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Nombre del Centro Educativo: Instituto Tecnológico K’iche’
Código del Establecimiento: 1406 0059 45 Mes de Aplicación: Enero
Nombre del Director (A): Osman Gabriel García Girón No. de Tel. 52121774

Docente: Heidy Cristina Nix Lucas No. de Tel. 40963525

Grado: Primero básico Sección: A
Nombre del estudiante: Clave:
Área: Comunicación y Lenguaje L3.
Fecha de aplicación: 25 al 30 de enero.
Tema a desarrollar: Simple present Tense (Verb to be affirmative form).
Competencia(s): Express ideas and opinions orally, related to relevant topics through simple
Indicador(es) de logro: Responds to simple instructions, questions, and provides basic
information using specific framed topics.

Metodología: Application of the cognitive skills of Analysis.
Development of the topic:

Simple present:
The simple present (also called present simple or present indefinite) is a verb tense which is used
to show repetition, habit or generalization. Less commonly, the simple present can be used to talk
about scheduled actions in the near future and, in some cases, actions happening now.

The verb to be
The verb to be is the most important verb in the English language. It is difficult to use because it is
an irregular verb in almost all of its forms. In the simple present tense, to be is conjugated as

Affirmative forms of the verb to be (Forma affirmative del verbo to be)


Subject Pronouns Full Form Contracted Form

I am 'm

you are 're

he/she/it is 's

we are 're

you are 're

they are 're

Grammar structure:

Affirmative Form

I + am + a + teacher. (Yo soy un maestro)

Subject + verb + Complement.

To be

I + am + in the + school. (Yo estoy en la escuela)

Subject + verb + Complement.

To be

Activity No. 1.
 Complete a worksheet of the verb to be in your notebook.
Completar una hoja de trabajo del verbo to be en su cuaderno.

- Identify the use of the verb to be by looking at the grammar structure and copy in your
Identificar el uso del verbo to be (ser/ estar) observando la estructura gramatical y cópielo en su

- Relate the ideas from simple present to complete the worksheet.

Relaciona las ideas del presente simple para completar la hoja de trabajo.

- Complete 5 sentences with the verb be.

Completar 5 oraciones con el verbo o be.

Activity No. 2
 Complete a little blog about yourself in your notebook.
Completar este pequeño blog acerca de usted.

- Complete the blank spaces in the draft using your information.

Completar los espacios en blanco con tu información realiza un blog.

- Add relevant information about you. Such as: I play guitar, I play soccer, I love cats-Others.
Puede agregar información relevante sobre ti. Tales como: ejecutó la guitarra, juego fútbol, me
encantan los gatos-entre otros.

Good morning/ Good afternoon

My name is __Heidy_______. I am ____teacher___ and my favorite food is
__pizza_______. My favorite movie is ___titanic_________. My favorite
music is ___romantic_music______. Also, I would like to talk about my
favorite subject in the school is __English ________. Because I love it. I am
a ___happy person ________. I love ____animals_______. I hate
_____snake______. I feel happy to start the course.

Copie el formato y solo llene los espacios en rojo puede agregar fotos.

Modalidad. Work this course every Monday from 9:30 to 10:00 hours. You need to submit your
assignment via Gmail.
Trabajará este curso todos los días lunes de 9:30 a 10:00 horas. Deberá subir las tareas por
Gmail (fotografías, o adjunte el documento hoja de entrega).
Gmail es:

Ejemplo: En Asunto necesito que me escriba

Asunto: Heidy Nix primero básico clave: 1 Ingles


• Herramienta De Evaluación (Técnica de Desempeño):

I. Proyecto- Hoja de trabajo

• Herramienta De Evaluación (Técnica de Observación):

II. Lista de cotejo

Mecanismo de Reforzamiento: - Resolución de dudas y acompañamiento de docente por

teléfono o WhatsApp (40 96 35 25) en horario de 8:00 a 12:30 y de 14:00 a 17:00 horas de lunes
a viernes.

______________________ ________________________
Heidy Cristina Nix Lucas Osman Gabriel García Girón
Nombre y firma del docente Nombre y firma del director
Vo. Bo. Lic. José Domingo de Paz Girón
Coordinador Técnico Administrativo 14-06-08
Chichicastenango. El Quiché
Worksheet 1
1. Write the subject according to the noun.

Maria she Juan _________ Myself _______ Heidy and Pedro __________
Book ___________ Maria, Juanita, Erick and Manuel ____________________

Table________ Maria, Juan, Hely and I _______________

2. Match the subjects with the verb to be with a line.

You am
She are
We is

3. Rewrite the sentence by fixing the unscramble words.

1. am / I / Guatemalan. I am Guatemalan.
2. my teacher. / is/ She ________________________
3. You/ in my class. / are ________________________
4. Canadian. / You / are _________________________
5. smart. / They / are ________________________
6. is / It / my book. ________________________

4. Complete the sentences with the verb to be.

1. I ____________ a student at ITECK.
2. She ___________ in the school.
3. It ____________ a dog.
4. They ____________ friends.
5. We ______________ the winners.

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