Tugas Export & Import 23 November 2020

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Nama : I Made Juniartha

Kelas : L

NIM : CA191121709

Question :

1. Based on your opinion what are the positive and negative impacts when doing
export and import activities?

My Answer :

Positive Impacts Import Activities

a. Improving the welfare of consumers where the public can goods that are areas in
the country that are the most technological goods or technology very close to
foreign products've far developed.

b. Improving the domestic industry where we have the opportunity to get good
capital goods such as industrial machinery or raw materials that we can develop

c. Technology experts where we can gradually develop modern technology in order

to reduce lag with developed countries.

Negatif Impacts Import Activities

a. The increase in the domestic unemployment rate, this happens because import
activities make many jobs lost because the products to be made are available from
the import process.

b. With the imports make domestic industry competition will be overwhelmed with
foreign products this will create pressure on entrepreneurs or domestic industries.

c. Foreign exchange will continue to experience a reduction if it continues to import,

this happens because of excessive consumption of imported goods.

Positive Impact Export Activities
a. More and more product and service innovations
b. In general, it can increase the foreign exchange of the country
c. Can develop our products with a wider range

Negative Impact Export Activities

a. Causing scarcity of goods to satisfy domestic needs
b. The smuggling of illegal goods out of the territory
c. Causes massive ecstasy of natural products

2. How important and influential are the export and import activities carried out by
each country?
Answer :

Export important for the country

a. Increase Foreign Exchange
b. Introducing Domestic Products
c. Improving Jobs
d. Establishing Cooperation Between Countries
e. Improving People's Welfare
f. Expanding Production

Import important for the country

a. Obtaining Products or Services That Do Not Exist in Indonesia
b. Acquiring Modern Technology
c. Obtaining Raw Materials
d. Maintaining Price Stability

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