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Wednesday, 29 August, 2018 AEROSPACE CLUB

My Space Adventure
Do you know, what happened to me recently? I never thought before that one day I
would go into space. It was unbelievable. I saw a huge and very shiny rocket. First, I
got inside the rocket. Then, I pressed a button and I heard a loud noise. Pretty much
instantly, I was far away from Earth. It was very quick. Wow! 
I wore a special, thick space-suit. It had many layers to keep my body temperature
normal. I had a helmet on my head, earphones and microphone. I slept in a sleeping
bag with straps to stop me from floating around the rocket ship. Suddenly, when I
took off my seat-belt, I was floating around because there isn’t any gravity. 

After, I went outside the rocket-ship. I saw the giant planet Earth. The Earth was the
brightest and colourful thing I have ever seen. Our planet was so beautiful because
the Sun’s rays reflected all of the magnificent colours of the rainbow. There were
also millions of shining stars and other planets. I saw Mars and Venus because they
are the closest to Earth. 

Finally, I landed on the Moon because I collided with _________________________



The End.
Wednesday, 29 August, 2018 AEROSPACE CLUB
Wednesday, 29 August, 2018 AEROSPACE CLUB

a massive asteroid. The Moon’s surface was covered by bowl-shaped craters. There
weren’t any plants or animals. My foot-prints stayed on the Moon’s soil for a very
long time because there is no wind to blow them away. Soon, I started to be hungry
so I flew to the station to eat. 

Shortly after, I saw something weird and scary. It was an alien’s space-ship. I was
surprised. Next, one of them got out and I asked him a question: “What do you eat
my cosmic friend ? ‘ He didn’t answer, but instead he asked me: ‘‘what is your
name?’’I said “Daniel”. Then, an alien gave me a small green gift. When I opened it, I
saw it was a tiny UFO (an alien’s spaceship). I liked it very much. I also wanted to be
nice. I found an Australian flag, which I was supposed to put on the Moon. So, I gave
it to him and he disappeared.

Soon after, still being hungry, I quickly jumped inside my rocket and safely flew back
home. That moment, I heard something coming from the kitchen: “Daniel, it’s time to
have breakfast!’’ called mum. “To bad, it was only a dream”- I thought. But finally I
have something to eat. Even though that was only a dream, it was an unforgettable
adventure. I wish I could explore space once again, but for longer. Do you want to go
with me too? 

By Daniel Manka

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