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-- Contents ..................................................................................... I

-- Credits ....................................................................................... II

-- Preface ....................................................................................... V

1. Soil and water quality considerations in shrimp farming.............. 1

2. Site selection............................................................................... 33

3. Pond design and construction ........................................................ 49

4. Shrimp nutrition and feed management..................................... 65

5. Fertilization ................................................................................ 93

6. Postlarvae Acclimation and stocking ......................................... 109

7. Biosecurity in shrimp farming .................................................... 123

8. Farm-raised shrimp good aquaculture practices

for product quality and safety ................................................... 169

9. Shrimp farm business mangement and economics.................... 231

10. Management practices for reducing the environmental

impacts of shrimp farming ......................................................... 265


Maria C. Haws, Ph.D.

Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center
University of Hawaii at Hilo
200 West Kawili St., Hilo, Hawaii, 96720, USA.

Claude E. Boyd, Ph.D.

School of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama USA


Claude E. Boyd, Ph.D.

Auburn University

Granvil Treece, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University Sea Grant Program

Carole R. Engle, Ph.D.

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Diego Valderrama, M.Sc.

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Donald V. Lightner, Ph.D.

University of Arizona

Carlos R. Pantoja, Ph.D.

University of Arizona

Joe Fox, Ph.D.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Dagoberto Sanchez

Steve Otwell, Ph.D.

Aquatic Food Products Program
University of Florida
Sea Grant Program

Laura Garrido, M.Sc.
Aquatic Food Products Program
University of Florida
Sea Grant Program

Victor Garrido, M.Sc.

Aquatic Food Products Program
University of Florida
Sea Grant Program

Ron Benner, Ph.D.

Aquatic Food Products Program
University of Florida
Sea Grant Program

Illustrators and photo credits

Steve Otwell
Claude Boyd
Granvil Treece
Maria Haws
Carlos Alemán

Graphic Design: Alejandro E. Bermúdez O. (Central American University Press-UCA)

Publication: Central American University Press-UCA

The editors and authors would like to thank the Consultative Groups of Honduras and Nicaragua for their
review of the manual and technical contributions to the work. Members of the Groups include:

Agnes Saborio M.Sc. Directora CIDEA-UCA
Lic. Bernabela Orozco MAG-FOR
Lic. Leyla Umaña MAG-FOR
Ing. Diego Velazquez MAG-FOR
Ing. Birmania Martinez MAG-FOR
Lic. Alejandro Cotto MARENA
Dr. Manuel Reyes Ponce ADPESCA
Lic. Miguel Marenco ADPESCA
Ing. Mario Callejas ANDA
Dr. Alcides Gonzalez MINSA
María Elena Vivas M.Sc. USDA

Lic. Ana Gomez USDA
Dr. Francisco Rodas SENASA (SAG)
Lic. Gabriela Pineda DIGEPESCA (SAG)
Lic. Rosa Duarte Planning Unit, DIGEPESCA (SAG)
Lic. Eloisa Espinoza DIGEPESCA

Lic. Lourdes Moncada DIGEPESCA
Dr. Daniel Meyer Panamerican Agriculture School, El Zaorano
Ing. Marco Tulio Sarmiento Sub director DIGEPESCA
Ing. Hector Corrales President ANDAH
Ing. Alberto Zelaya General Director ANDAH
Prof. Francisco Avalos Executive Director ANDAH
P.M. Marvis Alvares Extension Agent ANDAH
Dr. Jaime A. Araujo Director Pathology Laboratory
Lic. Delia Martinez Director Water Quality Laboratory

Specials thanks is also due to the following individuals for technical contributions and support during the
development and production of this work: Dr. Gary Jensen (National Aquaculture Program Leader,
USDA); Agnes Saborío (Director, CIDEA-UCA); Alberto Zelaya (General Manager, Honduran
Association of Aquaculture Producers-ANDAH); Francisco Avalos (Executive Director ANDAH);
Abelardo Rojas (CIDEA-UCA) and Francisco Orozco (ANDAH) (USDA Training Assistants), Ana
Gomez and Maria Elena Vivas (FAS/ICD/USDA Coordinators). Seven anonymous reviewers also pro-
vided valuable comments and suggestions.

Final translation to Spanish was conducted by Emilio Ochoa Moreno, Rosa Matilde Ochoa, Marco
Alvarez (Ecocostas, Ecuador) and Abelardo Rojas (CIDEA-UCA). Individual chapters were translated by
Abelardo Rojas, Diego Valderrama, Carlos Pantoja, Oscar Zelaya, Oscar Blanco, Dagoberto Sanchez,
Laura Garrido and Victor Garrido.

Editors were assisted by the following individuals who are due special thanks for their support: Dr.
Emanuel Polioudakis, Oscar Blancoand and Lisa Wedding.

Finally, a number of individuals contributed to development of this work and their efforts are greatly
appreciated: Steve Pomerleau (University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff), Martha Rowen (Auburn University)
and Linda Nunan (University of Arizona). The staffs of CIDEA-UCA and ANDAH are also recognized
for their contributions to this effort.


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