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John Hunt Jr. was born in Pulaski Co. Ky. on Oct. 3, 1806. He married Polly Gill first on Sep.27,1826 and
had two children. Their names were Silas and Nancy J. Hunt. Nancy J. married George Fore on Sep. 28,
1848. She died July 15, 1877 in Young Co. Texas. She is buried in the Goose Neck Cemetery. When the war
with Mexico began, a company of men was organized in Somerset Ky., in Sep. of 1847. This company
marched to Louisville arriving there on Oct. 3, 1847, a distance of about 130 miles. This company was
Company H, of the Fourth Regiment of the Ky. Volunteers. Silas was a twenty year old when he signed up
with company H.. Silas fought in the War with Mexico. In a letter discovered in 1922, in a trunk belonging to
Marion Hunt, Silas's fate was discovered. This letter was in the possession of a Rose Gover with whom I
spent a week with in Kentucky. She was kind enough to let me copy it. The letter was sent to John Hunt Jr. in
Pulaski Co. Ky. from Mexico. It goes as follows:

City Of Mexico
Dear Sir: February 5, 1848

It has become my unpleasant duty to inform you of the death of your son, Silas,
who died on the 2nd and was buried on the 3rd in the honor of war. He took sick
some time after he got here and took medicine from the United States Surgeon. He
lingered some ten days in the Company and getting no better the doctor had him
taken to the hospital where they had beds to lay on and he was very well attended
to by two of our Company who appointed to wait on all the sick of our Company.
But all efforts to save were unsuccessful. He got weaker all the time and when he
died he was very poor.
He told me 3 or 4 days before his death, that he was going to die and he
requested me to write you after his death. He was not willing to die, he said, if he
was at home. He would have me to let you know he was well attended to but he
said there were not enough waiters to attend all as they ought be.
He willed what money he had to James Evans and H.J. Meece. Meece is
unwell and is in the hospital. Evans is well. Silas also requested me to write his
Uncle Owen with you and give him his last respects although he is no more.
You have the consolation to know from me that his conduct while alive was
gentlemanly, manly and soldier like. He was sober and civil and always willing to
do his duty. So I wish his bereaved friends to console themselves when they reflect
that he died in the service of his country. While we lament his loss to the
Company, I deeply sympathize with his friends at home. I am yours with much

To John W H Hammon

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John Hunt Jr. married a second time to Rachel Meece, on November 17, 1834. Rachel lived to be 100
years old. She was born in 1810. She was the daughter of Christopher Meece and Henrietta Barrier. I believe
the Meece family migrated from Pennsylvania, and then to Wythe Co. Va., and then on to Pulaski Co. Ky.
John Jr. and Rachel had seven children. Their names were Marion, Sarah, Ruben, Lucy, Mary, James, and
John Hunt Jr. died on February 17, 1893 at the age of 87. In his will he left everything to his wife, Rachel,
and Marion was executor of his estate.
After Rachel's death in 1910, an estate inventory was drawn up. There were many items on the list. I chose
to list only the more interesting items on the list.
1 Heifer, 1 cow and calf, 1 wagon, 4 bee hives, 1 sausage mill, 1 lard tub, 78 fruit jars, 1500 boards, 1 desk
and contents, 13 books, 1 sewing machine, 1 clock, 1 wash board and tub, 1 stove and vessels, 4 feather beds
and ten quilts, 2 old chickens and 59 young chickens, 1 horse, and 1dinner bell.
John and his wife Rachel are buried in Rocklick Cemetery. John Hunt Jr. was 87 years old.

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