippines. Quezon City: Center for
Leadership, Citizenship and Democracy, National College of Public
Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines, with the
assistance of the Ford Foundation.

Tabajen, Rhene C. et al Philippine Politics and Governance, JFS Publishing

Services, Pasay City Philippines: 2016

Sadera, Jefferson M. et al Politics and Governance for Senior High School,

Jimczyville Publications. Malabon City, Philippines: 2018

Mendoza, Diana J. and Melegrito, Ma. Lourdes F., Politics Without Borders
Philippine Politics and Governance, Phoenix Publishing House

Francisco, Paul Micah S. and Francisco, Virlyn J. Philippine Politics and Government
for Senior High School,

Online Resources

Culture of Corruption the Philippine Politics- The Manila Times.

A Cartoon History of the Republic.

Charles I Biography, Accomplishments, & Facts- https://www.

Election 2019: Free vote without free speech?

Definition of politics.

Importance of Politics.

Importance of Politics.

Definition of Governance.

Definition of Government. https://www.

Importance of Government.

What is another word for convey?

Definition of distinguish in English.

Highlight Synonyms.


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