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•'• Shear and Torsion

Design of Prestressed
• and Non - Prestressed
'' Concrete Beams
Michael P. Collins
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Denis Mitchell
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
and Applied Mechanics
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec

D esign procedures which are

based on rational models
rather than empirical equations
On the other hand, the shear
and torsion chapter consists of a
collection of complex, restrictive,
enable the engineer to develop a empirical equations which, while
better understanding of actual leading to safe designs, lacks an
structural behavior. In this regard, understandable central philoso-
the unsatisfactory nature of cur- phy. This lack, in the opinion of
rent shear and torsion design pro- the authors, is the source of many
cedtires is evident if the ACI of the complaints which arise from
Code' chapter on shear and tor- the engineering profession about
sion is compared with the ACI modern design codes becoming
chapter on flexure and axial load. unworkably complicated.
In the flexure and axial load In this paper an attempt is made
chapter a rational, simple, general to present procedures based on
method is explained in a few par- rational models which enable
agraphs of text. members containing web rein-

Shear and torsion design recommendations which
are believed to be more rational and more general
than current code provisions are presented. The
use of the design recommendations is illustrated by
means of several design examples. Comparisons
with the results of other design methods are made.

forcement to be designed to resist

shear andlor torsion. Plane Sections Theory
In order to illustrate the for Flexure and
characteristics of a rational model Axial Load
of structural behavior, the paper
first briefly reviews the theory for The "plane sections" theory which
flexure and axial load. Then the is capable of predicting the response
progress made in developing of prestressed and non-prestressed
comparable rational models for concrete beams loaded in flexure and
torsion and shear is summarized. axial load is described in several text-
The way in which these models books (e.g., Refs. 2, 3 and 4). This
can be used to design prestressed theory will he briefly illustrated here
in order to review concepts which will
and non-prestressed concrete
he used in developing the models for
beams for torsion and shear is ex-
torsion and shear_
plained. Assume that it is desired to find the
In addition, design procedures moment-curvature relationship for the
for combinations of flexure and rectangular prestressed concrete beam
shear and flexure combined with shown in Fig. 1. Since it is assumed
shear and torsion are presented. that plane sections remain plane only
Minimum reinforcement require- two variables (say the concrete strain
ments, diagonal crack control re- at the top, and the depth to the neutral
quirements and detailing re- axis) are required to define the con-
quirements are also discussed. Fi- crete longitudinal strain distribution.
For a chosen value of top concrete
nally, the recommended proce-
strain, a trial value of the depth of
dures are summarized in a set of
compression can be selected and the
specific design recommendations,
concrete strain distribution will then
the use of which are illustrated by be fixed.
means of several design examples. The longitudinal concrete stresses
Derivations of the major equations can be found from the concrete strains
presented are included in three ap- by using the concrete stress-strain
pendices at the end of the paper. characteristics. Usually, it is assumed

PCI JOURNAUSeptember-October 1 9e0 33

(C } Equivalent Stresses
(d) Stress Resultants

fct I ►y1 4Ultimate


E st I Eo
Steel yield / ^
e 1 Concrete Stress-Strain lculated point M // 'S
M' M CØL•id

fp king on

T^ 111

cing on top '— L

I A6 p IEcp1
(f ) Steel Stress-Strain (g) Moment -Curvature

Fig. 1. Plane sections theory for flexure showing various relationships.

that in compression the stress-strain in the surrounding concrete. For

curve obtained from a test cylinder example, for a pretensioned beam
can be used and that in tension the before release the concrete strain is
concrete is not capable of resisting zero while the prestressing steel has a
stress after cracking. high tensile strain. This difference in
Due to the prestressing operation strain, se,,, which is caused by and
the strain in the prestressing steel will can he calculated from the specifics of
be substantially greater than the strain the prestressing operation, is assumed

to remain constant throughout the life position of the resultant compression
of the beam. For the concrete strain in the concrete, it is convenient to re-
distribution being investigated, the place the actual stress distribution
strain in the concrete surrounding the with an equivalent uniform stress dis-
prestressing steel is known and hence tribution. Thus, the distribution
by adding the strain difference, Acv, shown in Fig. 1(b) could be replaced
the total strain in the prestressing by a uniform stress of a,f acting over
steel, e p , can be determined. From the a depth p lc, Fig. 1(c), where the stress
stress-strain characteristics of the pre- block factors a, and 13, have been cho-
stressing steel, the stress, f, cone- sen so that the magnitude and position
sponding to the strain, e p , can be de- of the resultant compression do not
term med. change. For a constant width of beam,
Knowing the stresses acting on the the value of a, and R r will depend
cross section, the resulting compres- only on the shape of the concrete
sive force in the concrete and the ten- stress-strain curve, and the value of
sile force in the steel can be com- the highest concrete strain. The way
puted. In the case of zero axial load, in which these factors may he
equilibrium requires that the com- evaluated for a particular concrete
pressive force in the concrete equals stress-strain curve is shown in Appen-
the tensile force in the steel. If this dix A.
condition is not satisfied, the trial In the AC! Code' the plane sections
value of the depth of compression theory is the basis for determining the
must be adjusted and the calculations moment capacity. For this determina-
repeated. tion the following additional assump-
When the correct value of the depth tions are made:
of compression has been found, the (a) The maximum moment will
moment corresponding to the chosen occur when the compressive
value of top concrete strain can then strain at the extreme fiber is
be calculated. This moment along 0.003.
with the curvature calculated from the (b) The value of the stress block
strain distribution, will give one point Factor a 1 is 0.85-
on the moment-curvature plot. Re- (c) The value of the stress block
peating the calculations for different factor fi, is 0.85 for concrete
values of top concrete strain will pro- strengths of 4000 psi or less and
duce the complete moment-curvature is reduced continuously by 0.05
relationship shown in Fig. 1. for each 1000 psi of strength in
The moment-curvature relationship excess of 4000 psi but 8 t shall
predicted on the basis that the con- not be taken less than 0.65.*
crete cannot resist tensile stresses is These assumptions, of course, apply
shown by the solid line in Fig. 1(g). to both prestressed and non-pre-
The dashed line in Fig. 1(g) indicates stressed members. in addition, the
the predicted precracking response if AC! Code' permits the use of an ap-
tensile stresses in the concrete are ac- proximate expression for the stress in
counted for. Also shown are the the prestressing steel at ultimate in
cracking loads for the beam which lieu of a more accurate determination
will of course depend on the tensile based on strain compatibility.
strength of the concrete. Since this
member is eccentrically prestressed, 'For SI units f, shall he taken as 0.85 for
the concrete on the top face will crack strengths fi LIP to 30 MPa and shall be reduced
if the applied moment is too low. continuously at a rate of 0.08 for each 10 MPa of
strength in excess of 30 MPa but ,B, shall not be
In determining the magnitude and taken less than 0.65.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1980 35

In discussing the choice of the
Truss Models for angle of inclination of the diagonals, 0,
Shear and Torsion MSrsch i in 1922 made the following
Early design procedures for rein- "We have to comment with regards
forced concrete members in shear to practical application that it is abso-
were based on the truss analogy de- lutely impossible to mathematically
veloped at the turn of the century by determine the slope of the secondary
Ritter' (1899) and by M6rsch" (1902). inclined cracks according to which
This theory, which assumes that con- one can design the stirrups. For prac-
crete is not capable of resisting ten- tical purposes one has to make a pos-
sion, postulates that a cracked rein- sibly unfavorable assumption for the
forced concrete beam (see Fig. 2) acts slope 0 and therefore, with tan20 = w,
as a truss with parallel longitudinal we arrive at our usual calculation for
chords and with a web composed of stirrups which presumes B = 45 deg.
diagonal concrete struts and trans- Originally this was derived from the
verse steel ties. When shear is applied initial shear cracks which actually ex-
to this truss, the diagonal struts go into hibit this slope."
compression while tension is pro- The equation for the amount of
duced in the transverse ties and in the transverse reinforcement needed
longitudinal chords. which resulted from Morsch's as-
Examination of the free body dia- sumption that 0 equals 45 deg became
gram of Fig. 2(b) reveals that the identified as the truss equation for
shear, V. is resisted by the vertical shear.
component of the compression force, Experience with the 45-deg truss
D, in the diagonal struts. The hori- analogy revealed that the results of
zontal component of the compression this theory were typically quite con-
in the struts must be balanced by ten- servative, particularly for beams with
sion in the longitudinal steel. The small amounts of web reinforcement.
magnitude of this tension will thus be As a consequence, in North America it
given by: became accepted design practice to
add an empirical correction term to
AN = V the 45-deg truss equations. In the ACI
tang Code this added shear capacity is
taken as equal to the shear at the
where B is the angle of inclination of commencement of diagonal cracking
the diagonal struts. It can he seen and is often termed the "concrete
from Fig. 2(c) that the diagonal com- contribution." As prestressing in-
pressive stress, fd , is given by: creases the diagonal cracking load, the
beneficial effects of prestress are ac-
V counted for in the AC! Code by in-
bd,.s iris cos6 (2) creasing the "concrete contribution."
The truss analogy predicts that in
where b, is the effective web width order to resist shear a beam needs
and d„ is the effective shear depth. both stirrups and longitudinal steel.
Examination of the free bod y dia- The AC! Code,' rather than specifying
gram of Fig. 2(d) shows that the ten- the amount of additional longitudinal
sion in a transverse tie is given by: steel required for shear, gives rules for
the extension of the flexural rein-
Au .ff = Vs tan8 (3) forcement (e.g., "reinforcement shall
d„ extend beyond the point at which it is

d ^bv

(o) Reinforced Concrete Beam in Shear

11 i I i t
\ 4 ib) Longitudinal Equilibrium at Zero Moment Section

2 V
V = shear at section

^d cos 8

Se] Diagonal Stresses

_ p _ V -
b, d^cos6 tl b,d„sinecose

1^ T T f >< ^ 1 t t

td) Transverse Equilibrium

' d„/tone
V Aviv s
s4s s

Fig. 2. Truss model for shear showing various relationships.

no longer required to resist flexure far contribution") for lightly reinforced

a distance equal to the effective depth members,
of the member"). The truss analogy equations for tor-
The recent CEB Code ,' has recog- sion were first developed by Rausch1°
nized that the angle of inclination of in 1929. As in shear, it is assumed that
the concrete struts is not in general 45 after cracking the concrete can carry
deg. This code permits tan8 to be no tension and that the beam acts as a
varied between 3/5 and 5/3. These truss with longitudinal chords and
limits are a modification of the em- with walls composed of diagonal con-
pirical limits determined by Lampert crete struts and transverse steel ties
and Thtirlimann e for beams in torsion. (see Fig. 3).
It can be seen from Eqs. (1) and (3) Fig. 3 illustrates that the torsion is
that if a lower angle of inclination of resisted by the tangential components
the diagonal struts is chosen, then less of the diagonal compression which
transverse reinforcement but more produce a shear flow, q, around the
longitudinal reinforcement will he re- perimeter. This shear flow is related
quired. Even though the CEB Code to the applied torque by the equilib-
allows a range of values for 0, it still riirm equation:
finds it necessary to include an em-
piricaI correction term (a "concrete T = 2r1„q (4)

PCI JOUR NAL/September-October 1980 37

(a I Cracked Beam in Torsion
Diagonal compressive stresses
acting at angle 6

(b) Longitudinal Equilibrium

Longitudinal components of diagonal compression,
q/tone per unit length
^ T
(c) Shear Flow Path,
T = 2A aq 1^ ^L '` / 1

(d) Equilibrium
Shear flow, q
per unit length of Corner
around perimeter p,,

Fig. 3. Truss model for torsion showing assumed forces acting on element.

where A,, is the area enclosed by the 3(d), indicates that the force in each
shear flow path. hoop is:
The longitudinal component of the
diagonal compression must be bal-
anced by tension in the longitudinal A j, = s q tang = T tang (6)
steel[see Fig. 3(h)], given by:
Rausch, like Morsch, assumed H to
AN = q x) - – — Po (5) be 45 deg. In addition, he assumed
tang 2A Q tang that the path of the shear flow coin-
cided with the centerline of the closed
To balance out the horizontal com- stirrups. The resulting equations be-
pression in the concrete, the resultant came identified as the truss equations
tension force in the steel must act at for torsion.
the centroid of the perimeter pa. In the ACI Code' the expressions
An examination of the equilibrium for torsional strength consist of a
of a corner element, shown in Fig. modified form of the 45-deg truss

equations. These modifications, To determine the angle of inclina-
primarily based on the work of Hsu" tion of the diagonal tension, Wagner
and Mattock,' 2 consist of adding an considered the deformations of the
empirical "concrete contribution" re- system. He assumed that the angle of
lated to the diagonal cracking load and inclination of the diagonal tensile
replacing the "2" in Eqs. (5) and (6) stress would coincide with the angle
by an empirical coefficient which is a of inclination of the principal tensile
function of the shape of the beam. strain. This approach became known
While the ACI Code provisions do not as the tension field theory.
treat prestressed concrete members in Applying Wagner's approach to
torsion, the recent PCI Design Hand- reinforced concrete where it is as-
book' 3 includes a torsion design pro- sumed that after cracking the concrete
cedure for prestressed concrete which can carry no tension and that the shear
is an extension of the ACI provisions. is carried by a field of diagonal com-
This procedure is based primarily on pression results in the following ex-
the work of Zia and McGee." pression for the angle of inclination of
The CEB Code" recognizes that for the diagonal compression:
torsion the angle of inclination of the
diagonal struts is not always 45 deg.
tan 2 0 = Et + Ed (7)
Again, this code permits tanO to vary E t + @4
between 315 and 5/3. In addition,
rather than using the centerline of the where
closed stirrups as the shear flow path, ei = longitudinal tensile strain
the CEB Code, based on the work of E, = transverse tensile strain
Lampert and Thurlimann, 9 uses a path ed = diagonal compressive strain
defined by a line connecting the cen-
ters of the longitudinal bars in the This geometric equation can be
comers of the closed stirrups. thought of as a compatibility relation-
Comparisons between the amounts ship which links the strains in the
of shear and torsion reinforcement re- concrete diagonals, the longitudinal
quired by the ACI and CEB Codes, steel and the transverse steel.
and the authors' recommendations Using the compatibility condition of
will be given later in this paper. Eq. (7), the equilibrium equations of
the truss, and the stress-strain re-
lationships of the concrete and the
Compression Field Theory steel, the full behavioral response of
for Shear and Torsion reinforced concrete members in shear
or torsion can be predicted. This ap-
Before the equilibrium equations of proach is called the compression field
the truss analogy can be used to de- theory."
sign a member for shear and/or tor- To demonstrate how the compres-
sion, the inclination of the diagonal sion field theory can be used to pre-
compression struts must be known. In dict response, imagine that we wish to
1929, Wagner'" dealt with an analo- determine the behavior of a given
gous problem in studying the post- beam subjected to a certain magnitude
buckling shear resistance of thin- of shear. The solution could com-
webbed metal girders. He assumed mence by assuming a trial value of 0.
that after buckling the thin webs Knowing 9, the tensile stresses in the
would not resist compression and that longitudinal and transverse steel and
the shear would be carried by a field the diagonal compressive stresses in
of diagonal tension. the concrete can he determined from

PCI JOURNALSeptember-Qctober 1980 39

Tension in hoop

in concrete

^^ Tension in hoop

Outside of

_ I


Fig. 4. Spalling of the concrete cover due to torsion.

in Concrete

the truss equilibrium relationships. angle of inclination of the diagonal

Knowing the stress-strain characteris- compression, 9. If the angle calculated
tics of the reinforcement and the agrees with the estimated angle, then
stresses in the reinforcement, the the solution would be correct. If it
strains and e t can be determined, does not agree, then a new estimate of
Similarly, knowing the stress-strain 6 could be made and the procedure
characteristics of the concrete and the repeated.
stress in the concrete, the strain, ed, Thus, it can he seen that the com-
can be determined. The calculated pression field theory can predict the
values of the strains can then be used angle of inclination of the diagonal
to check the initial assumption of the compression.


Fig. 5. Effective wall thickness of a twisted beam.

Members in Torsion on. Since concrete is weak in tension

at higher torsions, the concrete out-
In applying the compression {field
theory to members in torsion, a few side of the hoops spalls off. Because of
this spalling it is assumed that the ef-
additional aspects of the behavior
fective outer surface of the concrete
must be taken into account. In resist-
coincides with the hoop centerline.
ing the torsion, not all of the concrete
is effective in providing diagonal If the deformed shape of the twisted
compressive stresses. If the equilib- beam in Fig. 5 is examined, it can be
rium of a corner element for a beam in observed that the walls of the beam do
torsion (Fig. 4) is examined, it can be not remain plane surfaces. Because of
seen that the compression in the con- the curvature of the walls, the diago-
crete tends to push off the corner nal compressive strains will be a
while the tension in the hoops holds it maximum, e,,,, at the surface and will

PCI JOURNAUSeptember-October 1980 41


a,/2 ae/2


Hoop centerline

o, /2


Ho op

Fig. 6. Area enclosed by the shear flow for different member cross sections.

decrease linearly with the distance sponding to the strain -,,, at the effec-
from the surface becoming tensile for tive outside surface. As in flexure we
depths below a certain distance, ta. can replace this actual stress distribu-
Thus, in torsion as in flexure, we have tion by a uniform stress of c &' = fd
a depth of compression below which acting over a depth of p, t d = a o where
we may assume that the concrete, the stress block factors a l and f3, de-
being in tension, is ineffective. The pend on the shape of the concrete
outside concrete spalls off and the in- stress-strain curve and the value of
side concrete goes into tension; surface compressive strain, e dd . The
hence, we are left with a tube of ef- centerline dimensions of the resulting
fective concrete td thick which lies tube of uniformly stressed concrete of
just inside the hoop centerline. thickness, a 0 , will define the path of
The diagonal concrete stresses will the shear flow, q. This path will lie
vary in magnitude over the thickness a0/2 inside the centerline of the hoop
of the effective concrete tube from as shown in Fig. 5. Knowing the path
zero at the inside to a value d, corre- of the shear flow, the terms A„ (the


hoop yield

600 '\,^9i Predicted

hoop yield

a 17^ ,
. 400 Cracked

BEAM P1 —a

Untracked Cover = 1/2 in.

200 prediction f^ 4680psi
*3 hoops at 3,8 in, f = 47.5 ksi
Aj'=0.88 in? f- 475 ksi
A0.718 in? f,e166 ksi
AE 0 -0.0059 In =214 ksi
0 05 1.0 15 2.0 R 10-3
TWIST {ad/in.)

Fig. 7. Measured and predicted torque-twist response for a prestressed beam.

area enclosed by the shear flow) and sion will be a function of the tensile
p o (the perimeter of the shear flow forces in the reinforcement. It can be
path) can he determined. Examination shown (see Appendix B) that:
of Fig. 5 shows that A. may be taken
as: _ ,N + Acf`
a0 a J, Ao alfcs
Ao"Aan— Ph (8)
j- To illustrate the use of the compres-
sion field theory for torsion, the pre-
where A ar, is the area enclosed by the diction of the torque-twist curve for
centerline of the hoop and pn is the the prestressed concrete beam shown
hoop centerline perimeter. The in Fig. 7 will be described. The cal-
perimeter of the shear flow path, p., culations would commence by
can be taken as: choosing a value for the diagonal
compressive strain at the surface of
po = p h – 4a o(9) the concrete, eds . Knowing e,, and the
stress-strain curve of the concrete, the
The area enclosed by the shear stress block factors a l and I3 1 could be
flow, A o , for a variety of cross-sec- determined (Appendix A).
tional shapes is shown in Fig. 6. To determine the longitudinal and
As in flexure, the depth of compres- transverse strains in the beam which

PCI JOURNAUSeptember- October 1980 43

correspond to the chosen value of fde, Bile strength of the concrete and the
it is convenient to rearrange the basic level of prestress. An expression for
equations (see Appendix B) to give this cracking torque will he given
the following expressions: later in the paper.
If the ohserved" experimental be-
f a113dr'Aohs – havior of the beam shown in Fig. 7 is
1 2phAft
da compared with the two theoretical
–L predictions, it can he seen that prior to
cracking the behavior closely follows
E __ r a lY]J r' 'A ahpa — the uncracked member prediction
i IIL 2 p, AN 1 E r9 (12)
while after cracking the behavior
tends towards the fully cracked
The strain in the prestressing steel member prediction.
is determined by adding the strain To determine the ultimate torsional
difference, to the longitudinal strength, it is not necessary to predict
tensile strain, el . When Eqs. (11) and the complete torsional response. As in
(12) have been evaluated, then the flexure, it can be assumed that the
tension in the hoop A J, and the ten- load which corresponds to a concrete
sion in the longitudinal steel, AN, for strain of 0.003 is the maximum load
the chosen value ofet , will be known. the section can carry. When using this
Eq. (10) can then be used to calculate assumption to determine the torsional
the depth of compression, a 0 , and capacity, it is appropriate to use the
hence the terrnsA 0 and p0. ACI stress block factors.
Solving Eqs. (5) and (6) for the two Members in Shear
unknowns, T and 0, gives:
In applying the compression field
theory to members in shear, it is again
T = 2A o (13) necessary to take some additional be-
Po havioral aspects into account. As in

torsion, the unrestrained concrete

cover may spall off at higher loads
(see Fig. 8). Once again, it is assumed
tang = —'f= ° (14) that after spalling the effective outer
s ^N surface of the concrete will coincide
with the centerline of the stirrups.
Knowing 0, the twist of the beam for In calculating the diagonal com-
the chosen value of E d„ caul be deter- pressive stress, fr, it is assumed that
mined by the geometrical relationship the magnitude of the shear flow is
given in Fig. 5. Repeating the above constant over the effective shear
calculations for different values of € depth d. Hence, the maximum value
enables the complete torque-twist re- of the diagonal stress will occur at the
sponse to be determined. location of the minimum effective
The torque-twist curve given by the web width, b,,, within the depth, d,,.
solid line in Fig. 7 is based on the as- In the truss analogy, d u is the distance
surnption that the concrete cannot re- between the top and the bottom lon-
sist any tensile stress. The dashed line gitudinal chords. While d y could be
represents the predicted precracking taken as the flexural lever arm jd, we
torque-twist response if tensile stress- will assume that d, is the vertical dis-
es in the concrete are taken into ac- tance between the centers of the lon-
count. The torsion at which cracking gitudinal bars which are anchoring the
occurs depends, of course, on the ten- ends of the stirrups,

< s,^^i
r,q n
Si zo 5 cZy t

Outside c


F^mo sion
X11 11


IF j_._- in stirrup'


Fig. 8. Spalling of concrete cover due to shear.

PCI JOURNALJSeptember-October 1980 45

f .> I
A d


Flanges prevent cover

from spoiling

d I/2 b Y d Yd

1/2 by

Diameter of duct bra

bvz b„'
Grouted duct

2ibvt— y2dd)+bY,
Fig. 9. Effective shear area of members with various cross sections.

The assumed effective areas resist- large post-tensioning ducts in thin

ing shear for a variety of cross-sec- webs reduces the shear capacity. The
tional shapes are shown in Fig. 9. The suggested reduction in Fig. 9 comes
actual shear stress distributions for the from the CEB Code.e
cross sections shown will of course be The previously determined truss
non-uniform, However, the use of the equations for shear plus the geometric
effective shear areas shown in Fig. 9 relationship for 0 can be used to de-
will lead to conservative results. It has termine the response of prestressed
been observed" , "" that the presence of and non-prestressed concrete mem-



Predicted failure load

N 75 Uncracked BEAM CF 1
prediction Side cover = 1/2 in.
6" Top and bottom cover = I in
w =5600 psi
vim+ 50 24 * 3 stirrup at 6 in.,
Cracked 16 a . fY = 53.2 ksi
prediction A1= 0.66in` f =53 2ksi

A p =1.436 in2, {=150 Ksi

LEp =a oo54 {pY =2iCi 5 Ksi
25 ^t2" ^.
o Test values

0 5.0 Is.o z to -3

Fig. t 0. Measured and predicted shear-shear strain response for a prestressed

concrete beam.

bers in shear by the procedure already the cylinder crushing stress f, Apart
explained. from the problems of the actual dis-
The resulting predicted shear tribution of the principal compressive
force-shear strain response for a pre- stresses (we have assumed a uniform
stressed concrete box girder is shown stress distribution), this stress must be
in Fig. 10. The solid line represents transmitted across cracked and se-
the predicted response based on the verely deformed concrete.
assumption that concrete cannot resist Fig. 11 compares the failure condi-
any tensile stress. The predicted pre- tions for the concrete in a test cylinder
cracking response is represented by with the failure conditions for diago-
the dashed line. Once again, the ob= nally stressed concrete in a cracked
serveds ' experimental behavior fol- beam loaded in shear. It has been
lows the uncracked member predic- proposed" that the size of the stress
tion prior to cracking and tends to- circle that causes the concrete to fail is
wards the fully cracked member pre- related to the size of the co-existing
diction after cracking. strain circle. As an indicator of the
In predicting the ultimate shear intensity of strain, the maximum shear
capacity of members, it has been strain, y.„ (i.e., the diameter of the
found necessary to limit the maximum strain circle) is used. It has been
compressive stress, fd . It must be ap- suggestedY2 that the maximum value
preciated that fd is unlikely to reach of f,1 be taken as:

PCI JOURNAL15eptember- October 1980 47



Cylinder Strain Circle

Stress Circle

..e a

Diagonally Cracked
Concrete S ress Circle

Strain Circle

Fig. 11. Comparison of stress and strain conditions for a test cylinder and for
diagonally cracked concrete.







Fig. 12. Limits on angle of diagonal compression for torsion.

f = 5.5 f f (15) where
4 + ym /e,
rn = T"rah (19)
where A,,

*ym = 2€4 + €+ E
+ l (16) Before the above expressions can be
used, it is necessary to evaluate the
and e n at failure is assumed to be area enclosed by the shear flow, A0.
0.002, that is, the strain corresponding This area is a function of the depth of
to the peak concrete stress. When the compression, a,,. By rearranging Eqs.
compressive stress f„ reaches the
limiting value, dU , failure is predicted.
(10), (5), (6), and (8), the following ex-
pression fora,, can be obtained:
For the beam discussed above, the re-
sulting predicted failure load is shown
in Fig. 10. It can be seen that the pre- ao = Ann 1
diction is conservative. ph

Design for l - T f tang + f

0.85f`A °n 1 ta"B
Torsional Strength
In many practical situations the size
and shape of the beam together with It can be seen from the above equa-
the amount of prestressed or non-pre- tions that the strain conditions at ulti-
stressed longitudinal reinforcement mate depend on the angle B.
will already have been chosen to The tasks of selecting an appropri-
satisfy other design considerations. ate value of S, and then calculating Er
The objectives of the torsion design and e, are made considerably simpler
then become: by plotting Eqs. (17) and (18) in the
(a) Check if the section size is ade- form of the design chart shown in Fig.
quate to resist the design torsion; 12. In plotting the chart a value of 0.80
(b) Determine the area of trans- for^il was used.
verse reinforcement required to resist As an example, let us assume the
the torsion; and characteristics of the reinforcement
(c) Evaluate the additional lon- are such that when e, = 0.002 the
gitudinal reinforcement required to transverse reinforcement will yield
resist the torsion. and when er = 0.002 the longitudinal
If the section size is inadequate, the reinforcement will "yield." For this
concrete will crush before the rein- case it can be seen from Fig. 12 that if
forcement yields. The transverse and r„If f equals about 0.3, then both types
longitudinal strains at the nominal tor- of steel will yield only if B is about 45
sional moment capacity T„ can be de- deg, On the other hand, if r,, /fr equals
rived from Eqs. (5), (6), (11), and (12), about 0.1 both steels will yield for any
as: value oiO between 16 and 74 deg.
The effect of choosing a lower value
0.85 R_.f,Ao 1 10-003
1 of B is that, for a given torque, less
L r ^ak tone – hoop steel but more longitudinal steel
(17) will be required. Since hoop steel is
typically more expensive than lon-
Et =
f 0.85 13 fJA , tang- 1 l 0.003 gituclinal
L steel, the design engineer
r nA nA
J may wish to use the lowest possible
(18) value of 0.

PC I JOUR NAL'September-October 1980 49

Having chosen an appropriate value For a chosen torque T the angle 9,
of 0 from Fig. 12, a o can he deter- which would result in the given
mined from Eq. (20), the shear flow amount of hoop reinforcement, was
path parameters A,, and p a can then be determined from Eqs. (6), (8), and
found from Eqs. (8) and (9), and fi- (10). The axial tension AN, resulting
nally the required areas of reinforce- from the torsion T with the calculated
ment can be calculated from Eqs. (5) angle 0, was then found from Eq. (5).
and (6). Finally, the moment M which the
given section could resist in combina-
tion with the axial tension AN was
Designing for Combined determined from the conventional
Torsion and Flexure plane sections theory,
As can be seen from Fig. 13, the
The compression field theory de- suggested procedure predicts accu-
scribed above is only strictly valid rately the observed strengths of the
when the longitudinal strain e, is con- tested beams.
stant over the whole section which re- The predicted and observed crack-
stilts in a constant value of 0. A more ing loads, which are shown in Fig. 13,
complex version of the compression will be discussed later in the paper.
field theory has been developed2 The theory predicts that as the ratio
which is capable of predicting the re- of torsion to moment decreases, the
sponse of reinforced concrete beams angle of inclination of the diagonal
under combined torsion and flexure. compression 0 will increase. Predicted
Fortunately, for under-reinforced values of 0 range from 24 deg for pure
beams a simple superposition proce- torsion to 90 deg for pure flexure.
dure produces accurate results. While these predicted values of 0 will
In this superposition procedure the not necessarily coincide with the av-
transverse reinforcement is designed erage inclination of the cracks (they
to resist the torsion by using the pro- will coincide with the inclination of
cedure already explained. The lon- cracks which form just prior to fail-
gitudinal reinforcement is then de- ure), this inclination will provide an
signed by the conventional plane sec- indication of the value of 9. If thb
tions theory to resist the applied mo- crack patterns for the five tested
ment plus the equivalent tension, AN, beams, which are shown in Fig. 14,
produced by the torsion. are studied, it can be seen that the
To investigate the accuracy of the crack inclinations are in reasonable
simple superposition method outlined agreement with the predicted values
above, it was used to predict the tor- of 0.
sion-flexure interaction relationship In predicting the strengths of some
for a series of uniformly prestressed, of the beams shown in Fig. 13, it was
symmetrically reinforced concrete necessary to apply the theory in re-
beams which had been tested at the gions where the longitudinal steel was
University of Toronto. 24 The concrete not yielding. For example, in pure tor-
cylinder strength varied somewhat sion B = 24 deg and z„Ife = 0.20
between the five beams of the test which, as can he seen from Fig. 12,
series (individual values are shown in will correspond to e j = 0.6 X l0-3.
Fig. 13) so in the calculations the av- When the capacity of such members
erage value of 5.57 ksi (38 MPa) was is investigated by using the concept of
used. an equivalent axial tension, allowance
The predicted interaction curve was must he made for the fact that the lon-
determined in the following manner: gitudinal steel will not actually yield

3 5"
B 0 276ni wires

Concrete cover-1 in. top # 3 at 6 in.

and bottom 17 fr=54.5 ksi
V2 in. sides •. 3
2 0 5, f,=52.6 ksi
8-0.276 in wires

600 /
A =24°
I' —i2" —
fa.=I66 ksi
1R„= 247ksi
• T64
)f5.16ksi) \ (f6.53ksi)
500 6=28^ TB2


{kip in) /`\

300 Observed cracking \ Observed ultimate Q=50 o
o ^•
2°D Predicted cracking (f^ =4.88 ks{ )
f'°5.57 ksi
Predicted ultimate_

I00 l
(f' 5.4 5 k si )
p =90°
0o 200 400 600 800 I OD 1 200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
M (kip in)

Fig. 13. Torsion-flexure interaction for a series of prestressed concrete beams.

under torsion while under direct ten- flexure. As in torsion, it is necessary to

sion the longitudinal steel would check that the section is of an ade-
yield. To allow for this effect, the quate size to resist the applied loads
equivalent axial tension AN as given and then to determine the required
by Eq. (5) is increased by the ratio of amounts of transverse and longitudi-
the yield force of the longitudinal nal reinforcement.
steel to the force in the steel at a strain To determine that the section size is
ofez. adequate to resist the applied shear, it
is necessary to check the transverse
and longitudinal strains at ultimate.
Designing for Combined The following equations (see next
Shear and Flexure page) which relate the strains at the
nominal shear capacity, V,,, the angle
Procedures analogous to those for 0, and the applied shear can be ob-
torsion and flexure can he used to de- tained by rearranging Eqs. (3), (15),
sign beams subjected to shear and (16), and (7),

PCI JOURNAL15eptembes-October 1980 51

ia^^A*.. t^ 24

M413 • !^o -h^ •, ^+ ,

T ,/M=0.40 t^ s


T tl-0-!8 :::

.0 : ^ ^ O d 4 p ii

T8 5 fl Yf

Fig. 14. Crack patterns for five prestressed concrete beams.

(Specimens TB4: TB1. TB2, T63, and TB5.)

5.5 sin0 cos0 – 4 Tn
f l I 0.002 (21)
(1 + tan20)

5.5 sines cosO – 4 T"

1 f` – 1 0.002 (22)

ff \ 1 + ta n40l

where Tn = VnI(b rda).

Once again, the tasks of selecting an In Fig, 15 the design chart for tor-
appropriate value of 0 and then de- sion is compared with the design chart
termining if the section size is ade- for shear. The design charts can be
quate are made considerably simpler thought of as defining the limits of B
if the above equations are plotted in for a given level of stress and for given
the form of a design chart similar to steel strains. It can be seen that the
Fig. 12. A modified form of this design two design charts have somewhat
chart will be presented in the follow- similar shapes and that either chart
ing section. could be reasonably represented by
Having chosen an appropriate value the following equation:
of 0, the required area of transverse
reinforcement can be found from Eq.
10+ T"1f,' 35 < 0
(3). The longitudinal reinforcement (0.42 – 50 el)
can then be designed by the plane
sections theory to resist the applied r n /J n
moment plus the equivalent axial ten- 35(23)
< 80 – (0.42 – 50 et)
sion, AN, given by Eq. (1).
where the angle 0 is in degrees.
Designing for In applying the above design equa-
Combined Torsion tion for the case of combined torsion
Shear and Flexure and shear, we will take:

Although the compression field n

= 1.s
+ n (24)
theory has not yet been fully extended AM bed.
to the case of beams loaded in com-
bined torsion, shear, and flexure, a In designing a member for com-
somewhat more approximate model bined torsion and shear, the nominal
called the variable angle space truss is shear stress r„ would first be deter-
available Y5 and has been used as the mined. Based on the yield strength of'
basis of a computer-aided design pro- the reinforcement, appropriate values
cedure. 26 In this paper, an alternative of e i and e1 would then be calculated.
simplified, conservative design pro- Eq. (23) could then he used to calcu-
cedure will he developed on the basis late the range of possible values of B.
of the design charts for shear and tor- If the lower limit on 0 is calculated to
sion. he higher than the upper limit on a it

PCI JOURNALJSeplernber-October 1980 53

means that the section size is inade- member the torsion and the shear
quate for the applied load. stresses counteract reducing the total
After choosing an appropriate value longitudinal force required for
of 0 from within the allowable range equilibrium.
(usually a value close to the lower Comparisons with predictions from
limit of B would be chosen), the the variable angle space truss suggest
amount of transverse reinforcement that a simple conservative procedure
required to resist the shear could he for determining the required equiva-
determined from Eq. (3), while the lent tension under combined loading
amount of transverse steel needed to is to take the square root of the sum of
resist the torsion could be determined the squares of the individually calcu-
from Eqs. (6), (8), and (20). The re- lated tensions. Thus, for combined
quired amount of transverse rein- loading the longitudinal reinforce-
forcement is assumed to he the sum of ment is designed to resist the applied
the amount required for shear and the moment and axial load plus an addi-
amount required for torsion. tional axial tension AN given by:
If the shear alone were acting, then
the longitudinal tension force re- s
AN A = 1 V,2 + f T -I.o (25)
quired could be determined from Eq. tang` 2Ao
(1). If on the other hand the torsion
were acting alone, then the longitudi- For members not subjected to an
nal tension force required could be externally applied axial load, it may
determined by Eqs. (5), (8), and (20). be more convenient to design for an
If these two forces are simply added equivalent additional moment rather
for the combined loading case, the re- than an additional axial load. The lon-
suit would be a conservative design. gitudinal reinforcement at a given
This is because on one face of the section could thus be designed as

0 50


o 20

0 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Fig. 15. Design limits on angle of diagonal compression for shear and torsion.

flexural tension reinforcement to re- while Tar is the pure torsional crack-
sist a positive moment of M.+ 1/z d, u
ing load, V ,. is the pure shear crack-
AN„ and a negative moment of ½ dr ing load, and is the pure flexural
AN„ – M. In regions of high positive cracking load.
moment, M,, would exceed '/a d, AN., The pure torsional cracking load can
indicating that top longitudinal rein- be estimated27 as:
forcement is not required.
Tr= A°4
A2 f, 1+ fn` (27)
Minimum Reinforcement PC `1fJ[

where p is the outside perimeter of
To ensure ductile behavior of the concrete section, A, is the area en-
flexural members, the ACT Code' re- f
closed by pc , and r,,, is the compres-
quires that the amount of longitudinal sive stress due to prestress at the cen-
troid of the section. In Eq. (27) f, is in
reinforcement provided in prestressed
concrete beams be large enough to psi units. If MPa units are used for f
ensure that the flexural capacity is at the coefficients 4 should be replaced
least 1.2 times the cracking moment. by 0.33.
The pure shear cracking load can be
If the reinforcement is not capable of
transmitting the cracking load, then estimated as;
the member may fail in a brittle man-
ner when the first crack forms. To Var = b,nd4 f^ 1+ f^
prevent such brittle failures for non- 4^f
prestressed members, the ACT Code
specifies a minimum percentage of (28)
flexural reinforcement. This minimum
reinforcement is necessary unless the m
where b, is the unspalled web width
reinforcement provided is one-third and d is the effective depth of the
greater than that required by analysis. flexural steel. Once again, f f is in psi
If the ACT Code philosophy for units. If MPa units are used, replace
minimum flexural reinforcement is the 4's by 0.33.
applied to members subjected to The pure flexural cracking load can
combined torsion, shear, and flexure, be estimated' as:
then either the reinforcement should
be designed to transmit at least 1.2 M^^ = I (7.5 [ + f) (29)
times the cracking load or the rein- yt
forcement should be designed to
transmit four-thirds of the factored de- where Ilyt is the section modulus of
sign loads. the beam, ffis the compressive stress
A simple, approximate procedure due to prestress at the extreme fiber of
for calculating the cracking loads the section where tensile stress is
under combined loading can be de- caused by the applied moment, and f^
veloped from the following interaction is in psi. If MPa units are used, re-
equation: place 7.5 by 0.6.
The above procedure was used to
calculate the cracking loads for the
prestressed concrete beams shown in
1 T wrl E * ^ V .xr) • Mocr
Fig. 13. It can be seen that the ob-
c c e
where T ,., V r , and M ,. are the crack- served cracking loads agree rea-
ing loads under combined loading sonably well with the predictions.

PCI JOURNALSeptember-October 1980 55

in which et. is the expected transverse
Control of strain at the shear V and E r is the
Diagonal Cracking transverse strain predicted by the di-
agonal compression field theory.
Excessively wide cracks at service The effect of this transition curve
loads are undesirable. Obviously, for a prestressed and a non-pre-
cracking will not be a problem if the stressed concrete beam is illustrated
service load is lower than the cracking in Fig. 16. It can be seen that even if
load. This will often be the case for these two members have the same ul-
concrete members which are pre- timate load, the prestressed member
stressed. If the service load is greater will have much smaller strains at ser-
than the cracking load, then it is vice load levels. There are two rea-
necessary to provide an adequate sons for this more desirable behavior
amount of well detailed reinforcement of the prestressed concrete member;
to restrain the opening of the diagonal the cracking load is higher and the
cracks. stiffness after cracking is larger.
In 1974 ASCE-ACI Shear Commit- In designing the section for ultimate
tee suggested 28 that "limiting the Ioads, the choice of the angle 0 deter-
maximum stirrup strains at working mines the relative amounts of trans-
loads to 0.001... should prevent un- verse and longitudinal steel. If a very
sightly inclined cracks at working low value of 0 is chosen, only a very
loads." In checking this suggested small amount of transverse steel will
limitation, the compression field be supplied which may result in ex-
theory can be used to predict the cessive stirrup strains at service loads.
strain in the transverse reinforcement Thus, it is possible to think of the
at the specified service loads. crack control limit as determining a
As can be seen in Fig, 16, the com- lower limit on 0. Rearranging the
pression field theory, because it ne- basic equations and introducing some
glects concrete in tension, predicts simplifying assumptions (see Appen-
that the transverse reinforcement will dix C) results in the fallowing limit:
commence straining as soon as the
load is applied. In reality, the trans-
tang _( f^ VSP ] z ( ... L fxl x
verse reinforcement will not begin to
be strained until cracking occurs.
V RI 1 29ff)
After cracking there will be a transi- i(L)3

tion between the uncracked condition JII


and the fully cracked condition as the

loads go above the cracking Ioad_ where V,,e is the shear at service load
Faced with an analogous problem in and f,, is the yield stress of the trans-
determining a stiffness which lies verse steel in ksi units. If MPa units
between the uncracked value and the are used, the coefficients 29 should be
fully cracked value, the ACI Code' replaced by 200.
uses an empirical transition formula Thus, in choosing the angle 0 re-
based on the work by Branson. 49 This quired to design the reinforcement at
equation can he modified for our pur- ultimate loads, the following two limit
poses to give the following expres- states must be considered:
sion: 1. To ensure that at ultimate the
reinforcement yields prior to crushing
— t— I Vrr )
I" of the concrete, 6 must lie between
the lower and tipper limits given by
1 (30) Eq. (23).


Vcr theory

o ^ -
• a
} v






Fig. 16. Strain in transverse reinforcement at service load for a prestressed and
non-prestressed member.

2. To ensure that at service loads

the strain in the transverse reinforce-
beams were 2 V f b m d and 3.5\f
h,,d, respectively (in MPa these val-
ment does not exceed 0.001, 9 must be ues would he 0.17 b,.d and 0.29
greater than the limit specified in Eq. Jf bd). It can be seen that for
(31). f„ = 40 ksi (300 MPa) the cracking
These two limit states are compared limit on 8 is not critical. It can also be
in Fig. 17. In preparing this figure it seen that prestressing the beam makes
was assumed that f,' = 5000 psi (35 the crack width limit ors 0 less restric-
MPa), V.,IV, = 0.55, bt,dt ,= 0.75 bd, tive.
and that the cracking shears for the In order to ensure control of diago-
non-prestressed and prestressed nal cracking, it is necessary not only to

PCI JOURNAL1September-October 1980 57


04 0.4
fY=40ksi 0ksi

0.2 limit 0.2

0 0T0n -0
0 45° 90° ® 4



0.4 0.4
J fY a 40 ksi
Crack I fY 60 ksi
width ^7
limit /
0.2 0. 2

0 0 f
0 45° 90° 8 0 45° 90°
Prestressed, f = 1000 psi

Fig. 17. Crushing limits and crack width limits for prestressed and non-prestressed
concrete beams.

provide a sufficient amount of trans- amount of reinforcement he provided

verse reinforcement but also to limit but also it is essential that this rein-
the spacing of reinforcement so that forcement be correctly detailed. A ra-
an undesirable widening of the cracks tional model which enables the en-
between the reinforcement does not gineer to understand the required
occur. It is suggested that provided functions of the reinforcement will
both the longitudinal reinforcement help the designer to avoid detailing
and the transverse reinforcement have mistakes, particularly in unusual situ-
a spacing equal to or less than 12 in. ations not adequately covered by code
(300 nom), this requirement will be rules.
satisfied. Since this requirement is A cracked beam in shear is
concerned with controlling cracking at idealized in Fig, 18(a) so that the
service loads, these spacing limits can functions of the reinforcement can be
be waived if the specified service visualized more clearly. The primary
loads are less than the cracking load, function of the stirrups is to hold the
beam together in the lateral direction.
The distribution plates for the trans-
Detailing of verse steel shown in the idealized
Reinforcement model enable the concentrated stirrup
tensions to be distributed along the
In order that members subjected to length of the beam balancing the out-
shear and torsion perform satisfacto- ward thrusts of the diagonal concrete
rily, not only must an adequate compressions.

Longitudinal steel Stirrup anchorage points Transverse
anchorage points / distribution plates
! 1

`^aeiu i..y i^r W 70
1" r^nv ii =rv^^ar


(a) Functions of the Reinforcement in an
Idealized Truss Model

steel anchored
in end region

{bl Properly Detailed Beam


(c} Poorly Detailed Beam Corner pushout


Fig. 18. Detailing considerations for a beam subjected to shear and/or torsion.

In a properly detailed beam [Fig. eter of the longitudinal bars in the

18(b)], longitudinal bars at the anchor corners of the hoops should be at least
points of the stirrups perform the s tang/16.
function of the distribution plates. In The consequences of large stirrup
an improperly detailed beam [Fig. spacing are further illustrated in Fig,
18(c)] with excessive stirrup spacing, 19. The compression field theory as-
the longitudinal bars will not be capa- sumes a uniform distribution of diag-
ble of distributing the concentrated onal compressive stresses over the
stimip tensions and hence a prema- beam as shown in Fig. 19(a)_ With
ture failure may occur. For beams in widely spaced stirrups these diagonal
torsion where the thrusts from two stresses will not he uniform along the
adjacent faces must be resisted (see length of the beam but will become
Fig. 4), it is suggested that the diam- concentrated at the stirrup locations

PCI JOURNALiSeptember-October 1980 59

Uniform field of diagonal
compressive stresses

5 3IonG
(a) Small Stirrup Spacing

High diagonal stresses

I s'.f ^

A ee $<` Small diagonal stresses

e „ due to flexibility of
supports between stirrups

5 tan 9
f n
lb) Large Stirrup Spacing

Fig. 19. Consequences of large stirrup spacing.

[see Fig. 19(b)]. These local concen- which had a maximum spacing of 2d
trations of stress may result in pre- and somewhat stronger flexural steel,
mature diagonal crushing. To ensure a failed in shear at 14.0 kips (62.2 kN)
reasonably uniform distribution of while Beam 783, with a maximum
stress, it is suggested that the stirrup spacing of 3d, failed in shear at 10.3
spacing should not exceed do/(3 tan8). kips (45.8 kN).
An analogous requirement for torsion As shown in the idealized model
would limit the spacing of the hoops (Fig. 18), the transverse reinforcement
to p h /(8 tang). must be properly anchored. The ACI
The three beams shown in Fig. 20 Code' gives detailing requirements
illustrate what happens when the for the development of the transverse
spacing limits suggested above are ex- shear reinforcement. In applying
ceeded. If Eqs. (3) and (23) are these requirements, it should be kept
applied to these beams, which were in mind that at high shear stresses
among the many hundreds of beams spalling of the unrestrained concrete
tested at the University of Toronto by cover may occur. In torsion, because
G. N. J. Kani, 30 a shear capacity of 14,9 of spalling of the concrete cover, con-
kips (66.2 kN) and an angle 0 of 18.7 siderable care must he taken to
deg would be predicted. The achieve proper end anchorage of the
maximum spacing would thus be dr/(3 closed stirrups."
tan 18.7) = d. Beam 781, which had a In the idealized model the primary
maximum spacing of d, did not fail in function of the longitudinal steel is to
shear. At a load corresponding to a hold the beam together along its axis.
shear of 13.4 kips (59.6 kN}, the lon- The end distribution plate shown in
gitudinal steel in the central region of the idealized model [Fig. 18(a)] en-
the beam yielded and the beam failed ables the concentrated tensile forces
in flexure (see Fig. 20). Beam 782, in the longitudinal steel, which must

13,4 kips
5^sx3^,,^ R 13.4 kips

nr;MM rai
6". (;". I"FP


BEAM 783

Fil Stirrups " r 2 I T = 50 ksi
Concrete f,= 3.88 ksi
1218 09 5• Side cover = 3/4"
Longitudinol steel 23 + 28
Yield strengths as shown
6 d= 10.7"
.33 _6"

Fig. 20. Three beams with large stirrup spacings

of course he anchored to the plate, to involving well anchored and well

be distributed over the end of the distributed end longitudinal steel is
beam. The tensile force in the steel shown in Fig. 18(b). Fig. 18(c) illus-
balances the outward thrusts of the di- trates the consequences of not prop-
agonal concrete stresses which are erly detailing the end anchorage re-
attempting to push off the end of the gion.
beam. The beams shown in Fig. 19 do not
If the end of an actual beam frames have end blocks or well distributed
into an adjacent member, then this longitudinal steel. For such cases the
member can act as the end distribu- diagonal compressive stresses "fan-
tion plate. Alternatively, end dia- out" from the end hearing plate. The
phragms or end blocks could act as spread of the fan will be defined by
end distribution plates. If none of the lowest angle of inclination, 9, and
these conditions are met, then care the highest angle of inclination, 0,, of
must be taken to provide proper end the diagonal compressive stresses,
anchorage details. One such solution If Eq. (23) is examined, it can be

PCI JOURNALJSeptember-October 1980 61

le III ICCIeiciiI


Lb Distributed bottom

^ -^
- 4 3 6. ^

e LAk' tom#
S} F^

d ye r

^^ t



(c) Flanged Section

Fig. 21. Fanning of diagonal compression at ends of beams.

seen that for a given shear stress the sion in the top longitudinal steel near
sum of the lowest allowable angle and the end of the beam.32
the highest allowable angle is ap- While the fan reduces the total lon-
proximately 90 deg. The two angles, B gitudinal tensile force required in the
and 9e , defining the fan will usually steel at the end of the beam, it in-
he the lowest and the highest allow- creases the compressive stresses in
able angles, respectively, and hence it the concrete. In checking for crushing
can be assumed that 6 + Be = 90 deg. of the concrete in the end region, it
The presence of the end tans (see can be assumed that the diagonal
Fig. 21) eliminates the need for ten- compressive stresses are distributed

i d Y M1,,;..,,. Equwalent additional
2 `' tan g moment due to niear

Fig. 22. Fanning of diagonal compression under concentrated load.

over the depth of the fan, d,,, at the the diagonal compression increases.
edge of the bearing plate (see Fig. 21). Directly under the load, where 0 = 90
The depth, d,, should be taken as to deg, the shear will not cause any in-
tan6P = l/tanO, Fig. 21(a), unless a crease. As a consequence, the area of
more detailed analysis indicates that longitudinal steel in this region need
well-anchored longitudinal steel not exceed the area required for the
spread over the depth of the beam, maximum flexure.1,32
Fig. 21(b), enablesd,,e to be increased.
In checking web crushing for flanged
members, the effective bearing Distribution of
length, 1r„ can he increased since the Transverse Reinforcement
critical section will no longer occur at
the edge of the bearing plate [Fig. Design procedures to determine the
21(c)]. required spacing of transverse rein-
If it is assumed that the tensile forcement in regions of constant shear
strains are negligible in the confined and/or torsion have already been ex-
region near the bearing plate, then plained. In regions of changing shears
from Eq. (23) crushing will be avoided some additional factors need to be
if: considered.
Fig. 23 compares three beams
yn ,
b a d,
(B – 10)
0.42 f (32) which have the same magnitudes of
applied loading per unit length and
hence the same shear force diagrams.
One further effect caused by the The first beam has loading applied at
fanning out of diagonal compressive the top face, the second has loading
stresses from a concentrated load is applied at the middle of the side face,
illustrated in Fig. 22. The tension in while the third beam has the loading
the longitudinal steel caused by shear applied near the bottom face. For the
decreases as the angle of inclination of free body diagrams shown, vertical

PCI JOURNAL'September-October 1980 63


i Vu3 Vu2 yui

I d„ /2fan8' d v /2 ton &

Shift for Shift for
W bottom loading top loading

qbAV fr dV
Loading Si 2ton&-VuI

uv/TOn t1 7
BEAM 2 } 1
Loading rt ^A2{^ dv
S Z 21anB Vu2

Bottom W^

Loading ^Avfy dv
S3 53 2tanB Vu3

Fig. 23. Required shear strengths for top-loaded, side-loaded, and bottom-loaded

equilibrium requires that the total the midpoint of the cut. The increased
tension in the stirrups crossed by the shear which occurs, d cl(2 tang ), to the
cut equals the end reaction minus the left of the midpoint of the cut must be
loading applied to the left of the cut. resisted by the stirrups in Beam 3.
For Beam 2 this total force equals the Fig. 24 illustrates the way in which
shear at the midpoint of the cut. For the distribution of transverse rein-
Beam 1 this total force which the stir- forcement is determined for a typical
rups must resist is the reduced shear beam. From the given loading, the
which occurs d,/(2 tan g ) to the right of factored shear force diagram can be


Stirrups at Stirrups at Minimum

ispacing s a Spacing 5 b stirrups

! Vu
- - Capacity

2 oAyfy dv 1 ^ v Minimum
5 tpn9 V.. n stirrups
a ^Avfy: dv
5p taIle_ huh - -, :%:

a nA
Shift of required
iaan f
shear strength

Fig. 24. Required transverse reinforcement for a uniformly loaded beam.

determined. For this top loaded beam, top loaded beam is that the transverse
the shears for which the stirrups are to steel within a length, d,ItanO, is de-
he designed are found by "shifting" signed for the lowest factored shear,
the shear force diagram a distance of V w , within this length. For a beam
d v /(2 tan g ) towards the support as loaded near its bottom face, designing
shown by the dashed line. Over the the transverse shear for this "lowest
Iength d r,Itanfl equilibrium will be shear" would lead to insufficient
satisfied if the stirrups are designed reinforcement. For this case, it would
for the average shear force over this he necessary to add additional trans-
length. verse reinforcement capable of trans-
The net effect of the shifting and mitting this load to the top face of the
the averaging of the shear forces for a member.


The design procedures which have generalized so that the recommen-
been discussed above have been dations could cover a wider range of
summarized in the form of specific practical problems. in particular, in-
design recommendations. In for- clined stirrups, inclined prestressing
mulating these recommendations tendons, and variable depth members
some of the design equations were have all been included.

PCI JOURNAL/Sepiember-October 1980 65

1.0 — Notation f, = stress in prestressing steel at
a, = equivalent depth of compres- nominal strength (see Section
sion in torsion 18.7 of ACI 318-77)
A, = area enclosed by perimeter of = specified yield strength of
cross section, p, non-prestressed reinforce-
A,, = gross area of concrete cross ment
section I = moment of inertia of gross con-
A, = area enclosed by shear flow crete section resisting exter-
path nally applied factored loads
A, = area enclosed by hoop center- 1, = effective length of bearing
line area taken as actual length of
A, = cross-sectional area of one leg bearing except that for mem-
of a closed stirrup bers with flanges where the
A, = cross-sectional area of shear bearing area is wider than the
reinforcement within a dis- web 1 b is taken as the actual
tance s length of bearing plus the ver-
hr = minimum effective web width tical distance from the outer
within depth d D (see Section face of the flange to the junc-
1.6.1) tion of the web and the flange
b. = minimum unspalled web M eg = cracking moment under com-
width within depth d bined loading
d = distance From extreme com- M„ = nominal moment strength
pression fiber to centroid of M,. = pure flexural cracking strength
longitudinal tension reinforce- M, = factored flexural moment
ment N = unfactored axial load
d r, = effective shear depth can be N. = factored axial load
taken as flexural lever arm but AN. = equivalent factored axial load
need not he taken less than caused by shear and torsion
the vertical distance between p, = outside perimeter of concrete
centers of bars or prestress- cross section
ing tendons in corner of stir- p h – perimeter of hoop centerline
rups p o = perimeter of shear flow path
d, = effective shear depth at end of s = spacing of shear or torsion re-
beam inforcement in direction paral-
E, = modulus of elasticity of steel lel to longitudinal axis
= specified compressive strength 1'c, = torsional cracking moment un-
of'concrete der combined loading
= compressive stress in concrete T„ = nominal torsional moment
at centroid of cross section due strength provided by circula-
to prestress (after allowance tory shear flow
for all prestress losses) T,c,. = pure torsional cracking
= compressive stress in concrete strength
due to effective prestress forc- 1'. = factored torsional moment
es only (after allowance for all V. = cracking shear under com-
prestress losses) at extreme 11- bined loading
her of section where tensile V. = nominal shear strength
stress is caused by externally Vim,. = pure shear cracking strength
applied loads V, = vertical component of effective
= stress in prestressing steel prestressing force or for vari-
when strain in surrounding able depth members the sum
concrete is zero of the vertical component of

the effective prestressing force shall be designed in accordance with
and the vertical components of Section 1.8 to resist the applied shear
the flexural compression and and torsion, the longitudinal rein-
tension torcement shall be designed in accor-
V„ = service load shear dance with Section 1.9 to resist the
Vs = factored shear force applied flexure, shear, and torsion,
eft = distance from centroidal axis of while the section size shall be pro-
section to extreme fiber in portioned in accordance with Section
tension 1.6 to avoid diagonal crushing of the
a = angle between inclined stir- concrete.
rups and longitudinal axis of — To ensure adequate ductil-
member ity, the members shall be designed to
= factor accounting for nun- satisfy the minimum reinforcement
yielding of the longitudinal requirements of Section 1.3 and the
steel under shear and/or tor- maximum reinforcement requirements
sion defined in Section 1.9.1 specified in Section 1.6.
X31 = concrete stress block factor &1e- — To ensure adequate control
fined in Section 10.2,7 of ACI of diagonal cracking at service load
318-77 levels, members shall be designed to
E, = tensile strain of longitudinal satisfy the requirements of Section
reinforcement due to shear 1.7.
and/or torsion 1.2.2 — Reinforcement detailing re-
e au = yield strain of transverse re- quirements of Section 1.10 shall be
inforcement satisfied.
6 = angle of inclination to longi-
tudinal axis of member (in 1.3 — Minimum Reinforcement
degrees) of diagonal compres- Requirements
sive stresses 1.3.1 — Amount of reinforcement in a
X = factor to account for light- member shall he chosen such that a
weight concrete defined in reserve of strength exists after initial
Section 1.4.1 cracking.
r„ = nominal shear stress 1.3.2 — Requirement of Section 1.3.1
= strength reduction factor de- may be waived if the reinforcement is
fined in Section 9.3 of ACI designed to resist factored loads
318-77 one-third greater than those deter-
mined by analysis.
1.1 —Scope 1.3.3 — The requirements of Section
These recommendations are con- 1.3,1 will be satisfied if the amount of
cerned with the design of prestressed reinforcement at any section is such
and non-prestressed concrete beams that the nominal sectional strengths,
subjected to shear or shear combined T x , V, and M„ are at least equal to 1.2
with torsion. times the cracking loads, T^„ V
M cr , determined in accordance with
1.2 — General Principles and Section 1.4.
Requirements 1.3.4 — For members not subjected to
1.2.1 — Beams shall be designed to moving loads, requirements of Section
have adequate strength, adequate 1.3.3 need to be investigated only at
ductility, and satisfactory performance locations of maximum moments.
at service load levels. —To ensure adequate
1.4 — Cracking Loads
strength, the transverse reinforcement 1.4.1 — In lieu of more exact analysis,

PCI JOURNALJSeptember-October 1980 67

the cracking loads under combined compression) or decreasing (for ten-
flexure, shear, and torsion can be de- sion) both f,K. and ff by N/AQ.
termined from the following interac- 1.4.6 — For members not subjected to
tion equation. torsion or to axial load, cracking shear
V, need not be taken as less than
1 2A Y T b,,d (stresses in psi units; for
^ u o,r ^ ^ + ^ V xr ^ ^ + T nar! MPa units replace 2 by 0.17).
1.5 — Consideration of Torsion
where 1.5.1 — if the magnitude of the fac-
tored torsional moment, T., as deter-
M«.T = ('lye) (7.5A .f' + f,,,) (1-2) mined by an analysis using uncracked
stiffness values exceeds (0.25T.,),
(Stresses are in psi units; for MPa then torsional reinforcement designed
units replace 7.5 by 0.6.) in accordance with Sections 1.8 and
1.9 shall be provided. Otherwise, tor-
Vag. = b w d 4X Vfc 1 + fx 114X y .=c ) sional eflects may be neglected.
1.5.2 — In a statically indeterminate
+ VP (1-3) structure where reduction of torsional
moment in a member can occur due to
(Stresses are in psi units; for MPa redistribution of internal forces, the
units replace 4 by 0.33.) maximum factored torsional moment,
T, tnay be reduced to O(0.67T...)
Tr = (A C-1p,) 4A .,fJ provided that the corresponding ad-
justments to the moments and shears
1 +f/(4x ^.f,) (1-4) in adjoining members are made.

1.6 --- Diagonal Crushing of the

(Stresses are in psi units; for MPa
units replace 4 by 0.33.)
1.6.1 Nominal shear stress shall be
A = 1.0 for normal weight concrete computed as:
A = 0.75 for "aIl-lightweight"
concrete and T rt _ R - V P) + ITI ]h (1 -5)
A = 0.85 for "sand-lightweight" b r. d r AA
1.4.2 —Eq. (1-4) can be used for hol- — In determining b, the tmre-
low sections provided the least wall strained concrete cover down to the
thickness is not less than 0.75A,/p,. centerline of the outer transverse
1.4.3 — In calculating the cracking reinforcing bar shall be assumed to
loads, the ratio of torsion to shear, have spalled off; however, b = need not
can be assumed equal to be taken less than one-half of the
Tb/V,,. minimum unspalled web width, b.
1.4.4 — In calculating the cracking—In determining the
loads, the ratio of moment to shear, minimum effective web width, b x , the
M cr fV c „ can be assumed equal to diameters of ungrouted ducts or one-
M„/V U . However, this ratio shall riot half the diameters of grouted ducts
be taken as less than d. shall be subtracted from the web
1.4.5 — Influence of axial loads on the width at the level of these ducts.
magnitude of the cracking loads can 1,6.2 —Cross-sectional properties
be accounted for by increasing (for shall be chosen such that the trans-

verse reinforcement will yield prior to in calculating the area of transverse
diagonal crushing of the concrete. reinforcement either the value of fa, is
1.6.3 — Requirements of Section 1.6,2 taken as not greater than 40 ksi (300
may he considered satisfied if it is MPa), or the value of 0 is such that;
possible to choose an angle 0 within
the following limits: V l 2 _
tangy 29 V p 1 29f
35(;n jf,) <a
(0.42– 50e1)
xJ 1–( . ) E (1-7)
L S/ J
35(Tn1fc) (1-6)
(0.42 -- 65et„) where f„ is in ksi units (for MPa units
replace 29 by 200).
where the value of E t can be chosen. — Bonded prestressing ten-
However, the selected value of e t must dons may he considered equivalent to
also be used in satisfying the re- longitudinal reinforcing bars in satis-
quirements of Section 1.9.1. fying the requirements of Section
1.7 — Control of Diagonal
1.8 — Design of Transverse
1.7.1 —Cross-sectional properties
1.8.1 — Transverse reinforcement
shall be chosen to ensure adequate
provided for shear shall satisfy the
control of diagonal cracking at service
detailing requirements of Section 1.10
and may consist of:
1.7.2 — Requirements of Section 1.7.1
(a) Stirrups perpendicular to the
may be considered satisfied if the
axis of the member;
cracking loads as determined by the
(Ib) Welded wire fabric with wires
procedures of Section 1.4 exceed the
located perpendicular to the axis
service Ioads.
of the member;
1.7.3 — For uniformly loaded simply
(c) Stirrups making an angle of 45
supported beams, crack control re-
deg or more with the longitudi-
quirements need only be investigated
nal axis of the member.
for sections one-quarter of the span
length from the supports. 1.8.2 — Transverse reinforcement
1.7.4 — Requirements of Section 1.7.1 provided for torsion shall satisfy the
ma y be considered satisfied if the detailing requirements of Section 1.10
following three conditions are met: and may consist of:
(a) Calculations show that the strain (a) Closed stirrups perpendicular to
in the transverse reinforcement the axis of the member;
at service loads does not exceed (b) A closed cage of welded wire
0.001. fabric with wires located per-
(h) Spacing of transverse reinforce- pendicular to the axis of the
ment does not exceed 12 in. (300 member;
mm). (c) Spirals.
(c) Spacing between longitudinal 1.8.3 — Transverse reinforcement
reinforcing bars at the cracked provided shall be at least equal to the
faces of the member does not sum of that required for shear and that
exceed 12 in. (300 mm). required for torsion. — Requirements of Section 1.8.4 — In determining the required
1.7.4(a) may be considered satisfied if areas of transverse reinforcement, the

PCI JOURNAUSeptember-October 1980 69

values of 8 chosen must satisfy the where V. and T. change linearly, the
limits specified in Eq. (1-6). transverse reinforcement required
1.8.5 —Transverse reinforcement re- within a length d0Itan8 may be deter-
quired for shear shall be determined mined by using the lowest values ofV,
from the requirement that V _- 0 V,,. and T. which occur within this length
1.8.6 —When shear reinforcement provided that 9 is chosen to satisfy Eq.
perpendicular to the axis of the (1-6) by using in determining r R the
member is used; highest values of V u and T. which
occur within this length.
1.8.14 — For those beams for which
V s tang + V the provisions of Section 1.8.13 do not
apply, the transverse reinforcement
1.8.7 —When inclined stirrups are required within a length d,/tan6 may
used as shear reinforcement: be determined by using the average
values ofA als andA tis calculated from
V _ Ar f„ d1,
+ coca 1 + Vp
Eqs. (1-8) or (1-9) and (1-10).
R –
S tang 1.8.15 — In regions near supports
which introduce direct compression
into the member, the transverse rein-
forcement may be designed by using
1.8.8 —Transverse reinforcement re-
the values of V. and T which occur at
quired for torsion shall be determined
a distance de ,/( 2 tang ) from the face of
from the requirement that T,, = 0 T,,.
the support provided that 9 is chosen
1.8.9 — Nom inal torsional moment
to satisfy Eq. (1-6) by using in deter-
strength shall be computed by:
mining T. the values of V. and T.
which occur at the face of the support.
Tn = A efv 2A4 1.8.16 —When downwards load is
s tang applied at the bottom face of a beam
additional transverse reinforcement,
1.8.10 — The area enclosed by the capable of transmitting in tension the
torsional shear flow, A„ may be com- applied load to the opposite face of
puted as A,, – a.p 5 /2. the beam, shall be provided.
1.8.11 — The equivalent depth of 1.8.17 -- When a downwards load is
compression in torsion, a 0 , may he applied to the side faces of a beam,
computed as: then additional transverse reinforce-
ment shall be provided. The amount
of additional transverse reinforcement
ao =A°h
1– required may be assumed to vary
Ph linearly with the position of load on
the side face going from zero when
T ,, ph the load is at the top to the amount
I– f tang + __2.__ 11 specified in Section 1.8.16 when the
0.85f r 20 ` tang
load is at the bottom.
1.9 — Design of Longitudinal
1.8.12 — For hollow sections in tor- Reinforcement
sion, the smallest thickness from the 1.9.1 — The longitudinal reinforce-
centerline of the stirrup to the inside ment shall be designed by the plane
face of the wall shall not be less than sections theory described in Chapter
10 of AC! 318-77 to resist the factored
1.8.13 — For uniformly loaded beams moment, M y , and the factored axial

load, N., together with an additional 1.9.5 — At the loaded free ends of
factored axial tension, ON acting at cantilevers or at the ends of simply
mid-depth of the stirrups and given supported beams where the loads or
by: reactions introduce compression into
the end regions, the longitudinal
reinforcement in these regions shall
(V, — 4 Vn)2+ 1 reT^o
tan8 (2Ao be designed according to the follow-
ing provisions.
(1-12) - The longitudinal reinforce-
ment near the flexural tension face
where S„ is a function of the value of E, shall be anchored such that at the
used in satisfying Eq. (1-6) and 0 is inner edge of the bearing area a fac-
the value used in the design of the tored moment of M u + 1/2 d„4N„ can
transverse reinforcement. he resisted. — For non-prestressed beams, — For those sections closer
,8, can be taken as fr,l(E,E,) but not less than dt.Itane to the inner edge of the
than one. bearing area, the longitudinal rein- — For prestressed beams, /3. forcement near the flexural compres-
can be taken as f„a l(f^ + E,e) but not sion face shall be designed such that
less than one. at each section a factored moment of: — Perimeter of shear flow
path, p, may be computed as do ^r. Tu p o — M.
)Pn – 4uQ. 2 tang 2A o
1.9.2 —The ratios of longitudinal
reinforcement shall be such that the causing tension on the flexural com-
requirements of Sections 10.3.3 and pression face can be resisted.
18.8.1 of ACI 318-77 are satisfied. — Axial tensile loads, N,
1.9.3 — For members not subjected to applied to ends of cantilevers or
axial load (N,, = 0), the requirements beams shall he resisted by appropri-
of Section 1.9.1 will be satisfied if the ately anchored additional longitudinal
section is capable of resisting a fac- reinforcement.
tored moment equal to M,, ± '12 d^, —The cross-sectional proper-
AN„. ties and bearing area dimensions shall
1.9.4 — When an interior support or a be such that at the inner edge of the
concentrated load responsible for bearing area:
more than 50 percent of the shear at
its location introduces direct compres- d Vi + Azih''-- 0.012 (0 - 10)f,
sion into the flexural compression face r re o
of a member, then for those sections (1-13)
closer than d„ltanO to the support or
the load, the area of longitudinal where 0 is the angle used in deter-
reinforcement on the tension side mining the amount of transverse
need not exceed the area required to reinforcement. If 0 is greater than 45
resist the M , and N,, which exist at the deg, the term (0 – 10) shall be re-
nearest section where maximum mo- placed by (80– 0). The term d„e shall
ments occur. However, if torsion is be taken as l b ltan0 unless a more de-
present, then the sections must be ca- tailed analysis indicates that well an-
pable of resisting an additional ten- chored longitudinal reinforcement
sion force of Typ 0 /(2A o tanO) at the spread over the depth of the beam en-
mid-depth of the stirrups. ables d. to be increased.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1980 71

1.10 — Reinforcement Details
quired for torsion shall not be less
1.10.1 — Transverse shear and torsion than s tanG116.
reinforcement shall be anchored ac- 1.10.3 — Where shear reinforcement
cording to Section 12.14 of ACI 318-77 is required, its spacing shall not ex-
except that in regions of unconfined ceed d o/(3 tang).
concrete cover, torsion reinforcement 1.10.4 — Where torsion reinforcement
shall be anchored by means of 135- is required, its spacing shall not ex-
deg standard hooks. ceed p,,!(8 tan&).
1.10.2 — A longitudinal reinforcing 1.10.5 — Except at supports of simple
bar or prestressing tendon shall be spans and at free ends of cantilevers,
provided at each interior corner of the longitudinal reinforcement shall
transverse reinforcement. The nomi- extend beyond the point at which it is
nal diameter of this bar or tendon no longer required to resist any stress
shall be at least equal to the diameter for a distance equal to twelve times
of the stirrup but shall not be less than the bar diameter. The additional re-
V2 in. (12 mm). quirement of Section 12.11.3 of ACI — Nominal diameter of the 318-77 to extend this reinforcement
bar or tendon provided in each corner for a distance equal to the effective
of closed transverse reinforcement re- depth of the member may be waived.

used in the CEB Code were taken as

Comparisons With Other unity. Further, the crack control re-
Design Procedures quirements of the CEB Code which
are expressed in terms of the stirrup
Fig. 25 compares the predictions of spacing were not applied.
the compression field theory (CFT), It can be seen that for lightly rein-
the ACI Code, and the CEB Code for forced beams, the three methods give
four different series of beams. The quite similar results. However, for
compared predictions relate the members subjected to very high shear
amount of transverse reinforcement stresses there is a considerable di-

(expressed by the non-dimensional
ratio, A r ,I(bsf,) to the resulting
vergence between the predictions of
the three methods. It is worth noting
shear strength (expressed by the that the ACI upper limit was primarily
non-dimensional ratio, r„If, ). intended to control cracking at service
In preparing this figure, it was as- loads. For the non-prestressed beams
sumed that ff = 5000 psi (35 MPa), with the higher strength reinforce-
V./V n = 0.55, b y = 0.8 b,n , d„ = 0.9 d, ment, where the compression field
and that the cracking shears for the theory predicts that cracking at service
non-prestressed and prestressed loads will control, this ACI upper
beams were 2Jf"b,4 and 3.5VJ'b ,4 , limit looks appropriate.
respectively (0.17 \ fb Wd and 0.29 Further comparisons between the
.Jffb,g1 for MPa units)_ reinforcement required by the com-
To facilitate comparisons between pression field theory and that required
the ACI and the CEB approaches, the by other design methods are given in
material strength reduction factors the three design examples at the end

0.4 0,4

0.2 0.2

{r=40ks1 ty=60ksi A y fY
0 I
n o.l 0.2 O. 3 bws{s 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 bsf^
Non— Prestressed


0,4{- 04—

0.2 0.2

f,= 4o
Aw fY fy=60ksi
fly or

of this paper. From these examples it stress-strain relationships. Like the

can be seen that the amount of rein- plane sections theory for flexure and
forcement required by the compres- axial load, the compression field
sion field theory is in general compa- theory is capable of predicting not
rable to the amounts required by only the failure load but also the com-
existing empirical design procedures. plete load-deformation response.
The design recommendations de-
veloped from the compression field
Concluding Remarks theory have the following features:
1. The expressions that relate the
This paper has presented design required areas of reinforcement to the
recommendations, based on the com- design loads are the classical truss
pression field theory, which enable equilibrium equations.
prestressed and non-prestressed con- 2. Rather than setting the angle of
crete beams to he designed for shear diagonal compression, 0, to 45 deg as
and for torsion. in traditional North American practice
The compression field theory, or choosing it within the empirical
which is a development of the tra- range of 31 to 59 deg as in recent
ditional truss model for shear and tor- European practice, the range of allow-
sion, considers in addition to the truss able angles is calculated based on
equilibrium conditions, geometric considerations of concrete crushing
compatibility conditions and material and control of diagonal cracking. For

PCI JOURNALJSeptember-October 1980 73

highly stressed members, H will be re- across the whole member depth, the
stricted to a narrow range of values mechanisms of "interface shear
close to 45 deg while for lightly transfer" will deteriorate and may
loaded members the range of allow- cause a premature failure_ For this
able angles will be very wide (in the reason the design recommendations
limit 10 deg _- e -_ 80 deg). should not be applied to sections
3. In determining shear and torsion subjected to reversed cyclic loading of
capacities, the tensile strength of the such an intensity that excursions into
concrete is ignored. Because 0 can the yield range of the flexural rein-
vary within such wide limits, it is not forcement are expected.
necessary to introduce an empirical In certain situations the present
correction term (a "concrete contribu- recommendations may lead to overly
tion") to account for the strength of conservative designs. Further re-
lightly reinforced members. search will probably result in refine-
4, Prestressed concrete beams, ments of the design recommendations
non-prestressed concrete beams, and in the following areas:
partially prestressed concrete beams —Local effects caused by concen-
having a wide variety of cross-sec- trated forces;
tional shapes can all he designed —Minimum reinforcement require-
using the same basic expressions. The ments;
beneficial effects of prestressing are —Effectiveness of large unrestrained
accounted for in the design by allow- concrete covers;
ing lower values of a to be used which —Influence of variable web width;
will result in less transverse rein- —Effects of indirect loading; and
forcement. —Torsional resistance provided by re-
The compression field theory as- strained warping stresses.
sumes that diagonal compressive The authors believe that the rec-
stresses can be transmitted through ommendations presented in this paper
cracked concrete. Transmitting diago- are more rational and more general
nal compressive stresses across a crack than the shear and torsion provisions
which is inclined to these stresses will of current North American codes.
require shear stresses to be transmit- Hopefully, the design method pre-
ted from one face of the crack to the sented will enable engineers to de-
other. These interface shear stresses velop a better understanding of the
are transmitted by aggregate inter- behavior of beams in shear and tor-
lock4 and by the dowel action of the sion, an understanding which should
reinforcement crossing the crack. result in more efficient and economi-
If an excessively wide crack forms cal designs.

To illustrate the proposed design 2. Check minimum reinforcement
method, three numerical examples are requirements (Section 1.3)
presented: (1) single tee, (2) spandrel Since this member is not subjected
beam, and (3) bridge girder. to moving loads, it is only necessary to
DESIGN EXAMPLE 1—PCI check Section 1.3.3 at midspan. As-
Standard Single Tee sume the effective prestress equals
150 ksi. Therefore, prestressing force:
The single tee floor beam shown in
Fig. 26 has been constructed with P = 13 x 0.153 x 150 = 298 kips
sand-lightweight concrete weighing
120 pcf and topped with 2½ in. of Hence, bottom fiber stress due to
normal weight concrete. The beam prestress:
supports a live load of 75 psf and
spans 70 ft. = A + ZPe
1. Determine factored loads b

Dead load:
298 298 x 23.01
570 2650
570x 120 + =
2 5 x 150 x 8
144 12
= 3.110 ksi
= 475 + 250 = 0.725 kips/ft
Note that untopped section proper-
Live load ties have been used in determining
jam . The dead load of the topping plus
8 x 75 = 0.600 kips/ft the dead load of the precast beam will
cause a moment at midspan of
Therefore, factored uniform load per
unit length: O.725< 7 0 2 x
12 = 5330 kip-in.
ru„ = 1.4 x 0.725 + 1.7 x 0.600
=2.035 kips/ft which will reduce the bottom fiber

2 viz topping 8-0'

I 'I7 3i$ in. cover to stirrups

BLST 36 22
d ="lsupport)
36 " d=33 " midspon l TOPPING-normal weight
7"long x 8"wide _ f, =4000 psi
bearing pad 8L ST 36-sand-lightweight (120 pct}

L ______________ '=5000 psi

PRESTRESSING- 13-1/2 in. diameter
270 K strands
Single depression
Span = 70' 0 =1^- 8 at midspan
40,000 psi
L.L. = 75 psf

Fig. 26. Design Example 1-- Design of a lightweight single-tee member.

PCI JOURNALJSeptember-October 1980 75

precompression by 5330/2650 = 2.011 Factored shear force:
To crack the beam the bottom fiber V u = 2.035 x 35 = 71.2 kips
must reach a tensile stress of
Nominal shear strength:
7.5A \lfc = 7.5 x 0,85 x ^ 5000
=0,451ksi V,, = 71.2/0.85 = 83.8 kips

Hence, additional moment to crack Minimum effective web width:


3142(3.110-2.011+0.451)=4870 b„=8-2x
(unrestrained cover neglected)
(Note that 3142 in. 9 isZ 5 of composite Effective shear depth:

Thus, cracking moment under com- dt = 36 – 2 – 1 = 33 in.

bined loading:
From Eq. (1-5), nominal shear
Me,. = 5330 + 4870 = 10,200 kip-in. stress:

Factored flexural moment: ,rn = V, = 83.8 –

0.368 ksi
b u d,. 6.9 x 33
M =wLz = 2.035x702
x12 Therefore, r.1f,' = 0.36815 = 0.074.
"+ 8 8
Forf„ = 40 ksi, yield strain of
= 14,960 kip-in. transverse reinforcement:
Ea u = 40/29,000 = 0.00138

Hence, to provide the flexural Use €,, = ct,.

strength required, the nominal mo-
ment strength: To avoid crushing of the concrete,
the angle of inclination, B, must satisfy
M„ : M„f4, = 14,96010.9 the limits given by Eq. (1-6). Thus:
= 16,620 kip-in.
35 (T „Ifs) <
10 +
Therefore, the nominal to cracking 0.42 – 50e,
moment ratio:
35 (r,,/ f)
f )
< 80 –
M nl M,r = 16,620110,200 0.42
= 1.63> 1.20
35 x 0.074
Hence, minimum reinforcement re- 10+ <0
0.42 – 50 x 0.00138
quirements will be satisfied.
< 80 – 35 x 0.074
3. Check cross-sectional size and 0.42 – 65 x 0.00138
choose angle 0 (Section 1.6)
Calculate the nominal shear stress 17.4 deg < d < 72.2 deg
at face of support. For simplicity,
neglect the vertical component of the Therefore, the section size is ade-
prestressing force, Vp , at this stage. quate. Choose 9 = 20 deg.

Although different values of 8 could If Grade 40 #3 U stirrups are used,
be used in designing different regions then:
along the length of the beam, it will
typically he more convenient to use A,,f„ d _ 0.22 x 40 x 33 _ 798
the same value of 0 over the length of s tangs tan20 s
the beam.
While the smallest allowable value For this uniformly loaded beam the
of 0 (in this case 17.4 deg) will result transverse reinforcement within each
in the smallest amount of transverse length of d„Itano is designed for the
steel, it may result in an excessively lowest value of shear within this
large amount of longitudinal steel. length (Section 1.8.13).
Hence, it is usually prudent to choose
a value of B somewhat larger than the 33
_!L _ = 90.7 in. (or 7.6 ft)
smallest allowable angle. tang tan20
4. Check diagonal crack control
This results in the "stepped" re-
requirements (Section 1.7)
quirement for transverse steel shown
Compare cracking loads (Section in Fig. 27. The stirrup spacings cho-
1.4) and service loads at £14 from sup- sen to satisfy the requirements are
port (Section 1.7.3). also shown in Fig. 27.
Calculate the service load shear at Note that maximum spacing of shear
L/4 from support: reinforcement (Section 1.10.3) is

V. = 0.5 x 35 (0.725 + 0.600) d„1(3 tan8) = 33/(3>< tan20) = 30.2 in.

= 23.2 kips
6. Design of longitudinal
Calculate the shear required to reinforcement (Section 1.9)
cause diagonal cracking. For simplic- To show that the longitudinal rein-
ity use Section 1.4.6: forcement is adequate, we must dem-
onstrate that at each section the beam
V cr = 2x Ifsb d can resist a factored moment equal to
M. + ' d, rAN„ where AN. is the
=2x0.85,i5000<8x equivalent axial tension produced by
the shear (Section 1.9.3). The calcula-
(22+ 33 tions for these equivalent additional
2 factored moments and for the nominal
flexural capacities along the length of
28.9 kips the beam are shown in Table 1.
The resulting required values ofM,,
Since V cr > V, the crack control are compared with the values of M,
requirements are satisfied. provided by the prestressing strand in
Fig. 27. It can be seen that the lon-
5. Design of transverse reinforcement gitudinal reinforcement is adequate
(Section 1.8) except near the end support.
For a given shear the transverse To cover the 2000 kip-in. moment
reinforcement required can be deter- deficiency near the support, addi-
mined by rearranging Eq. (1-8) to tional reinforcing bars welded to an
give: anchor plate will be provided. If
3—#6 Grade 40 bars are used the ad-
Afr^ n - Vu ditional moment capacity provided
s tan8 – V:. will he approximately:

PC € JOURNALISeptember-October 1980 77
100 -
#3I a
(kips 1 — Q.85
sa I V
A Capacity
Support L
face c.

Required capacity
a-- —

• 35-0"

Beam Support Lace

end —

at support LN,^
face ? 2000 kipin 0.5 d„ 0 a5 0000
Required Mh
MOMENT (kip my
M„ provided
20 000
Fig. 27. Design Example 1—Shear and moment diagrams for design of stirrups and
longitudinal reinforcement.

3 x 0.44 X 40 X 37.5 = 1980 kip-in. V„ _-

0.012 (8 – 10) f,'
b d,
If the length of the bearing pad is 70.5
too small, then additional well an- (0 85 x 8) dux <0.012 (20 – 10) 5
shored longitudinal steel spread some
distance up the web will have to be Therefore, d 17.3 in.
provided to avoid local crushing of the The 7 in. long bearing pad will pro-
concrete (Section Check vide an effective shear depth of:
bearing pad length by Eq. (1-13) such
that at the inner edge of the bearing do/tang = 7ltan20 = 19.2 in,
area: which is satisfactory.

Table 1. Additional factored moments required to be resisted and nominal moment
capacities available.

Distance from end of beans 7 in. 25 in. 5 ft 3'/z in. IS ft 3% in. 25 ft 3½in. 35 ft 3 1/2 in.
d (in.) 24.6 25.1 26.2 29.3 32.5 35.5
f. [ Fig. 3.9.9, PCI Design
handbook and Eq. (18-3), 42.0 150 227 264 264 265
AC1318-77) (ksi)

^n = r
f va =

f v+
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.15 1.15 1.16
0.7 x 270 + 40

V,, (kips) 70.6 67.6 61.1 40.7 20.4 0
N (degrees) (vatin chosen) 20 211 211 20 20 20

` tanO 194 186 165 129 64 0

[Eq. (1-12)] (kips)

Va d,, AN. (Section 1.9.3) 3200 3070 2770 2130 1060 0


= 13 x 0.153f. 2040 7350 11520 14960 16640 18290
2x0.85x 4xr96^
Note: I It = 0.305 in; I i,,. - 25.4 mm; 1 ksi =' 8.895 MPa; I kip-in. = 113 N • m

Table 2. Comparison of web reinforcement requirements by compression field

theory and ACI 318-77 methods.


Near About 12 ft About 24 ft Near

Design method
support from support from support midspan
Compression field theory #3 4 12 in. #3 (&- 20 in. #3 @ 30 in. 0
ACI 318-77 #3 @ 20 in. #3 @ 11 in, #3 @ 20 in. 0
\nte; I in. — 25.1 mm.

7. Comparison with PCI Design PCI Design Handbook.' 3 The Hand-

Handbook results book uses the shear provisions of ACI
It is of interest to compare the re- 318-77. Table 2 compares the web
sults given above with the solution to reinforcement required by the two
the same design problem given by the approaches.

PCI JOURNALJSeptember-October 1980 79

DESIGN EXAMPLE 2—Parking Dead load of beam:
Garage Spandrel Beam
1.4x 0.725 = 1.02 kips/ft
The typical precast, prestressed
concrete parking garage spandrel Dead load of deck:
beam shown in Fig. 28 spans between
column corbels. The double-tee floor 1.4 x 0.0895 x 60/2 x 4 = 15.04 kips
framing system spans 60 ft, carries a per stem
live load of 50 psf, and is supported on
the ledge of the spandrel beam. Live load:

1. Determine factored loads on the 1.7 x 0.050 x 30 x 4 = 10.2 kips per

spandrel stem

24"x 24" column A

Angle welded to plate in column


10 x 8y neo p rene pod


24"x 24 "column

Connection angle

e 3,.
e„ fi
f 5000 psi, normal weight 24,
f^, = 40 ksi 80T
6-1/2 in. dia., 270 K strands
d =69 in.
Cover to stirrups = I %4 in.

Fig. 28. Design Example 2—Structural framing of a precast prestressed concrete

parking garage spandrel beam.

The loads and the resulting values loading M e,. at midspan. Assume ef-
of M, V,, and T, are shown in Fig. fective prestress equals 150 ksi.
29 .Therefore, prestressing force:

2. Check minimum reinforcement P = 6 x 0.153 x 150 = 138 kips

requirements (Section 1.3)
To check Section 1.3.3, calculate Therefore, bottom stress due to pre-
the cracking moment under combined stress:

,^4'-o" —a-o" ^^

2 kips

4 2' H I

Ln k+p ft

101 100

12.6 v
#€s7 u


&4 Tu
kip ft
Fig. 29. Design Example 2-Moment shear, and torsion diagrams for
spandrel beam.

PCI JOURNAUSeptember-October 1980 81

A =--+i n ph
s bvdv Aon

138 138 x 27.2 118.1 791 x 170

_ +
696 10990 5 x 71 4322

= 0.540 ksi = 1.053 ksi

r/f =1.053i5=0.211
Therefore, cracking moment:
Forf, = 40 ksi:
M rr = Z (7.5 J' E t„ = 40/29,000 = 0.00138
Use E =
_ (10,990/12) (0.530 + 0.540)
From Eq. (1-6):
= 980 kip-ft
Since the maximum value of M„ (T n / fc) <0
(578 kip-ft) is considerably smaller 10+ 35
0.42 - 50er
than 1.2 M r , we will use Section 1.3.2
and satisfy the minimum reinforcing 35 (r /f))
< 80 -
requirements by increasing all design 0.42 - 65E1,
loads by one-third,
35x 0.211 <e
3. Check cross-sectional size and 10+
choose angle 0 (Section 1.6) 0.42 - 50 x 0.00138

We wish to check crushing of the 35 x 0.211

concrete in the web of the beam at the 0.42 - 65 x 0.1)0138
face of' the support. The load which is
applied by the stem which is almost 31.0 deg< 0< 57.6 deg
directly over the corbel can be trans- Therefore, section is adequate.
ferred through the ]edge of the beam Choose 0 = 35 deg.
to the support without causing shear
stresses in the web of the spandrel 4. Check diagonal crack control
beam. Hence: requirements (Section 1.7)
Since f„ = 40 ksi, the requirements
V, = 75.3 X 4/3 100.4 kips
of Section 1.7 will be satisfied by re-
V„ = 100.4/0.85 = 118.1 kips
stricting the spacing of both the lon-
T„ = 42.0 x 12 x 413 = 672
gitudinal and transverse reinforce-
ment to 12 in. This spacing restriction
T„ = 672/0,85 = 791 kip-in.
could he relaxed for regions of the
b„ = 8 - 2 x 1.5 = 5.0 in.
beam where calculations indicate that
(unrestrained cover neglected
the cracking load exceeds the service
and #4 stirrups assumed) load.
d =75-2x2=71 in.
(2 in, assumed from outside
5. Design of transverse reinforcement
concrete surface to center of
corner reinforcement) (Section 1.8)
A c,, = 5x 72+ 8x 9=432 in.2 Design values of V. and T. near
p h =5±72+13+9+8±63 supports (Section 1.8.14) to be calcu-
= 170 in. lated at d „/(2 tanO) from support face.
From Eq. (1-5), the nominal shear d„ __ 71
= 50.7 in. (or 4.2 11)
stress: 2 tanO 2 tan 35

V„ = 45.9 x 4/3 = 61.2 kips T„ – 25.2 x 12 x 4/3 -- 403 kip-in.
V„ = 61.2/0.85 = 72.0 kips .' 7'„ = 403/0.85 = 474 kip-in.

Calculate torsional depth of compression, a., by Eq. (1-11):

^ 0 =Anh 1 1— T, p 5h 1
^tan8 +
PS 0.85f-VAoh tan 9 J J

432 474 x 170

170 1– – 0.85x 5x 4322 (tan35 +
tan35) I

= 0.29 iri.

A n =A M – 1/2a o p h 6. Design of longitudinal

= 432 – '/2 x 0.29>< 170 reinforcement (Section 1.9)
= 407 in.2
The longitudinal steel requirements
Calculate transverse reinforcement will be satisfied if the member is ca-
for torsion by Eq. (1-10): pable of resisting the positive factored
moments given by M,^ + '/2 d„AN„
Ar _ T„tan8 and the negative factored moments
s 2Agf„ given by r/a da AN„ – M. (Section
1.9.3). However, in the end regions
474 X tan35 (within a distance d„/tanO = 71/tan35
2 407 x 40 = 8.45 ft), the negative moment that is
to be resisted need not exceed:
0,0102 in.2/in.
d r f3 ` T" p, –
M, (Section 1-9.5.2)
Calculate transverse reinforcement 2 tan() 2A,
for shear by Eq. (1-8):
The resulting required moment ca-
A n _ V. tang pacities are shown in Fig. 30.
Table 3 summarizes the calculations
5' d,,.fr
of required additional factored mo-
72.0) tan35 ment for torsion and shear.
The longitudinal reinforcement that
is continued along the entire length of
the beam consists of 15—#4 bars and
-- 0.0178 in .2/in.
the 6—lei-in. diameter prestressing
Thus, strands (see Fig. 32). This reinforce-
ment results in the flexural capacities
shown in Fig. 30. These capacities
A—° + 2- = 0.0381 in.2/in.
$ s decrease near the ends of the beam
because in these regions the strands
(for two legs) are not fully developed.
From Fig. 30 it can be seen that
Therefore, use #4 closed stirrups at both top and bottom additional lon-
10-in. centers. gitudinal steel is required near the

PCI JOURNAL^September-October 1980 83

10 in Available negative moment strength

—Required negative moment strength

beam end ,


Mn 10 D00
0 d ON„ kip in.
Required positive
moment strength

Available positive moment strength kip in.

Fig. 30. Design Example 2—Required moment capacities along length of

spandrel beam.

Table 3. Summary of calculations giving required additional factored moment for

torsion and shear.

Distance from end of heath 10 in. 4 ft 1.1 in. S $ 11 in. 12 tt I I in. Units
las I f' ig. 3.9.9, PCI Design 60
Handbook and Eq. (18-3), ACI 318- 218 258 258 ksi
J w — .l pe
fm + E,E, 0.7 X 2701 40
1.0 1.0 1.13 1.13
d; 1.0 (Section
X 4/3 100.4 94.9/61.3" 55.9122.3* 16.8 kips
7' x 4/3 672 672/403 403/134 134 kip-in.
O 35 35 35 35 deg.

^rs + uNo x
tang 2A0

I Eq. (1-12)) 245 2411148 162/58 52 kips

P o = p h — 4aa = 170— 4 x 0.29
= 169 in.
o = 407 in.2
'/s d, AN 0 (Section 1.9.3) 8700 8555!5250 5750/2060 1850 kip-iii
*The two v:Jues refer to the sections either side iif the applied Shin load.
Note; 1 ft = 0.305 ft; 1 in. = 25.4 in.; 1 in. 2 = 64.5. hf mms ; 1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 kip-in. = 113 N • m;
1 ksi = 6.895 MPa.

ends of the member. The additional Maximum spacing of shear rein-
bottom steel must provide an addi- forcement:
tional moment capacity of 2720 kip-in.
and the additional top steel must pro- d ti /(3tanO) = 711(3tan35) = 33.8 in.
vide 3320 kip-in. If 3-46 Grade 40
bars are welded to corner angles at the Maximum spacing of torsion rein-
top and at the bottom the resulting forcement:
additional moment capacity will be
approximately: p 5 /(8tanO) = 170/(8tan35) = 30.4 in.

3 x 0.44 x 40 x 70 = 3695 kip-in. Therefore, spacing of bars at 10 in.

is satisfactory.
Use 4-ft long bars to cover the mo-
8. Transfer of forces from ledge
ment diagram.
It will be assumed that the load
Check end anchorage details of lon- from the stem of the tee is transferred
gitudinal steel (Section, Eq. from the ledge to the bottom of the
(1-13): web of the spandrel by means of the
compression strut shown in Fig. 31.
Un + f- R `
0.012(8- 10).fe
This strut will be inclined at an angle
:c ye
0, where tanO = 9/8 (i.e., 0 = 48.4
100.4672 + x 170
Crushing of the concrete can be
(0.85 x 8)d,e 0.85 x 4322
checked by Eq. (1-13) with b= 33.'4
in. and d, 1.5 + 6/tan48.4 = 6.8 in.
0.012 (35 - 10) 5

Therefore, d„ P y 18.9 in. 0.012(80- B)f

The 10 in. long bearing pad will
provide an effective shear depth of 33.6
l b ltanO = 10/tan35 = 14.3 in. There-
_ 0,012(80 - 48.4)5
0.85 x 3,75 x 6.8
fore, an additional 4.6 in. of effective
depth is required. Hence, provide a 1.55 ksi < 1.90 ksi (.•_ ok)
5 x 5-in, corner angle to anchor the
3 - #6 welded bars. Tension tie force required:
Note that in checking web crushing
at the face of the bearing, it was as- 33.6 x 8
sumed that the bearing pad and the = 31.6 kips
0.9 0.9 (9 + 1.5)
ledge would prevent spalling of the
cover, hence b z = 8 in. Area of steel required:
7. Check reinforcement details
31.6140 = 0.79 in.2
(Section 1.10)
Required diameter of longitudinal Therefore, use 4 - #4 closed stir-
bars in corners of stirrups: rugs in ledge near each stem.

s tanOl16 = 10 x tan35/16 = 0.44 in. Calculate additional stirrups in web

required to "hang-up" the load from
Therefore, #4 comer bars are satis- the ledge (Section 1.8.17).
factory. Reinforcement must be capable of

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1980 85

Table 4. Comparison of shear and torsion reinforcement by
various methods.

Web Longitudinal
Design method
reinforcement reinforceinent
Compression field theory #4 at 10 in. 1,5—#4
PCI Design Handbook #3 at 12 in. 14—#3
Zia and Hsu #4 at 9 in. 12—#4
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

transmitting in tension a load of: The resulting reinforcement is

shown in Fig. 32.
0.9 75 = 31.4 kips 9. Comparisons with results of other
design methods
Required area of steel: It is of interest to compare the solu-
tion given above with solutions to es-
31.4/40 = 0.78 in.' sentially the same design problem
given by the PCI Design Handbook
Therefore, at each stem location and by Zia and Hsu, 34 Table 4 corn-
provide two double legged #4 closed pares the shear and torsion reinforce-
stirrups in addition to the shear and ment calculated by the three different
torsion reinforcement, approaches.

25.2 x 4/3 = 33.6 kips

4 i Tension Ge
d ye Compression
o o
9n strut
o -fa n ^'



Fig. 31. Design Example 2—Transfer of forces from ledge.

* 4 closed stirrups

0 15 *4 longitudinal

*4 closed stirrups

$'2 in diameter
270 K strand

4spaces @10 '4 spaces @ 10" 4 spaces @ 10"-j TYPICAL CROSS SECT ION
3spaces=8" 3spaces=8 3spaces=8"
Reinforcing bars - grade 40
ELEVATION f5000 psi

Fig. 32. Design Example 2—Spandrel beam reinforcement details.

DESIGN EXAMPLE 3—Precast 1. Determine loads on the girder

Bridge Girder
Dead Loads:
The composite beam and slab two
The dead loads are determined as
lane highway bridge described in Fig.
shown in the accompanying table.
33 is to be designed to resist HS 20-44
loading, 35 The design of an interior
Live Loads:
girder will be described. Fraction of wheel load applied to

Determination of dead loads.

Dead loads supported by naked girder:

Girder685 X 150/144 .............................= 0,714 kipslft
Slab 12< 8.20X 7.5............ = 738
Haunch 22x3 .................... = 66
804X 150/144 = 0.838 kips/tt
Diaphragms at 1/3 points
0.75 3.66 7.5 0.150= 3.09 kips

Dead loads supported by composite section:

3 in. asphalt 37.72 x 0.25 x 150 = 1415 lbs/ft
Barrier walls 322,5 x 2 x 150/144 = 672 lbs/ft
Rails (approx.) = 48 lbs/ft
Each composite girder takes 2135/5 = 0.427 kips/ft

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1980 87

HS 20 Truck Loading
14 - O ' - -T-- 14'-O" —^ }
32 kips 32,kips Skips Q Barrier wall

18wide x 10'long Diaphragms at L/3

g pods
Span =82= 0"- 4 F


L39' 22.0 mf3,7.5 m lone

(6.56230) 1
7i^slab 3'aspholt

20' ----- — 8.20' Variable depth haunch

to allow for comber
3" at (L of bearings



294 Concrete
girders f^'= 6000 psi
54 f^ = 4 000 psi
112 "24.6" q5 270 K low rela:otion
9'-t"–LY Rebors

H 26"H fY= 60 ksi


Fig. 33. Design Example 3—Composite beam slab highway bridge,

each girder determined from Table
1.3.1(B) of AASHTO-1977.35

Girder spacing in ft _ 8.2

= 1.491
5.5 5.5 B"

Therefore, fraction of truck load

applied to each girder:
t x 1.491 = 0.745

Impact allowance for truck load /Zip

moments from AASHTO Section q I ..•.•
1.2.12: Between
At ends hold —down points
I = 50/(L + 125) q points
50/(82 + 125)
= 24.2 percent Fig. 34, Design Example 3—Strand
pattern in CPCI IV Girders.
Note that for shear, I is a function of
position along the span.
The maximum moments and shears
in the girder which result from the Based on the allowable stresses at
application of the HS 20 loading are transfer and at service loads design
the required prestressing. The full
shown in Table 5.
details of these standard calculations
2. Design prestressing (Fig. 34) and will not he given. It was found, how-
determine cracking loads ever, that if the stress in strands be-

Table 5. Calculated moments and shears for bridge girder.

Distance from support 0 0.1 L 0.2 L 0.3 L 0.1 IL 0.5 L

sen+ice 886 1172 1336 1388

DL on naked girder 0 495
DL on composite 0 129 230 301 345 359
kip-ft Total DL 0 624 1116 1.173 1681 1747

LL+ I 0 4311 750 961 1063 1107

Total DL 84.2 68.0 5 [.7 35.5 16.2 0

1, percent 24.2 25.2 26.2 27.4 28.7 30

LL + 1 59.0 52.8 46-:1 40. I 33.6 27.0


k^I " 1.3 [ D + 5 (L + 1)] 0 1743 3076 3997 4488 4670

1.31D+ a (L + 1)1 237 203 168 133 94 59
kips 3
Note: I kip = 4.448 kN; 1 kip-it = 1.356 kN • m.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1980 89

fore transfer (fm ) was 204 ksi, then the that V r need not be taken less than

stress in the strands after all losses 2 v rj' b,r d (Section 1.4.6) which is
would be 164 ksi. Using hold- about 64 kips, it can be seen that di-
down points at the third points of the agonal cracks will not occur at service
span, 28 — t -in, diameter strands in loads; hence the requirements of Sec-
the pattern described in Fig. 34 were tion 1.7 will be satisfied.
chosen, To satisfy the minimum reinforce-
The stresses due to the chosen pre ment requirements of Section 1.3.3, it
-streingadhultcaed is necessary that the nominal sectional
cracking loads are shown in Table 6. strength V„ is at least equal to 1.2 Vcr.
To simplify the calculations, the depth For our girder this requirement will
of the haunch which actually varies govern only for the section 0.1 L from
along the span was assumed constant the support.
at 1.5 in.
By comparing the calculated crack- 3. Design transverse and
ing shears, V^r , with the service load longitudinal reinforcement
shears, Vr1. (D + L + 1), and recalling The design calculations for the

Table 6. Stresses due to prestress and cracking loads for bridge girder.

Distance from support centerline 5 in.'" 0.1 L 0.2 L 0.3 L 0.4 1, 0.3 L.
Strand stress f, (ksi) 85 164 164 164 164 164
Prestress force, P (kips) 364 703 703 703 703 703
e = eccentricity ofP (in.) 10.6 13.6 16.7 19.9 20.9 20.9
Vertical component, V p (kips) 11.6 22.4 22.4 22.4 0 0
Concrete stress, fD (ksi) 0.531 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026 1.026
Concrete stress, f (ksi) 0.923 1.996 2.217 2.445 2.516 2.516
Tensile stress due to DL on 0 0.602 1.078 1.426 1.626 1.689
naked girder, de (ksi)
Additional mo ment to crack 1935 2542 2214 2059 1893 1812
=Z&t(7..5f; + f —f2)(kip-ft)

Total moment to crack, 1935 30.37 3100 3231 3229 3200

Mir (kip-0)
Va t Eq. (1-3) (kips) 187 257 271 285 267 267

1 2 f M„lV
Vrr = 1 1 J(_-) + ter) (kips) 171 208 144 101 66 40

1.2 V,.r (kips)

* Taken at inner edge of hearing, 13 in. from end ofbeam,

t Z, for composite section taken as 15440 in.1
# d taken as 7% + 1½-f 29.4 + e in.
263 2,51) 187 148 104 66

§ ¢ = 0.9 for shear and 1.0 for flexure. AASHTO-77, Clause 1.6.5.
Note; 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 kip = 4.448 kN; l kip-it = 1.356 kN • m; 1 ksi = 6.l95 MPa.

transverse and longitudinal steel are With regard to longitudinal rein-
summarized in Table 7. In determin- forcement, it can be seen from Table 7
ing d, it was assumed that the trans- that the prestressing strands alone are
verse steel would be anchored 2 in. adequate (1471 - 1475) to resist the
above the bottom face of the girder applied moment in addition to the
and 5 in. above the top face of the equivalent moment caused by the
girder. The 5-in, extension above the shear.
girder plus a standard hook will ena- Check crushing of web near support
ble the #3 transverse bars to he fully (Section
developed at the interface. The con-
tact surface at the interface is assumed n - l"-_ 0.012
(9 - 10).fc
to be clean and intentionally
roughened. The transverse steel cho-
sen to satisfy the design requirements 251 `0.012(22- 10)6
is shown in Fig. 35. 7 x d,

I Table 7. Design of transverse and longitudinal reinforcement for bridge girder.

Distance from support 0 0.1 L 0.2 L 0.31. 0.4 L 0.5 L

V„ - V, (kips) 251 228 165 126 104 66

T Vn -V Vx -V a
- 0.105 0.095 0.069 0.053 0.043 0.028
.ff b ^ *d J 7 x 57 x 6

Range of0 Eq. (1-6) (deg) 21.6 20.5 17.6 15.9 14.8 13.0
E, =
e,R, = 60/29000 (deg) -67.1 --+68.4 -7L.5 -73.5 -+74.7 -+76,6
Design choice of (deg) 22 22 22 22 22 22

`° (V ,,) (tang) (in. 2 /in.) 0.0297 0.0269 0.0195 0.0149 0.0123 0.007$
R d r.l r

d (in.) 49.0 52.0 55.1 58,3 59.3 59.3

fvs [ACI318-7712.10.1+ Eq. (18-3)1 65 262 263 263 263 263


1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

204 + 60
AN. 9^ (V n -V v)
_ (kips) 621 564 408 312 257 163
(b tan6

1AN ° (kip-ft) 1475 1341) 969 741 610 388

2 d 0
+ t d A
(kip-ft) 1475 3083 404,5 4738 5098 5058
rh 2 d>
i4x=A,,fp,(d- a/2)
28 x 0.153 X . fv,
28 x 0.153 f,,,+ d- I 1471 4707 5015 5316 5410 5410
2x 0.85x 4x 8.2x 12)
*b, = b^, since flanges restrain concrete cover.
Note; Lin. = 25.4 mm; I kip = 4.448 kN; 1 kip-lt = 1.36 kN • m.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1980 91

Table 8. Comparison of transverse reinforcement for bridge
girder by various methods.

Various methods Near support Near 0.25L
Compression field theory #3 at 8 in. #3 at 12 in.
ACI 318-77 #3 at 10 in. #3 at 24 in.
AASHTO-77 #3 at 12 in. #3 at 12 in.
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm.

r3 *5 tAASHTO 1.6.151

'3@8" *3@ 12"— - -'


5 Provided
iin 2/fn } I ";
0.020 k

O.OID ^ face
dv j
0 OIL 0.2L 0,3L 0.4L 0.'
Fig. 35. Design Example 3 —Design of transverse reinforcement.

from which d„p=54+5– 13.5

= 45.5 in. > 41.5 in. (.•. ok)
d,, r 41.5 in.
4. Comparisons with other design
For this flanged section: methods
It is of interest to compare the
Ib = 10 + 13.5 = 23.5 in. transverse reinforcement obtained
above with the transverse reinforce-
dtt = I6/tan9 = 23.5Itan22 = 58 in., meat that would have been obtained
by satisfying the requirements of the
which exceeds the available depth ACI Code (with AASIITO load factors
above the junction of the web and and yb factors) or by following the
flange. AASHTO recommendations (see
Hence, available: Table 8).

The recommendations presented in this Vecchio, Jacek Morawski and Milind
paper are the result of a research program Jogllekar (former Master's students).
initiated at the University of Toronto in Thanks are also extended to the Steel
1969. Company of Canada who over the years
This research was made possible by have donated the reinforcing steel and pre-
a series of grants from the Natural Sciences stressing wire used in the test beams.
and Engineering Research Council of The 1922 statement of Morsch quoted in
Canada. This continuing support is grate- the paper was brought to the authors' at-
fully acknowledged. tention by a paper by Kuyt. a' The transla-
The significant contributions of Dr. Paul tion of MOrsch's quote given in the paper
Lampert during the initial stages of the tor- was provided by Mario Kani.
sion and shear research program deserve Design Example 3 was based on a
special mention. The individual contribu- worked example by Kris Bassi and Hid
tions of the following engineers, each of Grouni of the Ontario Ministry of Trans-
whom tested at least one series of beams in portation and Communications which was
torsion and/or shear, are gratefully ac- presented at an Ontario Bridge Code
knowledged: Petar Krpan, Basile Rabbat, Seminar in October, 1979.
and Winston Onsongo (former doctoral Finally, the authors wish to express their
students); Ersin Ocerdinc, Selahattin To- appreciation to the many individuals who
prak, Marcus Aregawi, Sithambaram reviewed this paper and for their very
Chockalingain, Jamil Mardukhi, Benjamin helpful suggestions in strengthening the
Arbesman, Mario Kaiii, Chris Sadler, Frank value of the article.

NOTE: A References section and

four appendices follow.
Metric (SI) Unit

1 in.=25.4 mm
1 in. 2 =645.16 mm'
1 ft=0,3048 m
1 ft2 =0.0929 mz
1 psf=47.88 NJm2
1 pst=47.88 Pa
1 psi=0.006895 MPa
1 pcf=16.02 kg /m3
1 kip=4.448 RN
1 kiplft=14.594 kN,,m
1 kip-in. = 113N • m Discussion of this paper is invited.
1 kip-ft=1.356 kN • m Please forward your comments to
PCI Headquarters by May 1, 1981.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1980 93

1, ACI Committee 318, "Building Code of Structural Concrete, SP-18, Ameri-
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete can Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1968,
(ACI 318-77)," American Concrete In- pp. 261-306.
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2. Gerstle, K. H., Basic Structural De- Torsion," Torsion of Structural Con-
sign, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1967, crete, SP-18, American Concrete In-
405 pp. stitute, Detroit, 1968, pp. 469-495.
3. Khachaturian, N., and Gur€`inkel, C., 13. PCI Design Handbook—Precast Pre
Prestressed Concrete, McGraw-Hill, Concrete, Second Edition,-stred
New York, 1969, 460 pp. Prestressed Concrete Institute,
Chicago, 1978.
4. Park, R., and Pau lay, T., Reinforced
Concrete Structures, Wiley-Intersci- 14. Zia, P., and McGee, W. D., "Torsion
ence, New York, 1975, 769 pp. Design of Prestressed Concrete," PCI
JOURNAL, V. 19, No. 2, March-April
5. Ritter, W., Die Bauuaeise Hennebique, 1974, pp. 46-65.
Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Zurich,
February 1899. 15. Wagner, H., "Ebene Blechwandtrager
mit sehr dunnem Stegblech," Zeits-
6. M6rsch, E., Concrete-Steel Construc- chrift fur Flugtechnik and Motorlufts-
tion, English Translation by E. P. chiffahr, V. 20, Nos. 8 to 12, Berlin,
Goodrich, McGraw-Hill Book Com- 1929.
pany, New York, 1909, 368 pp.
(Translation from third edition of Der 16. Mitchell, D., and Collins, M. P., "Di-
agonal Compression Field Theory—A
Ei.senbetonbau, first edition, 1902.)
Rational Model for Structural Concrete
7. Mi)rsch, E., Der Eisenbetonhau, Ver-
in Pure Torsion," ACI Journal, V. 71,
lag von Konrad Wittwer, Stuttgart, August 1974, pp. 396-408.
1922, 460 pp. (quote is from page 128).
17. Collins, M. P., "Towards a Rational
8. CEB-FIP, Model Code for Concrete Theory for RC Members in Shear,"
Structures, CEB-FIP International Journal of the Structural Division,
Recommendations, Third Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers,
Comit6 Euro-International du Beton, V. 104, April 1978, pp. 649-666.
Paris, 1978, 348 pp.
18. Mitchell, D., and Collins, M. P., "In-
9. Lampert, P., and Thurlimann, B., "Ul- fluence of Prestressing on Torsional
timate Strength and Design of Rein- Response of Concrete Beams," PCI
forced Concrete Beams in Torsion and JOURNAL, V. 23, No. 3, May-June,
Bending," International Association 1978, pp. 54-73.
for Bridge and Structural Eengineer-
19. Leonhardt, F., "Shear and Torsion in
ing, Publication 31-1, 1971, pp. 1.07-
Prestressed Concrete," Proceedings,
131. the Sixth Congress, Federation Inter-
10. Rausch, E., Berechnung des Eisenbe- nationale de la Precontrainte, Prague,
tons gegen Verdrehung (Torsion) and 1970, pp. 137-155.
Abscheren, Julius Springer-Verlag, 20. Campbell, T. I., Batchelor, B. D., and
Berlin, 1929, 51 pp. Chitnuyanondh, L., "Web Crushing in
11. Hsu, T. T. C., "Torsion of Structural Concrete Girders with Prestressing
Concrete-Behavior of Reinforced Con- Ducts in the Web," PCI JOURNAL, V.
crete Rectangular Members," Torsion 24, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1979, pp. 70-88.
21. Rabhat, B. C., "A Variable Angle Engineers, V. 100, August 1974, pp.
Space Truss Model for Structural Con- 1543-1591.
crete Beams,' PhD Thesis, University 29. Branson, D. E., "Instantaneous and
of Toronto, Toronto, 1975, 236 pp. Time-Dependent Deflections on Sim-
22. Collins, M. P., "Investigating the ple and Continuous Reinforced Con-
Stress-Strain Characteristics of Diago- crete Beams," HPR Report No. 7, Part
nally Cracked Concrete," IABSE 1, Alabama Highway Department,
Colloquium on Plasticity in Rein- Bureau of Public Roads, August 1965,
forced Concrete, Copenhagen, May 78 pp.
1979, V. 29, pp. 27-34. 30. Kani, M. W., Huggins, M. W., and
23. Onsongo, W. M., "The Diagonal Com- Wittkopp, R. R., Kani on Shear in
pression Field Theory for Reinforced Reinforced Concrete, Department of
Concrete Beams Subjected to Com- Civil Engineering, University of To-
bined Torsion, Flexure and Axial ronto, 1979, 225 pp.
Load," PhD Thesis, University of To-
31. Mitchell, D., and Collins, M. P., "De-
ronto, Toronto, 1978, 246 pp.
tailing for Torsion," ACt Journal, V.
24. Mardukhi, J., "The Behaviour of Uni- 73, No. 9, September 1976, pp. 506-
formly Prestressed Concrete Box 511.
Beams in Combined Torsion and 32
Grob, J., and ThUrlimann, B., "Ulti-
Bending," MA Sc Thesis, University of
mate Strength and Design of Rein-
Toronto, Toronto, 1974, 73 pp.
forced Concrete Beams Under Bend-
25. Rabbat, B. C., and Collins, M. P., "A ing and Shear," Publications, Interna-
Variable Angle Space Tniss Model for tional Association for Bridge and
Structural Concrete Members Sub- Structural Engineering, V. 36 -I1, 1976,
jected to Complex Loading," Douglas pp. 107.
McHenriy Inte rnational Symposium on
33. Kuyt, B., "Oeer de Dwarskrachtsterkte
Concrete and Concrete Structures,
van Slanke Balken met Verticale
ACE SP-55, American Concrete Insti-
Beugels. (I) en (11)," Cement, Amster-
tute, Detroit, 1978, pp. 547-587.
danm, The Netherlands, V. 24, No. 6,
26. Rabbat, B. G., and Collins, M. P., "The 1972, pp. 243-251, and V. 24, No. 9,
Computer Aided Design of Structural 1972, pp. 346-353 (English translation
Concrete Sections Subjected to Com- available as Technical Translation
bined Loading," Computers and 1822, Canada Institute for Scientific
Structures, V. 7, No. 2, Permagon and Technical Information, National
Press, April 1977, pp. 229-236. Research Council, Ottawa, Canada.)
27. Collins, M. P„ "Design for Shear and .34. Zia, P., and Hsu, T. 1'. C., "Design for
Torsion," Chapter 2 of Metric Design Torsion and Shear in Prestressed Con-
Handbook for Reinforced Concrete crete," Preprint 3424, American Soci-
Elements, Canadian Portland Cement ety of Civil Engineers Convention,
Association, Ottawa, 1978, pp. 2-1- Chicago, October 1978, 17 pp.
2-68. 35. AASHTO, Standard Specifications for
28. ACI-ASCE Committee 426, "The Highway Bridges, American Associa-
Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete tion of State Highway and Transporta-
Members," Journal of the Structural tion Officials, Washington, 1977, 496
Division, American Society of Civil PP.

For the beam shown in Fig. 1, the b cY+`^_

resultant compression in the concrete f I f`f`dE^
is given by: _ (A7)
bc rct
f dEc
C= + fib dy (Al) IE`E °

For the equivalent uniform stress

As the strain distribution is linear: distribution, the distance from the
neutral axis up to the resultant corn-
= È (A2) pression force will be:
C Ec,

=c(I–pi,/2) (A8)
Using Eq. (A2) and assuming that
the width of the compression zone is Hence, for the position of the re-
constant, Eq. (Al) can be rewritten as: sultant compression force to remain
the same:
C = C [fde, (A3) fir r
Ecf10 J ,I€d€c
(1–f3/2)= ° (A9)
If the equivalent uniform stress Ec,IF`f„dE„
distribution is used, Fig. 1(d), then the
resultant compression in the concrete
is given by: If the stress-strain curve of the con-
crete is known, then for a given value
C = a,f3 1 b c f^ (A4) of maximum compressive strain, e,,,
the stress block factors a, and /3, can
Hence, for the magnitude of the re- be determined from Eqs. (A9) and
sultant compression force to remain (A5)•
the same: If the following parabolic concrete
stress-strain curve is assumed, see
Fig. 1(e):

a is, — r 1 +fd €, (A5) Y

f^ = 2 Eo – 1 Eo
The position of the resultant con-
crete compression force can be deter- Then Eqs. (A9) and (A5) give:
mined by taking moments about the
neutral axis. The distance up to the
resultant force will be: (All)
6–2 E,,/Ea

J c fcb ydy ai1Q ^ = E^, – 1 )Y

y= (A6) (Al2)
E^ Ep )

Note: When using Eqs. (All) and

Eliminating y by using Eq. (A2) (Al2) for beams in torsion replace e,
leads to: by €,

FOR a,, e t AND E,

For a beam in torsion the equivalent longitudinal and transverse lines in

uniform concrete stress distribution the plane of the hoop centerline.
consists of a uniform diagonal corn- From Mohr's circle of strain (see
pressive stress of a l f,' acting over a Fig. B1):
depth of a ° . These diagonal stresses
acting at an inclination of o will pro- __ 2(€ + Er) (B7)
duce a shear flow [ see Eq. (2)] of: l` tanO

q = a j, a ° sines cos9 (BI) and

From Eq. (5) and Eq. (B1): yr = 2 (e d , + e t ) tarn6 (B8)

LAN =sin( cos H (B2) [Note: eliminating )'u from these

tan@ two equations results in Eq. (7)1.
Substituting from Eqs. (B7) and (B6)
From Eq. (6) and Eq. (B1): into Eq. (B5) gives:

fl f € A °h tanO
= a, sine cosO tang (B3) a, = Q^ 1 (B9)
p•j s p (€ + €j ) sin2Q

Adding Eqs. (B2) and (B3) gives: But from Eq. (B2):

X14' + Arft AN tanO

a LfC Po ajc S a 1 fe Po Sin g GUSH

2 AN tanO
a 1 f^ p, sin20
_ a o sing cosO I 1 + tanO I = a.,
`tans J

which completes the derivation of Eq.

From F'iv S it ran hR g F+ p n tf^at-

p E de = eds ylt
ao — N1 t rt —Y! 1b d! /3
q sin2H 2
(BS) i-

where iJr is the twist of the beam. The

twist can be determined23 as:

= Yu ZA,h (B6)

where yrr is the shear strain between Fig. B1. Mohr's circle of strain.

PCI JOURNALJSeptember-October 1980 97

Comparing Eqs. (B9) and (B10) we
see that:
E! f
_ f ^1f A oh^} o _ 1 J
]L 2 1,,, AN
l2 EdsAan _ 2 AN
Y1 Ph ( E
dit + E!) a1J c pa which completes the derivation of Eq.
(12). By substituting from Eqs. (B8)
Rearranging this equation gives the and (B6) into Eq. (B5) and comparing
tensile strain of longitudinal rein- the resulting expression for a o with
forcement due to shear andlor torsion: Eq. (B3), Eq. (11) can be derived.



We wish to find the lower limit on 0 In design we will choose 0 and

which will ensure that when V = V,, hence to find e, at service load we
the strain in the transverse steel does need a relationship between 0,, the
not exceed 0.001. Thus, from Eq. (30): angle of inclination of the diagonals at
service load, and 8, the angle of incli-
r) }Et
nation of the diagonals at the nominal
-_0.001 (Cl)
1_(Vc )
In developing an approximate re-
lationship between 8 r and 0 we should
For a beam subjected to a shear V,0, recognize that the higher the estimate
the strain e r can be calculated from of 8,, the higher will be the estimate of
Eq. (3) as: e, [ Eq. (C4)] . Hence, for our purposes
overestimating 0. will be conservative.
For a known value of V„ and a given
E, = V' 5 tan8 $(C2) choice of 0, the required areas of
E a A„dO
transverse and longitudinal rein-
where 0, is the inclination of the diag- forcement could he calculated. The
onal stresses at the service load shear response of the beam at service load
V,,. could then be determined to find the
The area of shear reinforcement A,, value of 8,. It will be found that for a
is determined from Eq. (3) by using: given value of8, the higher the value
of V, the higher the value of 0,.
Hence, to determine a conservative
A,, =y - tang
f (C3) value of B, for a given value of 8, the
highest possible value of V„ should be
used, that is, the value which just
Substituting Eq. (C3) into Eq. (C2) satisfies the concrete crushing limit of
Eq. (23) should be used.
The calculated relationships be-
tang„ %
tween 0, and 0 for a non-prestressed
` E„ V. tang and for a prestressed series of beams


Non prestressed




tones = lane('-30 f
Pc `

Accurate relationship
between Ian 95 and tong
f y = 60 ksi

0 05 .0

Fig. C1. Relation between a, and t for prestressed

and non-prestressed concrete beams,

are shown in Fig, C1. In calculating It can be seen that this equation
these relationships it was assumed represents reasonably well the re-
that VEe/V„ = 0.55. Additionally, for lationship between 0, and 8.
Substituting from Eqs. (C5) and
the prestressed beams it was assumed
that = 150 ksi and AE = 6.5 x 10-3. (C2) into Eq. (C1) results in Eq. (31):
Also shown in Fig. C1 is the approxi-
mate relationship. z
tang = 2
f 1x
. V__
n } 1 - 29 fc f

tanO — tan0 1 — tU —"`

8 30 .fc 1 _ V cr z (31)
(C5) L V


Symbols not defined in the notation a = equivalent depth of compres-

section of the Design Recommen- sion
dations are defined below: b = width of beam
C = resultant compressive force in
A l = area of longitudinal reinforcing concrete
bars c = neutral axis depth
A p = area of longitudinal prestress- D = diagonal compressive force in
ing steel concrete

PCI JOURNALISeptember- October 1980 99

d – effective depth to flexural rein- y = distance from neutral axis
forcement y t = distance from centroidal axis to
d, = distance from extreme com- extreme fiber in tension
pression fiber to neutral axis y = distance from neutral axis to re-
d d = duct diameter sultant compressive force
e = eccentricity of prestressing Z b = cross-sectional section modulus
= compressive stress in concrete for bottom fiber
corresponding to strain €, a l = stress block factor defined in
fCt = concrete stress corresponding Eq. (1)
to the strain Ear y = shear strain
fd = equivalent uniform compres- = shear strain between longitudi-

fdaz sive stress

= limit of principal diagonal com-
nal and transverse lines
y m = maximum shear strain
pressive stress in diagonally E – normal strain
cracked concrete e, = compressive strain in concrete
f, = stress in longitudinal prestress- E, = strain in concrete at level of
ing steel prestressing steel
faQ = tensile stress due to dead load e ar = maximum concrete compres-
on naked girder (Example 3) sive strain
= "yield" stress of prestressing e d = diagonal compressive strain
steel; taken as 0.2 percent off- e & = concrete diagonal compressive
set stress strain at effective surface of'
= effective stress in prestressed beam in torsion
reinforcement (after allowance e o = strain in concrete correspond-
for all prestress losses) ing to maximum compressive
f^ = stress in hoop reinforcement stress
= stress in shear reinforcement = strain in prestressing
I = impact fraction (Example 3) De,, = difference in strain between
jd = lever ann for flexural resistance prestressing steel and sur-
L = length of'member rounding concrete
M = flexural moment E, = strain in transverse reinforce-
Ma = service load flexural moment ment
M. = factored flexural moment e fe = expected transverse strain at
AN = tensile force in longitudinal service load level
steel produced by shear and B = angle of diagonal compressive
torsion stresses in concrete
P = prestressing Force 8e = value of B at end of beam (sec.
q = shear flow Fig. 21)
T = torsional moment = value of 6 at service load
t d = effective wall thickness under d) = curvature
torsional loading (bd = curvature of walls due to tor-
V = shear sion
a s = nominal shear stress at ultimate ifi = twist per unit length
tv u = factored uniform load per unit rr = normal stress
length T = shear stress


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