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Q1: Write a program in C++ that takes a number as an input and prints its

multiplication table up to 10.

#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int num;
cout << "Enter Number To Find Multiplication table ";
cin >> num;
for (int a = 1; a <= 10; a++)
cout << num << " * " << a << " = " << num * a << endl;
return 0;

Q2: Write a program in C++ that takes input and swap two numbers.

#include < iostream.h >
using namespace std;
int main ()
int a;
cout << "Enter value for a: ";
cin >> a;
int b;
cout << "Enter value for b: ";
cin >> b;
cout << "Value before Swap" << endl;
cout << "The value of a is: " << a << endl;
cout << "The value of b is: " << b << endl;
int c = a;
a = b;
b = c;
cout << "Value after Swap" << endl;
cout << "The value of a is: " << a << endl;
cout << "The value of b is: " << b << endl;
return 0;

Q3: Write a program in C++ that takes input and print the sum of two

#include < iostream.h >
using namespace std;
int main()
int a;
cout<<"Enter the Value of a: ";
int b;
cout<<"Enter the Value of b: ";
int sum =a+b;
cout<<"The Sum of a and b is: "<<sum;
return 0;


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