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College of Business, Economics and Management

Daraga, Albay

A Comparative Analysis of the Shopping

Behavior of Filipino Women and other Asian

Karren Charmagne D. Bahala

Background of the Study................................................................................................................................1
Frame of Reference........................................................................................................................................1
Grounds of Comparison..................................................................................................................................1

Limitations of the Analysis...............................................................................................................................2

II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.......................................................................................................2
A. Consumer Shopping Behavior.....................................................................................................................2
The Singaporean Women................................................................................................................................2
The Indonesian Women...................................................................................................................................3
The Filipino Women.........................................................................................................................................3
III. RESEARCH FINDINGS..............................................................................................................................4
Differences of Filipino Women and other Asian Women in Southeast Asia (Singaporeans and
Similarities of Filipino Women and other Asian Women in Southeast Asia (Singaporeans and
IV. CONCLUSIONS.........................................................................................................................................6

Background of the Study
Nowadays, Consumer Shopping Behavior became one of the significant and evocative sense that
people oversee and scrutinize, since we all serve as the consuming units of this society and must aware how
it turns around the axis of our economic knowledge. "A consumer is the one that consumes, especially one
that acquires goods or services for direct use or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and
manufacturing". More likely to say, for some instance, being consumer not always means buyer. If one bought
a good, there's a great possibility that several individuals might consume the same good. The subject of
shopper behavior has focused on individuals and the factors that impact their decisions to spend their
resources on consumption-related items.
"Consumer Shopping Behavior is the study of how individuals, groups and organizations select, buy,
use and dispose of goods, service, idea, or experiences to satisfy their needs and wants". As frequently seen,
women's dominion action with shopping complements now as a female role. Women go on shopping to
purchase both essential and discretionary goods, to relax, and to socialize. They are considered to be the
most potential consumers in the world as they manage almost 80 percent of the domestic expenditure.
Consumers who seek pleasure in shopping are mostly female and are a noteworthy force in the retail market.
Women set their decisions and priorities not only according to their needs but also according to people in her
personal circle. Hence, it becomes important to position a product, brand or a store in a way that how they
will benefit her and other in her life.
This analysis was conducted to seek the "Comparative Analysis of the Shopping Behavior of Filipino
Women and Other Asian Women in Southeast Asia". Specifically, it sought to answer the following objectives:
1. The similarities and differences of Filipino Women and other Asian Women, specifically Singaporean
and Indonesian
2. The considerations being noted by women from Southeast Asia and Filipino women upon
3. Factors affecting decisions within their consumer shopping behaviors
Frame of Reference
The analysis hypothesize and facilitate the evaluation of the topic. Tend to accent the possible factors
that affect the Filipino women and other Southeast Asia women's consumer behavior. How they cope up with
these factors and even the considerations they rooting for.
Grounds of Comparison
This analysis was focused on the Shopping Behavior of Filipino Women and Asian Women in South
East Asia, specifically Singaporean and Indonesian women for they often relates with same feature in terms

of Lifestyle, Livelihood and Subsistence since they all belong to Asia. Their physical environments and
cultural diversities are one of the reasons as well upon the conduct of comparison.
Limitations of the Analysis
The analysis was undertaken as one of determining tools through the Shopping Behavior of Filipino
Women and Other Asian Women in Southeast Asia with respect to its corresponding objectives. The subjects
were intended only about Filipino women and other Asian Women in South East Asia, specifically Singapore
and Indonesia and did not try to compare with women of other countries. The findings of this analysis is
limited only for the students and future participants seeking for the same field of study.


I. Southeast Asia Women
A. The Singaporean Women

According to Tse (2015), these shoppers possess an abundance of product information and are
extremely brand-conscious. They spend freely on dining out, fashion for dressing up, beauty, hobbies,
leisure, education and health care, but are also active savers and investors. They are strongly conscious of
price points appropriate for their social status but also inclined to buy products that address environmental
or other social issues. Strongly motivated to address social problems, they want to be of service to their
friends and the poor. As active, information-sensitive consumers, they represent a mature consumption style.
These are active, forward-looking women, carefree and with money to spend.
According to the Campaign Asia Pacific's Survey (2015), the majority of women shoppers are white-
collar workers, highly educated and employed full time. Their income is slightly higher than that of other
According to The Straits Times Consumer Research (2016), Singaporean women have shown a
preference for self service stores. The days of provision shops with their haphazard displays and home
delivery service seem numbered. The Singaporeans' demand has changed favorably towards self service
supermarkets. Stores would have to adapt its opening hours to suit the free time available to these women
for their grocery shopping. Another alternative would also be to have these stores in proximity to their place
of work to allow quick shopping during lunch hours or immediately after work.
According to the Association for Consumer Research (2020), the Singaporean consumer is becoming
more sophisticated with the choice of product. No longer contented with a simple functional intrinsic benefits
such as prestige that comes along with the ownership of a branded product has become an important
consideration in purchase decision. Marketers should therefore seriously consider promoting such benefits
psychologically either through brand name or its association with other branded products. Many travel
extensively and are familiar with recent developments either in the area of fashion, cars or electronic
equipment. Convenience is also an important consideration.
B. The Indonesian Women
According to Nielsen Bricks & Clicks (2020), study shows that 59% of Indonesian online shoppers are
women. Household online shopping penetration increased from 1% (2018) to 5% (2019) among female
shoppers. Household online shopping for groceries among women consumers grew 34% from 2018 to 2019.
According to Tse (2015), these women avoid impulsive, emotional purchases and prefer to be thrifty,
careful shoppers. Where they differ is in lack of brand information and low involvement with brands. They are
not particularly interested in shopping or product-selection. Shopping, like other housework, is just part of
their daily routine. Strongly family-oriented, they attach more weight to family and neighbors than to their
personal desires. Their perceptions of consumption, money, and brand selection indicate that these are
women who consider family and those around them more important than themselves. Income is a little lower
than other groups; more are married and full-time housewives.
According to Campaign Asia Pacific's Survey (2015), Income is a little lower than other groups; more
are married and full-time housewives. Neither purchases nor brand selection involve much careful planning.
These women show a strong tendency to impulse purchase without prior thought. They live in a world filled
with attractive products, and their interest shifts quickly from one to another. Since they spend little time or
effort collecting information, their consumption patterns tend to be influenced more by those around them
than by what they think themselves.
According to Tan (2019), Indonesia’s exponential e-Commerce growth is fueled by four main factors:
a growing middle class, high Internet and mobile penetration rates, a growing number of fine tech and
alternative finance options, and e-commerce tech investments.
C. The Filipino Women
According to Tse (2015), these women carefully plan purchases and compare prices before they buy.
Sometimes they make exceptions but overall they tend to be highly price conscious. They think of themselves
as good shoppers. They possess a wealth of product information, are interested in new products, and tend
to trust advertising. They are conscious of prices suitable for their status and are also highly concerned with
environmental and other social issues. They value health, stability, and family and want to be of service to
society. They are strongly conscious of food safety and other issues. Their sensibilities are practical and
According to Castillo (2018), Social Influence Factor such as family, societal and the like. Behavioral
scientists have become increasingly aware of the powerful effects of the social environment and personal
interactions on human behavior. In terms of consumer behavior, culture, social class, and reference group
influences have been related to purchase and consumptions. Culture is one of the most basic influences on
an individual's needs, wants, and behavior, since all facets of life are carried out against the background of
the society in which an individual lives. In the case of Filipino consumers, they can easily be identified as to
upper, middle or lower in social class.
According to Cosep (2019), Filipino Women seek out promotions that offer their favorite products at
lower prices and seem to be doing more price comparisons before making any purchases. The mere act of
choosing at the grocery, at the supermarket, boutique, or in the mall are more than just shopping and buying.
The power to choose is more than just about which brand or product to bring home; the choice also reflects
how we are answering the call to be responsible individuals while staying true to our roots. Filipino Women
are among the people in the world who enjoy bargains and haggling the most.
According to Picodi's Survey (2019), about 77% of Filipinos said that they usually have preferred
brands and types before buying. These brands are based on their reputation for quality, longevity, and price.
Although Filipinos are cautious with a product’s pricing, most Filipinos tend to shrug off the price if they get
more value out from their pockets.


I. Differences of Filipino Women and other Asian Women in Southeast Asia (Singaporeans and
A. Purchasing Power
Since Singaporean Women shoppers are majority of white-collar workers, highly educated and
employed full time, with an expectation that their incomes are of higher compare to others, so as their
purchasing power as well. They don't took too much time looking at the prices as long as it will benefit them
as what qualities they are looking and seeking for.
While the Indonesians, are often married and full-time housewives, and the income they are obtaining
are a little lower than other groups. This factor made them a thrifty and extra careful upon purchasing good—
whether it is really a necessity or not.
And the Filipino Women, can easily be identified as to upper, middle or lower in social class— and so
as their income as well. Through this indication, their purchasing power depends on how well their job is, as
of affordable or not. But most of the time, Filipino Women with their resourceful and smart enthusiasm, tend
to save money in order to purchase such goods if they don't have enough amount to obtain the said good in
such immediate moment.
B. Consuming Intellectuals of the Purchased Goods
With the increasing technological development in Singapore, the spread of product information is
abundant making it easy for every women consumer since they're very conscious for how high the quality of
certain product will affect their selves— how it will affect their physical appearance, the environment, their
state and even how others will react to them upon knowing that they consume or use such product/s.
On the other hand, with the fact that most Indonesians are housewives and married, their tendencies
upon purchasing goods or services is their family, particularly their children. They have this attitude of
obtaining products and services that will ease and pamper their children. Always looking out to the welfare
of their families.

The Filipino Women are the mixed of the two prior countries, they tend to be conscious of their own
well-being and self desires but not leaving behind what their family's. They value health, stability of their
family and want to be of service to society. They are strongly conscious of food safety and other issues. Their
sensibilities are practical and realistic but weigh things way too balanced.
C. Physical Store or Online Shopping
Singapore is one of the countries of the 'busy bees' citizens. Still, even of this situation they still
manage to go on physical stores to buy their necessities, particularly clothes, food and home appliances.
Also, the stores in their country adapt its opening hours to suit the free time available to these women to do
their grocery shopping. That is why Singaporean are very fund of self-service stores.
Due to the loads of responsibilities at home as a married women and mother, Indonesian women are
having a hard time to go out and shop or even pay bills. And this is obviously why they are predominantly
dependent on Online Markets. This is also the reason why Indonesia’s exponential e-commerce growth is
increasing, for the awareness of women on digital activities is relatively stable and household online shopping
penetrates their choice with the mode of purchasing.
In relation of how differences with life status, Filipino Women's preference between Online Shopping
with Physical Stores lies with how their situation is going. It depends on their availability or conveniency if
they will go through an Online Shop or a Physical Store itself. Work, family responsibilities and health
concerns are the frequent reasons upon doing so.
II. Similarities of Filipino Women and other Asian Women in Southeast Asia (Singaporeans and
A.Social Influence
The three countries subjected were of similar social influences, since they are all along the lines of
Asia and their cultural diversities are of alike. Their reference group influences have been related to their
purchase and consumptions. Most of them are fund of social gatherings and interactions that made and
brought them up several ideas what to purchase, where to purchase and how to purchase. And especially,
all of them look up always on their culture, whether it is old or new. How they should look like, how they do
such thing with the products they obtained. The trend mainly do the rest to fit on one of these social influences,
and remain unchanged amidst every affections and other influences.
B.Considerations for Purchasing the Product

Upon buying products of necessities and wants. Yes, they might be differ on their capabilities to
purchase, whom will consume these products, or how and where they purchase it all— still they are of the
united goal of considering the products' quality, durability, physical taste and shelf life. They still go with what
products or services that let them feel the comfort and ease. They are also fascinated with the special
features a certain product is wailing at and even its positive contributions to the environment. Not even the
prices, brands or kind of store would lift their desires to have and garner the preference they are after with—

will always find a very smart way to allocate everything in order to fit the aspirations of them as the dominant
consumers of the world.
Based on the findings of the analysis, the following conclusions were drawn:
Dominant consumers treat products, services, information and promotions as a target to global market
more likely to have currency with these women, too. With higher incomes and a higher propensity to
consume, they are primed to become enthusiastic consumers of environmentally-friendly and socially-
conscious products and services, in addition to being active consumers of a variety of goods and services.
They belong to the Singaporean Women and labeled as brand-conscious cosmopolitans.
Indonesians have this family and community first attitude which have a strong trend toward spurring
consumption with appeals to their ties to family and community, rather than to the women themselves.
Companies offer them good family-and community-oriented products and services are able to tap a stable
The Filipino Women take their time when shopping to make sure they get the best deals. Since they
are sensitive to information and pragmatic, value-for-money products that increase their quality of life are
likely to spur these women to loosen their purse strings. Though even in the middle of their practically, they
still manage to come up with the best shots. They are often labeled as the smart careful shoppers.
The three countries differ in some matters of buying goods— since it was overly affected by their
Purchasing Power.
Their preference between the Physical Store or Online Shop often depends on their situations,
responsibilities and environment.
Their Cultural Diversity and reference groups such as family and friends also influence their decision-
making upon purchasing a certain product.
Over the instances and differences, still, they all after the long-lasting and durability of the products,
quality, preferred taste, convenient and simple, and must be an environment friendly as well. Their attitudes
and shopping behaviors, are their frequent foundations toward their desired comfort and ease with their
selves, their families and other intellectuals around them as well.


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