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Chapter 29 Programs for Infants and Toddlers Slide 14-23

How do infants prefer their bottles? Slide 14

Infants prefer their bottles at room temperature.

What should you do when it is taken out of the refrigerator?

Place it under a stream of warm running water.

Can you heat a bottle in the microwave? Why or why not?

You cant place a bottle in the microwave because its already at room temperature.
When is cereal introduced?
4-6 months
What is the proper way to serve baby food?
Use a spoon to remove the desired portion from the jar and put it in a serving dish.
When feeding an infant should you follow the parents’ wishes or the center? Slide15
You will have to follow center’s polices NO BOTTLE POPPING.
Why can’t you prop a bottle even if the parent asks you to?
Choking hazard and promotes ear infections and deprives the baby of the personal attention and
social contact they need.

Why is handwashing for toddlers important? Slide 16

Many toddlers crawl on the floor and later use their hands to feel themselves
Toddlers should be fed finger_____ Foods_______. Slide 16

Define SIDS Slide 17

Is a death of a healthy infant due to unexplained causes.
What can you do to help prevent SIDS?
Napping children should be on their back firm on the mattress.
What types of toys should be included for infants and toddlers? Slide 18
Need a range of equipment from soft blocks to puzzles
Include picture books, story books, audio tapes, CD’s , dramatic play, props and puppets to
promote language.
Guard against over stimulation too many choices can overwhelm a child.

What could happen if there are too many choices? Slide 18

It would be able to be more confusing for the infants to think about the toys
Safety is the number 1 consideration. Summarize the remaining 3 bullets Slide 19
Check for sharp edges or points.
Wooden toys should be smoothly sanded.
Small toys with small parts should be avoided.
What is nontoxic radiopaque plastic? Slide 20
Plastic toys do not show up on a X-ray toy companies are now adding a special plastic to
children’s toys.

List 10 toys from the toy inventory list from multiple sections. Slide 21
Dog mobile
Farm animal mobile
Shape mobile
Ring activity gym
Musical activity gym
Large rubber beach balls
Music box
Jingle bells
Plush toys
What do toddlers love to do? Slide 22
Toddlers love to climb.
What should you provide them with?
Small slides
Jungle gyms
Sets of stairs
What might they try to do on a slide?
Climb on the slide in the opposite direction.

Name 4 thinks that they may like or may appeal to them.

They enjoy puppets
They love water
They like small wagons
They like doll strollers
What activity is the most time consuming?
What is approximately 1/5th of their time spent doing?
Staring at a picture
Another child
A toy
Or myself
What is overfamiliarity?
When an infant sees a toy over and over again and gets tired of looking at it

What does the curriculum for infants and toddlers consist of and include? Slide 23
The curriculum consists of simple basic activities it includes physical being fed cuddled rocked
diapered and taken on walks.

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