Reading Progress Towards Current Reading Goal 1

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Progress Towards Current Reading Goal  1                                                                

Goal  During reading activities N2018 will read the Goal  Inconsistent with
beginning and ending sounds of words with 80% Not independence
accuracy  in 2 of 3 trials  met
Objective During reading activities N2018 will read the Goal
1 beginning and ending sounds of words moderate Met
adult support with 60% accuracy  in 2 of 3 trials 
Objective During reading activities N2018 will read the Goal
2 beginning and ending sounds of words  with Met
minimal adult support with 80% accuracy  in 2 of 3

Progress Towards Current Reading Goal   2                                                               

Goal  When given a reading word list N2018 will display the ability to Goal
automatically read words in her independent reading level by achieving Met
at least 60% words read correctly based on teacher selected
Objective When given a reading word list N2018 will display the ability to Goal
1 automatically read words  in her independent reading level by Met
achieving at least 70% words read correctly based on teacher selected
Objective When given a reading word list N2018 will display the ability to Goal
2 automatically read words  in her independent reading level by Met
achieving at least 80% words read correctly based on teacher selected

Progress Towards Current Reading Goal  3                                                           

Goal  After listening to summary of  texts N2018 will Goal Consistent
accurately retell 3 relevant details related to the main Met provided open
idea of the text or lessons in 3 out of 4 consecutive ended questions
opportunities as measured by teacher observation and “Tell me about…”
work samples with minimal adult support  
Objective After listening to summary of  texts N2018  will Goal
1 accurately retell 2 relevant details related to the main Met
idea of the text or lessons in 1 out of 4 consecutive
opportunities as measured by teacher observation and
work samples with moderate adult support. 
Objective After reading texts at her instructional level N2018 Goal
2 will accurately retell 3 relevant details related to the Met
main idea of the text or lessons in 2 out of 4
consecutive opportunities as measured by teacher
observation and work samples with moderate adult
N2018 has multiple opportunities to practice reading skills throughout her academic
classes. In her seventh grade year, N2018 has read and discussed  the novel Good Masters!
Sweet Ladies! By Laura Amy Schlitz, and Seedfolks by Paul Fleischer. N2018 benefited from
having teacher led read aloud, or an audio pairing to support comprehension. In class, N2018
received an 95.65%%  on her accommodated comprehension assessment for the novel Good
Masters! Sweet Ladies! and an 30% and 60% on two comprehension assessments for Seedfolks.
Most recently, the 7th grade has been reading Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer
Choldenko. The class has taken three comprehension assessments since beginning the novel.
N2018 was absent for two of the assessments, and received a 51% on the third. When asked to
talk about the Gennifer Choldenko novel, N2018 was able to recall the portions of the plot,
setting, and the main characters with adequate related detail.
In Social Studies, N2018 has spent her 7th grade studying medieval world history.
The class utilizes a variety of reading strategies including read alouds, popcorn reading, partner
reading, etc.  N2018 then works on comprehension questions in a packet which are explicitly
answered within the text and lecture. N2018 sees a variety of question types multiple choice,
cloze sentence, matching and short answer. In the second trimester, 7th grade has completed five
separate chapter packets. N2018 has turned in three of those packets and received the following
grades: 77%, 73%, and a 76%.
N2018 was administered portions of the Basic Reading Inventory (BRI) to assess her
listening comprehension. This informal assessment consists of two separate parts; decoding
words in isolation, and reading passages to answer comprehension questions. N2018 heard a
series of passages grades 5-7 and was asked to retell the stories and recall specific details.
Provided a 7th Grade passage titled,”Looming Danger” N2018 expressed that she “did not know
any of these words,” but was able to make predictions about the passage based on the title.
Though she was able to identify that the passage was about a battle or war, she was unable to
recall specific details. When listening to a 5th grade passage titled “Mystery,” and the  6th grade
passage titled “Keep Your Distance” N2018 was able to recall 3-4 specific details regarding the
characters and events of each passage. 
N2018 has benefitted from the researched reading intervention program Road to
Reading by Benita Blachman and Darlene Tangel which she first began during summer school
2016. This small group or one-to-one reading program helps students develop accuracy and
fluency in decoding decoding skills. Each day of the program consists of five separate
components. N2018 is first asked to identify letters and their sounds, this is followed by a sound
board activity where she manipulates letters to create words.After this stage, N2018 is asked to
identify and read a series of phonetically readable and sight words. This is followed by the
reading of a short story or passage, ending with a dictation activity.  N2018 was assessed and
identified as being in the first, or red intervention level. N2018 is working on identifying
consonant sounds, and the five short vowel sounds. She has been developing her ability to read
and spell closed syllable words with the short vowel sounds, and her ability to recognize and
decode digraphs (th, ch, sh, and -ck) is emergent. N2018 is able to demonstrate consistent
mastery with 18 out of the initial 32 letter names and sounds sounds presented.
This program features a list of 50 high frequency words that do not follow phonics rules,
and sight words associated with each of the 6 colored levels for a total of 300 words.  The most
recent data demonstrates that N2018 is able to read 44 of the 50 high frequency and sight words
associated with the red level. 
During summer school N2018’s consistent participation in the program yielded quick
growth and improvement. During the school year  N2018 has been resistant to reading
instruction and intervention. Provided options to work before, during, or after school with an
adult on developing her reading skill N2018 has repeatedly expressed interest, but is resistant,
noncompliant, or has emotional outbursts once intervention begins. During the informal
assessment using the BRI, N2018 asked for additional details of specific reading interventions;
asking what adults would possibly  be present, and if the intervention could occur without her
peers around.

Areas of Need:
  N2018 struggles with decoding closed syllables with with short vowel sounds. N2018’s
also struggles to identify the sound associated with the digraphs th, ch, sh, and -ck. We would
also like to see N2018’s word knowledge of presented high frequency and/or sight words
increase from 44 to 70.

Impact of Disability: Student’s disability (SLD) impacts her ability to  decode and recall
meaning which impacts her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum. 

Proposed Reading Goal

Goal N2018 will be able to read a total of 70 high frequency and/or sight words with
80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials based on teacher observations, and work

Objective N2018 will be able to read a total of 50 high frequency and/or sight words with
1 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials based on teacher observations, and work

Objective N2018 will be able to read a total of 60 high frequency and/or sight words with
2 80% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials based on teacher observations, and work

Proposed Reading Goal

Goal N2018 will be able to decode closed syllable words with short vowel sounds (
/a/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /e/) with and without the digraphs th, ch, sh, and -ck with 80%
accuracy for 4 out of 5 trials as measured by work samples and teacher

Objective N2018 will be able to decode closed syllable words with short vowel sounds (
1 /a/, /i/, /o/, /u/) with 80% accuracy for 4 out of 5 trials as measured by work
samples and teacher observations.

Objective N2018 will be able to decode closed syllable words with short vowel sounds (
2 /a/, /i/, /o/, /u/, /e/) with and without the digraphs th, ch, sh, and -ck with 70%
accuracy for 4 out of 5 trials as measured by work samples and teacher

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