Decoupled Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator by Vector Control For Wind Energy Conversion System

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Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248

Overview of renewable energies exploitation in Algeria

Decoupled Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator by

Vector Control for Wind Energy Conversion System
K.Kerrouchea, A. Mezouarb, Kh. Belgacema,b,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Sciences Engineering, Moulay Tahar University, Saida 20000, Algeria


Since the penetration of wind power generation in growing, system operators have an increasing
interest in analyzing the impact of wind power on the connected power system. The doubly fed
induction generator (DFIG) is generally used in the production of the electric energy and more
specifically in wind turbines. Currently, to regulate the active and reactive power exchanged between
the machine and the grid. A detail dynamic model of a DFIG-based wind-turbine grid-connected
system is presented in the D, Q -synchronous reference frame by controlling the machine inverter with
the algorithm of control based on vector control concept (with stator flux orientation). The aim of
control is to have measured active and reactive powers equal to the reference values. These powers
must then be collected. In order to measure only the rotor currents, we can use an indirect control
method, with integrating power regulation loop, using a classical PI controller: proportional–integral. In
this way, this control is able to limit the machine rotor currents. In another way, an appropriate fitness
function is derived to express the time domain evolution of DFIG, with the objective to assure the
DFIG continuous operation even under a fault condition and improve at the same time its transient
behavior as compared with the indirect control without power loop. The control of our machine is
simulated; finally the Simulations results are presented and discussed.
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of KES International

Keywords: Doubly Fed Induction Generator; Rotor Side Converter; Power control; Stator flux orientation; PI controller;

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +213 772406729.

E-mail address:

1876-6102 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of KES International
240 K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248

1. Introduction

Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources due to the progress experienced
in the last decades. Governments are attracted by the Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) with
its simple structure, easy maintenance and management with an average global annual growth rate of
14% for the period 2002-2006. Wind energy is playing a major role in the effort to increase the share of
renewable energy sources in the world energy mix [1], [2], helping to satisfy global energy demand,
offering the best opportunity to unlock a new era of environmental protection [3].
DFIG has recently received much attention as one of preferred technology for wind power
generation. Compared to a full rated converter system, the use of DFIG in a wind turbine offers many
advantages, such as reduction of inverter cost, the potential to control torque and a slight increase in
efficiency of wind energy extraction. The wind turbines variable-speed operation has been used for
many reasons. Among these are the decrease of the stresses on the mechanical structure, acoustic noise
reduction and the possibility of active and reactive power control. Most of the major wind turbine
manufacturers are developing new larger wind turbines in the 3–6-MW range. These large wind
turbines are all based on variable speed operation with pitch control using a direct-driven synchronous
generator (without gear box) or a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG).
Many works are done about decoupled control of DFIG to improve power quality for WECS. In [4,
5] have studied an advanced control of DFIG and power quality improvement. A suitable control for
flicker problems and harmonic current are discussed in [6, 7]. DFIG during fault conditions are
discussed and described in [8, 9].
This paper presents a control method for the machine inverter in order to regulate the active and
reactive power exchanged between the machine and the grid. The active and reactive powers are
controlled with two control methods in order to compare performances between them. This demands
turbines remain connected and providing necessary support to the grid during grid faults. Such an
approach does not manage easily the compromise between dynamic performances and robustness or
between dynamic performances and the generator energy cost. These compromises can easily be
respected with classical PI controllers proposed in most DFIG control schemes.

Qs , Ps Stator active (W) and reactive (VAr) powers

Tem , Taer Electromagnetic and Aerodynamic torques (Nm)

Rs , Rr Stator and rotor per phase winding resistance ( Ω )

ωS , ω Synchronous and rotor angular speeds (rd/s)

φDS , φQS , φDR , φQR Stator and rotor dq fluxes (Wb)

IDS , IQS , IDR , IQR Stator and rotor dq currents (A)

V DS , V QS , V DR , V QR Stator and rotor dq voltages (V)

Ls , Lr , M Stator and rotor per phase winding and magnetizing inductances (H)
K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248 241

2. Description and modeling of the wind energy system

A Fig. 1 presents WECS, which uses DFIG. From the system viewpoint, the conversion chain can be
divided into three interacting main components which will be separately modelled: wind turbine,
gearbox, DFIG:







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fig. 1. (a) Configuration of a DFIG wind turbine ;(b) Power coefficient for the wind turbine model.

2.1. Modeling of the wind turbine and gearbox

The aerodynamic power, which is converted by a wind turbine, Pt is dependent on the power
coefficient # P . It is given by [12]:
0T = # P (λ).ρ.π.2 26 3 (1)
Where ρ is the air density, R is the blade length and V the wind velocity. The turbine torque is the
ratio of the output power to the shaft speed Ω T , 4AER = T
The turbine is normally coupled to the generator shaft through a gearbox whose gear ratio G is
chosen in order to set the generator shaft speed within a desired speed range. Neglecting the
transmission losses, the torque and shaft speed of the wind turbine, referred to the generator side of the
gearbox, are given by:
T g = aer And Ω t = mec (2)
Where Tg the torque of the generator is is, Ω mec is the generator shaft speed, respectively. A wind
turbine can only convert just a certain percentage of the captured wind power. This percentage is
represented by C p (λ ) which is function of the wind speed, the turbine speed and the pith angle of
specific wind turbine blades. Although this equation seems simple, C p is dependent on the ratio λ
between the turbine angular velocity Ω t and the wind speed V . This ratio is called the tip speed ratio
Ω .2
λ= T (3)
A typical relationship between C p and λ is shown in Fig. 1. (b) It is clear from this figure that there is
a value of l for which C p is the maximum and that maximizes the power for a given wind speed.
242 K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248

2.2. Modeling of the DFIG

The classical electrical equations of the DFIG in the PARK frame are written as follows [11]:
­ DφDS 2S 2S
°VDS = DT + , φDS − ωS ⋅ φQS − - , IDR
° S S
° DφQS 2 2
°VQS = + ωS ⋅ φDS + S φQS − - S IQR
° DT , S ,S
°¨ V − - V ·¸ = σ, DIDR − - 2S φ + - ωφ +
°¨© DR ,S DS ¸¹ R
DT ,S 2
° (4)
® -2
° (2R + 2S )IDR − σ,R ωR IQR
° ,S 2
°§ - · DIQR - 2
°¨¨ VQR − VQS ¸¸ = σ,R − ωφDS − - S φQS +
°© ,S ¹ DT ,S ,S 2
° -2
σ,R ωR IDR + (2R + 2S )IQR
° ,S 2
Where 2S and 2R are, respectively, the stator and rotor phase resistances, L s , L r , M Stator and
rotor per phase winding and magnetizing inductances ω = P ⋅ Ω MEC is the electrical speed and P is the
pair pole number.
The stator and rotor flux can be expressed as:
­φDS = ,S IDS + -IDR
°φSQ = ,S IQS + -IQR
® (5)
°φRD = ,R IDR + -IDS
°φRD = ,R IQR + -IQS
Where IDS , IQS , IDR , and IQR are, respectively, the direct and quadrate stator and rotor currents.
The active and reactive powers at the stator, as well as those provide for grid are defined as:
­°0S = VDS ⋅ IDS + VQS ⋅ IQS
® (6)
°̄1S = VQS ⋅ IDS − VDS ⋅ IQS
The electromagnetic torque is expressed as:
4EM = P (IQS φDS − IDS φQS ) (7)

3. control strategy of the DFIG

3.1. Decoupling of the active and reactive powers

When the DFIG is connected to an existing grid, this connection must be established in the
following three steps. The first step is the synchronisation of the stator voltages with the grid voltages,
which are used as a reference. The second step is the stator connection to this grid. After that, the
connection can be effectively established. Once this connection is achieved, the third step is the
regulation of the transit of the power between the DFIG and the grid a d–q reference-frame
K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248 243

synchronized with the stator flux is employed [10]. By setting the quadratic component of the stator to
the null value as follows:
φS = φDS Ÿ φQS = 0 (8)
Using the condition above, supposing that the grid system is steady, having a single voltage 6S that
leads to stator’s constant flux φS , as shown in Fig. 2. (a), stator voltage can be simplified as:
­V DS = 0
® (9)
¯V QS = ωS ⋅ φS = 6S
If per phase stator resistance is neglected, the stator voltage vector is consequently in quadrature
advance in comparison with the stator flux vector.
By using equation (4) and (9), we can easily deduce the rotor voltages as:
°V DR = σ,R DT + 2R IDR − σ,R ωR IQR + , DT
° S
® (10)
°V = σ, DI QR -
+ 2 I + σ, ω I + φ W
° QR R
Where6S is the stator voltage magnitude assumed to be constant and S is the slip range, we can
rewrite the rotor voltages as follows:
°°VDR = σ,R DT + 2R IDR + FEMD
® (11)
°V = σ, DIQR + 2 I + FEM
°¯ QR R

With FEM D and FEM Q are the crosses coupling terms between the D − axis and Q − axis:
­ FEM D = −σ,R ωR IQR
® - (12)
° FEM Q = σ,R ωR IDR + , φS W R
¯ S
Then, with regard to (8), the fluxes are simplified as indicated below:
­φDS = ,S IDS + -IDR
® (13)
¯ 0 = ,S IQS + -IQR
/ Sβ
/ Rβ 6S ⋅ φS
/D FEM ,D ,S −1
d, q Frame
VDR + −6S ⋅
- 1 ++ 1S
/ Rα
,S (σ,R ⋅ P + 2R )
φS θR
Rotor linked-Frame
6S θS
V QR + - 1
/ Sα −6S ⋅ 0S
,S (σ,R ⋅ P + 2R )
Stator linked-Frame

Fig. 2. (a) Flux orientation (b) Simplified decoupled model of active and reactive stator powers.
244 K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248

From (13), we can deduce the currents as:

­ φDS − -IDR
°IDS = ,S
® (14)
°I = − - I
°¯ QS ,S

From equation (6) and with taking into consideration the chosen reference frame as given in (9), the
active and reactive powers at the stator side can be written as:
­0S = 6S ⋅ ISQ
® (15)
¯1S = 6S ⋅ IDS
Replacing the stator currents by their expressions given in (14), the stator active and reactive powers
can then be expressed only versus these rotor currents as:
­ -
°0S = −6S ⋅ , IQR
° S
® (16)
°1 = −6 ⋅ - § φDS ·
¨ IDR − ¸
°¯ S ,S ¨© - ¸¹

Equation (10) is used to rewrite the stator active and reactive powers as:
°0S = −6S ⋅ , (σ, ⋅ P + 2 ) (V RQ − FEM Q )
- 1
° S R R (17)
°1 = −6 ⋅ - 1 φDS
(V RD − FEMD ) +6S ⋅
°¯ S ,S (σ,R ⋅ P + 2R )
Field oriented control of the DFIG can then be applied with the active and reactive power considered
as variables to be controlled. Without taking into account the transfer function of the inverter used to
feed the rotor. We will consider that this dynamic inverter is very fast and can take a unitary
The block diagram of the simplified system to be controlled is presented in Fig. 2. (b).

3.2. Diagram of control process

By using the dynamic model equations (11), we can guarantee the decoupled control, with
eliminating the cross coupling terms between the two axes by a feed forward compensation.


* * V DR ,1
V DR ,1 V DR 1 I RD
IDR + Reg (IDR ) ++ +
(σ,R ⋅ P + 2R )
V QR V QR ,1 1 IRQ
IQR + Reg (IQR ) ++ +
V QR ,1 (σ,R ⋅ P + 2R )

‘–‘”…—””‡–• …‘–”‘Ž ‹’Ž‹ˆ‹‡† ‘†‡Ž‘ˆ


Fig. 3. Control with compensating across terms.

K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248 245

Therefore, we control each power axis separately by adding PI controller in each loop. A control
block diagram is depicted in Fig. 3.
In order to provide a decoupled control of the stator active power 0S and reactive power 1S of the
DFIG by means of the stator current regulation, the D, Q components of the rotor currents are defined
in the stator flux oriented reference frame. The main is to represent 0S and 1S as functions of the
individual stator current components. By inverting (16), we can deduce the rotor currents as:
­ ,S
°IQR = − -6 0S
° S
® ȋͳͺȌ
°I = − S 1 + φDS
°¯ DR S
-6S -
Using (18), we can the reference currents, which allow setting the desired reference active and
reactive powers, as follows:
­* ,S *
°IQR = − -6 0S
° S
® § 2 · ȋͳͻȌ
°I * = − ,S ¨1 * − 6S ¸
° DR -6S ¨©
ωS ,S ¸¹
In the first stage, the desired 0S* and 1S* determine the reference stator currents, which allows to
calculate the components of the reference rotor voltage, as well as the control by PWM technique
realised for the inverter control which feeds the rotor through a converter. For guarantee a drive of the
DFIG around its speed of synchronism by carrying out a speed regulation.
The second stage is devoted to the rotor current controller. The rotor currents of DFIG are sensed
and transformed to D , Q reference frame by using Park transformation. The Q − axis component of the
rotor current controls the active power while the D − axis component controls the reactive power.
These controllers are used to control the active and reactive power output independently, as shown
in Fig. 4, and these controls are organized in two loops, with two PI controllers in each control loop.
246 K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248

Generator Grid Transformer

0S 1S

Wind Gearbox Inverter



* * *
V* *
θ + V DS V QS
&LUX _
* *
I QR ,1 * DT
0S* ,S V
+ PI (0S ) − + PI (IQR ) + QR WR
,S ωS FEM ,D
1 _ CAL
1S IDR *
V DR *
1S* ,
+ PI (1S ) +− − S + PI (IQR ) +

Fig. 4. Scheme of indirect power control with power loop.

4. Results and discussion

The test investigated to compare the two decoupled controls, the first is indirect control with power
loop and the second is indirect control without power loop. In the case to study the response under the
fault condition of DFIG and its control when subjected to the stator voltage drop around 25% during
0.5 s. The dynamic simulation is not affected by wind profile because it is considered constant during
the fault period, for average wind speed of 10m/s.
The reference tracking by applying stator active and reactive power steps (respectively -5kW and
3.25kVAR) to the DFIG, while the machine’s speed is maintained constant at 1900rpm(200rad/s). The
machine is considered as working over ideal conditions (no perturbations and no parameters
variations). The results for the indirect control with power loop and without power loop are presented if
Fig. 5.
K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248 247

400 250

ȋ„) : Electrical speed (rad/s)

ȋƒ) :Stator Voltage drop (V)
200 200



-400 0
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Indirect control Without power loop Indirect control With power loop
4 4
x 10 x 10
ȋ…) : Active power P(w)

ȋ…) : Active power P(w)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
4 4
x 10 x 10
ȋ‡) : Rotor Current Idr and Iqr (A) ȋ†) : Reactive power Q(VAR)

ȋ‡) : Rotor Current Idr and Iqr (A) ȋ†) : Reactive power Q(VAR)

4 2


-2 -2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
50 100

Idr -50 Idr
-100 -100
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (s) Time (s)
Fig. 5. Active and reactive powers with rotor currents during stator voltage drop.

The above figures show the two indirect controls, without power loop and with power loop. In the first
and the second control, transient oscillation due to the coupling terms between the two axes. In the first
control, without power loop a static error appears on active and reactive powers, a good tracking and
performances in terms of dynamics and responses. However, during the fault the active power
248 K.Kerrouche et al. / Energy Procedia 42 (2013) 239 – 248

increases around 80%, then after clearing the fault it reaches its steady state value before fault. While,
the reactive power decreases to around 80%. Transient currents in the rotor with an important peak
value during the fault. In second control, the control with power loop used satisfies the dynamics
system with zeroing the static error in the active and reactive powers. Furthermore, the references of
powers are correctly tracked, except that the presence of the oscillations in the occurrence of fault,
without any change in the active and reactive powers. Indeed, a high transient current even with highly
change during the fault, increasing in the quadrature current as decreasing in the direct current.

5. Conclusion

This paper has presented a simple control with a vector-control strategy without incorporate a
modified control or other devices intended to fit in a wind mill based on a DFIG connected to the grid.
Consequently, a very good decoupling between the two components of the rotor currents is obtained.
After a description of this suitable control and a comparison with indirect control without power loop.
In order to study which control can sustain the stator active and reactive powers production exchanged
between the DFIG and the grid during voltage drop. The indirect control of the power flow of the
DFIG by the power loop provides global asymptotic regulation in presence of the rotor current
variation. By software simulation tests, this paper has confirmed the high dynamic performance
obtained by proposed control under fault condition, the capability to ensure an electrical protection for
DFIG without losing power tracking, by setting current limitations. The proposed control is suitable for
energy generation applications. It is useful and presents low complexity and cost of implementation.

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Appendix A.
In this part, simulations are investigated with a 7.5kW generator connected to a 220V/50Hz grid. The
machine's parameters are presented below:
Turbine: diameter=3 m, number of blades = 3, gearbox = 8.
DFIG: three pole pairs, Rs = 0.455Ÿ, Ls = 0.084 H, M = 0.078 H, Rr = 0.62 Ÿ, Lr = 0.081 H
* : Inertia (turbine+DFIG) = 0.3125 Kg.m2 and F : viscous coefficient (turbine+DFIG) = 0.00673Kg.m/s.

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