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Simple Tenses (V)

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Future Simple in the Past
V V-ed/ II form Will V Would V
Usually, often, seldom, rarely, Yesterday, the day before Tomorrow, the day after
sometimes, never, every day yesterday, last week, … ago, in tomorrow, in few days, in ….,
Звички, традиції, розклад 2020, two days before next …, in 2025
Звичайні, прості дії в - Прості дії в минулого, не - Дія в майбутньому - для узгодження часів
теперішньому пов’язані з теперішнім (висловлювання точки зору,
- звички в минулому (used to нового рішення, надання
do smth) нової інформації,
- Проста дія у
майбутньому у складному
(I will call you when I arrive
in London = When I arrive in
London, I will call you.

+ I (we/they/you) usually speak + I (we/they/he/she/it) visited/ + I (we/they/ you/she/he/it) will + She said she (we/they/
English fluently. went to friends last year. do it tomorrow. you/I/he/it) would do it herself.
- I do not speak French. - I didn’t speak French two - I (we/they/ you/she/he/it) will - He said (we/they/ you/she/I/it)
? Do you speak English? years ago. not /won’t do it tomorrow. would not /wouldn’t do it
Do you speak English or ? Did you speak English at uni? ? Will you (we/they/ I/she/he/it) without his permission.
French? Did you speak English or do it tomorrow?
What languages do you speak? French? Who will do it?
My friends speak English well, What languages did you speak?
don’t they? My friends spoke English well,
My friends don’t speak English didn’t they?
well, do they? My friends didn’t speak English
Who speaks English well? well, did they?
Who spoke English well?
+ She (He/it) eats sweets every
- She (He/It) doesn’t eat sweets
every day.
? Does she speak English?
Who speaks English?
Have = has (she, he,it), have (I,
we, they, you)
Be = am (I), is (he/she/it), are Be = was (I/she/he/it), were Be = will be Be = would be
(we/they/you) (You/they/we) + I (she/he/it/they/we/you) will + I (she/he/it/they/we/you)
+ He is always at home on + He was absent yesterday be at home tomorrow at 12. would be at home tomorrow at
Sundays. when I dropped in. - I (she/he/it/they/we/you) 12.
- He is not always at home on - They weren’t at work won’t be at home tomorrow at - I (she/he/it/they/we/you)
Sundays. yesterday. 12. wouldn’t be at home tomorrow
? Is he at home on Sundays? ? Were you ill on Friday? ? Will I (she/he/it/they/we/you) at 12.
be at home tomorrow at 12? ? Would I (she/he/it/they/we/
you) be at home tomorrow at

Continuous Tenses (be V-ing)

Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous Future Continuous in the Past
Am/is/are V-ing Was/were V-ing Will be V-ing Would be V-ing
Now, at this moment, this week, Still, from … till …, yesterday Still, tomorrow from … till …,
these days, this semester at 5, while … tomorrow at 5, while …
- дія триває чи відбувається в - дія тривала чи відбувалася в
цей момент, зараз, цими певний момент в минулому - дія триватиме чи - для узгодження часів
днями - дія тривала певний час в відбудеться в певний момент
- заздалегідь запланована дія минулому в майбутньому
в майбутньому, має 100% - дія триватиме певний час
відбутися у майбутньому
- плани на майбутнє,
наближення до виконання дії,
(збиратися щось робити - to
be going to)

+ He is studying English this + He was still studying English + They will be playing + They said they would still be
semester. when I entered. volleyball tomorrow at 5. playing volleyball at 5 and I
- He is studying English this - He wasn’t studying English - They won’t be playing could join them.
semester. yesterday at 17. volleyball tomorrow from 5 till
? Is he studying English this ? Were you studying English 7.
semester? yesterday from 3 till 5? ? Will you still be having a
class at 14 when I call you?
+ They are leaving tomorrow at
+ Look! Your pen is going to
fall down.

А) дієслова розумової
діяльності: think, understand,
believe, consider.
Б) дієслова чуттєвого
сприйняття: see, hear, smell,
taste, feel.
В) дієслова бажання: want,
wish, desire.
Г) дієслова, що передають
почуття: love, hate, like, dislike.
Д) дієслова приналежності: be,
have, belong.

BUT smell, think of, see, feel,

taste, weigh can change their

Perfect Tenses (have V ed/ 3 form)

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Future Perfect in the Past
Have/has V-ed/3 form Had V-ed/3 form Will have V-ed/3 form Would have done
Just, already, yet, never, ever, by by
recently, of late, since, for - дія відбулася/завершилася в - дія відбудеться/завершиться
- дія в минулому, результат – минулому раніше за іншу дію в майбутньому раніше за
в теперішньому в минулому іншу дію в майбутньому
+ I have already read this book. + When she returned home her + She will have finished reading - для узгодження часів
+ He has known Ann for 20 brother had already gone. by 6. + They said he would have
years/ since 2015/ since their + He had translated the article - He won’t have passed all his finished his work by 18.
childhood/ since they were by 19.00. debt by Friday though Friday is
children. - He hadn’t worked before his deadline.
- He hasn’t done it yet. coming to London. ? Will you have finished your
? Have you learnt English yet? ? Had she done it by 3? project by March 16?
Perfect Continuous Tenses (have been V-ing)
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous in
Have/has been V-ing Had been V-ing Will have been V-ing the Past
Would have been doing
- дія розпочалася у минулому, - дія, яка розпочалася до - дія, яка розпочнеться до
тривала певний час і якогось моменту у минулому, якогось моменту у - для узгодження часів
продовжує тривати зараз тривала певний час до цього майбутньому, тривала певний
- дія, яка ще недавно тривала, моменту і завершилася або час до цього моменту і
але зараз вже ні продовжує тривати в той завершиться або продовжує
момент тривати в той момент

+ I have been reading this book + I had been reading this book + I will have been reading this + They said he would have been
for a month. for a month when he asked to book for a month when you buy living there for 20 years.
+ Your eyes are red. You have borrow it. it.
been crying. - He hadn’t been working for 5 + He will already have been
+ He has been living in New years when he was appointed a living in New York for five
York since his childhood. chef. years next March.
- He hasn’t been working for 5 ? How long had he been
years. learning English when he went
? How long have you been to London?
learning English?

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