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THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH: the Red Death is killing the population but Prince Prospero isn´t

worried. He took his

friends to his castle to be safe.He helds a mask ball in the hall with 7 coloured rooms.The clock strikes and everydody is afraid.A
stranger comes into and Prospero is furious;he tries to kill him but Prospero falls dead.The guests try to catch the masked man but
there is nobody inside the clothes.They all die.

. THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM: There is a prisoner in a torture room sentenced to death by the Spanish Inquisition. In
complete darkness, he tries to measure the s cell's dimensions with a torn part of his clothes. There is a pit and he is about to fall in
it. He sees a mural of Father Time and a sharp pendulum from the ceiling is descending to cut him. He's completely bound, except
for his left hand, enough to drink and eat. He put some meat around his belt so the rats could bite it before the pendulum makes
body contact. He is watched by his captors. The walls become red-hot and the room shrinks him, when the French Army, General
Lasalle, rescues him from the Inquisition prison.

THE MURDERS OF THE RUE MORGUE: the narrator and Dupin read newspaper articles of the recent horrific double murder of
a woman and her daughter.  Accounts include that neighbors, who heard screaming, and two policeman, had broken into the crime
scene to find a bloody razor, locks of gray hair, a bag of money, and an opened safe.  The mother, who was beaten to death, had
been decapitated and the girl was strangled.  Her body was found stuffed into the chimney. Eventually, Dupin gets to the bottom of
the crime, which turns out to have been done by an Ourang-Outan, property of a French sailor.

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